30 Frequently Asked Questions About Blogging (Answered)

Frequently Asked Questions About Blogging

As a new blogger, you will surely need answers to some questions to ensure your blog’s success. I will address 30 frequently asked questions about blogging, providing you with valuable insights, expert advice, and practical tips to help you understand the blogging world confidently. 

After sharing more about my road to becoming a blogger, I got a lot of questions about blogging from my subscribers (I call them my cousin). In this article, I’m going to give my honest answer to the 30 most asked questions.

Read our guide on How long it takes to make money on blogging?

Let’s get the party started!

Question About Starting Up A Blog

#1. What is the theme?

The theme is the interface of a blog or website; the face of a website makes the website more appealing due to the layout, content organization, color, and diversity of features to make the website run smoothly.

#2. How do I choose the right niche for my blog?

Choosing the right niche is a key first step in the blogging journey. Failure to pick the right niche can make you no longer inspired and want to quit after a few months. 

As I see it, there are 4 basic errors that individuals commonly make when choosing a blog topic:

  • Choose a blog topic only because other people earn a lot of money blogging about it
  • Write about your thoughts, maintain a journal, and… no one reads it
  • Write about things with minimal knowledge or little practical experience
  • Writing on too many themes without focus

To choose the right niche, consider your hobbies, skills, and experience, then study the market need for prospective niches. Aim for a balance between your hobbies and audience appeal to achieve ongoing development for your site.

#3. Should I employ a blog setup service?

To grow a tree, you have to start with seed treatment, preparation of the substrate, seeding, waiting for germination, removing dead plants, taking care of them until there are 3-4 leaves, and then moving to the planting ground. 

This process can take 1-2 months. And certainly, the number of live plants compared to seeds will be many times lower.

If you are not acquainted with nursery procedures and soil preparation, you may opt to purchase seedlings. 

With this, the survival rate of the plant is quite high; the harvesting period is reduced. Helps you save time, effort, and money to plant trees from zero.

To establish a blog, you may experiment, purchase, and modify for up to a month to make a temporary site. You can also pick a blog setup service and start blogging. 

To start a profession from blogging right away, the price is sometimes much lower than tinkering by yourself.

#4. Do you need to know about coding before blogging?

There is no need for that. You need to know about basic blog management skills such as: posting, editing articles, adding categories, and editing blog information enough. 

Of course, if you can try to know to code, it’s better. If not, you can find a professional for the remaining editing issues to ensure the blog will not become a “mess” when you tinker.

#5: How do bloggers make money from their blogs?

Out of all the bloggers who took part in the poll, 22% claim they don’t make any income, while 19% believe that affiliate marketing is their major source of cash. 17% earn the most money by marketing various services or goods to their viewers. (Source: Demandgenreport.com)

Blogging might be one of the finest strategies to grow yourself and raise your income. However, you need to do it correctly if you want to reap all the advantages that blogging has to offer. 

#6. What is the best way to monetize a blog?

Monetizing your blog will make you tons of revenue while doing what you love. Here are the 4 best ways to monetize a blog:

  • Ads: Joining ad networks like Google AdSense to show adverts on your site is the most common way to monetize your blog.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Promoting goods or services and getting a commission for any sale made through your affiliate link.
  • Sponsored Content: Collaborating with businesses to generate sponsored pieces or reviews.
  • Selling items/Services: Selling digital or physical items, courses, or consulting services.

Read our full guide on how to monetize your blog.

#7. What is the future trend of blog development?

There are millions of blogging websites, and millions of bloggers are expanding daily while the number of readers is also increasing. 

The blog will continue to be popular for many years to come, but its shape, structure, and content will experience numerous modifications.

Here are some predictions about blog trends that may evolve in the future:

  • Focus more on visual material (pictures, movies, etc., or any other sort of visual stimulation in the piece)
  • Adapting to the trend of voice search
  • Switch to visual search
  • Focus on high-quality content
  • Switch to other kinds of affiliate marketing
  • Longer content
  • Switch to data-driven blogging (constantly monitor your outcomes and adjust your material depending on those findings).
  • Greater SaaS (application service provider) adoption

Blog Post Question

#8. How lengthy should a blog post be?

