Best Blogging Platforms For Students

Best Blogging Platforms For Students

You’ve made the right decision to start a blog as a student, but selecting the best blogging platforms for students could be challenging; 

That’s why I came up with this blog post to serve as a roadmap to your journey as a blogger.

Confusion and overwhelm are factors you may confront due to having too many blogging platforms to choose from. 

You may spend a lot of time looking to make sure you don’t choose the wrong blogging platform, but do you have that time to waste? 

So, what is the best blogging platform for students?

First, to answer the issue of the best blogging platform, you must know the answer to this important question. What is a decent blogging platform? 

Okay, let’s continue reading.

See also: Best website hosting for bloggers.

What Is A Good Blogging Platform?

As a student, understanding what a good blogging platform is is essential. It has a long-term influence on blog development. 

To address this question, here are some points:

A good blogging platform must have 100% total control.

This is the most critical criterion when choosing a blogging platform. If you cannot control 100% of your site, then you will have no assurance of receiving revenue from it.

Why need a 100% control on your blog:

  • Allows you to personalize the domain name as you desire.
  • Allows you to adjust the interface and add or delete whatever you want on your blog.
  • Allows placing adverts anyplace on the blog. Allowed by all advertisers to display advertising on the blog.
  • Provide sharing buttons to media and social networks.
  • There is a mechanism that enables readers to register to be able to follow the blog.
  • No one can edit or control your blog unless you provide permission.

A good blogging platform must Include a commenting function.

The commenting feature is an incredibly significant element in blogging. I don’t know why I see certain bloggers turn this option off.

To me, a blog without comments is like a lifeless blog. Without reader-to-reader engagement, a blog will not develop.

Readers’ comments not only assist in raising the number of faithful readers but also help you obtain new writing ideas from those remarks. 

Furthermore, a post with numerous comments is also extremely excellent for SEO, creating competitiveness while going to the top of Google.

Though on this website, my comment is off, I have to check out different things so I can know what is best. But I can assure you I will turn it on soon.

See also: How I get more comments on my other blog.

A good blogging platform must be simple to use.

I believe everybody wants the blogging platform they use to be simple to handle and work on

Usually, I know it is common for new bloggers to leave their blogs to defaults.

There is nothing wrong with leaving the default setting. 

If you don’t know, it’s best to leave things as it is than damage them. However, default settings are typically not appropriate. It doesn’t bring the best out of your blog.

That’s why you should use a nice, easy-to-use platform. When it’s new, you may not notice it. But after posting for a few weeks, several thoughts may occur in your head, like: How can I update this section? How can I make my blog what I want?

Best Blogging Platforms For Students. Blogging Platform

This is the most common platform used to build blogs around the world

There are dozens or even hundreds of blogging platforms out there, but hosts about 43% of the world’s blogs (Source).

Why is so popular? is so popular because it completely fits the 3 requirements I mentioned at the outset.

  1. provides you 100% control over your blog. I can easily start a blog in less than a minute. First, simply get cheap hosting and a cheap domain name. Then simply utilize the WordPress installation tool with only a few mouse clicks, and you’re done.
  2. WordPress features comment functionality: Not only that, you may personalize the comment function as you wish. You may add a Facebook comment feature to each post to replace default comments.
  3. Finally,’s interface is highly user-friendly: With a freshly created website, the admin interface is quite simple. Take a look, and you’ll quickly realize what has to be done. Blogging Platform is another WordPress blogging platform. You can use totally free. 

However, in my view, you should just utilize to become acquainted with WordPress before converting to utilizing 

Because fundamentally, these two services are not much different. offers you a free subdomain like You may also upgrade to a primary domain at the expense of acquiring the domain.

The main downside I perceive with compared to is that you cannot manage it totally

You may upgrade to a premium edition with extra features. However, doing so would be more costly than utilizing

Blogger (Blogspot) Blogging Platform

Blogspot is built by Google. That’s why it was preferred by Google in the past. But it is also because of this favor that consumers utilize it excessively.

The extensive usage of Blogspot for SEO leads to spam. This is something Google does not desire. That’s why, after a series of changes, Blogspot practically vanished from search engines.

Very seldom can you discover an article on the top of Google utilizing Blogspot.

Blogspot is fairly friendly and simple to use for new bloggers

I have also used Blogger a few times, but to be honest, if you truly want to blog long-term, you should not use Blogspot.

