Email Marketing for Events (How to Promote your Events)

Email Marketing For Events

Are you an event marketer wondering how to use email marketing for events? Yes! It’s a good plan to use email marketing for events.

For event marketers, email marketing is a vital aspect of the whole plan. According to a study, 40% of marketers believe email marketing to be an effective method for promoting events.

Most of the activities are centered on marketing the brand and acquiring subscribers. Achieving this objective demands an email marketing strategy with a clear message and a solid call to action.

The lessons in this blog post will help you improve your email marketing campaign to attract clients to attend the event.

What Is Email Marketing For Events? 

What is email marketing for events? It’s a promotional approach in which a firm and its clients come into close touch with each other through the mail during a particular event, such as a music festival, sports tournament, or fair. 

Brands employ engaging marketing events, like music performances, competitions, or parties, to approach consumers directly and provide the family with a fantastic sample.

 Hence, they have an opportunity to connect with outstanding items. Its services.

The event introduction plays a vital influence on the success of the event. Email marketing is an efficient technique to communicate with prospective participants and transform them into leads.

What Are The Importance Of Email Marketing For Events?

Email marketing campaigns are the greatest approach to keeping in touch with your warm leads and individuals who have voluntarily signed in to receive your emails.

This enables you to contact your audience immediately when you have something to say.

 When you utilize other means of advertising, such as social media, you put it out there and then hope the proper people will see it.

Only email marketing will enable you to get in direct touch with your prospective event attendees with simplicity; you don’t need to ship hundreds or thousands of physical letters and pay the postage, and you don’t require people to get on the phone.

You press send, and it can reach thousands of inboxes.

Event marketing allows consumers and businesses a unique chance to connect with a broad spectrum of individuals at the event, create personal and professional ties, and give customers a hands-on experience.

How To Create An Effective Event Marketing Campaign?

Know your audience and marketing segment.

Event email marketing is most significant when they are directly relevant to the reader. If the message is personalized to the receiver, they are more likely to reply.

To achieve this, you must have a comprehensive comprehension of the topic. On that basis, we shall proceed to segment data.

There are various methods to segment consumer data. You may select to categorize event attendees according to the following criteria:

  • Career
  • Job Title
  • Geographical area
  • Type of ticket to participate

The aforementioned qualities should decide the sort of message you plan to send. The more relevant the email content is to the receiver, the greater the amount of interaction.

Read more: Email list segmentation.

Keep a concise email body for event marketing campaigns.

A major error in event marketing emails to avoid is a disorganized and long text. It demonstrates the lack of professionalism of your firm.

 Furthermore, there is a potential that the receiver won’t read a longer mail.

Also, you need to realize that the typical individual gets more than 30 emails every day. Therefore, developing an unambiguous message is crucial.

Along with the link in the content, you may also provide a thumbnail image of the video that provides further information about the events. 

Users who click on it will be forwarded to the landing page to view the entire message. This is a fantastic technique to encourage attendees as well.

It is recommended to build up tiny headlines for each item of material. This arrangement allows readers, even if they are browsing rapidly, can instantly comprehend what the Email you are talking about.

Capitalize on FOMO

Make the reader believe they will lose out if they pass on this chance now. 

Typically you may accomplish so by sending attractive subject lines like- “Seats filling fast..”, “It’s now or never..”, “Last few seats left…”, “Missing out on this once-in-a-lifetime concert?”.. and so on.

Generate suspense

Pre-launch marketing like “watch out this space for more details” generate a sensation of anticipation and interest in something wonderful. Creating a similar sensation about your event generates anticipation.

Maintain a clean design.

In line with the simplicity, the visual language of the Email should likewise be straightforward to interpret and eye-catching.

One real approach to do this is to keep a consistent color palette. It offers Email marketing a uniform aesthetic sense and strengthens the brand.

Reference: How to pick colors that enhance email marketing conversions.

Note: Always send a test email to your coworker or other email account.

The objective is to analyze how the email will seem to the receiver. Events need to establish a professional impression starting from the “distribution of invitations” phase.

Event marketing email subject lines should contain the recipient’s name.

The first thing a reader sees about your Email is the subject line. Writing the ideal subject line is always complex. However, it has to fulfill two key principles:


The subject line always gets the recipient’s attention when the recipient’s name is included. Additionally, it makes your event notice stand out from other cookie-cutter ones.

A name or even a company name may be used to personalize anything. According to the message’s context, you should adjust your tailoring.

