Best YouTube Channels for Bloggers

Best YouTube Channels for Bloggers

Knowing the best YouTube channels for bloggers is a goldmine for a newbie in the blogging world.

Working from home can become monotonous quickly, so I listen to various YouTube channels for bloggers from my desk during the day to keep me going the right way.

However, not every content on YouTube is worth studying and devoting time to.

Every YouTube channel has something to say, but if you want to get the most out of your time, you must follow the appropriate channels.

You want to watch YouTube channels that spend their time and effort sharing excellent instructional content rather than mediocre opinions.

That is why I highlight the best YouTube channels for bloggers based on my experience, and they will add considerable value to your blogging journey.

Let’s get this party started!

See also: The best Facebook group for Bloggers.

14 Best YouTube Channels for Bloggers

Chris Ducker

Youtube Channel: Chris Ducker

Chris Ducker is my favorite YouTube blogging channel that always tops my list.

Chris Ducker cracks me up. And I enjoy meeting people that make me laugh.

When it comes to properly organizing yourself and managing your time, particularly if you work from home as a blogger, it doesn’t matter what kind of online business you have. Chris Ducker is the one to watch.

Chris is renowned as the virtual CEO. He is a successful entrepreneur and a well-known blogger from the United Kingdom. He is also the author of the excellent book Virtual Freedom.

Adam Enfroy

Youtube Channel: Adam Enfroy

Adam Enfroy is a blogger I greatly appreciate. He went from being a blogging nobody to a gigantic bloody somebody!

This guy grows his site from zero to an enormous monthly readership in about the fastest time conceivable.

Adam Enfroy’s YouTube channel is committed to assisting entrepreneurs in starting and scaling their blogs from scratch into a profitable blogging business.

His channel includes guidance, suggestions, and tactics for starting a blog, generating traffic, personal branding, link building, keyword research, content marketing, and making money blogging.

Niche Pursuits

Youtube Channel: NichePursuits

Spencer Haws, an OG affiliate, created the NichePursuits YouTube channel, which features a ton of excellent blogging-related content.

The channel is one of many umbrella products under the NichePursuits brand. The channel interview most of the popular bloggers, to share their success thought with the world.

It’s simply like a podcast with video streaming, but I enjoy his interviews with various internet guests.  

Create and Go

YouTube Channel: Create and Go

Create and Go is a YouTube channel that assists aspiring bloggers with helpful lessons, ideas, and advice. Lauren and Alex are the founders of the channel.

This couple earns over $100,000 each month from their blogs, so they are professionals in the blogging journey.

Amazing right?


Their channel offers an in-depth guide on starting and sustaining a successful blog, including themes such as what a blog is, how to start a blog, blogging tips, best practices, and how to make money blogging.

This channel is a wonderful resource for anyone interested in starting their blog or making money from blogging.

 Income School

YouTube Channel: Income School

The Income School YouTube channel was created by Jim Harmer and Ricky Kessler, two seasoned internet marketing and content developers with years of online expertise.

They give a lot of invaluable information on the Income School YouTube channel.

Income School is a real character. Suppose you want to learn about blogging while also having a good chuckle. Income School is the best here!

The channel is mostly aimed at new bloggers and does an excellent job clarifying complicated topics in the blogging industry.

It has frequent videos that address tactics for creating your first income-generating website and blogging case study examples.

They provide SEO training and recommendations, as well as advice on affiliate marketing and niche site creation, to help create passive money through blogging and creating appealing online content.

Their channel provides useful advice, resources, and step-by-step directions to assist anyone in turning their hobby into a profitable business.

Pat Flynn

YouTube Channel: Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn is a well-known blogger who also created the popular blogger YouTube channel. His videos are among the most informative and helpful that you can view as a beginning or aspiring blogger.

He is a major individual in the blogging world because of his genuine desire to encourage bloggers. He has a lot of useful content in the channel that you can utilize in your daily blogging life.

There are a variety of useful resources available in the channel, including online business tactics, conversion, traffic, podcast training, business tips, and interviews.

He has nearly 500,000 subscribers as of the time of writing this content, and you should absolutely join them.

Niche Website Builders

YouTube Channel: Niche Website Builders

Mark Mars and Adam Smith created the Niche Website Builder YouTube Channel, which James De Lacey hosts. 

The channel delves into the intricacies of creating specialty websites. It is mostly aimed at intermediate bloggers, although it also covers some advanced issues such as exploiting expired domains, link building, and digital PR.

They also work with other YouTubers on this list to provide a diverse range of perspectives on the current situation of video publishing.


YouTube Channel: Ahrefs

Ahrefs’ YouTube channel is an encyclopedia of extremely important SEO content for both bloggers and marketers. 

Topics covered in their in-depth video and lesson series in this YouTube channel include blogging, search engine optimization, link building, keyword research, content marketing, online marketing, affiliate marketing, video SEO, digital marketing, SEO, and much more.

Ahrefs channel features a wide range of content to help bloggers improve their blogging techniques, including how to rank #1 on Google.

Ileane Smith

YouTube Channel: Ileane Smith  

Miss Ileane Smith is well-known in the blogging community for her famous blogs and, as well as for her extensive understanding of SEO, blogging, and podcast development.

