Blog Post Checklist: Essential Points For A Successful Blog Posts

Blog Post Checklist

Before publishing your next blog post, you need to know this blog post checklist.

This blog post checklist has been well crafted, and you would need nothing more than to publish your blog post for your followers. Ensure you read my last tip. (#4)

As a blogger, you must wear several hats. 

You are a copywriter, graphic designer, marketing expert, and SEO manager… All in one person.

And all of this without having really learned these jobs.

The text, photos, or topic of search engine optimization does not exclusively determine the success of a blog article. 

A great blog article is a combination of all factors.

And to ensure that you notice everything and that your next blog piece is a perfect success, I’ve put together 4 checklists of the most crucial topics to consider before publishing your next blog article.

  1. Check the content you wrote.

What is your content about? 

Can you explain your blog post and what your readers gain from reading it in a phrase or two? This is referred to as “Content Promise” by me.

If you can’t summarize the substance of your blog post and its worth in two phrases, rework it. 

If you can’t tell what your blog post is about, your readers won’t either.

Is the information correct?

Of course, your corporate blog is not a typical journalistic outlet. Nonetheless, you should ensure that the facts and numbers are true and, if possible, give verification of this. 

This gives your writing more weight and establishes you as an expert.

Did you include all sources?

Connecting to sources of inspiration and ideas on the internet is polite. Don’t worry. You’re not losing readers to your competitors; on the opposite.

You establish yourself as a trustworthy working expert and provide additional value to your consumers.

And who knows the other side may look into it and provide a connection if the occasion arises.

Is the text well-organized?

Please format your text! On the internet, we hardly read a piece from beginning to end but rather skim it. 

The eye jumps from breakpoint to breakpoint, becoming trapped in locations that appear attractive.

It is our responsibility to supply such breakpoints. For example, Subheadings, paragraphs, bold text, and graphics.

If we don’t continuously capture our site readers, they’ll vanish rapidly without first reading our blog post.

Did you eliminate filler words?

Before you publish your blog post, use your magic cursor to comb over the content and delete any unneeded filler words.

Filler words like “essentially,” “I believe,” and “maybe” can liven up a paragraph (rarely) or complicate and prolong it (typically). 

Use filler words with caution. 

That is a habit that we all have. Before you hit the “publish” button, go over your content and remove or change these terms.

Have you double-checked the content for spelling errors and typos?

Even the best content writer makes spelling errors. And, of course, typos. You should avoid them as a courtesy to your readers.

Before posting your blog post, double-check it for typos and spelling errors. For me, the browser add-on Language tool and the Spell Checker (Grammarly) are useful resources.  

Is there a clear call to action?

What action do you want your readers to take next? Most individuals on the internet only act when they are prompted to.

 As a result, a clear call to action at the end of your blog post is a MUST!

Do you want your readers to leave a comment, forward the post, or download your freebie? Then tell them loudly and clearly! If required, repeat the process.

2. Make your blog post visually appealing.

Images and graphics are essential on the internet nowadays. Gone are the days when you could just “spice up” your postings with bland write-ups.

Today, we have a plethora of graphic options at our disposal to capture our clients and make our information appealing to them.

Bring your material closer to your consumers by using photos, graphics, gifs, videos, or memes. 

You don’t have to utilize them all at once, of course; no one has that much time. However, we now know that photos and videos greatly boost the time your clients spend on your website. 

Do your pictures have a voice?

Gone are the days when lifeless stock photographs might wow. Fortunately!

There are currently several websites with high-quality and creative photographs that you can use for free. 

Here are my favorite websites where you can find free photos.*PEXELS *

Important Note: These photos are, indeed, free. However, always verify if and how you must cite the source. Otherwise, the free images can get pretty expensive.

If that’s too difficult for you, look into ShutterStock or Unsplash. There are some outstanding and highly unique stock photos available for a surprisingly low price.

Do your images have web-friendly formats?

Loading times for large photos are excessively lengthy. That neither your readers nor Google appreciate.

Make certain that your images are network-ready. 

  • Do not post a lift barrel image if you intend to incorporate it on your page afterward. 
  • Use TinyJPG to make your photographs as compact as possible. The general norm is 300 KB or less.

Did you complete the alt text?

Google needs your assistance in order to “read” photos. That is why there is alt text (which stands for “alternative text,” by the way).

In the alt text, explain your photograph briefly. This gives search engines a vital indicator of what is visible in your images. 

And make it easier for people who can’t see your images to understand them. 

3. SEO-optimize your blog post.

SEO (search engine optimization) is a popular topic among bloggers and content providers. 

However, you must address this issue if you want your readers to find you via Google and other search engines (which, let’s be honest, we all do, right?).

SEO has evolved significantly in recent years. Google aims to provide the best possible responses to its customers’ (your readers’) inquiries.

Isn’t that what you desire in the end?

The appropriate format is important, but we’ve previously discussed that.

Let’s discuss quickly the content and how to optimize it for search engines now:

Did you conduct keyword research?

