Blog Vs Podcast (Which is better?)

Blog Vs Podcast

Blog vs Podcast. The biggest difference between blogs and podcasts is the type of content they deliver

Blogs generally employ visual content: text, photos, and videos. Podcasts, on the other hand, usually employ audio content.

Blogging and podcasting are the most popular methods to spread information and communicate with audiences. 

But each has distinct techniques and requirements. 

When deciding which channel to employ, you should rely on numerous aspects, such as your talents, equipment availability, goal, and target audience.

Whether a blog or podcast is the right type of content for you, your marketing, and your business cannot be answered. 

First of all, it is important that you understand the similarities, advantages, and disadvantages of the two types of content and can transfer them to your marketing and business. 

You will get the answer in the article.

See also: Blogging vs Vlog (Which is Better)

Similarities Between Blog And Podcast

When comparing blogs and podcasts, it would be sensible to emphasize the similarity between the two forms of information.

I realized in the preparation for this article that there were a lot of similarities between blogs and podcasts. 

So let’s start with it straight now.

Provide value and information.

Both the blog and the podcast allow you to communicate more value and information. 

You assist the readers or listeners in addressing small difficulties with your content and acquiring recommendations on a chosen subject.

Provide free content

Both blog posts and podcast episodes are sorts of information that you essentially make accessible for free. 

Although there is also the potential of masking this material behind payment barriers, this is different.

Your target demographic should have the chance to absorb your information without payment. 

However, it still makes sense to bring attention to premium offerings as part of the free content. 

Both need a plan.

It doesn’t make sense for blogs or podcasts to start writing or talking. You need a plan for it to work.

You should think about what objectives you want to accomplish with content marketing. That may, for example

  • the extension of expert status
  • lead generation
  • support for your launch
  • etc.

And once you know your aim, you should carefully design and play out the content.

Generate new content regularly.

Another thing both formats have in common is that it is vital to develop new content frequently. 

It doesn’t add up if you produce five blog pieces in a week and nothing for a long period.

To leverage the maximum potential of both channels, you should post information consistently. 

This, by the way, does not imply that you necessarily have to blog every week or even many times a week.

By releasing content regularly, you will be routinely brought to the notice of your prospective clients.

Requires long-form content 

Both blogs and podcasts may be allocated to so-called long-form content. As the name indicates, this is lengthy and substantial content. 

In contrast to micro-content, when just a small text is released (e.g. an Instagram posting).

Ideally, your content marketing plan is designed in such a manner that you develop long-form content and recycle it into multiple micro-contents for social media.

On the one hand, this saves you time while utilizing your social media accounts. 

And on the other hand, you can frequently define communication priorities and reinforce your standing outside of the blog or podcast.

Monetization is indirect

Another similarity is that both blogs and podcasts are best monetized indirectly.

With the blog, you have the chance to make money via sponsored articles or affiliate marketing. 

However, particularly if you wish to offer services or online courses, these tactics are frequently merely a side income. 

You’re significantly more likely to sell by creating trust, increasing your expert reputation, and getting them into your newsletter. 

Where you can then, in turn, make the contact even closer and eventually sell.

Blogging and podcasting take time.

Writing blog content takes time, especially when search engine optimization involving keyword research and competitive analysis is incorporated.

How long it takes you to write the real article relies on the format on the one hand and the practice and routine on the other.

In the beginning, you will require more time. But the more and the more regularly you write, the quicker blogging will become out of hand. 

Also, there are other strategies that can help you blog quicker, such as dictating the content.

But podcasting is also time-consuming. Theoretically, you should also run a keyword analysis here. 

This is the only method to know precisely what is being searched for and what attracts your readers. Again, how long it takes you to record an episode is a question of practice. 

In the beginning, you can make more errors and have to cut the episode more regularly. 

And even afterwards, you won’t be spared the editing – even if it’s simply the opening and outro. 

As you can see, the two formats have a lot in common. But of course, there are also differences. Let’s see what they are now. 

