Email Marketing

Misconceptions About Email Marketing That Need To Be Eliminated

Misconceptions About Email Marketing

There are a lot of misconceptions about email marketing nowadays. Email marketing has grown so widespread that the difficulties around it have come to the forefront.  Quite a few people using email marketing do not achieve the results they want. They believe this marketing tool to be old-fashioned and no longer acceptable to contribute to Digital Marketing

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Email Marketing Frequency: How Often Should Email Marketing Be Sent

email marketing frequency

The frequency with which emails are sent is seen as a critical aspect of a successful Email Marketing campaign. Therefore, how often should emails be sent in order to enhance the possibility of consumers opening them? However, finding the right balance for email marketing frequency can be challenging. You should avoid sending too many emails

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How to Optimize Email for Mobile Devices: Find Out

How to Optimize Email for Mobile Devices

Knowing how to optimize email for efficient mobile device reading is a helpful strategy for optimizing your email content to guarantee that it is shown correctly on the mobile device.  Email marketing for mobile is an integral component of every company’s marketing plan. Since marketing campaigns are critical in any organization, email marketing for mobile is commonly utilized

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