Best Facebook Groups for Bloggers

Best Facebook Groups for Bloggers

To become successful in Blogging, you need to have a COMMUNITY of individuals who share the same direction and purpose, as well as share difficulties and questions throughout your journey; Below are the top 3 best Facebook groups for bloggers to join:    

  • Bloggers Supporting Bloggers (42,000+ members)
  • Boost Your Blog (43,000+ members)
  • Blogging Newbs (28,000+ members)

This may not be the best for you if you are just starting off since there are many who will tell you: “It didn’t work for me,” and others would support the contrary. 

The fact is that everything relies on the use you give it and the content you share. This time, I will speak about the best Facebook groups and how to make efficient use of them to your benefit.

I’ve picked the top 10 blogging Facebook groups to join to help you build your site. So be ready to see your site flourish due to integrating these FB groups!

See also: 56 Blogging Terminologies Bloggers Should Know.

What Are Facebook Groups?

I believe you already know what Facebook Groups are, but just in case someone is not clear, I’ll provide you with a little definition.

Facebook Groups are groups formed by one or more administrators devoted to a subject, sector, or affinity where they add other Facebook users who are interested in that topic.

  • Groups may be made up of individuals who are our friends on Facebook and also by other people who are not our friends but who share the group’s passion.
  • When you subscribe to a group, you may publish your material, comment on other members’ posts, like, engage in discussions, ask questions that spark debate relating to the group’s theme, etc.

As I stated before, there are numerous groups on Facebook and nearly any subject you can think of (marketing, architecture, sports, comedy, movies, etc.).

Types Of Facebook Groups

Facebook groups have the following types of privacy:

Public Group

In this type of Facebook group, users may access the group, its postings, and the group members. Users can join immediately without having to wait for administrator clearance. 

They are the Facebook groups with the most members owing to the simplicity of joining.

Closed Group

In this type of Facebook group, anyone can search the group and see who belongs to it, but only members can access the group’s postings. 

To join, users have to wait for admission from the group administrator.

Secret Group

In this type of Facebook group, only group members can view the group and its postings. They do not show in search results. To join, you need a member of the group to ask you to be part of it.

Best Facebook Groups For Bloggers

Facebook groups are a great tool for individuals with similar interests. It is also an excellent technique to enhance revenue owing to quickly recruiting members with similar interests and addressing numerous demands from brands or enterprises. 

Here are the most popular Facebook Group

Bloggers Supporting Bloggers

Bloggers Supporting Bloggers is an active Facebook community where you can engage in daily threads to build your blog and social media, with over 42,000 members at the time of my writing this piece. 

It is a great group for support and conversation, as well as sharing connections that may be of great use to you. 

This community is suitable for novice bloggers trying to kickstart their exposure and traffic. If you have a blogging product, it may be a great way to market your product to all of these people. 

Blogging Newbs

  • LinkBlogging Newbs
  • Members: 28K at the time of my writing this piece.

As the name says, Blogging Newbs is one of the greatest Facebook groups established mostly for new bloggers just beginning their trip in the online race, but the 28,000+ members are all at various phases in their blogging careers. 

This implies that they’ve different members who have gone through numerous blogging problems and can assist new bloggers through the process. 

Blogging Newbs was started by McKinzie Bean, a parent blogger who also runs Moms Make Cents. The group provides a warm and supportive atmosphere for all its members.

You are guaranteed to discover someone who has an answer or solution for every blogging-related query or difficulty you may be facing.

Boost Your Blog

  • Link: Boost Your Blog
  • Members: 43K at the time of my writing this post.

Boost Your Blog is a wonderful Facebook community for new bloggers with over 43,000 members meant to assist bloggers in interacting and promoting one another’s work via common interests and opportunities. 

Instead of regular posts being created to promote and communicate with other users, there are infrequent chances to contribute, and questions are welcome anytime on the wall.

Bloggers United

  • LinkBloggers United 
  • Members: 18K at the time of my writing this post.

Bloggers United is a great group to gather, chat about our blogs, and market them. It is a cross-promotion-oriented Facebook community with over 18,000 members. Labeled as “the place for bloggers to connect and grow,” 

There are several promotional threads every single day aimed at helping users become successful on various platforms. There are also tips and knowledge forums where users may ask questions and offer their skills on various topics.

The group has a day set out (Monday and Tuesday) for members to showcase their finest blog articles. In addition, Blogging United provides a range of options for bloggers to learn from each other and exchange experiences. 

The Blogging Squad

The name says it all: the Blogging Squad Facebook group is an online sharing and caring, close-knit community for bloggers and influencers.

With well over 12,000 members at the time of my writing this post, the group encourages reciprocation among members to improve the reach of blog posts, generate more traffic, and attract new followers. 

Like most other blogging communities, this one contains daily promotion threads and gives a chance to ask questions and communicate with other members.

Awesome Bloggers

Awesome Bloggers is part of the smaller category as far as this list goes, but it doesn’t make it any less significant. This club is really active, and you will learn a ton!

Whether you currently have an established blog or are thinking about generating content and want inspiration from success stories and professionals, this Facebook community is suitable for you.

Awesome Bloggers is a community of aspiring and skilled bloggers and writers. It’s a platform for people who want to cooperate, learn, exchange ideas, and develop. 

Awesome Bloggers brings together over 7,000 active members for mutual promotion at the time of my writing this post. 

Self-promotion and Spam are not permitted, so only join this group if you want to discover answers to your hows and whys, cooperate with like-minded individuals, and learn new ways to transform your concept into a viable blogging or writing company. 