“55% of bloggers get great results with posts over 2000 words. Trends show that blog posts are getting longer and longer each year. The number of articles over 2000 words increased significantly. 

Which articles longer than 3000 words have significantly increased traffic? This is not to say that writing over 3000 words is a good SEO performance. However, it turns out that longer posts have better overall SEO performance.”

The blog post length will not be as significant as generating excellent quality article material. So concentrate on the content before concentrating on the length!

#9. How many blog posts should I write a week?

The frequency of posting is determined by the target audience and the substance of the blog. 

22% of bloggers in the poll claimed that they publish 2 to 3 blog posts weekly. 15% of bloggers write and post content every day, and 67% feel they are receiving excellent results.  

However, only 46% of bloggers who post multiple times daily say they perform well. 

See our full guide on: How many blog posts should I write every day?

#10. What are the most popular types of content on blogs

Not just providing information in the form of text, bloggers also post many various genres, such as infographics, photographs, videos, charts … to boost the user experience. 

Which blog posts scored top with 85%, followed by infographics at 61%, social media posts at 56%, and charts at 46%…

39% of bloggers put 10 or more images in their articles for excellent results. Images are closely associated with the performance of blog posts. 

26% of bloggers contributing 2-3 images claimed it worked, while 39% of bloggers adding 10 or more images said they obtained good results.

In addition, you should also include videos and podcasts in your blog. The sound may add “depth and spice” to the content when done correctly. 

On the other hand, it provides visitors with additional possibilities to read or listen to your piece.

#11. How to write catchy blog post titles

Headlines play an incredibly significant part in attracting readers. A good title should explain the substance and goal of the piece and persuade the reader that they should read your content right away. 

According to research, blog titles with at least 8 words have 21% better clickability. A headline longer than 8 words will help you provide detailed information to your readers. 

An effective combination of keywords and catchy, creative headline content can help you significantly increase your post-click-through rate.

You can refer to know more about how to write attractive headlines HERE!

#12. How to get more comments on your blog posts?

At the conclusion of each article, make sure to offer an open-ended question, such as “Do you agree with this view? Share it in the comments below!” 

In addition, you should also comment on other blogs in your field. This will help those bloggers notice you, click on your blog page, and they may leave a comment with you.

You may CLICK HERE to learn more on how to get comments on your blog posts.

#13. How to optimize content in search engines?

The easiest way to optimize content is to create valuable information and guarantee SEO elements. Article SEO optimization can help your content rank better on search engines like Google. 

 You may learn more about how to create basic SEO articles at Detailed Instructions.

#14. Do blog postings require SEO standards?

This depends on your blogging objectives. If I start a blog merely to express my thoughts, release tension, and make it into an online journal, then I may write as I want. 

If you want to write to create your own brand, sell or generate money from your blog, you surely cannot disregard the usual SEO component.

#15. What are the rules for using images in blog posts?

For images on your blog post, it is advisable to take a selfie than a design image, purchase stock photos, or download images on free photo download websites like (Pixabay.com, Pexels.com…). 

Because of utilizing images on Google, you need to worry about image copyright. 

Reusing other people’s images without their authorization can lead to you being sued and having your website deleted under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

In addition, using your own images is always unique and creates a statement.

Read more: Can I use free images for my blogs?

Questions Concerning The Mood While Blogging

#16. Should introverts like me blog?

Although I’m not a typical introvert. 3 years ago, I used to live like an introvert. I am highly restricted in engaging in and conversing with social communication activities. 

I prefer to be alone and appreciate the sense of protection and security while alone.

Therefore, I also understand the psychological struggles when you are an introvert and want to blog. 

But trust me, as long as you get past that initial sensation of trepidation. You’ll discover this is a fantastic career for introverts because:

  • You can easily concentrate on working alone.
  • Not to converse or interact too much.
  • May sit at home and make money.
  • Help individuals feel protected and more confident in “walking out the door.”

Many introvert bloggers, such as Jennifer Kahnweiler, proprietor of the Blog jenniferkahnweiler.com, have had remarkable success. She is a book author and introverted blogger globally renowned.

You don’t have to be a party’s center to succeed. There are plenty of bloggers that are renowned for being harsh introverts. To create a blogging profession as an introvert, all you need is writing abilities and a good plan for yourself.

