22 Best Professional Blogging Tools In 2023

Blogging Tools

This list of professional blogging tools has everything you need to create and manage your blog quickly and easily.

If you are starting in the world of blogging and you are going to develop your professional blog, understanding these tools will help you save a lot of time and work.

Throughout the years that we have been blogging, we have explored a variety of tools.

Some worked great for us, and we still use them, but others we had to trash since they didn’t perform well or we didn’t like them.

To assist you in the production of your professional blog and to save you time trying out various tools until you discover the best ones, we have compiled a list of what we believe to be the finest tools for professional blogs.

This list of the 22 top professional blogging tools covers tools for content management, site design, graphic design, organizing, productivity, email marketing, social networking, and a variety of other tasks. The last one is my favourite.

Let’s check them out!

The best tools for professional bloggers

1. Siteground

Blogging Tools

It’s one of the world’s most prominent hosting companies, noted for its excellent value-for-money web hosting services and exceptional customer support.

This firm was formed in 2004; since then, it has hosted over 2.8 million domains. Furthermore, according to their website, they have a 98% client satisfaction record.

We have used Siteground services for many years to host the School of Blogging, our trip blog, and all of our project websites. So we can certify that your service is superb and that we are among Siteground’s 98% satisfied clients.

If you’re preparing to start your professional blog but don’t yet have a hosting plan,

Siteground will cost you as little as €3.99 per month. Furthermore, if you have not yet purchased a domain for your professional blog,

Siteground will provide it for free for the first year of your hosting contract.

2. WordPress

Blogging Tools

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system and a fantastic platform for developing a professional blog, website, or online shop.

WordPress has built over 75 million web pages, and the most significant part is that you can use it even if you have no programming experience. It’s also completely free.

This tool is perfect whether you are just starting with your blog or an established blogger, and it is straightforward to use.

Even if this is your first time, you may construct a professional blog using templates (themes) and accessories (plugins) in a couple of days.

Read our full guide on “How to monetize your blog with Affiliate Marketing

3. Elementor

Blogging Tools

Elementor is a visual page builder for WordPress that you can use to develop your professional blog or website.

It is a comprehensive tool that is straightforward to use and features a drag-and-drop interface that makes site creation simple, even for novices.

You may begin with Elementor with its free edition, which is ideal for building a professional blog layout, and then upgrade to the Pro version to take your blog to the next level.

In its Facebook group, Elementor offers a vast community of web developers and designers that can assist you with any issues.

There are also numerous YouTubers that are committed to making lessons to aid others who are beginning to utilize this visual builder.

A quick YouTube search will provide all the information you want to begin utilizing this tool.

4. Trello

Blogging Tools

Trello is a free productivity application for organizing projects and tasks using highly visual boards that may contain ideas, checklists, photos, links, and much more.

You may simultaneously use this tool for several projects and add your team to view and contribute to the assignments.

Trello offers a plethora of features and tools, but the calendar is one of the standouts.

With this option, you can view your tasks grouped by day and see the deadline.

We coordinate editorial calendars for school, the travel blog, social media, and our email list using Trello’s calendar tool.

5. ActiveCampaign

Email Marketing

ActiveCampaign is an email marketing solution used to keep in touch with email list subscribers and build automated sales funnels.

Suppose you want to develop your blog into a digital company. In that case, you must utilize an email automation tool as, once it is established, this program will send the emails for you.

Assume you have a community of 1,000 or 2,000 members and need to email each of them individually.

It would take many days. If you use automated emails, you need to send them once, and the email marketing platform will distribute them to your whole contact list.

We suggest starting your email list with ActiveCampaign as soon as you start your blog since collecting subscribers may be lengthy.

As a result, the sooner you begin, the sooner you will have a strong community.

We would do this differently if we were to start our blog over again.

Because we didn’t realize the advantages of this technology, we waited too long to start utilizing it. Consequently, we didn’t feel able to develop a community for a long time.

We would do this differently if we were to start our blog over again.

We delayed too long to utilize this technology since we didn’t understand its merits, and as a result, we didn’t feel able to develop a community for a long time.

ActiveCampaign is a somewhat more sophisticated tool that may be very complicated for novices. Still, there are loads of tutorials on the internet, so if you commit, you can learn how to use it in no time.

We’ve been using this tool for a long time and are familiar with it, so if you need assistance setting it up, send us an email at admin@financebode.com or post in our Facebook group Financebode.

6. Canva

Blogging Tools

Canva is a visual design tool that allows you to create graphics for your blog, social networks, digital goods, and services.

In our view, the combination of Canva and Elementor is the finest for creating a lovely blog that helps you stand out.

This tool is highly intuitive and straightforward to use, and you can produce excellent designs in a matter of minutes, even if you have no prior experience with graphic design.

Canva features tens of thousands of design templates that you may tweak to your desire and with your brand colours.

It also provides a library of royalty-free photos you may use in your projects.

Canva offers a premium edition, but the free version provides everything you need to start designing your designs and adding a professional touch to your blog.

