Effective Email Marketing Strategies and Successful Tips

Effective Email Marketing Strategies

Are you wondering what are the most effective email marketing strategies? All email marketing strategies start from building your contact list to sending emails. 

Right? But there is more to that.

As an email marketer, I examined all the promotional emails I got – including examining my junk folder. Because among them, there are a hidden number of marketing techniques that the senders – the true advertisers – have invested their budget and passion to create.

That’s correct! Not all the messages we receive every day are created by spammers. Sometimes, marketers’ emails get into the spam folder due to a few factors.

After accumulating experience from all the emails I have read, I have summarized the five most commonly used email marketing strategies. You should use it in your email marketing plan, which has worked for me.

See also: Why emails are sent to spam folder.

Let’s get started with some brief explanations.

What Is An Email Marketing Strategy?

Email marketing strategy is a plan for employing email campaigns to accomplish certain marketing objectives. It entails finding target audiences, providing engaging content, segmenting email lists, and monitoring results.

Email marketing is the most important digital business tool. It helps you develop a connection between you and current consumers. There are only so many tools that enable you to accomplish that.

Email marketing strategy fits the phrase, “If you don’t prepare, you’re planning to fail”. An email marketing strategy will present you with a map of the specific target and a plan of how you will attain it.

See more: About email marketing.

Why Is An Email Marketing Strategy Important?

A strategy involves the tools, goals, and analysis to help you proceed on the proper path.   

  • Consider it this way – an email marketing plan outlines the objectives and gives the direction one should go for when sending promotional or regular emails. For instance, a good content plan will lead to more clicks with an email marketing approach and better sales. 
  • It helps take the guessing out of the campaign planning and provides clear objectives and methods to attain the goal.
  • And you will know what parameters to monitor and which may assist in boosting your sales. Also, a perfect email strategy will help you decide what emails to send and when.

This way, everything is planned out, and you can optimize the campaign further to meet the stated targets in the desired time period and to assist in preventing cart abandonment too! It’s no surprise that a great email campaign may make up for the missed revenues big time. Hence, email marketers can evaluate their campaigns properly with an email marketing strategy.

How To Build An Effective Email Marketing Strategy

 To build a successful marketing strategy, here are my five proven strategies you should always have in mind.

Build a list of customers.

A necessary condition for a successful email marketing campaign is to ensure your emails are sent to the right audience, who are your loyal customers or potential customers. 

Building a list of consumers is the everyday activity of any firm. It directly affects the revenue as well as the development of the business.

Because having a quality customer list is the key for you to have an effective Email Marketing campaign. Many companies waste a lot of marketing chances when they do not establish a list of customers but worry about purchasing data and receiving emails when consumers do not allow it.

 Building a list of clients is something that every firm has to accomplish

You may purchase existing client data. However, with this strategy, you will not sell or care for them. Because of a lot of data in it, they will not have the need to make the efficiency extremely low. Thus, it is called spam mail, not email marketing.

Learn more: 

Build customer-relevant email content.

Aside from building a quality email list, you must have relevant and informative email content for your customers before your Email can be successful.

 To have a good email marketing campaign, the Email must have content consumers care about. The content of the Email influences the efficiency of an email marketing campaign. 

In emails, investing in strong content, consumer psychology, design, and themes is vital. Targeted and customized email templates are more successful than bulk emails.

Don’t be too hungry for attractive email layouts, huge fonts or surprising goods if you don’t want consumers to send emails to the spam box. 

Make your email template straightforward, professional, and as easy to browse as feasible. The more basic and straightforward an email is, the more it will attract receivers.

Depending on the industry or demographics, you may segment your professional email list differently. Based on that, you may simply alter the content of each email with each audience. You may employ welcome posts and emails reminding consumers of forgotten carts. Plus, personalize emails by adding the recipient’s name to the salutation or subject line.

See also:

Create an email marketing campaign.

Automated email marketing help engage consumers with the correct message at the right time. 

 Specific steps to establish a successful email marketing strategy

Step 1: Define your aim

The email content will change dependent on the aim you wish to achieve. This boosts consumer awareness of the brand, boosting sales.

Step 2: Decide the sender

Will the Email be sent from your company, your CEO, or a member of a particular department? Pick an influencer and then sync it in every Email.

Step 3: Set your theme and preheader

The subject content is vital since it encourages people to click open and read your Email. Similar to the content of every blog on your website, email marketing must also be provided to draw attention.

Step 4: Design content and photos

To obtain excellent results, you must first make the audience feel comfortable reading your Email to them. Avoid writing lengthy lines and giving too many recommendations in the body. 

Step 5: Check your Email

Test everything: design, layout, email marketing text, subject line and call to action. Then run your email tests with different customer segments; At the same time, align the time reasonably.

See also: 

Monitor campaign performance

Once you’ve created an email marketing campaign and sent it successfully, you need to track the performance of your campaign. 

Because email marketing is continually updated data in real-time and regularly compares the performance of different campaigns.

 Always remember to check the efficacy of your email marketing campaigns

You need to record email metrics to verify whether it is accurate or if there are any strange outcomes. Once you have enough data, compare campaign performance. From there, find out when and how frequently Email is best for your company. 

In addition, analytical metrics such as open rates, link clicks, bounce rates, etc., help you to determine the reason and learn from it for future emails.

See also: 18 key metrics to monitor in email marketing.

