Best Blogs About Blogging (Top 14 Blogs)

Best Blogs About Blogging

Learning how to blog and being a good blogger is challenging. However, following the best blogs about blogging, SEO, content marketing, and other topics can help you educate yourself so that you can achieve your objectives.

Blogging is a strong tool, and there are blogs out there devoted to assisting new bloggers in becoming successful.

These websites include all the information you need to get started, whether your goal is to learn how to create a personal blog, improve your website for search engines, or become an expert on social networking.

In this article, I’ll show you 50 of the greatest blogs about blogging, SEO, content marketing, and other topics.

Let’s get started.  

Best Blogs About Blogging

1. Ahrefs


Ahrefs is at the top of my list of the best blogs about blogging. Ahrefs is undoubtedly the most well-known SEO tool. You can use it to research keywords/topics and build links.

But that isn’t why I love Ahrefs so much.

The Ahrefs blog is one of the most incredible places to learn about blog growth and SEO optimization, content marketing, affiliate marketing, and link building, with over 2,200 articles.

It is one of the most well-known sites for bloggers looking to boost their search engine exposure and organic traffic.

The Ahrefs blog is a must-read for anybody wishing to improve their blogging skills.

2. Niche Pursuits


Niche Pursuits comes in second on our list of the most excellent blogs about blogging! Obviously, I’m biased with this decision, but I believe Niche Pursuits is a great blog for bloggers wishing to learn more about blogging and make money from it.

Niche Pursuits is well-known among bloggers. It was founded by Spencer Haws, who has had remarkable success with numerous online enterprises for over a decade.

It has over 2,400 articles on topics such as blogging, creating a fantastic website, affiliate marketing, SEO, email marketing, generating money, and even e-commerce guidance.

Niche Pursuits is a wonderful resource for bloggers of all levels who want to earn money online, with up-to-date information on SEO, content production, internet business, and more.

3. Buffer


Buffer is one of the few technology firms founded on the principle of extreme transparency. It is an online and mobile software program meant to manage social network accounts by allowing users to plan posts on social media, evaluate their performance, and communicate with their community.

Buffer’s portfolio of online marketing solutions is used by millions of individuals.

As part of this, they run a corporate blog as well as a marketing blog.

Buffer’s blog has a wealth of helpful Information for bloggers, ranging from marketing insights to productivity hacks and social media guidance.

4. Yoast Seo


We’ve finally arrived at my favorite WordPress plugin. Yoast is one of the top SEO blogs; it’s jam-packed with thorough lessons and guidelines, covering everything from SEO basics to sophisticated, more in-depth search engine optimization techniques.

This is the site for you if you want to concentrate on increasing blog traffic via organic SEO. Its SEO advice is primarily meant to assist you in search engine optimizing your website.

5. Copyblogger


Next on our list is Copyblogger, one of the internet’s oldest content marketing sites. Copyblogger has been educating people on generating unique online content and quickly expanding their blogs since 2006.

If you’re among the many individuals eager to learn more about writing effectively, you’ll surely have come across this superstar blog several times.

Copyblogger began as a modest one-man blog to teach people how to succeed with content marketing. It grew into a hugely lucrative firm, attracting over 500K visits per month and producing 8 figures in yearly revenue, becoming one of the go-to sites for content marketers worldwide.

Copyblogger lives up to its name with well-written articles and a clean, minimalist website design.

6. Neal Schaffer


Neal Schaffer is a leading marketing specialist who writes on content marketing, search engine optimization, and social media platforms.

His writings are well-researched and provide a wealth of Information on topics such as social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, SEO, and even major blogging.

Neal Schaffer is an excellent resource for the most recent information on blogging and other digital marketing matters, as well as business suggestions.

7. Institute of Content Marketing


The top worldwide provider of education and training in content marketing, Content Marketing Institute teaches business companies how to use engaging multichannel storytelling to draw in and keep consumers.

The Content Marketing Institute, in a nutshell, is all about content marketing!

This website has approximately 4,000 excellent blog pieces to assist you in developing and implementing your content marketing strategy.

The blog tips articles on the Content Marketing Institute website provide a wealth of free and really useful materials to assist writers in creating wonderful blogs that their readers will like, and they are pretty simple to read.

Everyone who blogs is a content marketer. As a result, learning CMI is worthwhile if you’re serious about having a lucrative website.

8. HubSpot


HubSpot is another excellent blogging platform. Established in 2005 by Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan with the intention of helping businesses and bloggers with inbound marketing.

HubSpot is a well-known brand in the digital marketing industry. It’s a CRM platform that offers several alternatives.

HubSpot’s blog is a great blog, and it includes all of the tools and connectors you’ll need for blogging, marketing, sales, content management, and customer care.

With over 15 thousand articles, HubSpot’s huge content library includes everything from blogging to email marketing to CRM, sales advice, social networking, and more.

They also give a plethora of useful templates and checklists that have proven to be important resources for marketers worldwide in the internet community.

If you want to understand how to generate in-depth content that pushes the marketing needle, Hubspot’s blog is a must-read.

9. Neil Patel


Neil Patel’s name is well-known among digital marketers and SEOs. His site is a wealth of Information and a valuable resource for internet marketers and businesses.

In his more than 7000 instructional pieces, he addresses topics like social media, growth hacking, website design, SEO, content marketing, and more.

