Dark Mode in Email: What You Need To Know

dark mode in email marketing

It’s a good idea to know which modes the receiver use when employing an email marketing service; the dark Mode in the email was designed to improve the recipient’s vision, and it essentially consists of increasing bright symbols on a darker backdrop.

Email marketers will always have challenges, and they will never go away. It’s Dark Mode – Email Dark Mode.

According to a dark mode poll conducted in 2021:

  • 44% of marketers are thinking about dark UX.
  • 28% used dark Mode early in the email creation process.

Dark Mode is now a prominent issue among developers and designers. It becomes an unavoidable element of the email experience. Several people have shifted to using Dark Mode on browsers and programs to help their eyes rest.

In this post. I will explain some tips to help marketers develop Dark Mode-optimized emails.

Let’s start with the basic concept.

Dark Mode – What Is Dark Mode?

A dark Mode is an option that enables you to modify the color of the UI. The goal is to aid in the presentation of high-contrast material against a dark backdrop. It also minimizes blue light and improves reading to prevent eye strain.

If your email ordinarily has black text on a white background, the display will be flipped when you go to Dark Mode. The writing becomes white while the backdrop darkens.

Many developers are already acquainted with dark Mode. Because they often examine the code in this manner. Dark Mode is also suitable for persons who are light-sensitive or who work at night because it’s simpler to read in low-light situations.

Several famous applications already feature a dark mode user interface option. This functionality is currently accessible to email clients. Each email client, however, handles dark Mode differently. And now for the difficulty. Keep tuned to find out more about how Dark Mode affects email marketers.

Why Should Email Designers Be Concerned About Dark Mode?

The Mechanism of Action in Dark Mode

When you use Dark Mode, the email application’s UI does not always become dark. This Mode will be tailored to the user’s preferences. 

When enabled, this feature will check the text and background color through the CSS properties background, color, background-color, or the HTML element bg color, color. 

Then, modify them to make the content brighter or darker. As a result, if the text is dark, Dark Mode will lighten it in the app. The same happens to the backdrop color.

As the preceding examples demonstrate, dark Mode turns bright colors dark and dark colors light. It will change the colors of your email.

Why Do You Need Dark Mode Optimized Email Design?

Dark Mode seldom causes issues with plain text emails. Things may become tricky with HTML (template) emails when the content is created in several colors.

Email campaign, which looks great in light Mode. Nonetheless, the experience while using Dark Mode is less than ideal.

Have you begun to worry about email design that has to be optimized for dark Mode at this point? Don’t be concerned! Follow along below to learn some quick methods for making your emails appear fantastic in applications that support Dark Mode. 

See also: How to design email marketing.

What Is It Important To Use Dark Mode In Email Marketing?

This feature is becoming more important for all email marketers for a variety of reasons:

Email dark Mode is beneficial to the eyes.

 Today, we spend a lot of time staring at a screen, whether on our computer or phone. While dark Mode may not completely fix all difficulties, it does assist in reducing eye strain.

Email dark mode looks best in the dark.

 It is considerably more pleasant for the eyes in the dark than the light Mode since it is comfier for the eyes and reduces glare.

Email dark Mode emphasizes the substance.

Dark mode versions are often more simple, reducing distractions when absorbing UI material. This helps you to concentrate on the most critical aspects.

Email dark Mode Increases battery life.

With devices with AMOLED or OLED panels, the dark Mode or dark Mode saves 14% of the battery, and with minimal brightness, it may save up to 60%. Moreover, by decreasing the rate of energy consumption, the dark mode design helps the construction of ecologically friendly digital goods.

Email dark mode Enhance accessibility.

If we follow all of the suggestions for designing in dark Mode and employ color contrast standards, we will have a more accessible and straightforward product to explore.

Email dark Mode It is now stylish.

Well… That is correct. Many people switch it on since it’s new and they want to test it out.

Email dark Mode is relaxing.

Some people prefer reading on dark displays, particularly at night;

How to Optimize Email Design for Dark Mode 

Which email clients have dark Mode updated on the phone?

  • Apple Mail
  • iPad Mail
  • The Gmail App (Android)
  • The Gmail App (is)
  • Outlook Application (Android)
  • Outlook Application (iOS)

Which email clients have dark Mode updated on the desktop?

  • iCloud Mail
  • 2019 Outlook (Mac OS)
  • 2019 Outlook (Windows)
  • Email client for web browsers:
  • Outlook.com
  • Gmail
  • Hey.com 

See also: How to optimize email for mobile devices.

Steps to Design Email for Dark and Light Mode

Many ideas must be followed while configuring an email using this way. The recommendations below will assist you in creating more effective and appealing designs for your recipients.

Step 1. – Make Dark Mode available to your customers’ service providers.

You may guarantee that it is enabled for subscribers who have Dark Mode activated by providing the following information in it:

Step 2. – Make use of translucent pictures

Systems that support dark Mode will change CSS colors but not picture colors. As a result, translucent backgrounds are preferable since the picture varies based on the backdrop color selected by the theme. Of course, this does not work with social network icons, which might get lost in the dark backdrop.

Here are some thoughts to consider while developing visuals for email marketing.

Step 3. – Make graphics and logos suitable for various styles.

Add a translucent outline to transparent PNGs containing dark text to boost readability. This can help you avoid problems like utilizing the inverted partial color or inverted full-color settings. Also, it will be quite beneficial to subscribers who choose to view your material in Dark Mode.

See also: Some notes when designing images for email marketing.

Step 4. – Avoid combining picture and background colors.

You may use backdrop pictures and colors to build design components. However, this option may work against you. Remember that if you employ backdrop colors, they will most likely switch between dark and bright modes. The visuals, on the other hand, will not change.

Step 5 – Wrap the black design components with white strokes.

Dark Mode might lessen the attraction of the template you create. Against a dark backdrop, black lines of text, logos, banners, and so on are not visible. 

Several designers have recommended placing white strokes around text and symbols to prevent this bad experience. The white border is invisible in light Mode but helps items stand out in dark Mode. 

Step 6. Plain text email is an easy method to prepare for Dark Mode.

As previously stated, black text emails on a white backdrop will be translated effortlessly while in Dark Mode. Consider using this form.

Step 7 – Do a few tests before sending the email.

It is critical to test all of your messages in both light and dark modes. You may not be able to make your messaging appear excellent in every situation. Yet, you may run tests to produce messages that are effective for both light and dark optimization.

Step 8. – Avoid using pure black (#000000).

For emails such as #121212, it is best to lessen the contrast and use virtually dark grey.

 Drawbacks of Dark Mode in Emails

The most ardent supporters of dark Mode believe that it saves energy. While this is correct, it only applies to OLED panels since it “eliminates” dark pixels and prefers lower usage. Currently, 61% of smartphones feature an OLED screen, an important number to remember. Laptops and computer displays, for example, do not utilize them.

Another point of contention is reading comprehension. Viewing white text on a dark backdrop causes the iris to open in order to receive more light and distinguish white characters. The edges become somewhat hazier in this setting. As a result, the reader is subjected to an unpleasant reading experience and must exert additional effort to continue reading.

Dark Mode does not affect persons who do not have any form of eyesight problem. People living with Astigmatism may feel eye strain from Dark Mode. Now, over half of the population suffers from a comparable condition. Some users must squint more in order to see text against a dark backdrop.


Dark Mode in email is quite popular and will continue to rise in popularity across applications and browsers. Optimize the Design of your email marketing campaigns according to our guidelines above if you want to boost the reach of your efforts.

Best wishes!