Can Blogging Make Me Rich? (Find Out)

can blogging make me rich

If you still wonder, “Can Blogging Make Me Rich?” here is your answer. And the answer is yes! Blogging can make you rich. 

But how much money you can make from blogging depends on the nature of monetizing the blog. However, with time, bloggers can do very well.  

Blogging is a highly popular kind of material nowadays and is selected by many young people to pursue. If you love a specific area and have the capacity to write to share it with everyone, then blogging is highly suited for you.

Although there are fairly basic criteria, many individuals still need help in the early phases of blogging and in choosing their niche. If you have similar issues, see our in-depth guide on how to start a blog for free HERE!

Who Can Make Money Blogging?

Blogging is indeed a great way to become rich in this generation. And anyone (I mean anyone) can make money blogging, but it requires time, effort, and dedication.

Also, with the huge profitability of blogging, you should know that making money blogging will never come easily, and it’s not a “get rich quick” scheme.

Building a successful blog that produces cash requires time, work, and dedication. However, with the right approach and a genuine passion for the subject matter, anyone can potentially make money blogging.

Who Should Blog?

Suppose I am to answer that question straightly! I will say everyone with a passion, knowledge, or interest in a particular subject should start a blog.

But here is a list of who should start a blog now:
  • Students, students have several traits appropriate for blogging to make money. You have the time, enjoy attempting and learn new things. Blogging may help you get started on your path of collecting information and creating your unique brand. However, due to inexperience, many need help establishing and designing websites. If you need assistance on a personal web interface, don’t hesitate to seek the expertise of others who have gone before or done well to reach out to us HERE!
  • International students: During the days you are away from home, blogging will be your spiritual buddy, letting you connect with others. International students frequently have a lot of fascinating experiences regarding life, culture, study, employment, etc., so you can discover themes for your own blog.
  • Those who already have a lot of experience may contribute their work, knowledge and abilities via blogging. Your work might be a subject of interest to fresh grads!
  • Housewife: Many bloggers have been successful in the sectors of cooking, cleaning, knitting, knitting, mother and baby, etc. You can get started as long as you can supply folks with relevant information. Create a blog and earn money blogging.
  • Passions & Interests: You may become a blogger to share your interest or pastime like many renowned travel bloggers earn money blogging.
  • Even if you are not skilled at anything but are beginning to join a new area or subject that no one has written about, you may start generating website content on that topic. For example, data analytics, data science, machine learning, and other degrees.

Thus, it can be said that as long as you can give people critical information, you may earn money from blogging!

Qualities For Blogging 

Those anticipating to be bloggers should have some qualities in order to achieve a successful result. I know it might be a long game, but I have simplified all a new blogger should have in mind before they start blogging here:

Ability to write

You don’t have to be the top student in school; as long as you have the information and can write clearly, you can start blogging.

It needs patience

Blogging is a lengthy process, not a day or two, particularly generating money blogging is more challenging to stay to. You will need to establish your blog gradually, which might take months or even years to start seeing benefits.

 So, if you need to know where to start a blog, you can refer to our guide on how to get started with blogging for free HERE.

Ready to study, investigate, and research:

To start blogging, you have to grasp “n” things in life: 

  • Preparing content, 
  • Obtaining a domain name,
  • Building a site, 
  • Composing articles, 
  • Arranging to finance, etc. 

Not just studying the subject you write about, you also need expertise in marketing, SEO, keyword research, etc.

See also: 

How To Start Making Money Blogging

Here are the simple things you need to know before you can start making money blogging:

  • Step 1: Choose a niche and undertake research on that content topic.
  • Step 2: Plan a model of producing money online that meets your abilities and time budget.
  • Step 3: strategy your backlog and budget strategy for ongoing follow-up.
  • Step 4: Research the collection of keywords and prepare to produce articles.
  • Step 5: Buy hosting and domain name.
  • Step 6: Design the interface and install the plugin.
  • Step 7: Write SEO content and articles to the top of Google.
  • Step 8: Edit previous posts to retain ranks or boost rankings if feasible.
  • Step 9: Track traffic and conversions.

In reality, many individuals get stopped in step 6 if they have not gained design experience or programming skills. Therefore, you should seek a personal web interface consultant or even employ web designers to assist you in finishing this step. 

I recommend you make use of Fiverr for expert web designers.

How To Make Money From Blogging?

How to generate money from blogging, and is it a solid source of income? Here are some strategies to generate money from blogging being done by bloggers across the globe as well as in Vietnam.:

Make money blogging through affiliate marketing.

Making money in your blog through affiliates is by exposing items and services, and when a customer buys a product, the brand pays you a deduction in the marketing budget without raising the cost to the consumer.

Example: Student A utilizes brand B school materials, feels wonderful, and writes a product introduction. When a buyer sees your review and feels it’sit’s nice, and buys the product via your suggested link A. Then brand B will give you A the most marketing budget deduction specified.

If you intend to start a blog but need an idea to design a web interface, feel free to use Fiverr for a personal web interface consultation!

See more: How to make money blogging through affiliate marketing.

Make money blogging through adverts.

Once your blog site has a stable and considerable source of traffic, you can join up as a Google partner, then get advertising on your site and monetize the clicks.

When your website is successful in your sector, you will get invites to write advertising for firms’ goods and services. The price of each PR post varies from 1 to 10 million. In addition, you can also ask firms to display banners to advertise items in your articles.

To generate money this way, it is extremely vital to ask for a personal web interface consultation since a beautiful website design will make organizations more impressed and ready to deal with you.

Make money blogging by selling items, services, and consulting.     

