Alternatives To Blogging: 9 Things To Do Instead Of Blogging

Alternatives To Blogging

Blogging is not for everyone, and there are numerous alternatives to Blogging that are just as productive and monetizable as Blogging. 

If you’ve thought about generating content but have held back because you believe the only choice is to devote a lot of time and effort to writing a blog, this article will offer you some comfort. 

You don’t need to have a blog. There are other choices that may be more efficient, depending on what you want to do.

Here is the list of blogging alternatives that you should try out:

See also: Is Blogging still profitable?

Alternatives To Blogging: What To Do Instead Of Blogging

Creating content is not only about Blogging; it might be videos, audio, podcasting, developing presentations, and even sharing ideas on social networks

Blogging is just one of several types of content creation.

Here are some options to produce content without Blogging:


Vlogging is an alternative to Blogging and may breathe fresh life into your creative drive.

Vlogging platforms like YouTube allow people who publish video content a chance to improve their work.

YouTube is the best platform to utilize if you don’t want to participate in Blogging and you enjoy acting, and if you’ve got what it takes to light up the screen. 

Vlogging is on the ascent and is being billed as the next big thing, with giant companies and social media already focusing their emphasis on the video channel.


Vlogs take your writing to video, while podcasts take your writing to audio. Podcasts had a big revival and have continued to perform extremely well. 

A podcast is like a radio program that you make and may post to iTunes or your website. You can speak about anything on your podcast as long as it’s engaging!  

Starting a podcast is simpler than recording a video or sometimes even writing, editing, and posting a blog. What more do you need from a credible blogging alternative?


Freelancing is another alternative to Blogging that you can use to make income online. It is the act of doing work for customers without committing to full-time employment.

Being a freelance, you might work for others to accomplish various activities, such as writing, design, or coding. 

Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are the most famous platforms that allow you to work as a freelancer and charge whatever you want for your services.


Creating eBooks is another wonderful alternative to Blogging. Electronic books are lengthier than reports, ranging between 12 and 40 or more pages. 

They deliver information in a visually beautiful and reader-friendly manner. The content is both useful and interesting, with loads of information, making it simple to choose and skim.

Social Media

Social media is also a great alternative to Blogging. You don’t need to produce long-form content like Blogging to be successful. 

Social media posts may be as brief as 140 characters and, nevertheless, attract a prospective audience. With short postings, you can quickly build a month-long of content within a weekend.

You can utilize social media to distribute your content, create connections with people in the business, and gain feedback on your product or service. It’s also a great channel to establish your brand!

Electronic newsletter 

Starting an email newsletter is part of the best alternative for Blogging, as it’s an owned channel. 

You send mail to a database that has already approved to receive it; a newsletter is a weekly, bimonthly, or monthly medium. An excellent approach to utilizing a newsletter is as a container for information.

Creating Groups on Forums

Bloggers seeking alternatives to Blogging might create online communities on forums or social media platforms. 

Forums are a great way to get people to notice you and interact with them on a deeper level by reaching out and engaging with others.

You can utilize these places as trustworthy alternatives to Blogging by enlisting members of online communities, pooling their resources, and composing well-planned replies to inquiries that incorporate hyperlinks to relevant blog sites. 


It is a pictorial and sequential approach to conveying a subject. It emphasizes displaying the most relevant statements, statistics, or facts concerning the subject to be covered. It is one of the nicest methods to receive information since visuals prevail over words.

What makes infographics a great alternative to Blogging is their visual appeal and, consequently, capacity to generate connections organically. 

Guest Posting

Guest writing is another wonderful choice if you only want to establish a quality audience.

In guest posting, you will have to lean on other people’s audiences. To do this, you do need a fantastic guest blogging plan. This frequently requires being deliberate about what content you upload and where you submit it.

What Is Better Than Blogging?

In the sphere of content production, Blogging is widely regarded as the medium that has existed for so long and has stood the trial of time, but that doesn’t make it the best currently. 

There are numerous modes of content creation and online communication that might be regarded as “better” than Blogging.

