Blog vs Instagram (Which One is Better?)

Blog vs Instagram

Blog vs Instagram, which should I start with?” – That is one of the most common questions people keep asking me. 

And I can understand that. After all, both are popular marketing channels and help you to become visible with your business. 

This article is for you if you are also in this dilemma right now. Because today you will get the one correct answer to the question “Blog vs Instagram?” (which, there are?).

I’ll show you the advantages and disadvantages of both channels for your marketing and recommend which horse you should back.

On your marks, get set, and let’s go!

See also: Myth about Blogging that people misunderstand. 

Blog Vs Instagram – What Is The Difference?

Before we dive deep, we should briefly clarify the terms. After all, something like an “Instagram Blog” is also haunting the Internet.

The key difference between the two channels is as follows:

What is a blog?

You have a blog on your website, which mainly feeds it with text. 

What is Instagram?

Instagram is a social platform where you, as a user, can post photos, videos, stories, etc. 

In marketing, you use both channels to reach potential customers; so much for the similarities. Now let’s look at the pros and cons of blogging and Instagram. 

Are you ready?

Advantages Of A Blog

Let’s start with the points that convinced me to start my blog back then.

#1: Your blog is yours

Your website – and by extension, your blog – is one of the few channels you have complete control over, and nobody can take away from you

If Instagram decided to shut down its platform forever tomorrow, there would be nothing you could do. All your posts would be gone, and with them, your whole community.

 That can’t happen to you on your blog. 

After all, you host your website yourself (at least I hope so!) and are, therefore, the sole ruler of your content. You decide how your pages are structured, where you place graphics, what the design looks like, etc.

Another plus: Only your content is on your blog. It’s a competitor-free space, and your potential customers won’t be distracted from you by the content of others.

#2: You can dig deep and show your expertise

Maybe you know that too: once you start discussing your favourite topics, you can hardly stop yourself. For example, I could talk forever about how you strategically build a blog (I did it here too ). 

Put that outbreak in an Instagram post? Impossible! But I can let off steam entirely in a blog article. There is no maximum number of characters or other (sometimes very annoying) restrictions.

You can really get down to business on your blog and show off your knowledge. This is not only guaranteed to be fun for you but also brings real added value to your readers. 

After that, no one wonders if you really have an expert in your topic.

You can also structure your bubbling thoughts much better in a blog article: bullet points, bolding, references to other helpful blog articles – everything is easy to do.

 This way, your potential customers can better understand your instructions.

#3: You will also be visible on search engines like Google

Believe me. There’s hardly a better feeling than seeing your own blog article appear in Google’s search results. And then also in 1st place? 

That gives a whole-body orgasm. But: Of course, you want to avoid ranking on Google to be able to praise yourself. The whole thing has a much better effect: Your customers will find you that way too.

We all turn to the Google search bar when we have a problem.

Means: You can reach a large number of prospective consumers.

And it gets EVEN better: You reach users at their most sensitive point. Because they are consciously looking for a solution to a current challenge (and not just scrolling through the search results out of boredom). 

Now you need a great headline, and you’re already grabbing the potential customer.

For you to even make it into the Google search results, your blog needs a pinch of SEO. But before you gasp at the term, quickly read my beginner’s guide to getting your blog to the front page of Google:

#4: With your blog, you attract customers directly to your website

The website is the heart of your online marketing. Here you collect newsletter subscribers, have your sales pages, sell your offers and let all the threads come together. If there’s a place to get to know you, it’s here.

Since your blog is home on your website, you gallantly lead your potential customers into your arms through your articles and can provide them with information and help from here. Your website traffic can explode.

#5: Your blog articles work sustainably for you

Blog articles are for eternity – or at least bring readers to your blog over many years. Would you like a small example?

One of my most successful posts on “How Does A Blog Becomes Successful” has been bringing prospects to me every day, every week since June 2022.

The last time I touched the content was 2 years ago. That’s not exactly best practice either, but you know how it is with the shoemaker and his shoes. 

But you can see that you can create a reliable traffic source with just a few hours of effort.

This also means: You can take time out from blogging when business is stressful, or you treat yourself to an extended holiday – without having to fear a major loss in the number of page views on your blog. Relaxed right?

Disadvantages Of A Blog

Of course, blogging isn’t all easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. I absolutely do not want to sugarcoat it. You should also consider the following points:

#1: Writing blog articles takes time

A blog article should have at least 700 words. It takes time to write them – especially if you are not a very experienced writer. 

In addition, there is the research, the setting on the website, and the search engine optimization. A lot comes together and deters many blog newcomers.

Giving you an exact number of how long it takes to write an article is impossible. That depends on so many factors. 

For example, I needed about 6 hours for this article with all the trimmings. But it’s also over 3,000 words.

My advice: dare and stick with it. With each article, writing and everything around it becomes easier and faster.

#2: There is also the technology behind a blog

Yes, I admit: Blogging is only partially with technology, especially if you’re setting up everything from scratch. But just between us: I’m not a genius when it comes to this either, and I managed to set up my blog. 