When you build a blog, you may offer people real things linked to your specialization or services, consultation, and installation.

Products: if you write about baking lessons, you may sell your own cakes or offer baking gear and supplies.

Consulting: personal finance, insurance, health, study abroad, settlement.

Make money blogging through Blog Flipping.

This is a great method of blogging to generate money, although it is yet to be fully known worldwide. Blog flipping is all about:

  • Create a new website, upload some content and sell it.
  • Create a website, manage content, generate money and sell.
  • Buyback outdated sites, tweak and sell.
  • Buy back old sites, completely reconditioned for sale.

You may purchase and sell using exchanges like Flippa, Empire Flippers, Sedo, Shopify, etc. 

This form sounds like a real estate transfer. Hence it is also known as online real estate investing. However, to perform well in this sector, you definitely need a personal web interface consultant to sell your blog for a greater price!

Normally you would earn $99 – several hundred dollars. Sometimes it’sit’s only your domain name that is valuable or the website that receives a lot of monthly traffic.

Make money blogging through Drop shipping.

This is how you may construct an online shop where you pick things offered by other parties. When a consumer clicks to purchase via you, the products will be dispatched straight from the supplier to the buyer under your message notice.

The advantage of this form is that you do not need to spend cash and do not need to maintain items. Therefore you do not have to worry about capital and inventory. 

With each successful order, you will get your rewards instantly. However, you will have to take care of customer service.

Make money blogging through Sell your blog’s newsletter space.

Assuming you have a weekly or monthly newsletter (assuming you have one! ), you could even charge a business for advertising space or a mention in it. It’ll take very little time to accomplish, and you may receive a nice lot for it.

However, you’ll need to build up a fair size email list for businesses to consider this.

 Make money blogging by Selling Digital items.

You can earn money online by selling courses, ebooks, tools, software, templates, photos, content packs, etc.

For selling designs and templates, you don’t need to be an expert in Photoshop; you can still utilize Canva, Powerpoint, etc., to generate attractive designs and resell them on overseas platforms like Fiverr, Etsy, etc. 

Sometimes it’sit’s as basic as developing a plan, a birthday invitation card or making a picture book.

Themes may be offered to Shopee, Lazada and Tiki retailers so that the store layout appears attractive and consistent, enticing consumers. 

In the early stages, you may ask an experienced individual to review a personal online interface to learn how to develop an “expensive” template.

Make money blogging through donations.

This is a means of readers supporting the site with a modest bit of money in the form of buy me a coffee, momo, or PayPal. This form is commonly used by bloggers all around the globe.

Depending on the area you are following, you may select a suitable way of generating money online.

As you can see, blogging not only gives a lot of advantages but also helps you make money. 

How Much Money Can Bloggers Earn As Beginners?

How much money can you make while blogging as a beginner? The potential earning for blogging is nearly endless. 

With consistent traffic and subscribers to this sort of website, bloggers may earn upwards of $100,000 yearly. Within the first year, bloggers might earn $500-$2,000 each month.

Well-established bloggers like Adam Enfroy, who began writing on the business of blogging in 2019 as a side hustle, produced $1.5 million from his site just two years later. Ryan Robinson—who maintains a site on blogging—can earn upward of $30,000 per month. 

Factors that determine blogs’ earning

Unfortunately, not every blogger can earn millions via their blog website. The earning potential of your blog relies on two factors:

Your monetization techniques. 

Some blog monetization options are off the table for new bloggers who wish to adhere to their basic values—like not being paid to publish the information you don’t agree with. This may impair earning potential in the near run.

Your niche. 

Do consumers spend large quantities of money on things in your industry? The software market, for example, may be profitable, as many firms offer recurring commissions. 

How Long Does It Take To Earn Money Blogging?

How long does it take to earn money blogging? Though blogging makes money a lot, it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. Some bloggers may start generating income within a few months, while others may take a year or longer. 

Some with an entrepreneurial attitude make their first $100 online within a few months—like Brittany Berger, creator of Work Brighter, who began making money almost quickly. 

Berger designed a simple $20 digital download, which she marketed in her weekly email and her newsletter registration website. “I was able to convert a significant portion of the audience by beginning that early in the blog’s lifespan, she says.

Blogging is often a side business individuals take up with the hopes that one day, they’ll be able to leave their day jobs. Yet the amount of time it takes to create big money differs from blogger to blogger.

It is crucial to focus on creating valuable content, growing your audience, and implementing effective monetization strategies while understanding that the timeline can vary significantly for each individual.


As we have seen, the answer to the question “Can blogging make me rich?” is yes! But how much money you can earn through blogging is unpredictable. 

That’s the nature of monetizing a blog from the start, yet with time, bloggers may do quite well.

Even if you have a newsletter, you can charge a business for advertising space or a mention in it. The more readers you have, the more desirable you are to advertising.

To create a solid income from blogging, think about having many streams of money coming in from various sources and via diverse techniques. 

See also: 11 ugly reasons you should not start a blog.

FAQ Making money blogging 

How can beginners make money by blogging?

The fastest approach to monetizing a blog is via display advertising. You don’t require specific expertise to rent space on your blog to Google AdSense, but you’ll be compensated for every 1,000 website visitors who view the advert.

How can I earn $100 per month by blogging?

Blogging is a terrific method to earn your first $100 online. Start by identifying a successful topic, developing an email list, and suggesting things you’re you’re an affiliate for. You may earn hundreds of dollars every month if people buy via your advice.

What sort of blogs produces money?

High-paying blogs have one thing in common: a solid connection with their readers. The more people who read your site and believe your advice, the more probable you are to earn money blogging.