#17. How to get over the nervousness of blogging?

For beginners, blogging can be intimidating, but I know you can overcome this fear. Since you’ve done the toughest job of writing, now is the time to let your audience enjoy it.

That’s right, start making a plan for yourself so you don’t feel pressured to share your blog post every day. If you don’t dare go public with too many people, create a safe circle of yourself with close people you really love

Gradually, when you get used to sharing, expand your circle to more people, and add more people, you will find that “going out into the world” is not as difficult as you think.

#18. What values will I get by blogging?

Creating a blog was one of my best decision. This blog is where I inspire, create my personal brand, raise my income, and, step by step, construct a strategy for financial independence. 

More significantly, this is also how I share information and bring value to my life.

For me, there are 9 reasons you should blog today :

  • Practice writing skills
  • Learn new skills
  • Make your CV/Portfolio stand out
  • Building a personal brand
  • Increase online revenues
  • Face your fears
  • Give people a simple way to reach you
  • Increase your chances of appearing in front of prospective consumers
  • Build customer trust

#19. Is blogging still relevant?

As of 2021, there are approximately 570 million blogs on the Internet, based on activity recorded by WordPress, Blogger, Wix, Squarespace, Tumblr, and Medium (and this figure is continually expanding).

Despite the constant changes, blogging remains one of the best (and most cost-effective) tools for branding, connecting with customers, and driving engagement and sales. 

According to Yourblogworks.com: blogging regularly helps companies increase their leads by 126%, and 80% of bloggers see positive business results from blogging efforts. 

This shows that blogging is still an extremely relevant job for you to start.

#20. Can you blog without showing your face?

Entirely possible. If you don’t want to make yourself public, you can blog anonymously – that is, without disclosing your name. 

However, before contemplating whether to become public or not, identify what your blogging objectives are.

If you want to write to establish your own brand, then you certainly need to show yourself so that people recognize and remember you. 

And if you want to start a blog to perform affiliate marketing for a given niche, then you may not entirely publicize yourself.

#21. What should I learn, and how can I start blogging?

In fact, you can completely tinker with blogging by yourself. Just need to practice writing skills, planning and hone some other marketing skills. 

However, it requires a lot of effort and determination because, in the first stage, you have to study and practice a lot. 

No one to guide, no one to encourage, urge, accompany. That’s why few people succeed in this job, but a lot of people fail because they quickly give up.

If possible, invest in a professional blogging course. 

It will be very suitable for those of you who want to become a professional blogger and make money from it. If you want to design your own blogging course, you can message me for advice!

Questions regarding Blog hosting

#22. What is blogging?

Before commencing blogging, you must understand: what precisely is a blog? Back in the day, a blog was only regarded as a personal online journal. 

Along with the movement of user trends, the blog is now viewed as a website, but it is personal and content-based.

Refer to our GUIDE to learn more.

#23. What are blogs used for?

Most individuals blog for the following purposes:

  • Want a place to save articles, to indulge your love for writing or for research?
  • Want to share my posts with others?
  • Want to create a blogging career?
  • Want to transform your blog into a money-making tool?
  • Build a blog to become a conduit to sell things
  • Want to transform your blog into a PR avenue for yourself?

See also: How to turn a blog into a profitable business.

#24. What are the 4 main parts of a blog?

The structure of a blog generally contains 4 essential elements as follows:

  • Header: the top backdrop area of the page featuring the menu, navigation bar, or logo.
  • Main content area: where the collection of articles or stuff you wish to offer to viewers.
  • Sidebar: enables you to insert widgets (widgets) such as author introductions, new articles, billboards, linked articles, or other navigation.
  • Footer area: provides contact information or links such as navigation menus, privacy policy, friends’ blogs, etc.

#25. What is the difference between a blog and a website

Reading the introduction, many of you are undoubtedly asking what the difference is between a blog and a website, right? Actually, all blogs are websites (by definition), but not all websites are blogs. 

The static element will be an element of a website; it normally does not often change, practically preserving the same layout. 

The blog is continuously active, always updating every time a new item is submitted. Normally blog entries will be sorted chronologically, with the newest post at the top.

Read our full guide on the difference between a blog and a website.

