14 common Blog Mistakes to Avoid (and how to correct them)

Blog Mistakes to Avoid

Today, we’d like to discuss the most common blog mistakes to avoid when you start up a blog.

Our goal is to teach you what factors you should consider in order to avoid failing with your blog.

According to statistics, just 5-10% of blogs generate a considerable profit for their creators. This implies that only a few people make a living from blogging.

 If you want to be among the small fraction of high-earning blogs, you should restrict your mistakes from the outset. If you don’t want your blogging efforts to go to waste, make sure you’re aware of the 11 most common mistakes amateur bloggers make, and don’t make them yourself.

I’ve created this post to help you get started blogging like a pro and take your blogging to the next level!

Is it worthwhile to begin a blogging career in 2023?

According to (GrowthBadger, 2022). Today, there are over 600 million blogs in the globe, with over 1.9 billion websites.

 Do you wonder if creating a blog in these days of fierce competition is lucrative? Although everyone may create a blog nowadays, not everyone will be able to transform their hobby into a company.

It takes a lot of commitment to make a living from blogs. To make your initial money and then gradually build your blog revenue.

It would be best if you mastered the fundamentals of search engine optimization, content marketing, and online company development. However, if you want to be a blogger, you need to prepare for it.

Check out this detailed tutorial for a more in-depth look at  “Why Blogging is Worth it.

How can I get started with a profitable blog?

According to Earthweb, Every day, over 7.5 million new blog articles are published on the internet. You must keep ahead of the competition if you want your blog to begin earning the projected income.

To do this, it is important to transition from a rookie amateur blogger to a professional as soon as feasible.

 If you can avoid beginner mistakes, the procedure will move significantly faster. How do you tell if you’re not committing them?

The most common mistakes to avoid are shown below. Then, at the end of the guide. It will walk you through the most important steps of blogging, saving you a significant amount of time.

You Should Avoid These Blogger Mistakes

Many top bloggers (and not alone) committed mistakes when they were starting. That others are now being warned about. Even if you’re new to blogging, you have an advantage: you can avoid them all. What should you be extra cautious of?

1.    Lack of a target audience

We’ve discussed it countless times in various publications, but knowing exactly who you’re addressing is critical.

Write down on paper or in a document all of the traits of your ideal client and memorize them.

This will assist you in determining who you are writing for and who you want to read your material to. A common misconception is that if you target a narrow demographic, you block yourself off and hence miss out on chances.

And the contrary is true.

No one will feel associated with your material if you address everyone. Instead, if you communicate to a particular sort of person through your postings, they will notice, identify with what you write, and connect with you.

Check out our complete guide on.”The 32 Ideas to blog about.”

2.    Blogging on a free platform.

Setting up a blog on free platforms is one of the most common mistakes new bloggers make.

Although it appears appealing owing to the lack of an initial price, it might be a significant constraint in the long term.

Why? Using a free website to host your blog limits your sales and marketing prospects, robbing you of potential revenues. The following are typical restrictions of free platforms:

Of course, you may start with the free platform, but it is not a long-term option, especially if you don’t want to be an inexperienced blogger forever.

Solution: Select a tried-and-true blogging tool.

The correct blogging platform is critical for ease of use, marketing, editability, and search engine rankings.

However, before you make a decision, weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each alternative. If you’re wondering whether a blogging tool is ideal for you, check out our article, where I compare the top blogging platforms:

3.    A Difficult blog name

In order to distinguish from the crowd, new bloggers choose names that are either overly difficult or improper for the blog topic.

Amateur bloggers may also select a name that appears to be just attractive but does not send a clear message to the recipient.

This is also a mistake you should avoid, especially at the start of your trip when you are just getting people interested in your blog. If Internet visitors have reservations about the content on your blog, it will be more challenging to persuade them to visit it.

Here are some examples of difficult blog names:

Your blog title, like your brand name, is a promise you must keep if you want to win your audience’s trust and establish a dedicated community.

If readers believe they were misled because they were seeking anything other than what the title stated, they will immediately quit your blog.

Solution: Use an intriguing and relevant name to pique the interest of your blog’s readers.

When deciding on a blog title, keep the concepts of simplicity and beauty in mind. The blog’s name should be short enough that you can remember it and type it into a search engine.

A catchy word that alludes to the blog’s topic areas, on the other hand, will successfully capture the recipient’s attention. Check out our checklist for more ideas on how to name your blog.

4.    Ignoring User Experience and Navigation on Your Blog

In addition to your blog artwork, your UX, or the overall impression of people on your site, is essential.

Among the features of your blog’s UX will be:

  • readable font,
  • acceptable headers
  • bullets,
  • text format

Any faults in these areas (for example, distorted typeface or confusing text structure) significantly decrease the UX of your blog. You are making it less user-friendly.

 Bad UX makes the blog difficult to read, and people will abandon it.

5.    Ignoring SEO

Ignoring SEO and optimization while beginning a blog is a significant error. Your blog might be at the top of search results thanks to SEO.

 As a result, before you post your blog, you should optimize it for search engines. SEO optimization is essential yet comprehensive, so read our guide to understand more.

Solution: take care of the blog’s SEO optimization.

If you don’t want your blog to be lost in the depths of Google, it’s worth studying fundamental blog optimization tactics and adhering to the most significant SEO rules

6.    Writing about something trendy that you don’t particularly enjoy.

Many people begin blogging on a topic just because it is popular, which is one of the reasons most blogs fail.

If you don’t write about something you’re genuinely interested in, you’ll become bored and abandon the blog after a few months.

