Blogging Vs YouTube (Which Platform Is Right for You?)

Blogging Vs Youtube

Blogging vs YouTube is a subject that many people are pondering about nowadays. Both are a sort of diary. However, Blogging is a recording of the article, and YouTube is a recording of a video. 

YouTube and Blogging are methods to make money that produce large incomes from $100 – $50,000 a month. Occasionally, that number may be 3 times that amount if you make use of it effectively.

Now the question: Blogging vs YouTube, which Is more profitable? Perhaps this is the dilemma for many of you while wondering how to make money online.

Whether you choose Blogging or start a YouTube channel relies on your ability, ambitions and objectives.

Here are some aspects you should examine while comparing YouTube vs Blogging to get your best choice.

See also: Blog Vs Podcast.

Blogging Vs YouTube: Which Should You Do?

Firstly,  to get the best choice, you must know what Blogging and YouTube are. Once you understand it, you can choose the one you love the most and earn money with it. 

In this section, I won’t explain too much, just fundamental principles for you to comprehend what they are all about.

What is Blogging? 

Blogging is an excellent alternative for individuals who enjoy writing and prefer to express thoughts using words rather than speech.

A blog is a sort of online journal or personal website published on the World Wide Web that incorporates all forms of information, such as written text, images, videos, animated GIFs, and others. 

The person responsible for administering the blog and generating and uploading posts is termed a blogger.    

What is YouTube?

YouTube is perfect for people who enjoy producing videos and feel comfortable making video content. 

Youtube is also known as a video blog (Vlog). A Vlog is similar to a personal website or social media account where you may regularly post short videos.

A vlogger is someone who makes, publishes and broadcasts vlogs on social networking networks.

So which should you choose, Blogging vs YouTube? Before we touch about it, let’s look at the advantages and downsides of each channel.

Pros And Cons Of Blogging

You’ll need to do some work before establishing a new blog, but you may discover that bringing your website to life is a valuable long-term project. 

Here are the primary advantages of doing so, with some downsides to consider.

Pros of Blogging

You own your content and platform.

Running a blog means you can own the content you publish. However, you should still verify the provider’s terms and conditions since certain sites may not allow this. Squarespace and Wix both let you own what you post, as well as

See also: The Best Blogging Platform.

Blogging is a wonderful choice if you’re camera-shy.

Blogging enables you to engage with your audience in a manner that matches your personality. Though you would still include a picture of yourself someplace on your website, you may keep a modest degree of anonymity in a blog.

Blogging does not require a lot of equipment.

Building a blog requires money, as you’ll read more about in the cons section. However, compared to video production, the difficulties in obtaining equipment in the long term are not as severe. All you need is a laptop and a reliable internet connection.

Cons of Blogging

Growing a blog takes time.

When beginning a blog, you frequently have to wait months—if not years—before you achieve traction. With this in mind, Blogging should be something you actually enjoy and are prepared to pursue, even if no one reads your work.

You need to maintain the webpage.

Having a responsive website is vital for search engine optimization (SEO). While YouTube maintains the responsiveness for your videos, you’ll have to complete all of the blog design on your own. So, you will need to master the technical parts of maintaining a website. 

Building a nice blog requires money.

Blogging costs a lot that you might not be aware of. For example, you’ll have to pay for a domain registration, and some website builders may also charge monthly or yearly fees.

Read our guide on How to start a blog for free.

Pros And Cons Of Youtube 

Now that you know more about the advantages and downsides of creating a blog, let’s analyze the pros and cons of going on YouTube instead.

Pros of YouTube 

Starting a YouTube channel is free.

As long as you have a camera, launching a YouTube channel is entirely free. You can even use your smartphone camera if you don’t have a DSLR or mirrorless gear. 

Related article: Best blogging camera for YouTube and Blogging.

YouTube handles site maintenance.

When launching a YouTube channel, you don’t need to worry about your website’s responsiveness. YouTube handles all the technical parts, so you simply need to concentrate on providing high-quality content. 

YouTube recommend your content fast.

When you manage a YouTube channel, you can get your content in front of the appropriate audience by generating videos that fit their interests.

While someone will need to hunt to find a new blog in the search engine, you have a greater chance of getting your videos into the feeds of those who desire to view them.

Cons of YouTube

YouTube can ban you without notice.

Arguably, the greatest disadvantage of operating a YouTube channel is that you’re at the mercy of another organization. If you say anything judged improper, even if you don’t believe it’s that horrible, YouTube can delete your account.

Open to criticism

Be open to criticism anytime you put your work online. Some criticism is necessary to help you improve, but hateful comments are also a terrible part of the internet.

Of course, you may receive nasty comments on a blog. But on YouTube, friction is typically stronger. 

See also: How to get more comment.

Should I Start Blogging Or YouTube?

Having to pick between two things that are always challenging in reality. There are instances when you don’t know what to do and which one to choose.

Should I start Blogging or YouTube? The answer is determined by your interests and skills. 

Let’s expatiate more:

What comes more easily to you between Blogging and YouTube?

If you believe yourself to be a decent writer, you should choose Blogging to start. On the other hand, if you appreciate being in front of the camera, YouTube is undoubtedly an excellent option. 

I suggest you try out both Blogging and YouTube first. Try to see which comes more easily to you. Which one ends up generating greater outcomes?

Your budget

In addition to hobbies and abilities, you also have to consider expenses. 

Making a video is straightforward, but if you want to produce it professionally and have excellent content, you have to invest in a nice video camera, recording studio, editing software, screenplay, cinematographer, etc. 