So, if you want to advertise your blog, this community is not for you.

Blogger Opportunities

The Blog Possibilities Facebook group is precisely what the title states–a Facebook community where bloggers may obtain sponsorship possibilities.

This is a fair, big blogging community with reasonable involvement in all threads. It’s a great area to ask questions and engage in daily promotional conversations. I enjoy this group since there are individuals from all around the globe in it.

Inspired Bloggers Network

This is a read-only Facebook community, which means you can’t make posts or share comments like you would with the other groups on this list. 

However, it does not imply you can’t receive any advantages from joining the Inspired Bloggers Network Facebook group. By utilizing the search tool, you can unearth a plethora of information on

The Inspired Bloggers Network is a branch of Inspired Bloggers University, which provides online courses for new bloggers. It presently has close to 10,000 members.

Blogging 101

With over 18,000 members, Blogging 101 is an excellent group for beginning bloggers to interact with others at the same stage and get help from those who have previously been there. 

The Blogging 101 Facebook group is arguably one of the crucial Facebook groups for bloggers I am now a member of. I joined it because I made a Facebook group board and wanted it to acquire some attention, so I placed it in this group.

Each day of the week has a theme, from a motivating goals thread to a cooperation thread to a feedback thread.

Medium Bloggers

Medium writing is one of the most distinctive Facebook groups on the list, founded by Casey Botticello.

As you would think, the Medium Writing Facebook group is chock-full of useful resources targeted to bloggers who utilize the Medium platform. 

In addition, members of the Medium Writing group have the ability to interact with the creator, subscribe to useful emails, and communicate with other bloggers.

Is Facebook Good For Blogging?

Is Facebook good for Blogging? Absolutely, Yes! Engaging in social media groups, particularly Facebook, is really excellent for you to generate attention for your site. 

The articles you publish will undoubtedly take a few months to rank on the front pages of search engines, or many may not even be able to do so.

Therefore, spreading content via Facebook groups might assist your target audience and other experts in your field to know about your blog and earn those initial views you need to launch it.

Not only will they be valuable at the beginning, but even if you now have a well-positioned site, the groups will constantly help you market each new piece you produce.

So start searching for the greatest organizations in your field and ask for admittance to them. When they approve you, introduce yourself and start promoting your content! 

How To Search For Facebook Groups? 4 Steps To Join A Group

1- Search for groups on Facebook

To search for those groups that are of interest to your blog niche, you merely have to go to the Facebook search engine and input the phrase or sector where you want to find interest groups.

For example, I searched for “bloggers group,” and I received numerous groups of probable interest.

2- Select Facebook groups

If you don’t see the groupings, click below on “search for more results for …”

And then in “groups .”This is how you locate the groups linked to your search. You will acquire the groupings by:

  • Name
  • Group type (open or closed)
  • Description
  • Membership
  • Your friends who are in such groups
  • Whether you are a member of the organization or not.

3- Inspect the Group

Once you find a group that interests you, inspect the group by looking at its subject, kind of organization, description, and members. Knowing this will help determine if the group is great for your interests or not.

4- Join the Facebook Group

If we want to join a Facebook group, we merely have to click on “join,” and we are in, or we wait for the administrator’s approval.

Tips To Succeed In Facebook Groups

Read the rules of each group.

It is something really crucial and basic, yet many people neglect it. When you join a group, you should always study their rules so as not to break them and provide a bad aspect to your business.

It is better to read, and if you don’t like it, quit the group rather than remain and behave in a manner that upsets the other members.

Introduce yourself to the group.

It would be natural, but today, individuals have no time for anything and are just interested in entering and sharing their content to earn likes without having it shown first.

Take advantage of this and distinguish yourself. It costs nothing to join a group, say hello, and leave a brief presentation of who you are and why you are interested in the group.

Post in moderation

Another difficulty with Facebook groups is that many individuals come, post, and leave. Some even repeat the same message in the same group after a few minutes or hours…

Please do not Spam; be cautious where you post everything so as not to fall into this error that causes so much harm to your business image.

Share great content

It is something that we have read many times. If you are going to share content, it must be great information, and in these groups, this is quite significant as it will bring exposure and authority to your brand.

If other people realize that your articles are of interest, you will watch how the interaction with your blog will develop quickly.

Check notifications

It is vitally crucial that you check your Facebook alerts multiple times a day to see whether you have any of these groups. It is the best approach to let the community realize that you are looking out for them.

Always respond to comments.

Another tip that works 100% for me and is the finest approach to acquiring the respect of other people. Nowadays, not everyone reacts to comments in groups, so you have a fantastic chance to make a difference for others by responding to their comments.

Participate in questions and debates.

Another extremely intriguing technique to get your brand recognized in a group is to actively engage in questions or arguments. 

If you manage to offer relevant responses for others, people will immediately notice you, and you will regard yourself as an authority on the issue.

Make yourself known to administrators.

Another strategy that might be quite effective is to make oneself known to the administrators of a community. You may provide support with some of the activities in the group or highlight an action that has happened in the group and that you wish to congratulate them on their accomplishment.


With this post, I hope I am able to show you the best Facebook groups for bloggers and the value of joining a Facebook group in a Digital Marketing plan. 

In this list of the top Facebook groups, I have picked those that, for me, are the most active on the platform in Blogging and online marketing, where the most interactions are produced. 

This might be from my experience. There are many more Facebook groups that I don’t know that are also really nice.

What did you think of this list of Facebook Groups? Are you a member of any of them? What additional Facebook groups for selling or Marketing would you recommend?   

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