Email topic length

Keeping a brief subject line leads to greater open rates. Email subject lines fewer than ten characters long have a 20% open rate.

Read more: How long should email subject length be?

When to send email marketing to publicize the event

Timing your proposal is important to gaining interest in your program. When should event notification emails be sent? Start the campaign around two weeks before the event. 

In the Email, give thorough information and incentives if clients attend the event. Be sure to offer the link for them to join up.

One week before the event, send a marketing email reminder the registration period is about to finish.

And lastly, an email closes the list of participants roughly three days before the organization time. It should contain a call to action that inspires the rest.

Content consistency

To draw people to the event, you must employ an Email series. The Emails’ substance may differ, but the tone, design, etc., must be the same.

Don’t let your receivers worry when they get emails on the same event but substantially different.


Write brief phrases using basic language to communicate vital information. Create easy-to-read information with simple headers and subheadings. The display on mobile devices also requires updating.

How To Launch An Event Email Marketing Campaign

An email marketing campaign includes two primary phases: Before and after the event.

 If the pre-event phase focuses on getting subscribers interested, then the post-event Email is a stepping stone for future campaigns and events.

The pre-event marketing email approach 

The pre-event email marketing campaign contains a series of emails that make clients aware of the value and advantages of the approaching event. 

This phase’s main goal is to increase the number of people who subscribe to your event as much as possible.

Therefore, even if the content changes, the communication messages of the emails need to stay constant.

Here’s an example of how to plan unique and engaging emails to create awareness and enthusiasm before the start of your event.

  • Event introduction email
  • Opportunity to obtain discounts for early registrants
  • Introducing the highlights of the event
  • Email invitations to the event from a speaker or an organizer. Use the brand of a prominent individual/organization to inspire receivers to attend the event.
  • An email reminder regarding the number of individuals attending the event
  • A quick reminder close to the event date. The Email should contain a map of the event’s occurrence and other practical information.

However, depending on the event’s magnitude, sending many emails may negatively influence the excitement of possible event participants.

Event promotion email calendar

You must schedule the timing to send each Email to your list. Start constructing a roadmap before the day of the event.

Every Email should provide relevant information to get people enthusiastic about your event.

Intro for your event email marketing strategy 

Here are some content ideas that will help you produce event invitation emails that attract the attention of your recipients:

  • Footage/photo from the event
  • Video interviews with prominent speakers
  • Agenda (agenda) of the event
  • Behind-the-scenes material on how to organize
  • Interview with event founder
  • Benefits gained while participating in the event

These ideas may be utilized in many combinations and sequences to create an entertaining activity for your occasion.

Post-event email marketing

After your event, you may continue to communicate with your event participants.

 Post-event emails provide a chance to contact event participants by delivering relevant and important information. This is the basis for taking care of and nurturing prospective clients.

There are numerous emails that you may send when the event is ended.

  • Personalized Thank You Emails: Make your event participants feel unique with a note thanking them for attending your event.
  • Post-Event News: Update your guests on any outcomes from the event. This might be a contribution to a charity. Or report on how many people attended the event and explain what transpired.
  • Gifts: Send your customers a present with a thank you card for participating in your event.
  • Questionnaire: Open a survey to gather participants’ comments. Discovering the event’s good and bad points can help you decide how to improve on future occasions.
  • Next event data: Your next event marketing plan begins shortly after the prior one concludes.
  • Share profiles: Provide links to information on speakers and groups at your event.

Event Invitation Templates

Use social proof to gain credibility.

Before making a choice, individuals tend to study and consult prior users. If your event is annual, provide good feedback from attendees from past years.

Hit the urgency to persuade those who haven’t interacted yet.

If you make your readers feel like they’re going to lose something, they’ll be more inclined to participate.

Apply this to re-engaging folks who still need to open emails on your list. It might be a limited discount coupon, seats running low, etc.

Provide the entire material of the event.

Remember that registrants will have many questions before they accept to attend your event. To promote conversions, anticipate questions and address them in emails.

Avoid burdening subscribers with a long inquiry and response. Summarize your material as much as possible so that the reader doesn’t feel overwhelmed while getting it.


The objective of your event email marketing should continue beyond the value of notifying the organization. As part of an internet marketing plan, Email will keep you on your way toward better connections and profitable transactions. 

You may continue to utilize Email to poll event participants. It will provide you with comments to improve for subsequent programs—or favorable testimonials to utilize in future marketing materials.

Please put the aforementioned recommendations into practice successfully.

Good luck!