You may also record your own videos and distribute them without altering too much. However, doing so will not be professional compared to others who are totally involved.

As for Blogging, it’s easier and doesn’t need to be overly sophisticated. You simply need a computer with an internet connection to compose everything.

Does Blogging or YouTube have less competition for your niche?

Blogging or doing YouTube? You need to find out which one has less competition for your business. I propose that you undertake some basic keyword research

In my business, SEO, there are a lot of fantastic videos about it on YouTube. But for long-tail keywords, there are not enough articles. Therefore, I chose to concentrate more on Blogging for our content marketing approach than YouTube.

Does the content benefit from Blogging or videos?

Some businesses will be more appealing owing to video because they need to be shown by several photographs. In other circumstances, the words may be equally excellent or better at presenting a certain message.

How quickly do you want to get traffic?

Blogging is typically slower than YouTube. But it will still bring you traffic reasonably rapidly if your domain authority is strong. You may rank high on YouTube in no time if there is little competition for your keywords. And you fulfil their algorithmic requirements.

Which platform is best suited to your monetization strategy?

One of the reasons I enjoy Blogging is because you can go back and alter the content if you need to. For example, if there is an old article, you feel is relevant to the content link you have prepared. 

You can go back to the original article and put links into the text. On the other side, this information is in video format. It will be more difficult or impossible to go back and update your video to include the new affiliate offer.

Another monetization feature, Blogging on a website, can pick which ad network you want to monetize your visitors. On YouTube, you are compelled to utilize Google Adsense.

How To Make Money Through Blogging And Youtube

The more you are dedicated to Blogging and YouTube, the more methods you can use to make money on them.

Here are the common ways you can make money as a blogger or YouTuber:

  • YouTube Ads and Google Ads: This is the principal source to make money in Blogging and YouTube. Bloggers may partner with ad networks to add advertising to their blogs and be paid depending on the number of impressions and pageviews they get. YouTube will compensate you according to how many times your videos are seen, and obviously, the more views you get, the more money you make. However, to be qualified to allow YouTube ads, you need to have at least 500 subscribers and a total of 3,000 watch hours on the channel in 12 months. The same to go to Blogging,
  • Affiliate Marketing: Another well-liked way for well-known bloggers to earn money is via affiliate marketing. Simply said, when someone clicks on one of the affiliate links in your post/video and makes a purchase, you will get a commission.
  • Subscriptions and memberships: With excellent quality as the goal, producers may now charge users for access to premium content, coaching sessions, and other services. These subscription and membership fees are excellent long-term income generators. 
  • Receiving sponsorship: This is a means of getting money via cooperating with businesses to provide review material or advertise goods and services. 
  • Selling items and products: Content producers wishing to sell their own stuff may depend on both channels to assist them in doing so. Both Blogging and video content are perfect for selling your items, and eCommerce is on the ascent. 

Does Blogging Make More Money, Or Does Youtube Make More Money?

Using Blogging to make money is a method that has been around for a long time. Until now, you can still earn money with a blog, provided you have solid ideas and decent material. Although the competition is tough online, if you perform better, you will earn more.

YouTube is simpler than Blogging as you do not need to have any prior experience before starting it. Also, YouTube makes more money than Blogging. 

To put it simply, In Blogging, you get what you paid for. The more you invest, the more you receive back. The most popular blogging source code nowadays is WordPress. 

The most popular money-making video network nowadays is YouTube. You must have a Google account to subscribe to a YouTube channel, which is free.

Also, stats show that “the average annual income for a YouTuber is $60,000, while the average annual income for bloggers is $45,000” (Source)

What Do Bloggers And Youtubers Need To Learn? 

To become a blogger or YouTuber, you need to have a fundamental understanding of the following 3 aspects:

  • Content production: “Content is king”. You need to have an understanding of how to speak fluently and logically and deliver the message in your writing. Creative writing style and engaging language can also readily strike a chord with readers and create more of an impact. 
  • Image design: Good information must always go hand in hand with appealing visuals. You don’t necessarily have to be a direct designer, but you do need to master fundamental operations like cutting and editing,… to generate graphics suited for the text.
  • Video Recording/Editing: The Vlogger job will be considerably simpler if you are experienced in basic video recording/editing or post-production procedures such as eliminating extraneous material, adding subtitles, introducing effects, etc…

What Skills Are Required To Become A Blogger And Youtuber?

A good vlogger/blogger should have the following skills:

  • Communication skills: When vlogging, communication skills will help you deliver your point simply and correctly to viewers.
  • Writing skills: This is the most vital talent to become a professional blogger. Bloggers require the ability to write fluently, logically, and clearly to deliver helpful information to readers.  
  • Information research skills: You need to do research via surveys or interviews to uncover themes that the audience actually cares about.
  • Design skills: As a blogger, you must present dynamic visuals in your blog postings. This is comparable to a vlogger who requires an appealing video to attract viewers.
  • Skills in utilizing media: Vloggers/Bloggers need to know how to utilize social networking sites like Facebook or Instagram to improve the popularity of the blog/vlog as well as communicate with the audience. 


Ultimately, deciding to start a YouTube channel or Blogging relies on your ability, interests and ambitions. No matter whatever platform you choose, you need to work hard to be original every day and build cross-platform.

However, no matter which platform you choose to create, it is crucial to remember that “You are building a house on someone else’s land”.

If that platform dies one day or your account is cancelled, all your efforts will return to zero.

Therefore, I will advise that you build across both platforms, not all concentrated on a single platform.

Whenever you post fresh content, mirror it to other platforms. In this manner, you will decrease the danger if your account is deactivated.