Best Podcasts About Blogging (Top 12)

Best Podcasts About Blogging

Before we get into the top 12 best podcasts about Blogging, I want to share some personal information with you.

I’ve always enjoyed listening to traditional radio shows since I was young.

But, in 2020, with this epidemic affecting us all and causing changes due to the circumstances, I realized I needed to disengage a bit from so many current affairs.

Then, because I was rebuilding my old personal blog, I decided to search Google Podcast for the term “blog,” that’s when I discovered these podcasts about Blogging around a year ago.

Since then, I’ve been following a listening strategy with this topic of podcasts and the world of Blogging, which has enriched me.

I’m telling you about it in the hopes that it will benefit you as much as it has helped me.

See also:

What Are The Best Podcasts For Blogger?

Here are the top 12 podcasts to help you enhance your blog.

The Blogging Millionaire

The Blogging Millionaire podcast is among the greatest blogging podcasts for experienced and inexperienced bloggers.

Brandon Gaille found this podcast and went from zero to over one million monthly visitors less than 18 months after beginning his first blog.

The Blogging Millionaire podcast explains secret blogging tactics for increasing traffic and earning more money from your websites.

This podcast covers various topics in becoming a blogging master, including WordPress, SEO, internet marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, website engagement, email marketing, email list building, search engine marketing, conversion optimization, and many more.

Most episodes of this podcast are about 20 minutes long, making it ideal for binge-watching.

ProBlogger Podcast

The ProBlogger Podcast was created to assist bloggers in developing a successful blog. With a combination of instruction, case studies, and concrete tasks

ProBlogger was founded by Darren Rowse, the owner of a seven-figure photography blog, and it has long been the most popular online journal about Blogging.

ProBlogger Podcast does an excellent job of teaching its listeners how to create captivating content, find readers for their blog, deepen interaction with those readers, and earn money through a number of revenue sources on their blog.

A network of over 300,000 bloggers supports the podcast. This also includes interviews with other guests who share advice and perspectives on a variety of issues related to Blogging.

Smart Passive Income

Smart Passive Income is the third podcast on my list. It was founded by Pat Flynn, a seven-figure blogger who makes the majority of his money from affiliate marketing and has over 47 million downloads on his podcast to date.

Pat Flynn’s renowned podcast goes well beyond Blogging, delving into all facets of digital marketing, from entrepreneur efficiency to YouTube clips – and all in between.

His podcast takes you inside successful entrepreneurs’ heads and behind the scenes of their enterprises.

Smart Passive Income is a weekly podcast that provides advice on how to develop an internet business. The episodes last between 30 and 45 minutes.

Therefore, Smart Passive Income is for everyone who wants to learn how to make money working online, not only bloggers.


  • Podcast: AskPat
  • Location: San Diego, California, United States

AskPat is another podcast owned by Pat Flynn. It goes live five days a week, Monday through Friday, where they answer questions regarding internet business and Blogging in each episode.

When it comes to how productive Pat Flynn has been in terms of publishing episodes, it’s difficult to beat him. There are currently approximately 1,200 of them in the catalog.

 Wow, just wow!

AskPat is not only about Blogging but also about operating a business online, marketing it, and a variety of other issues.

It is actually an interactive podcast produced for Pat’s listeners’ benefit. He welcomes listeners to submit queries via his website.

If your question is picked, you will receive a free t-shirt in addition to the opportunity to tap into Pat’s business knowledge.

Do You Even Blog

Pete McPherson created the Do You Even Blog podcast to assist other bloggers, YouTubers, podcasters, and online business owners in growing and monetizing their online presence.

McPherson covers a wide range of issues, including SEO, affiliate marketing, and digital product monetization. On his podcast, he also interviews some of the most successful bloggers and online business entrepreneurs about their success tactics.

The podcast discusses everything from content production and optimization to revenue and audience building. You could even learn how to start your podcast in the lessons.

The majority of episodes are around 30 minutes long and air once a month on average.

Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts all provide the podcast.

If you’ve ever wanted to establish a blog or earn a full-time (or even part-time) income from Blogging, this podcast is for you, friend!

Niche Pursuits Podcast

  • Podcast: Niche Pursuits Podcast
  • Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

If you’re searching for a podcast that focuses on building and selling niche blogs for profit, Spencer Haws’ Niche Pursuits Podcast is an excellent option.

Veteran marketers Jared Bauman and Spencer Haws produce an outstanding series of professional interviews on all aspects of specialty site SEO – whether it’s developing your site, promoting it, or taking it to the next level with sophisticated changes.

Every episode teaches me something new and leaves me feeling encouraged.

Blogging Your Passion

Blogging Your Passion is one of my favorite blogging podcasts. It was founded by Jonathan Milligan, whose objective is to “help 1,000 bloggers go full-time in the next 5 years.”

