
What Is Duplicate Content, And How To Avoid It In Your Blog?

What Is Duplicate Content?

Duplicate content or double content. Technically, this means that there is uniform content on several URLs on the web. It can be both internally on your website or different websites (domains and subdomains). It does not matter whether the two URLs are from the same website or two or more other websites since it is deemed duplicate

What Is Duplicate Content, And How To Avoid It In Your Blog? Read More »

SEO Contents: 10 Tips That Will Shoot You To The Top Of Google

SEO Contents

What do you think of Immediately after hearing this sentence,  SEO content? Many associates the word with empty content and an excessive focus on search terms, which are only written for Google’s sake. Maybe you do too. However, things don’t have to be that way. If you don’t provide your target audience with relevant, value-creating

SEO Contents: 10 Tips That Will Shoot You To The Top Of Google Read More »