The Best Apps for Bloggers on Android and iOS

Apps for Bloggers

This list of apps for bloggers is everything you need if you want to keep working on your internet company even while you’re not at home.

When you have a blog, it is natural to want control over it no matter where you are.

To be able to post ideas as they come to you or to arrange your duties even if you do not have your laptop.

To that end, we’ve compiled a list of 16 apps for bloggers that will assist you in carrying out various duties for your internet company even while you’re not at home.

All of the programs we will show you in this post are ones we use and suggest because we enjoy them and know that they will save you time and resources in your daily life.

These are the top 16 apps for bloggers you should have on your phone.

1. Google Drive

Apps for Bloggers

Google Drive is an application we could not live without, and we believe it is one of the most crucial apps every blogger should have on their phone.

We utilize Drive to store our blog material, training information, PDF files for our programs, images, and more.

Come on, everything we could need for our digital endeavours is constantly at our fingertips on our smartphones.

Google Drive allows users to save up to 15 GB of data for free, but if you operate a blog and post everything to Drive like us, 15 GB is insufficient.

The good news is that purchasing more Drive space is relatively inexpensive. We now have 160 GB and pay just $21.99 per year.

Two more apps are required to access Google Drive on your mobile device to its full potential.

Spreadsheets (similar to Excel) and Documents (similar to Word) are required to access Drive files on mobile devices.

2. Google  Analytics

Apps for Bloggers

Google Analytics is a web analytics tool provided by Google that allows you to have a better knowledge of the visits and consumers to your website.

You may use the Google Analytics app to check how many people visited your website in real-time, how long they remained on it, where your website visitors are located, how specific keywords are doing, and more.

This provides insight into how consumers discover you and how your customers behave on the Internet.

Google Analytics may assist you in measuring site traffic, SEO, engagement, ad income, doing A/B testing, tracking engagement as you experiment with fresh content, and tracking social media activity.

If you do not use Google Analytics on your website, consider “Monsterinsights” to monitor analytics data.

You may also utilize analytics apps to watch a single page, such as seeing how people interact with your website pages in real-time, what keywords they use, bounce rate, traffic source, device, and more.

Read our guide on “How to monetize your blog with Affiliate Marketing.”

You may connect Google products like AdSense, AdWords, and Search Console.

3. Keyboard SwiftKey

Apps for Bloggers

This application is a dream come true for individuals who are fed up with mistakes and tiny keyboards on tablets and smartphones.

SwiftKey Keyboard not only fixes errors but also anticipates words based on what you’ve already written.

You may instruct the keyboard to remember your preferred terms on Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, and your blog.

4. Grammarly Keyboard

Apps for Bloggers

A free productivity app called Grammarly Keyboard helps users type accurately and fast in any app.

This app allows you to examine texts, emails, documents, and social media posts for complicated grammar, contextual spelling, extended punctuation, expanded vocabulary, and synonyms.

Grammarly is beneficial to both native English speakers and non-native English speakers.

It’s a comprehensive grammar and spelling-checking app that works with almost anything you write online.

It may help with writing by marking any errors in real-time.

You get grammatical errors, comments, and edits in real time as you write.

Grammarly gives ideas and recommendations to help you enhance the clarity and conciseness of your communications, papers, and texts.

It is worthwhile to use their free version of the app.

However, the premium edition includes all the beautiful features, such as a sophisticated punctuation checker, plagiarism checker, sentence structure, and so on.

 5. Google Keep or Notes

Apps for Bloggers

Google Keep or Notes (for iPhone users) are comparable apps that are great for taking notes, ideas, or making lists of any type.

We primarily use these apps to jot down thoughts that come to us when we are away from home. Also for the shopping list, although that’s another matter.

We’ve experienced multiple occasions when we got a brilliant idea for an article or a sales approach on social media while on public transportation. Having Notes on hand enabled us to compose thoughts for reports or complete plans.

If you wait until you get home to jot down thoughts that come to you during the day, you may forget about them. So having an app to take notes is usually a brilliant idea.

Read our guide on”The Best Blogging Platforms For Beginners.

6. Pinterest

Apps for Bloggers

Pinterest is a search engine (similar to Google, but with pictures) and one of our favourite tools for driving traffic to our blog, spreading awareness, and sparking discussions with those who follow us.

But Pinterest can be used for so much more.

On Pinterest, you may read blog entries about subjects that interest you, create lists of your favourite items, get ideas for growing your company, and even purchase services and goods from other businesses.

Although we often use the browser version of Pinterest, we also use the Pinterest app on our mobile devices.

We use it to check alerts, respond to emails, get inspiration for new posts in other blogs, re-pin, and look at stats 500 times every day.

If you’re unsure what Pinterest is or how to use it, we suggest reading our Pinterest for Beginners tutorial.

7. Canva

Another vital app for bloggers

Canva is another of our favourite tools, and although we use it a lot on the web, having the app in our pocket is useful when we need to make a fast design but don’t have our laptop around.