Since 2011, Jonathan Milligan has been a full-time blogger. He has established a lot of tools, such as e-books and courses, to assist new and aspiring bloggers on their path.

The advent of the Blogging Your Passion podcast provided another layer, allowing even more aspiring bloggers to discover the strategies that Milligan has used throughout his career.

The podcast releases new episodes 1-4 times a month, providing helpful insights on SEO, traffic development, money making, and time management.

Tell Me Your Business

The Tell Me Your Business podcast (formerly titled Just Keep Blogging) is designed for bloggers who want to develop their blogging profession into a writing-centered company.

 Kim Anderson found this podcast and also operates a consultancy firm for writers wishing to advance their careers.

The podcast promises authors a steady supply of adrenaline by assisting prospective creators in achieving success in the internet business via Blogging, content production, digital goods, and self-publishing.

This may appear to be a lot, but the podcast seems to deliver on its promise.

Tell Me Your Business also offers visitors who discuss many intriguing issues for bloggers of all genres. Some of the subjects covered include branding your website, developing great writing habits, setting business objectives, and much more.

Being Boss

Being Boss is a HubSpot Podcast Network created to help bloggers, YouTubers, freelancers, full-time company owners, entrepreneurs, and other types of creators.

Every week, a new full-length podcast is released, typically with a guest. The heart of this podcast is all about how to be a boss, that is, how to efficiently manage your blog while living life on your terms.

The episodes are jam-packed with advice, techniques, and mindset hacks from skilled speakers on how to get started on your journey and chart a course for long-term success.

With the help of this motivating podcast, you can develop the good habits, mentality, and routines that will propel your blog to greater heights.

Theory of Content

Theory of Content is one of the few podcasts that has made an impression. The Theory Of Content podcast covers every aspect of content production that is necessary for developing and operating a successful blog.

It was founded by two content marketing and publishing specialists, Joshua Unseth and Amber Bracegirdle.

The two are frequently joined by special speakers with advanced knowledge of the blogging topic, making each episode a valuable resource for bloggers looking to improve their ability to create high-quality material.

The hosts discuss a range of subjects pertaining to Blogging, SEO, and navigating the ever-increasingly congested blogging world.

They also invite people from all backgrounds to answer questions and provide blogging tips. These are some excellent discussions that you will surely find useful.

The Thrive Blogger & Influencer Podcast

The Thrive Blogger & Influencer Podcast, as the name indicates, is a podcast for bloggers and influencers to discover tips, methods, and behind-the-scenes information from industry leaders who are paving the way.

Bree Pair owns the podcast, which covers a wide range of topics, from marketing methods to increased interaction, social media, blogging technology, and even photography suggestions.

Bree Pair, the founder and CEO of Thrive, conducts interviews with entrepreneurs, bloggers, and social influencers to get strategic insight on how to develop a successful business. To keep up with everything

Blogger Genius Podcast

The Blogger Genius Podcast is hosted by online business pioneer Jillian Leslie, founder of MiloTreeCart, the MiloTree Pop-Up App, and Catch My Party.

Blogger Genius Podcast teaches listeners how successful bloggers and online entrepreneurs expand their businesses and how to apply their advice and techniques to start your own.

This podcast is geared toward beginners and covers a variety of topics related to developing a profitable blog, such as creating a membership community, perfecting your email sequences, and growing your brand.

It’s an interesting listen overall, and there are a ton of professional interviews on it.

Leslie conducts interviews with prominent bloggers and specialists from the domains of Internet business and entrepreneurship in each of them.

Trick To Learn More About The Best Podcasts For Blogging

And, in the end, I have left you the trick, or my recommendation, of how I am listening to some of these podcasts and that it is being very, very useful to me.

The thing is that, although they started publishing a long time ago, I prefer to listen to the episodes from the oldest to the most modern, not in all cases and 100% of the attacks.

Most of these podcasts are very big today, like The Blogging Millionaire and Smart Passive Income or ProBlogger Podcast.

Although some points are outdated because the years have passed, they tell many stories and experiences with which you probably feel very identified or identified.

Because they tell their experiences and their origins, and you will surely find parallels with yours.

Then, depending on the learning phase you are in, you can advance a little faster by skipping episodes to look for the topics that may interest you most at all times.

But I recommend that you listen to the first five or six episodes of each of these podcasts.

And in the case of Blogging,  I recommend that you listen to them all.


With this, you now have the 12 most useful podcasts so that you can learn much more and get more out of your blog.

For me, they are the best digital marketing podcasts that are contributing the most to me today.

But be careful! There is no point in learning.

Listening to podcasts, reading articles, and watching videos on is worthless if, with what you listen to and what you learn, you don’t start doing things.

It is very important to do while you learn.

So now you know. It’s good that you listen to all these podcasts, but it’s much better if you start doing things to advance your blog or your project.

Now, take action and listen to at least one of those podcasts. And I hope you learn a lot and enjoy making your blog in the easiest way possible.