#26. What free blogging platforms are there?

If you want to start a blog, the first (and most essential) step is to pick where to blog. There are numerous free platforms you can use to create a typical blog. 

Based on popularity, functionality, and use, today’s greatest free blogging platforms include:

  • WordPress: is one of the most popular blogging systems, accounting for more than 19% of all blogs on the Internet today. You can use WordPress to develop basic to complicated websites with a very easy user interface.
  • Blogger: free and simple to use blogging platform from Google. However, the complexity and diversity are definitely not comparable to the WordPress Plugin. However, the Blogger community is no longer as strong as previously since most of them have shifted to utilizing other platforms.
  • Medium: is a new and easy blogging platform built by Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone. It focuses on content rather than personalization.
  • Tumblr: recognized as the first hybrid platform between blogging and social networking. Popular in most countries, although the community in some countries has not truly established.
  • Wix: Wix employs a straightforward interface and contains pre-built pieces or blocks to arrange into a web page. With Wix, generating pages is entirely free.

#27. Which Blogging platform should I use?

Based on my experience, you should choose WordPress since it is simple to use, easy to modify, and is selected by the majority of users. 

Even my former blog and my current blog use this platform. Depending on your tastes, you may pick a suitable platform yourself.

#28. What is a domain name? How to choose a domain name?

A domain name is the name of a website operating on the Internet. If your website wallet is a house, then the domain name will be the address of that house. 

Domain names ought to be brief and simple to remember so that readers can readily discover them. To choose the right domain name, you need to determine the goal of building a blog. 

If you build a personal blog to build your brand, you should use your common name. If you build a blog about a certain niche, you should take that niche as the domain name.

Like the site www.FinanceBode.com, It is a blog to establish a niche and personal brand, so I picked Finance as the niche name and added a name that sounded nice, named in front (Bode).

In addition, you also need to choose the domain extension. Some popular domain extensions today are. Com, .org, .net, and .co 

Some other newly developed domain extensions such as .xyz, .store, .biz, .tech, .shop, .club, .online. 

  •  The .com domain name extension is the most used. 
  • The .net domain name extension is commonly used for internet service providers (ISPs). 
  • The .org domain name extension is used for non-governmental organizations. 
  • The .co extension is for blogs operating in the Canadian market. 

If you can’t buy a .com domain name, you should switch to .co!

You can acquire a nice, respectable domain name immediately at GoDaddy. Or utilize the service of Setup blog from A – Z to assist you with all the things you need!

Read our full guide on What a domain is.

#29. What is Hosting?

Hosting is a service that helps you publish your blog, website, or web application to an online platform. It is a place that can hold all the necessary data for your website to run. 

In simple words, if your blog is a house, the domain name is the address of the house, then hosting is the land on which that house is built.

#30. What is a plugin?      

In a word, a plugin is a 3rd party software that you connect to your blog or website on the WordPress platform to give extra functionalities to assist in showing and managing the blog/website better.

In addition to the fundamental plugins to set up the blog, I am also using some other plugins to boost efficiency, such as:

  • Rank Math SEO PRO: This is a powerful plugin for WordPress sites with many good SEO support tools to help your website get to the top of Google faster. Not only that but inside Rank, Math Seo Pro also provides administrators with many tools to check the blog’s rankings and the number of keywords that are reaching the top of Google… 
  • Swift Performance: optimizes every JS/CSS/HTML/IMAGE to help increase the performance of your website; your website, after being optimized by Swift Performance, will have an exceptionally fast page loading time of < 300ms.
  • Kk Star Ratings: an article rating feature (in stars) to help boost trust with Google and viewers.
  • SSL Certificate: is a worldwide technological security standard that provides an encrypted connection between the web server and the browser. This link assures that all data sent between the web server and the browser is always secure and safe.   

If you want to create a professional blog, you need the above nice plugins to start a career generating money from blogging.


Starting a blog as a new blogger might be challenging, but with the appropriate information and direction, you can overcome barriers and achieve success. 

I had addressed the most often asked questions about blogging that I wish I could get answers to when I first started blogging.

Remember, blogging is a journey of continual learning and progress, and with persistence and enthusiasm, you can establish a successful and enjoyable site.