Her YouTube channel is chock-full of helpful videos and tutorials: WordPress, social media, Google Analytics, traffic creation, website reviews, podcasts, online tools, and a variety of other topics related to blogging.

And it’s not entirely surprising.

Ileane contributes much more to her channel than just beneficial knowledge; She has thousands of followers and has been making moves to help bloggers since 2009.

Blog Markeiting Academy

YouTube Channel: Blog Marketing Academy

Blog Marketing Academy is another name for Blog Marketing Academy. David Risley has been in the game for a while and recently became a full-time blogger. 

He also advises others to invest in the correct attitude and resources in order to earn a six-figure salary like him. He frequently posts critiques on his website, which are both popular and educational. They can be really beneficial in developing a good blogging platform.

Google Webmasters

YouTube Channel: Google Webmasters

Without a doubt, SEO should be a significant aspect of your blog marketing plan, right?

If you’re just starting out, the SEO environment may seem intimidating or complex. This is where the YouTube channel for Google Webmasters comes in. You’ll quickly realize how simple it is to practice.

Google Webmasters’ YouTube channel will assist you in understanding and utilizing SEO as effectively as feasible. It includes many extensive films of events, trends, updates, and news in the SE0 sector, particularly with Google.

Doug Cunnington

YouTube Channel: Doug Cunnington

Doug Cunnington created the Doug Cunnington YouTube Channel after his name. He is the inventor of the Keyword Golden Ratio, a system for ranking websites based on long-tail keywords.

The channel provides a variety of valuable content on specialty website development and affiliate marketing. It is mostly aimed at experienced bloggers with at least one income-generating website (or, in some cases, an entire portfolio of specialist sites).

Websites Learners

YouTube Channel: Website Learners

Website Learners is a YouTube channel maintained by a team of 12 individuals and the channel discusses only blogging and website management. 

It is the greatest place to start for beginner bloggers because it will assist you with everything from establishing your website to managing it. 

It teaches users how to use WordPress efficiently and effectively, as well as how to combine it with other platforms. 

You will also be able to learn how to use analytics effectively. There are also numerous videos accessible for those looking to build a robust eCommerce website and a personal website.

This channel is a lovely one. I can assure you you will love it.

Blog Your Passion

YouTube Channel: Blog your passion

 Blog Your Passion YouTube channel is a newly created channel built to help bloggers develop their blogs and ideas into larger commercial platforms.

The channel has just 1.2k subscribers at the time of writing this content. This channel is best for those who are just getting started and are confused about where to begin. 

It will guide you with the little basics of blogging, such as enhancing reader involvement, locating royalty-free photos, finding content themes, generating traffic, and much more. 

What Is The Best Way To Find Good Youtube Channels?

If you spend a lot of time on YouTube, you’re probably aware of how simple it is to become stuck viewing the same channels again and over. 

You may wish to branch out and discover other channels that correspond with your interests from time to time. It can also be difficult to find new, quality, similar creators.

Here are some pointers on how to discover new YouTube channels:

Make use of the YouTube search bar.

 I’m sure you know of this method. It is the most obvious method, yet it is greatly effective. 

When you search for a topic, YouTube displays a list of channels that produce content on that subject. 

You can then filter your search, such as language, upload date, and view count, to narrow it down to your interest.

YouTube’s “New to You” feature

This YouTube feature, “New to You,” is relatively new; it displays videos from channels you’ve never seen before. 

Go to the YouTube homepage and scroll right until you see the “New to You” tag to access this feature. 

Based on your viewing history, you’ll get a selection of videos from channels that are suited to your preferences.

Explore the various categories on the YouTube homepage. 

YouTube is divided into several categories, including gaming, music, education, and others. 

You can look through these categories to identify channels that produce content that interests you.

Request recommendations from friends and family. 

Ask for ideas from people you know who have similar tastes in YouTube content to you. Quora and Reddit are great places to see similar minds. 

They might be able to expose you to some fantastic channels that you would not have discovered otherwise.

How To Download Videos on YouTube

How to download videos on YouTube is not really straightforward, although YouTube now officially allows you to download videos with YouTube Premium. 

If you’ve discovered a new channel, you might want to download all of their videos to watch on your commute or while working out. You might also simply download any new videos that the channel uploads.

YouTube, for some reason, does not provide a convenient solution for this. It’s irritating and aggravating. For the time being, the best workaround is to create a playlist of all the videos on a channel and then use one of the top YouTube playlist downloaders to download the playlist.


That’s all there is to it. I hope you find our list of the Best YouTube Channels for Bloggers helpful!

YouTube is the ideal learning tool since it allows you to improve your knowledge base in an engaging manner. If you want to learn how to blog, YouTube is a great resource for learning more about this topic in depth. 

Because there are so many sides to blogging, you will find a wealth of information on these YouTube Channels.

So, the above-mentioned YouTube channels are highly motivational and do an excellent job of addressing many of the blogging subjects that are rarely discussed elsewhere online.

So go ahead and check them out if you want to establish a more effective and profitable blogging business.