Blogspot is comparable to and should only be used to become familiar with blogging and used as satellite websites. 

If you want to earn money as a student, go extremely serious about it. That’s not the greatest decision.

Wix Blogging Platform

Wix is another amazing blogging platform that features a drag-and-drop editor. It’s free, so you only have to pay for more services like hosting.

But it provides all the fundamentals — templates and instructions for constructing your site from scratch or altering one of their current designs for free. 

Wix is fantastic for developing blogs, class websites, and personal sites (e.g., portfolios). They also provide numerous methods to monetize your blog with advertisements and affiliate links if you wish to do so. 

Wix doesn’t offer as many customization choices as, but it’s still relatively straightforward to use once you get started.

Google Sites Blogging Platform

Google Sites is a free online service that you may use to build and share webpages with others. It is simple to use and has numerous features, such as:

  • It’s simple to construct a website with Google Sites. You need to click on the “New site” option and enter the name of your site. Then add text, photos, videos, and other stuff. You may also add links and embed videos on your homepage. Or on section pages on your website by hitting the “Insert” tab in the top right corner of your screen while reading a page.
  • The calendar tool enables teachers/students/parents/administrators, etc., to see when courses are planned. You may also see each day and any relevant information relating to these courses, such as assignments due on particular days, etc.

Tumblr Blogging Platform

Tumblr might be regarded as the first hybrid platform combining blogging and social networking, forcing major Yahoo to invest $1.1 billion to purchase this service. 

The key distinction between Tumblr and other social networks or blogging platforms is that it is extremely simple to reblog someone else’s content on your Tumblr page ( also offers a similar function).

Other remarkable features of Tumblr include the capability to show animated pictures (GIFs), enabling you to alter the interface and domain name at will.

Squarespace Blogging Platform

A popular blogging platform suited for publishing image-rich content, Squarespace provides award-winning design themes! 

The program also features interfaces with Getty Images, Unsplash, and Google AMP, so you can generate visually engaging content. 

If you want to create a blog on a topic where photography is crucial (fashion, travel, beauty, décor, etc.) or share a portfolio, Squarespace is a great blogging platform for it.

However, you have the opportunity to establish a blog on any subject. With its sixty customizable templates, you are sure to find what you are searching for.

Drupal Blogging Platform

A highly adaptable open-source content management system (CMS), Drupal is perfect for big, complicated blogs. 

It contains hundreds of choices and ready-to-use modules to customize the web design, structure, SEO, and presentation of your website as much as possible.

Given the depth of its capabilities, it is geared primarily at customers with an understanding of CSS and HTML, sophisticated demands, and searching for a self-hosted solution.

Medium Blogging Platform

Medium was founded by Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone, enabling people to produce content they appreciate and share with others who share the same beliefs.

Medium is a fresh and simple blogging platform that focuses on content rather than customization. Therefore, Medium is highly ideal for those who love to write.

Evernote và Pistachio Blogging Platform is a simple blogging platform that interacts with Evernote. will provide an address for your blog (at ) and automatically post blog entries from your notes in Evernote. 

You only need to complete writing and mark the article (tag) as “published.”, will automatically synchronize, and your content will be welcomed to the Internet.

Ghost Blogging Platform

Ghost is an open-source platform comparable to WordPress.Org. However, Ghost does not take on too much like WordPress but concentrates on content and simplifies things, and it doesn’t restrict users the way Medium does. 

Ghost delivers a straightforward writing area from word production to administration. Ghost also attempts to support many various device platforms, such as outside PCs. There are also phones and tablets.

With a tidy, elegant UI and distinctive and functional dashboard design, Ghost is garnering a lot of attention. However, installing Ghost involves technical skills and your own hosting/server/domain.

Alboom Blogging Platform

Brazilian blog platform Alboom enables you to construct a professional, contemporary, responsive site without page restrictions! 

If you intend to create a lot of content, this platform is worth giving a try. 

The many designs provided give a lot of area for graphics and pictures. If you are in a creative field, you will certainly discover a model built for you.

Can I Start Blogging As A Student?

Still wondering whether you can start blogging as a student? Yes! You can start blogging, and you should. 

If you have a topic you know a lot about and you would love to educate others about what you have learned. Then blogging is a fantastic medium you should employ to make your work public.