Canva is an app that every entrepreneur should have on their phone since it is so comprehensive.

This application enables you to produce a wide range of designs in just a few minutes, from blog material to budgets, invoices, and social media postings.

8. Preview

When it comes to social media, Preview is the application we use to arrange the Instagram profile feeds of all the accounts in our projects.

Although this app offers a web version, we usually utilize the mobile version.

Preview enables you to schedule your posts, apply filters, examine your account metrics, learn about popular hashtags, and much more, in addition to sorting and previewing the posts on your profile.

9. Trello

Apps for Bloggers

Trello is a must-have app for every business since it allows you to manage your projects, blog editorial calendars, social networks, and more.

This app is the first thing we glance at when we get up in the morning to see what we have to perform for the day.

Trello also has a web version, where we usually arrange all of our projects and tasks, both ours and the team, but it is strongly suggested to have the application to view upcoming assignments and get alerts.

10. Toggl Track

Toggle Track is our favourite app for tracking how much time we spend on each job throughout the day.

We prefer the online version since it is more comprehensive, but we also use the app to track the time we spend on things we undertake outside the house.

Writing an article in Notes while riding the subway is also work. Thus, having this application on your phone to keep track of your time is beneficial.

11: Quora

Quora is a website where you can learn and exchange information.

This is a forum for asking questions, connecting with individuals with unique thoughts, and providing great replies.

Quora has over 160 million monthly visitors.

Use it to increase visitors, establish authority, and get SEO advantages.

Quora represents a long-term traffic strategy.

Those who spend time on Quora responding and asking questions enjoy the benefits.

You may use the Quora app to ask questions, get valuable answers, follow topics, and read excellent information.

To learn from trustworthy individuals with first-hand expertise, answer questions and share your knowledge with the world.

You may find articles posted by your favourite blogs using the application Feedly.

12. Feedly,

It’s similar to a social network in that the most recent blogs you follow are displayed in your feed.

This app is great for reading articles on themes that interest you and finding inspiration in the material of other bloggers.

 Furthermore, it is a highly intriguing way to pass the time when waiting in line or using public transportation.

13. Facebook

We assume that everyone has the Facebook app installed on their mobile device.

But we couldn’t leave it out because we believe it is an essential app for bloggers.

Especially if you have a large part of your digital project on this social network, such as a Facebook group in which you support your community.

Having the app on your phone lets, you quickly reply to any concerns or queries that members of your community may have.

Furthermore, you get alerts whenever someone publishes in the group, allowing you to monitor it without needing your laptop.

14. Password Manager by LastPass

LastPass is a password manager and password generator.

That keeps track of personal information in a private vault, prevents passwords and logins, builds online shopping accounts, generates strong passwords, and blocks passwords and logins.

To safeguard your sensitive data from hackers,

LastPass apps now feature a multi-factor authentication method, which protects you against phishing login attempts.

LastPass includes unique features, including fingerprint scanner support, a strong password generator, and an AI-based password auditor that will tell you whether your password is strong or weak.

All you have to do with this app is remember your LastPass master password, and LastPass will automatically fill in your Google Chrome passwords or any other login app for you.

Read our guide on”The Best Blogging Tools.

15. InShot

InShot is mainly used to edit videos professionally immediately from the mobile application (although it can also be used to edit photos).

This app is perfect for editing movies for Instagram or TikTok and images for social media.

Anyone, regardless of editing abilities, should utilize this application. You can generate professional films in minutes with a bit of experience.

The content office is where you may find information about your company.

A fantastic program for bloggers. It allows you to plan your publications quickly, build a feed graphic, arrange captions ahead of time, and publish pieces at the optimal moment.

You may also plan postings and stories, creating a weekly timetable!

 In the application, you may compile a list of commonly used hashtags and get data indicating the ideal time to publish. Track the evolution of your profile, and store your templates.

16. Flipboard

Flipboard, which provides a magazine-style layout that you can flip through with a flick, is a beautiful way to read the latest news and connect to social media.

It is a simple visual newsreader and social media centre that allows you to integrate articles, videos, and social media into a customized digital magazine that is both accessible and feature-rich.

It is an award-winning site aggregating news, popular articles, and discussions about any topic or pastime.

It’s much simpler to read, collect, and share tales now that everything is in one location.

You may also make personalized magazines by gathering all the news, photographs and videos you prefer.

You can make your journal public or private, and you can even establish group journals to ask others to participate in your curation.

With this app, you can read the stories and articles of your choice anytime, anywhere.

Receive the newest Flipboard news from numerous reliable sources, fuel your passion with inspirational tales from across the globe, and utilize intelligent magazines to customize the app.


These are the 16 best apps for bloggers that are not missing in our mobile and that we feel each entrepreneur should have in theirs.

We hope you find them helpful and that they allow you to work on your digital project even when you don’t have access to your laptop or computer.

Check out this comprehensive guide for a more in-depth look at “How to start up a blog.

Now it’s your turn; tell me about the apps you use on your smartphone.

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Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day!

Let’s blog.