It would be best if you worked hard initially, and you will notice little progress in the first several months. You will not lose consistency if you choose a subject you enjoy and can talk about for hours without becoming bored.

Check out our complete guide on.”The 32 Ideas to blog about.”

7.    Failure to consider your target client while creating content

One of the primary distinctions between a person and a professional blog is that a personal blog is about what you like. Still, the professional blog is about what your ideal customer needs to read.

If you write articles on what you enjoy reading, chances are they will be read just by you and, at most, your family and friends.

The articles of your professional blog must address a specific issue your target customer is experiencing. Readers will lose interest in your blog if they don’t discover a solution to their problem elsewhere.

If your blog is about vegan food and you post about your weekend vacation, no one will read it since your visitors come to your blog to find fresh vegan recipes.

8.    Failure to collaborate with other bloggers

Too much independence is a common pitfall among new bloggers. Of course, this is an attractive feature, but it’s occasionally (particularly early in your career).

The good idea is to seek advice from more experienced writers. This allows you to meet intriguing individuals, listen to colleagues’ advice, and develop a beneficial collaboration that will produce fruit in the future.

Solution. Build ties with other bloggers

An exciting collaboration with other bloggers or influencers is an excellent method to raise awareness of your blog.

Guess posting, referrals, and sharing your material on the channels of other experts are all practical approaches to growing your blog. Such actions will assist you in swiftly getting more visitors.

9.    irrelevant content

The fundamental problem with current blogs, according to Andrew Keen’s book “The Cult of the Hobbyist: How Today’s Internet Is Killing Our Culture,” is a lack of valuable and relevant material.

Unfortunately, many wannabe bloggers copy information from other sites without adding value to their own.

Solution: provide helpful stuff.

In your blog postings, only use verifiable information. It is good to study statistics from credible sources.

Remember, you don’t have to do it in a monotonous manner! You may use infographics to convey information and data on your blog in an entertaining way.

10. The absence of social media networks

The majority of new bloggers do not use social networking. This is a significant oversight because social networking sites facilitate personal engagement with stakeholders in practically every industry.

As a result, you should instantly join and submit articles in all communities that link individuals interested in your blog.

Furthermore, you should submit content on your profiles. Otherwise, your viewers might not take your inexperienced blog seriously.

Solution: use social media to promote your blog.

For obvious reasons, it is preferable to begin with, Facebook and Pinterest.

This is the simplest method for increasing visitors to your website. You can grow your business later but focus on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok.

This will help you to improve blog traffic and reach new audiences. Another option to establish a community and increase traffic to your blog is on social information sites like Reddit and Quora

·         Concentrate on social media rather than the blog itself.

Social media sites are significant since they may drive visitors to your blog. However, having thousands of Instagram followers and an empty email list, or none at all, is useless to you.

What you must do is concentrate all of your efforts on developing high-quality and relevant material for your blog. You may then reuse them for your social media publications.

If you have a large number of followers on social media, use this to your advantage and convert them into email list subscribers.

Your email list will allow you to contact directly with your subscribers, and it is your most valuable asset since you own it. On the other hand, on Instagram or any other social network, the platform’s algorithm determines who sees your material.

If you want to understand more about this, I recommend reading our guide on “how to get an email subscriber.”

11. Concentrating solely on brand partnerships and affiliate marketing.

Both brand collaborations and affiliate marketing are excellent strategies to supplement your blog income, but they are insufficient to build a viable business.

Furthermore, if you solely concentrate on these things, you will constantly rely on others to make your money. In other words, you will continue to be a type of employee rather than an entrepreneur with total control over his firm.

Creating your products and services and selling them through your blog will turn your blog into an actual company from which you can make a full-time career.

12. Delay in developing the initial product or service.

It is natural to want everything to be perfect before releasing your first product or service, such as having a lot of content and an excellent blog design.

 However, if you insist on polishing everything before selling your products or services, your blog will take a long time to become successful.

Start with a beta version to avoid delaying the production and sale of your first digital items and services. A beta version is the first version that will be changed and enhanced later.

13. Ignoring security

If you want your blog to be deemed safe, you must obtain a security certificate (or SSL). The SSL certificate ensures the privacy of your blog’s visitors by encrypting their data. When maintaining a blog, it is critical to keep your website safe in order to:

  • avoid data leaks or hacker assaults;
  • boost your search engine rankings: Google ranks secure websites higher than non-secure websites.

Solution: Ensure that your blog website has an SSL certificate.

You can easily verify if your website is search engine friendly. Every secure website displays a visible lock emblem in front of the URL. If, on the other hand, an exclamation point displays in front of your website, it is not safe.

14. lack of goals

You will most likely fail if you are unclear about your objectives, goals, daily, weekly, or monthly duties.

Trying to accomplish a little bit of everything leads to confusion, overwhelm, and poor-quality results. You must be extremely clear about your aims and ambitions if you want your blog to flourish.

Write down your objective and create a daily, weekly, and monthly plan that includes minor actions you must complete to achieve it.

A task list and a short-term objective will assist you in completing little tasks and moving on. Concentrate on one activity at a time, and don’t move on to the next until you’ve completed it.


These are the 14 most common blogging mistakes that lead to the failure of most blogs. As you can see, it is all about doing what you want, understanding who you’re talking to, being clear about your goals, and having an organization.

If you perform all of these things correctly and consistently, it is impossible for your blog not to be a success and a successful digital company.

Please tell us which of these mistakes you are making. What minor modifications are you going to undertake to ensure the success of your blog. In our Facebook group!

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