Blogging is a means to demonstrate your gift for writing. As you grow your talents and write more, others will notice your expertise. 

Blogging trains your thoughts and enhances your writing abilities. It might also be a chance to generate a little money while you are in college. 

The greatest thing is that the perks do not cease after you graduate. You may take the skills and rewards through life and keep blogging beyond college.

Whether you opt to monetize your blog or not, I strongly suggest giving it a try anyhow. Once you’ve identified the area of your interests, blogging will assist you better in it.

How Can Students Create A Blog For Free?

Looking for how to build a blog for free to enable you to start sharing your work with the world as a student? 

You can create a blog for free by utilizing any of these platforms: Wix, Google Site, Weebly, Medium, Ghost, Blogger, Tumblr, Jimdo, or other choices I mentioned in the previous section.

Keep in mind, however, that some of them could provide just restricted features on their free subscriptions.

Once you have picked a free blogging platform of your choosing, you can start developing your blog for free. The method generally includes the following steps:

1. Create an account with the platform.

2. Pick a name for your blog’s domain.

3. Select a template for your blog’s design.

4. Start writing blog entries!

The Best Way To Make Money Blogging Today

Below are some of the most common ways to earn money blogging nowadays, which you may refer to and implement for yourself:

Make money blogging through Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is when you offer items or services to your audience using specific tracking links, then collect a referral fee for each time someone purchases after Clicking on your link.

You should affiliate items and services that your audience may be interested in. This will enhance the rate of link clicks and sales.

Make money blogging through Google AdSense.

Google Adsense is the simplest method to earn money blogging. Simply add a Google script to your website and begin showing adverts. 

Every time a user clicks on an advertisement, you will get payment. It is called CPC advertising.

What is CPC? CPC stands for “Cost Per Click”. By showing CPC advertising with Google Adsense, you get a predetermined charge every time a visitor clicks on the ad.

Make money blogging by creating a premium membership blog.     

Another approach to monetizing your blog is to offer readers to pay to access particular content or portions of your site. Specifically:

  • Create limited members-only content: Your most devoted readers may be eager to pay to read more of your work. You may build a members-only section for them to share more in-depth blog entries, downloads, films, audio material, and more.
  • Build a private forum: You build private forums that people pay to view. Forums are a terrific method for your readers to obtain advice from you. Other members of the community may also engage and assist each other.
  • Create a Q&A community: Q&A communities are very participatory. It will take you some time to construct, but afterwards, you will be able to monetize user-generated content on your site utilizing advertisements, affiliate ads, etc.

Make money blogging by physical products, or selling digital.   

Many bloggers make money by setting up an e-commerce platform, opening an online shop, and beginning to sell things. That product might be a digital product or a physical one.

Whether it’s a digital product or a physical thing, you still need to develop an SEO-standard blog to raise your blog’s ranks on search engines, reach more prospective consumers, and set up a system. 

When selling tangible things, you must consider inventory, shipping, and tax handling, along with the obligations that come with it. 

Selling digital things might be less problematic with warehousing and shipping since you can deliver them to buyers online.

Make money blogging by offering services online.

Make money by offering services online without funds or investing in inventory. You merely need to develop a blog offering services and start finding your consumers. For example: Providing freelancing services, business consulting, and becoming a coach,…


So, guys, here are the 12 best platforms to construct a website and blog as a student. You may select anybody who suits your demands and those of your audience. 

To me, is always the best pick for your blog. is continually updated with frequent patch releases, providing you with the greatest experience.

As I mentioned above. and Blogspot should be utilized as a satellite website. Or you may use it to get acclimated to blogging.

Because becoming successful with blogging cannot happen suddenly.


Who can blog?

Anyone can blog and make money. However, this is a unique profession that demands carefulness and ongoing invention and improvement. 

If you want to become a blogger, first learn to enjoy blogging.

Which blogging platform is best for students

This depends on whether you want to simply write and worry about nothing else – in that case, it’s Medium. 

Or, maybe you’re more interested in having complete control of your blog – in which case it’s WordPress.

The easiest method to make money blogging for students

Currently, Google Adsense is the easiest means of making money online from blogging as a student. 

All you have to do is concentrate on making your site stand out and get a considerable quantity of visitors on your blog every day. 

You can then make money by having people install advertising banners on your blog.