What words would your consumers use to locate your blog post on Google? You may quickly investigate what your clients are looking for using apps like Ubersuggest, Ahrefs or answer the public.

How to optimize your content for SEO

Choose a term with as much traffic as possible and as little competition as possible. (Learn more)

Use the keyword in the title of your blog article. 

Use your keyword or keyword phrase in the title of your blog post. The further forward you use it, the better.

Use the keyword at least once in a subheading. 

Place your keyword or keyword phrase at least once in a subheading of your blog post.

Use the keyword two or three more times in the text. 

Sprinkle your keyword or keyword phrase loosely into the text once or twice more.

Do you have two or three external links?

Link to two or three external websites in your content. For instance, links to further sources, information on your topic, or pages that have inspired you. 

Include a link to more content on your own website.

Link to other blog posts or material on your own website. This provides significant value to your viewers while also assisting Google in better understanding your site.

Verify that the URL is valid.

Check your blog post URL to ensure it has the correct terms, has no mistakes, and is preferably an evergreen URL.

You may have modified the post title several times since composing it. However, because the auto-generated URL is still based on the initial title, the URL no longer matches. 

It is critical that you NEVER modify the URL after clicking the “publish” button. Otherwise, any connections to this post from social media or internal links from other posts would redirect the visitor to an error page.

Nothing can stop your blog post from being a success if you have checked all of the boxes on the blog post checklist.

Did you check every box? WOW!

Then you’re a blog pro already.


If you’re still wondering what this is meant to bring you (or what it is) at some time… Blogging is an ongoing activity. 

Don’t allow the various distractions to keep you from posting. No blogging genius has fallen from the skies.

Don’t allow the excitement to distract you from steadily refining your content plan and technique. 

Nothing can stand in the way of your blog’s success.       

Now my last tip. 

4. Proofread

Proofreading twice, at least! Or, better yet, three times. I proofread three times.

I check the content for the first time. Did I capture all I intended to capture? Is there something I’m missing? Did I go on too long?

 Is it possible that I repeated myself or wrote the same thing twice? Is everything in the correct order?

I read about readability for the second time. I’ll proofread it aloud. I either read the post aloud or have it read to me. 

(Try it; you’ll be surprised at what you’ll learn by reading aloud that you won’t learn from reading in your brain, especially when it comes to readability.)

 I ensure that all phrases are intelligible, have excellent flow, and sound decent.

I proofread for the third time. This includes spelling, punctuation, and grammar. And I freely admit that I’m no stag in that regard. 

Please forgive me if my text includes errors. I always start my blog articles in Word, so I utilize the spelling and grammar checker first (but note that might also be incorrect; don’t rely on it). 

After that, I utilize LanguageTool to double-check it. I still use the Grammarly spell checker from time to time. 

Then I read it again (in my brain) to make sure everything is correct. I occasionally let my editor edit the posts. 

Phew! Doesn’t it sound like a lot? But, once you get started, it practically becomes a habit. 

And by doing so, your blog post will become more professional and reader-friendly. It also improves your search engine optimization!


Crafting an entertaining and SEO-friendly blog post involves careful thought and attention to detail by following this blog post checklist.

You can be sure that your content delivers value to your readers, demonstrates your expertise, and attracts organic traffic to your website. 

Remember to undertake comprehensive research, optimize your keywords, format your content properly, and proofread your blog post for maximum reach and impact.

Blog Post Checklist FAQs

Here are answers to some often-asked concerns regarding crafting an entertaining and SEO-friendly blog post:

How lengthy should a blog post be?

A blog post should be at least 1,500 words in length. Longer postings tend to fare better in search engine results and have a larger possibility of getting shared.           

How frequently should I publish new blog posts?

When it comes to blogging, consistency is everything. Establish a publication schedule that you can reasonably sustain. 

Whether it’s once a day, a week, bi-weekly, or monthly, make sure you keep to it. 

Regularly providing new content helps establish a following and encourages search engines to explore and index your website more regularly.

Learn more HERE!

Should I put a call-to-action (CTA) in my blog posts?

Yes! As I said earlier, Including a call-to-action at the conclusion of your blog post is a great approach to engage your readers further. 

Whether it’s encouraging readers to leave a comment, sign up for your newsletter, or explore similar topics, a well-crafted CTA may enhance reader engagement and conversion rates.

How can I promote my blog post after publishing it?       

Promoting your blog post is vital to attract a bigger audience. Share it on your social media platforms and email newsletters, and consider reaching out to influencers or industry experts for prospective collaborations or mentions. 

Additionally, join the relevant online forums, most importantly Quora, and engage in debates to enhance exposure and bring traffic to your blog post.

Are there any SEO tools that may assist me in improving my blog posts?

Yes, there are various SEO tools available that may aid you in optimizing your blog post. 

Popular tools include Yoast SEO, SEMrush, and Moz. 

These tools include capabilities like keyword research, on-page optimization tips, and insights into your website’s overall SEO performance.