Read our full guide on “The Best Mobile Apps for Bloggers

It’s time to start utilizing Canva if you haven’t already.

7. Track Toggle

Time Tracker

Toggle Track is a productivity tool that lets you track the time you spend on each work throughout the day.

This tool enables you to concentrate on a single activity at a time rather than starting several and finishing none, to know how many hours you work every week or month and what you spend them in, to avoid procrastinating, and much more.

Toggle features a timer that you must start when you begin a task and stop when you complete it.

This way, you are much more aware of how much time each activity demands to arrange better your work hours, which things should be prioritized, and even how much time you spend doing nothing throughout the day.

Time Tracking Tool

This is a vital tool for us, and for years, we have not begun any job without starting the Toggl stopwatch.

It may take some time to get accustomed to the beginning and stopping the counter with each job, but you will quickly get used to it, and managing your time will allow you to work more efficiently.

8. Google Calendar

Blogging Tools

You’ve probably heard of Google Calendar, but you might be squandering its organizational and productivity tool.

 In Google Calendar, you can organize projects, set task reminders, create events to interact with others, and reserve time blocks for recurring activities.

For example, you may set out 15 minutes every day to read your mail and have it planned for the whole year with a few clicks.

You need to create the event once, pick the recurring option, specify the time, and select a reminder, and it will display on your calendar every day at the specified time.

And this is only one example of how Google Calendar may be used; nevertheless, this tool has numerous functions. We primarily utilize it to arrange counselling appointments with our students and customers.

9. Calendly

Calendly is a tool for automating your schedule that is great if you provide advising or coaching services.

Simply placing a link to Calendly on your blog or in the emails you send to your email list, your customers may reserve a call on your calendar on the day and time that works best for them.

This way, you avoid exchanging several emails to agree on a date and time.

 Also, if anything comes up and they have to cancel or amend the appointment, they can do it themselves without having to notify you, and Calendly will send you an email with the changes.

We use Calendly for our counselling sessions with students and customers, and it works well for us to handle all calls without any problems.

10. Feedly

Another blogging tool that you should utilize if you want to have a great blog is Feedly.

This tool is similar to a social media feed, except it displays fresh content from sites you follow instead of photographs and videos.

Feedly enables you to establish various feeds if you wish to read articles on different themes, and you can even store items to read later.

We use it to learn new things by reading other blogs on various themes, but we also get inspired by other people’s material to create our own.

The School of Blogging’s Feedly Tool

Feedly features an online version as well as a mobile application.

We recommend that you begin utilizing this tool as soon as possible and subscribe to the leaders’ blogs in your field to continue learning and being inspired by what they are doing.

11. Metricool

Social Media Planner

Metricool is a tool for planning and scheduling social media articles such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

This tool lets you prepare content for weeks in a single day, eliminating the need to publish manually to social media daily.

It’s worth noting that Metricool pulls some pretty fascinating stats from all social networks and also enables you to construct reports to analyze how your articles are doing.

You may enhance your plans based on this data by making the appropriate modifications.

Hootsuite and Buffer are Metricool alternatives, each with unique features.

12th. Facebook Business Suite

Blogging Tools

Facebook Business Suite is a Facebook tool that lets you manage all of your Facebook and Instagram Pages and accounts from a single platform.

You may use this tool to plan posts for both social networks, monitor messages and alerts from your Facebook and Instagram accounts, and manage advertisements on both.

Many of us have been waiting for this tool for a long time. We used to plan articles using Buffer and Metricool, but now we do it all via Facebook Business Suite.

13. Pinterest

Blogging Tools

Pinterest is a visual search engine, similar to Google, but with photographs. It is a visual discovery tool for finding ideas for projects, publications, social networks, and much more.

 Although many people refer to Pinterest as a social network, it is a comprehensive search engine.

From horticulture to digital enterprises, you may discover ideas in the form of pins (Pinterest pictures) on any topic,

which you can put on boards to study as many times as you need.

Pinterest is excellent for both discovering fresh blog ideas and producing pins to promote your content.

When you make a pin, you can include a direct link to your blog, which is a straightforward, effective, and free method to generate traffic.

Pinterest is an essential tool since a significant portion of our followers discover us via this site. Furthermore,

Pinterest assists us in driving a significant amount of traffic to all of our websites.

Like Facebook, Pinterest allows you to run advertising to promote your goods and services, which might help you expand your project if you know your target demographic is on Pinterest.

14. Pixabay

Pixabay is a library of royalty-free photos and videos that you may use to supplement the content of your professional blog for free.

If photography isn’t your thing, or you don’t have time to capture all the photographs you need for your blog or social media.

You may go to stock platforms like Pixabay, where you can obtain photos on any topic for free.

The only requirement for using these images on your blog or social networks is that you acknowledge the photographer and provide a link to his portfolio.

 This is your method of appreciating these folks for their efforts and assisting them by bringing future customers.

Pixabay is a free picture hosting site.