What Is The Difference Between A Blog And A Podcast

With the distinctions, you can know the style of the content channel that would be better acceptable for you. 

Eye vs Ear

The most obvious difference is the sense in which the content is digested. 

While you target the readers with the blog post, with podcast episodes, it is listeners who listen to the content. 

A blog post may be digested rapidly. In truth, most users only scan blog entries. This makes the content art blog an intriguing possibility to give rapid answers to your clients. 

Google is also more likely to suggest blog posts as a solution to a query since Google examines the text of the blog item and can thus deliver the correct answers readily. 

Podcast episodes are less on one-off answers since they are harder to locate in the spoken word. 

That’s why it’s crucial that you give thorough show notes to podcast episodes to make it simpler for Google to assess your content. 

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Blog

First, I want to expose you to the benefits and downsides of blogging as a content form.

What are the advantages of a blog?

To make a nice blog post, all you need is a text editor, a website, and a little technical know-how to put the text and graphics. 

The benefit of a blog post is that there are fewer impediments while writing them. You don’t need a lot of technology, and you can capture your ideas practically anytime and anyplace and write an article from them. 

When it comes to SEO, there are several essential criteria that you should follow, but generally, you only need a little imagination or other unique abilities.

A text is consequently valuable in terms of SEO: if it is nicely structured – and can be read rapidly. This is particularly significant given that people are scanners and want to read rapidly. 

In addition, text is always important if you wish to convey step-by-step instructions.

What are the Disadvantages of a blog?

The major downside of the blog is that people generally merely skim your content, i.e. they need to completely grasp your text from the start to the last word.

In addition, text always equals screen time, which requires users to actively gaze at a screen (PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone). 

The text also has a drawback because it might be misconstrued if it needs to be stated properly. 

Good writing is tough and takes practice and criticism, which should be noticed.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Podcast

The podcast also has its advantages and downsides. 

Advantages of a podcast

The primary benefit of podcasts is the voice. With a voice, you can transfer information, sentiments, moods, and so influence and take the listener with you. 

With the voice, you are closer to the consumer – that’s why I usually say that a podcast passes “through the ear into the head and the heart”. 

Of course, this also makes communication and the connection with the consumer simpler, and you get people “on your side” more quickly. 

Another huge benefit is that the podcast is a passive medium, which means that the listener does not have to do anything except turn on the preferred podcast and can then sit back and enjoy the program. 

Or driving a vehicle, performing sports, cleaning the flat. In any event, no direct active activity is necessary to consume the material.

Disadvantages of a podcast

The downside of the podcast is the greater entry barrier compared to the written form, i.e. the blog. 

Most individuals don’t like their voice, they shy away from the technology needed to generate a podcast (recording, editing, processing), or they’re frightened of breaking the money for equipment. 

When generating podcast episodes, you need a little more technical expertise, but it’s easier than it’s commonly reported. 

You may record and edit your podcast episodes utilizing free tools like Audacity (for Windows) or Garageband (for Mac).

Otherwise, you need to submit the podcast episodes to a hoster of your choosing, such as Podigee, add show notes, and that’s it. 

It’s more involved than creating blog posts. 

Which is better, a blog or a podcast?

Sorry, I can’t provide you with a clear answer for the best between a blog and a podcast. I enjoy blogs (what a surprise), but podcasts also offer some tremendous benefits.

In the end, you have to determine what fits you best: blog or podcast.

I want to provide you with a few recommendations to assist you in deciding:

Some influencers and large coaches do it: they are on all platforms (a blog, a podcast program, a youtube channel and a number of social media networks.) Doing everything extremely parallel and seemingly without any effort.

Don’t be deceived by this: generally, they have a huge team and a greater (to extremely large) budget behind it. 

Please don’t attempt to be a jack of all trades. This will surely lead you to burnout and possibly to disaster.

The day only contains 24 hours. And if you spend 12 hours developing content, you will hardly have time for your personal life.