This blog is chock-full of useful Information on how to make the most of your digital marketing efforts. It’s one of the greatest blogs to keep up with.

10. SEMrush


In addition to Neil Patel, Semrush is a wonderful source of content for anybody interested in being a blogger. This blog covers everything from SEO basics to the most recent digital marketing trends.

SEMrush is a popular SEO tool for keyword research, backlink analysis, auditing, and other tasks. Their site covers all aspects of SEO, from beginning tips to advanced issues. There is something for everyone, whether you are a novice or an established expert.

11. CoSchedule


CoSchedule is a tool that provides a suite of agile marketing solutions to help you remain focused, complete projects on time, and keep your team pleased.

You’ve probably heard of them because of their renowned free headline analyzer. But did you know they also have a blog?

CoSchedule is an excellent marketing blog with several high-quality and in-depth articles. Content marketing, social networking, email marketing, thought leadership, and blogging advice are among the subjects covered on their site.

12. Problogger


Darren Rowse’s ProBlogger blog is a blogging institution. Created in 2004, it has been motivating and teaching bloggers.

There are approximately 10,000 articles and resources on the site.

ProBlogger’s content focuses on monetizing your blogging efforts. The articles are detailed and intelligent, and they often include guest posts from other industry giants or highlight fresh thought leadership content that has been released.

ProBlogger is an excellent online community for finding blogging ideas and guidance.

13. Backlinko


For many years, Backlinko has been a go-to site for SEO ideas and methods. The blog contains a wealth of link-building information and case stories. There are also a plethora of SEO guidelines.

There are also more complex SEO tactics available for the more experienced among you, all of which are supported by case studies and data-driven proof. Backlinko should be on your reading list if you’re serious about converting your blog into a company.

14. Moz


MOZ is the last on my list. SEOmoz was created in 2004 by Rand Fishkin and Gillian Muessig. Millions of bloggers, marketers, company owners, and webmasters use Moz SEO tools on a regular basis.

It follows that one of the most extensive resources for SEO and digital marketing knowledge is the Moz Blog.

It’s one of the most reliable sources of SEO advice since it’s often updated with the newest trends and best practices.

With over 14,000 articles on SEO and helpful checklists and templates for marketers, Moz is a great place to start when you can’t find the solution you’re looking for. This site undoubtedly covers all the information you need to start a blog.

Why Should You Study The Best Blog About Blogging?

Studying the best blogs in your blogging field is critical for all bloggers (new and experienced), and all bloggers should adopt this practice.

  • Blogs have evolved into powerful revenue production channels during the last several decades. You can create your own money-making blog by studying other successful blogs in your area that are effectively monetizing.
  • Blogs that are successful in your field might also motivate you. You’ll not only be encouraged to start your own blog, but you’ll also get ideas on what you want to do (or avoid doing!) on your blog.
  • Another reason to examine these blog examples is to learn from them. For example, you can learn What forms of content perform best for generating visitors, What kind of blog designs are popular with your audience, What types of blog post ideas are popular in your site’s field, The tone your audience likes

What Makes A Blog Successful?

Why do certain blogs get a high volume of visitors while others do not? Understanding what makes these blogs successful can assist you in starting and running your own profitable blog.

Here is what makes a successful blog:

  • Your blog should be simple to engage with: That is, you should adhere to web design trends for clear and appealing design, the navigation should be simple to use, all functions should function properly, and readers should not feel lost or confused at any moment.
  • Your website should be simple to use on PCs and, especially, mobile devices (as more people access the internet via mobile).
  • Relevant Information: is one of the most important components of a successful blog. While the blog is yours, the content you post is tailored to your viewers.
  • Giving your readers a fantastic experience: Aside from providing relevant Information, another aspect influencing a blog’s success is the experience visitors enjoy while engaging with it.
  • A positive user experience is vital for both readers and Google.

Which Is The Best Blogging Website?

There are various free blogging websites available, including, Tumblr, Wix, and Jimdo.

If you are even somewhat serious about blogging, you should host your site on your own server, which is the best way. I will surely recommend

With your own domain and a self-installed WordPress installation.

WordPress is a bit more difficult to get started with. However, you are considerably more adaptable and may create and extend your blog as you see fit.

There, you are the owner, not the renter.

This may play a tiny function at first, but if you wish to provide more to your guests, you’ll give up. Eventually, transitioning to a self-hosted blog usually requires a lot of labor, stress, and visitor loss.

Trust me on this.

So don’t be stingy or complacent. Do yourself a favor and throw your own party!

And, no, the whole thing isn’t expensive:

You may participate for as little as €4.95 per month. That is cheaper than the cheapest Netflix membership and can provide you with hundreds or even thousands of times more at the same time.


We’ve arrived at the conclusion of this article. Whether you’re just starting out as a blogger or want to give your site a boost, it’s crucial to stay up to date on blogging trends and learn from more experienced bloggers. That is why we have produced this list of 27 of the greatest blogging blogs.

Each of these successful and popular blogs has its own distinct style, viewpoints, and ways of teaching blogging success, which may help anybody improve their ability to create material that people like.

Whatever sort of blog or subject you specialize in, these sites will provide you with lots of useful Information to help you develop a more successful blog today!

These websites are like a success road map – you can’t go wrong!