Especially for WordPress, there are now really many good instructions that lead you step by step through devilish technology. 

And once you’ve got everything set up and you know how to post an item, this becomes just a side note.

#3: Without promotion, your blog tends to be empty

In order for as many potential customers as possible to find your blog articles, you should, no, you have to promote them. 

On the one hand, you can do this by optimizing your article for the search engine in order to rank it on Google, but on the other hand, you can also share it with your desired customers.

 This can be done, for example, via Instagram. And that brings us to the next point with a smooth transition. But before that, take a deep breath. You’ve fed your brain well up to this point.

Advantages of Instagram

I have enjoyed using Instagram as a marketing channel for a long time. And not because I was bored but because the platform really has some advantages for the self-employed. Just look:

#1: Instagram is easy and free

If you are looking for a channel where you can start IMMEDIATELY, Instagram is definitely the right place for you:

  • Create an account.
  • Fill out your bio.
  • Brainstorm and plan topics, and you can create your first post.

All you need is good graphics and a few sentences for the caption.

Remember (supposedly) complicated technology or a time-consuming initial setup. Additionally, your wallet will be kept safe.

#2: You can quickly connect to your community

Instagram is a social network – focus on “social”. It’s always been (or at least was) about building relationships with other accounts. So users are used to interacting with others here. Be it through likes, comments or by following you.

But you can involve your users even more. Above all, you can ask questions about your story, include interaction stickers or call on your followers to write you a private message.

 Instagram Lives is also a place where you can respond to questions and suggestions from your community in real-time. More connection is hardly possible.

#3: Your post can go viral

As I said, you can quickly build your community on Instagram. If one of your posts celebrates and likes, shares and comments, it can give you a lot of reach.

 Because then not only your bubble (i.e. the people who are already following you) will see the post, but many more people.

Your follower count can skyrocket with just one viral post.

#4: You can make your brand better known

You may have read it by now: Instagram is perfect for pushing your brand – especially if your target group is mid-20s and mid-40s.

 After all, you can reach up to a billion active users worldwide here. This covers many, many niches.

If you post reels, articles and stories regularly, you can bring your (personal) brand to your desired customers and build up your own fan base

Hashtags are a very effective way of reaching exactly the right users, i.e. your potential customers. Your colours and design elements also create recognition value.

Disadvantages of Instagram

I’ve been seeing self-employed people turning their backs on Instagram lately. Disadvantage #2, in particular, plays a major role for many. But one after another:

#1: You are platform (and algorithm) dependent

This quote describes Instagram well. When you create your account and start posting, you are borrowing this marketing channel. 

Because this is something other than yours, I already had the example above. If Instagram closes tomorrow, everything will be gone. 

But not only that: You also have to adapt your content to Instagram’s specifications. At least if you want to please the algorithm (and you do!). So Instagram gives you, e.g. e.g.:

  • Which formats should you focus on (currently mainly reels)
  • that your caption may only have a certain number of characters (and thus often remains rather superficial)
  • How many pages a gallery post can have
  • that you cannot insert links in the posts themselves

The algorithm can change at any time, which means you must adjust your Instagram strategy as well. That can be very stressful.

#2: Instagram often means “permanently online.”

If you are also active, there is often only visibility (especially at the beginning). More than simply publishing a post is required. It takes more than “just” regular posting. Namely:

  • Publish posts, stories and reels several times a week
  • respond to comments under your posts
  • reply to private messages in your inbox

· Like and comment on other valuable accounts and/or your target audience

If you go on vacation for a few days or weeks or treat yourself to a break from Instagram, this CAN lead to a loss of reach – and thus your visibility. 

Doing this in the back of your mind can lead to stress, pressure and being overwhelmed.

#3: Many users are just scrolling

Do you know when I’m on Instagram? When I actually watch TV or stream something. So I’m halfway through the posts and scrolling through. Ok, I’m not guaranteed to be representative of all users, but there are a few more like me.

That means: Many potential customers are not in the mood to deal with your content and will not give you much more than a tired Like if things go well.

 It doesn’t matter how great and elaborate your post is or how much-added value it offers.

As I said: It doesn’t apply to everyone, but it’s not uncommon either.

Plus: many who see your post need the problem you’re addressing. Or are at a completely different point in their customer journey. 

Your posts are only shown to them because Instagram thinks it fits. But it doesn’t have to. So you have quite high wastage here.

Which Is Better, Blogging Or Instagram?

Both are great, but blogging is better than Instagram. Each has its own methods of monetization, but blogs have longer and greater earning potential.  

People read two sorts of media and material on the Internet: blogging and Instagram networks.

But just because they’re both found online doesn’t imply they’re the same. There are several differences between the two! Which of these makes one better than the other?

Which is better: starting a blog or an Instagram page?

A blog is best for creating evergreen content that can reach more people in a buyer’s mindset. An Instagram page is best if you want to connect with your target audience.

While using both tools can be very beneficial for meeting various business goals, I recommend starting with your blog. 