Decide on the medium that fits you best. And then give it 100% gas.

Before you decide whether to blog or podcast, you should figure this out:

Should I Have A Podcast Or A Blog?

Below I am providing you with a few more suggestions on how to find out if a blog or podcast is the right type of content for you or not.

Would you prefer to write or speak your content?

The question may seem too commonplace to ask. But first and foremost, it is, of course, vital what you feel like doing more – writing or speaking. 

I think that everyone has a predisposition to feel more comfortable with spoken or written language. Listen to what appeals to you more, what you feel more comfortable with. 

What type of content do you prefer best for your business?

When you meet new individuals, do you always feel the urge to express what you do and what your personal objective is?

These are fantastic signals that podcasts might be a viable medium for you and your company. 

However, if this is not the case and you feel more comfortable with a written medium, maybe even believe that you can express yourself better in writing, then utilize blog posts to make your content accessible. 

Both are completely good. It is crucial that you feel comfortable with the type of content you chose – regardless of what is being promoted as “the content type” par excellence and the current trend at the time. 

What type of content does your target audience like?

A love of blogs or podcasts will serve you nothing if your target clients don’t appreciate reading that type of content. 

You may not know if your consumers appreciate podcasts or whether they prefer to read one of your blog articles. 

Ask them! Use your Facebook page and do a survey to determine whether they’d prefer to listen to podcasts or read blog entries. 

Or compose a newsletter on this issue and allow your readers’ ideas to help you reach a conclusion. 

And if you’re very daring, the outcome doesn’t obviously go in the direction of a blog or podcast, and you’re merely interested in one or the other type of content, then try it out.

Can You Start A Podcast And Blog At The Same Time?

Yes, you can certainly start a blog and a podcast at the same time! 

Podcasts and blogs have the capacity to develop consumer connections and build brand loyalty. Both showcase authority and knowledge. And both types of content can enhance traffic and produce leads.

Many content producers and businesses prefer to diversify their content by operating both a blog and a podcast simultaneously. 

It’s vital to remember that both channels need time, effort, and consistency, so make sure you’re prepared to handle both properly.


I hope I was able to demonstrate to you with this post that both podcasts and blogs are two great tools you can use to build your business. 

But there is also a lot of labour behind it.

If you’ve chosen one medium to start with, then it’s advisable to take the initial step now and simply try it out. 

Because you learn best by doing.

But it’s also extremely essential: Don’t start with everything at once. 

First, decide on a format that you will apply. Later, if you’ve settled on a blog, you may add a blogcast. 

Or, if you’ve opted to record a podcast, you may add a blog post later in the form of a transcript or summary.

I hope this helps.

Frequently Asked Question

What is a Blog

A blog is a website that posts information in reverse chronological order and is often updated.     

This implies that the newest postings display first, at the top of a blog. We commonly call the information in blogs: blog posts or entries. 

Generally, a person or a small group of individuals operate blogs to convey different forms of information in an informal approach. 

But some business websites also utilize blogs to provide useful content linked to their goods and industries.

What is a Podcast      

A podcast is a digital audio recording (music, conversations, interviews, etc.) made accessible in digital format for automatic download via the Internet. 

Podcasts are a series developed by a host and released episode-by-episode online. Subscribers to the podcast may download and listen to each episode. 

The content of a podcast may contain updates about current events, information about a new subject, interviews with prominent guests, audio tales, music, jokes, etc.

What is a blog cast?

A blogcast combines the tried and true with an inventive extra: blogs and podcasts. 

While blogs have long since been a vital element of the content marketing strategy, podcasts are more of a newbie to the sector. 

Anyone who brings the two together will earn a blogcast. Which is simply nothing more than the audio version of a blog article but also gives a chance to produce even more reach with another content type.

What’s the difference between a blog and a vlog?

A blog is written content. It might be in a short or long form. A vlog is a video blog, which means that everything you post focuses on video content.