So, what is better than Blogging?

Do you want my opinion on this?

Vlogging! Yes you heard me, Vlogging.

YouTube is the most well-known video distribution platform. Google even provided exclusive contracts to specific YouTubers in order to get priority publishing on YouTube than on other channels.

While some bloggers earn huge sums from major businesses for writing promotional blogs and article material for brands, YouTube’s greater market reach and video appeal make the site perfect for being paid to advertise.

YouTube is a crucial platform for videos, especially in the sector of teaching. 

Why Do Most Bloggers Fail?

Did you realize that the great majority of bloggers fail before a year? This is a truth that few bloggers recognize while beginning their activity with a blog.

According to a report, there are more than 600 million blogs. Most of these blogs receive fewer than 1,000 views each month. And the brutal fact is that most of those blogs are failures.

So, why do most bloggers fail? I’ll be honest with you since I know you expect nothing less.

The answers may not be generic since each unsuccessful blog has various causes. Knowing the specific cause is a little tough, but there are typical reasons why bloggers fail to operate successful blogs.

Blogging is done for two primary reasons: firstly, because of the love to write and educate what you know, and secondly, to earn money via Blogging.

If someone begins a blog because of their enthusiasm for writing and after a while, they are not able to commit time to their blog. They may fail in Blogging.

If a blogger needs to start a blog solely to gain money without appropriate preparation and is hesitant to invest time, he may fail.

Blogging demands a lot of attention and perseverance to develop a good site. If you produce excellent quality content but that content doesn’t reach people, your high-quality content is meaningless.

Also, if you are an expert at drawing readers to your blog but don’t write quality content, you will fail.

A consistent focus on Blogging can make you a successful blogger and earn good money from your blog.

Which Pays More, Blogging Or Youtube?

Which pays more, Blogging or YouTube? It is tough to determine which pays more, Blogging or YouTube since both channels pay a lot. 

In my situation, my YouTube channel pays me more money than Blogging, but it also depends on how much work I put into each activity.

YouTube is likely to produce more money than blogging today since YouTube is simpler to monetize than blogs. 

According to ZipRecruiter, the average amount made as a YouTuber is $60,000 per year, while bloggers make an average of $45,000 per year.

On YouTube, there is more traffic, and so there is more potential, but it is also extremely competitive. However, the means to monetize a YouTube channel is limited in relation to a blog.

In a blog, you have to find a strategy to make cash; it can take time to earn a reasonable amount of money as you have to develop a library of content and a steady list of readers. 

Although there are circumstances in which Blogging pays more money than YouTube, in Blogging, you can generate money by adding affiliate links and adverts, sponsorships, and selling your own items or services. 

Read our full guide on Which platform is the best: YouTube vs Blogging.

Should I Freelance Or Blog?

You’ve been considering whether you should freelance or blog. This question is up to you. You get to select whether you want to be a blogger, freelance writer, or both!

Both freelancing and Blogging are great ways to make money and share your talents and experiences with others.

But how can you know which one is great for you?

Well, you need to think about how you want to spend your time. Do you wish to work with customers, creating the things that they want (press releases, ebooks, essays, and so on)   

If the notion of writing a lot of various sorts of content and learning a lot about diverse subjects appeals to you, then freelance should be what you should do.

On the other hand, If you know that the ONLY thing you want to write about is only about a particular niche, then Blogging is undoubtedly the way you want to go. 

If you want to be the one who chooses precisely what you’re writing and when you’re writing it, then you’re better suited for Blogging than you are for freelance writing.


A lot of ground has been covered in this piece. If you’re not prepared for the effort or time investment that comes with creating a blog, I’ve shown you 9 blogging choices that you may want to take into account.

Whatever your motivation for looking for blog alternatives, remember to consider your audience before making any decisions; you should always consider what is best for them and do all you can to provide it to them.    

I hope that this article has enabled you to realize the possibilities of blogging alternatives and that it motivates you to try something new. 

There are a lot of possibilities out there!