Unsplash, Pexels, and Freepik are some more Pixabay options.

15. Google Analytics

Blogging Tools

Analytics is another tool for professional blogs that should not be overlooked if you want to have a successful blog.

Google Analytics is a free tool for seeing online data from your professional blog.

Analytics is a robust tool for gathering vital information about the visitors to your blog.

You may examine your audience’s demographics, the most popular posts on your blog, the devices people use to read your blog (computer, tablet, mobile), where traffic originates from (Google, social networks, or others), and much more.

It may be tough to grasp all the figures and graphs from Google Analytics. Still, by regularly evaluating this data, you will be able to get to know your readers better and know what their interests are in order to generate material that interests them.

16. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is another free Google tool that helps you monitor and improve your blog’s position or a web page in Google search results.

In other words, you may use this tool to determine the position of your articles in Google results in pages, the most frequently searched phrases, and much more.

This is a highly complex tool, but it is worth understanding how to use it since it supplies you with essential data for optimizing your articles in Google and attracting more readers, subscribers, and sales.

Read our complete guide on”The Best Blogging Platforms For Beginners.

In conjunction with Google Analytics, Google Search Console offers you all the information you need to know what sorts of articles interest your audience the most to develop more related content and attract more readers.

These are, without a doubt, among the most excellent tools for professional blogging.

17. Google Trends

Google Trends is likewise a free tool from Google. With Trends, you may analyze the trends and the reach that the various keywords have in the Google search engine in different periods of time.

This is incredibly important when determining the subject of a professional blog or producing fresh posts since it offers clues about what visitors search for the most on Google.

Therefore, if you watch Google trends, you may generate material with a fantastic search that will improve the traffic of your professional blog and the number of subscribers to your email list.

18. Bitly

Bitly is a tool to shorten links, conserve space in social network messages, and make your posts more attractive.

If you have to post a long link from your blog or any other web page on social networks or by email and it doesn’t appear very attractive, you may shorten it using Bitly.

This tool enables you to shorten up to 100 URLs each month for free. If you need more, you may choose a payment plan.

19. Kajabi

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform mainly used to produce and sell online courses without utilizing various tools to cover the whole sales cycle.

This tool is one of the most extensive on the market. It allows you to construct web pages, digital items such as courses or memberships, advising and coaching services, sales pages and funnels, automated email lists, webinars and much more. Plus.

Unlike other platforms for developing and selling digital goods and services, such as Teachable or Thinkific, Kajabi is a highly complete platform. It’s like having WordPress, ActiveCampaign, WooCommerce, Elementor Pro, course hosting, and other tools on one site.

Kajabi is a highly suggested solution for info producers and persons who already have a basis in the digital world.

Perhaps starting with your blog is not the ideal choice owing to its higher cost, but as soon as you start selling your goods and services, it is worth more than renting all the other tools individually.

20. Fotor

Fotor is a free tool that allows you to edit images, produce collages, and create layouts for your professional blog.

The final two alternatives (collage and design) are relatively simple, and for that, we suggest utilizing Canva,

but the online photo editing tool is convenient if you have to do some basic repairs to your photographs and you can’t afford to have an application purchase such as Lightroom or Photoshop.

21. DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve is a professional video editing tool that you may use for free.

 To expand your company, it is incredibly vital to integrate videos into the material you make for your professional blog or social media. For that, you need a video editing application.

These sorts of professional video editing applications, such as Adobe Premiere or Final Cut, are relatively costly, yet DaVinci Resolve provides most of the functions of these products for free.

This tool is rather sophisticated, notably if you have never altered a movie, but on its website, you can find numerous free videos that will help you learn how to use it in no time.

And the last one which I recommend the most. It stands as my favourite is

22. Blog Title Generator Tool

Using the keyword phrase you want your post to rank for, the Free Blog Title Generator swiftly generates thousands of blog title possibilities using AI-powered SEO.

You can constantly adjust the language, length, and word order based on the artificial intelligence-powered headline suggestions this tool will quickly create for you.

 In order to truly zero in on a title that will improve your Google search results and garner more hits on social media.

However, it’s vital to keep in a tool that even title generator tools aren’t always ideal.

They aim for headlines to follow a specific format that most of the best-ranking material uses, but you won’t always receive flawless headlines out of the box.

Because of this, a headline generator is a great blogging tool for authors to understand how they may cover a specific range of blog themes.


Here are the 22 finest professional blogging tools that we suggest you utilize.

There are many more tools on the market, both free and paid, but these are the ones that we suggest since we have previously tried them and know that they perform effectively.

Another tip is that you start utilizing these tools little by little since each has a learning process, and trying to use them all simultaneously will only upset you.

Check out this comprehensive guide for a more in-depth look at “How to start up a blog.

Give yourself time and progressively include the most valuable tools for your internet company.

Tell our community which tools you plan to start utilizing on your blog. And if you know of any beneficial tools to save time and effort, please share them with the community and us.

Let’s Blog