Then, once your blog gets going, you can use existing blog content to start building up your Instagram.

Do Bloggers Make Money On Instagram?

 Absolutely Yes, bloggers can make money on Instagram. 

With its massive user base and visual nature, Instagram has become a popular platform for influencers to monetize their content.

 Bloggers can earn money through various avenues on Instagram, such as sponsored posts, brand collaborations, affiliate marketing, and selling their products or services.

 Brands are willing to pay bloggers to promote their products or services to their engaged audience. 

Bloggers may attract corporate partnerships and lucrative possibilities by cultivating a large audience, producing high-quality material, and connecting with their readers.

 However, it’s important to note that success on Instagram requires consistency, authenticity, and a deep understanding of your target audience.

 It takes time and effort to establish a profitable blogging career on Instagram, but it is indeed possible for dedicated bloggers to generate income from the platform.

Can I Use My Instagram As A Blog?

The answer is yes; you can absolutely utilize your Instagram as a blog, and I’m going to show you how!

For posting visual material and interacting with your audience via captions and comments, Instagram is a well-liked social networking tool.

 It can be used by anybody, regardless of whether they have a personal blog, a podcast, printables, or courses.

Many individuals and businesses utilize Instagram as a micro-blogging platform, sharing stories, experiences, tips, and insights. 

With a strategic approach to content creation and regular updates, you can effectively convey your ideas, showcase your work, and build a community around your niche. 

71% of companies and 1 billion individuals are using Instagram as of January 2022.

People spend 53 minutes every day on Instagram looking through lovely inspiring pictures from followers and influencers promoting companies.

Can you have a successful blog without Instagram?

Yes, you do not need instagram in order to grow a successful blog.

Many people assume that blogging is dead and that not many people read blogs anymore, which is not true. 

There’s so much potential out there for blogs, and they can also be so profitable. 

I highly recommend people start a blog on the side of social media, even if you want to use social media for your business. 

And that is because a blog is much steadier, and it’s a much more reliable and consistent stream of income than Instagram, for example. 

A blog is also a platform that you own, but Instagram is clearly not. 

You are well aware that social media algorithms are constantly changing, which may be really aggravating. This is not the case with your blog. 

So, if you’re passionate about anything, starting a blog is a great idea.


So now you know that both a blog and an Instagram channel have pros and cons. I’ll summarize it very briefly and concisely:

Instagram is perfect for getting customers who are early in their customer journey to notice you and to show them that they have a problem (which you can solve, of course). You can also build an active community here.

On a blog, you can show your knowledge really intensively and build up an expert status. You create trust and can direct your potential customers from here directly to your newsletter and to your sales pages (which are also on the website).

My recommendation: you should do this now

As promised, here is the one sacred answer to the question, “Blog vs Instagram?” 

Do both!

Bam! Surprised?

In fact, there is a small pot of gold at the end of the combination of blog AND Instagram because you can build a promising funnel with the two channels.

But what do you start with? To find out for yourself what your next steps should be, answer the following questions:

  • What business aim do you want to achieve? Branding? Visibility? Leads?
  • On which channels are your desired customers active?
  • What channels are your competitors using?
  • How much time do you have for your (content) marketing?
  • • What is your (content) marketing budget?
  • Which channel can (and do I want) to play on in the long term?

From your answers – now that you know the advantages and disadvantages – a clear picture should emerge.

If you’re interested in my personal opinion:

I would always start a blog again. Simply because it is more sustainable and I can direct users to my website (in the immediate vicinity of my offer pages). For me, your own blog is the solid foundation for your content marketing.

But it’s also not wrong if you start with Instagram because you feel more comfortable with it and can start almost immediately before you get discouraged again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I start a blog or Instagram account to build my online presence?

Ideally, you build up both channels in order to optimally reach your potential customers. If you have to or want to decide on one, I recommend that you rely on a blog as a solid foundation for your content marketing.

Should I focus on one channel or use a blog AND Instagram to maximize my reach? If you can do it with your resources (esp. time and/or budget), please use both channels. 

However, especially at the beginning, it can make sense to start with one channel and then add the second when you have found a good flow and are perhaps already seeing initial successes.

Of course, your reach increases by using two marketing channels.

Should I share the same content or create different content on my blog and Instagram?

Your core content can be the same on your blog and Instagram. However, you should adapt the presentation, the wording, etc., to the respective platform.

 In addition, you can also integrate platform-specific topics. An example would be sharing insights into how you personally work on Instagram. This format rarely fits on the blog.

Which channel offers better ways to engage with my community?

Communicating with your followers is much easier on Instagram than on your blog. The comment function and the stories with their interaction stickers allow you to get in touch with your community quickly and easily.

Is it better to have a large Instagram following or build an engaged readership on my blog?

That depends entirely on your objective. However, having your blog readership on a newsletter list and being able to reach out to them on a regular basis is very valuable. 

Since you only “borrowed” your account on Instagram, it can happen that you lose your community if Instagram, e.g. B., deletes your account or the platform closes tomorrow.