Review Email List

Regularly examine and filter the email list, and delete the possible emails to save time for the subsequent campaign. Email filtering will decrease the possibility of being placed in the status of Email Spam by Google.

In addition, you need:

  • Eliminate inactive clients every 3-6 months.
  • Eliminate unsubscribe and spam consumers after each campaign.
  • Send a 2-3 month reactivation email to contact inactive addresses.

So we’ve gone through 5 steps to build an email marketing attribution strategy. Email marketing may be considered a cost-effective technique for connecting with clients. Grasping the important principles of having great email marketing can help you enhance your click-through rate.

You see, conducting an effective email marketing campaign is complex. On the contrary, this method involves several steps plus waiting patiently, one step at a time.

How To Win With Email Marketing?

Here are the five most often utilized email marketing strategies that work

Lesson 1 – Always leave your marketing funnel open

Whether you’re sending an email or a sales newsletter doesn’t matter. If your information is not opened, it will not be read. And if it’s not read… you don’t earn money.

Although, there are emails that have fallen into the spam folder. But one factor provoked me to open it. It’s the Subject Line. Because they both draw attention and impact the recipient’s psychology:

1. Benefit-oriented (Share advice, how-to instructions, trend updates…etc.)

2. Curious

Learn more:

Lesson 2 – Use images to gain attention

You’re competing with Facebook, Pinterest, or whatever other businesses your target audience is following. You have to make your information intriguing if you want to reach them.

Please verify the emails you have encountered in the spam folder. Is there a message that opens without an image? One of the quickest methods to capture attention is visual. Make it aesthetically attractive.

Images don’t simply make emails appealing and entertaining. They also break up the text and make it simpler to read. 

Check out the Email Marketing Image Design Guide.

Lesson 3 – Mobile Accessibility

More and more individuals are obtaining information on mobile. Therefore, your promotional Email needs to display perfectly on smartphones, tablets, etc. This aspect will provide your organization with a major competitive edge.

Imagine, at the same moment, you get two emails with identical advertising for the same thing. You pay attention to email A because the subject line is more intriguing. You open it up on your phone and… feel annoyed. Because the content is unbalanced, the image is distorted…etc.

Next, you open email B. A delicate colour design and harmonic and balanced template come in front of your eyes. It is simple to deduce that you will lean more towards product B, right?

Remember to optimize promotional emails for mobile devices. Nowadays, various email marketing software or services feature automatic email designers. You may use them to make your own ideal templates.

Learn more: How to optimize your Email for mobile devices.

Lesson 4 – Links to Social Platforms

Social media is one of the finest marketing methods to copy your brand and communicate with people in real-time. S

trong Digital marketing approach when combining additional social networking platforms into marketing email content. Such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram….etc. These platforms have varied purposes:

  • Twitter has become a virtual phone, a place for consumers to complain or ask inquiries.
  • Instagram and Pinterest — tell tales with photographs.
  • Linkedin – Update fresh trends for you.

Lesson 5 – Don’t Forget Remarketing.

According to the Baymard Institute, the cart abandonment rate is 67.91%. This is a strange reality regarding the sales process. The audience has actively sought out, but you are the one to waste the potential to turn them into clients.

You have to grip your prospect’s hand the whole time. The connection should constantly be maintained, urging them to make a choice or reinforce the transaction.

Email remarketing using existing customer lists may enhance revenue by up to 30%. Unlike other complex marketing strategies, Email resends don’t need any complicated solutions. 

However, for the above five techniques to work optimally, there are things not to do when sending email marketing that you need to know.

Things Not To Do While Performing Email Marketing

Buy a database

Identifying businesses that offer databases (lists of clients) is relatively easy. But that data certainly has a much lower level of validation than the list you build yourself.

Buying a database will happen when there are innumerable dead email addresses and not the correct target audience. 

Ideally, you should design some acceptable form yourself to extend the list of consumers. A quality list source helps to the success of an email marketing campaign.

Learn more: Should you buy an email list?

Too focused on marketing and sales

You should think in the direction of bringing customers new benefits and more. Don’t stop at me having this promotion; you watch and buy.

Customers may not be happy to receive promotional emails frequently. Although the ultimate goal is still to sell, you should be flexible when conveying your message to sell wisely.

Get acquainted, provide information and then call to action. And the type of rush from the beginning, like “buy now” and “see now”,… only makes the recipient not sympathetic and delete your Email immediately.

Both the content and form of marketing emails need to be novel. Customers will be very bored to receive similar messages in terms of words, images, promotions… Remember to refine the text concisely and briefly and add visual elements with images and videos…

Don’t check your email before sending it.

You must check the layout, display, content of the message and the rate of incoming emails to the inbox before mass sending. Any mistake will have a significant impact on the overall campaign results. 

Moreover, the re-checking is seen as your respect for the customer. Customers will have a more positive attitude to carefully invested emails at that time.

Not planning the right email delivery route.

The fact that customers tend to approach email marketing at any time has been studied specifically. You can’t send emails randomly, without a schedule, without rules.

Based on available research and measuring results in email marketing sent to get the best mailing schedule. Note: marketing emails should not be sent too often or too little.


A successful email marketing strategy is down to a recipe for success. Applying these factors well and being thoughtful and thorough in each campaign will achieve high efficiency.

 Good luck with your work and passion!