Email Marketing For Real Estate: (How To Get Started)

Email Marketing For Real Estate

Many individuals say that Email Marketing is an old tool with more than 40 years of age, in particular, email marketing for real estate business.

 It is a tool to be addressed, and real estate email marketing is becoming increasingly crucial for real estate brokers/companies.

Email marketing is useful for real estate agents trying to create connections, generate leads, and promote their firms. It is optional when hosting a house selling event, bu a terrific tool to assist brokers in nurturing new consumers and building buildings with them.

I will thoroughly explain this possible Real Estate Marketing tool in today’s post.

What is Email Marketing for Real Estate?

Real Estate Email Marketing is an internet marketing technique utilizing Email to communicate to prospective consumers to introduce and promote real estate projects or express thanks to attract clients. 

Clients come to visit the project and encourage the process of purchasing real estate.

Email Marketing is recognized as an advertising medium with optimum cost and high conversion rate, shown to be:

• Email is used by 92% of internet adults, with 61% using it daily. (Source:  Optinmonster).

• 59% of consumers believe that Email impacts their purchase (Source: Havard Business)

• 65% of Emails are now opened on mobile devices. (Source: Venture Beat)

Does Real Estate Email Marketing Work?

Using email marketing for real estate email marketing works in this online realm. It is an efficient approach to showcase properties, create connections with possible customers, and generate leads.

So if you are into the real estate business and need to use email marketing, you are missing a lot.

But to make real estate email marketing succeed, having a high-quality email list of people is vital. Read our guide on how to collect potential client emails.

Ultimately, real estate email marketing may be a helpful tool for creating connections and producing leads, but it takes careful preparation and execution to be successful.

Why Is Email Marketing Important In Real Estate?

Email marketing has a lot of positive impacts on real estate. Here are several reasons:

1.  Email marketing Builds Relationships.

One of the key advantages of email marketing in real estate is that it helps you to stay in touch with your audience. By sending frequent newsletters or updates, you can keep your subscribers updated about the latest trends in the real estate market, give tips and advice on purchasing or selling property, and exhibit your knowledge and experience.

In addition, email marketing helps you give your users timely and relevant information. For example, you may send out emails on local events, neighbourhood news, or developments in the housing market. By offering this information, you can establish that you are a skilled and trustworthy data source, which may further develop your connection with your audience.

Please read our guide on building customer relationships via email marketing.

2.  Email marketing to Welcome new potential customers

A firm without clients is nothing. Gaining customers to raise the worth of your real estate firm has a lot to do with accepting new leads pleasantly.

According to CampaignMonitor, welcome emails have a 91.43% greater open rate than other marketing emails. And subscribers who get a welcome email demonstrate 33% greater enduring brand engagement than those who don’t.

Read our comprehensive guide on how to write a welcome email.

A pleasant welcome may enhance the engagement and retention of your real estate leads while also: 

  • · Help them establish the correct expectations
  • · Learn about building your company 
  • Get to meet business owners

Be sure to customize your welcome Email and make it heartfelt. No one wants to be welcomed by a robot.

Although the welcome Email may be automated, you can customize it to make it appear like you took the time to meet your prospective clients, and it will surely boost your client interest in your business.

3.  Save cost and time for Real Estate Marketing:

Most real estate brokers see this as the main advantage when using Email for real estate.

Real estate email marketing is the most affordable marketing strategy compared to other media advertising channels. It is not costly to implement a real estate project advertising campaign on Facebook or spend hundreds of millions of dollars to come up with an idea to appear on television for ten seconds…

Brokers do not need to pay for publishing and printing costs like newspapers, catalogues, and leaflets like traditional marketing channels…

The Broker needs approximately an hour to modify and finish sending emails to hundreds of clients with identical content to execute an email marketing campaign for real estate.

4.  Improve professionalism in real estate customer service:

Email Marketing is considered a good strategy for real estate clients when it seems serious and professional.

Email marketing automation campaigns have been and will be further improved to promote strong customer service, such as communicating and contacting clients by setting up automated mailing according to the plan. Accessible, and the Email will be built with a professional template sent for thanking, informing, sharing information, and offering presents to stimulate interest in customer experience and sentiments.

5.  Measure real estate advertising results with absolute accuracy:

If Real Estate Email is sent to the target consumer after a maximum of 3 days, the Broker can acquire the fundamental parameters and outcomes of the campaign.

They are the fundamental email metrics connected to Real Estate Email Marketing Open Rate, Attachment Click Rate, Spam Marking Rate, Unsubscribe Rate, and some additional metrics to measure.

6.  Honest and Valuable Feedback:

Email is considered a unique marketing platform, unlike Facebook. Consumers are prepared to voice their thoughts about product services. With only a few very easy queries from your side, whether they sense goodwill.

For example, if you wish to poll consumers regarding the attitude of the workers at the business. To have a proper solution to increase customer service, email marketing is a sensible decision.

Limitations Of Email Marketing Real Estate?

Though email marketing is important for every business, it also has limitations.

Only some of your receivers are always online or continually check Email: Your recipients might comprise many diverse audiences. Thus some customers will check their email regularly, and some new customers periodically check.

Email frequency delivery: Brokers should have a distinct frequency of delivering Real Estate Email Marketing for each client and need to frequently monitor their list of Email Marketing addresses to be able to design the most efficient Real Estate Email Marketing campaign.

Not all customers accept Email: The major constraint of Real Estate Email Marketing is that clients get a lot of spam daily, making them feel exhausted and unhappy every time they check their inboxes.

If users do not approve of Email Marketing, they will typically perceive that Email as spam. So, brokers need to pay attention to establishing strong titles and content for Real Estate Email Marketing.

How To Create An Email List For Brokers

As a broker, you need to build an email list to send out marketing emails.

The real estate email list lists people waiting to receive good deals from you. If you need an email list, that’s a top priority problem.

To help you, here is a list of real estate email marketing tactics to grow your list.

1.  Include a form on your website.

The first way to create an email list is to make it simple for website visitors to join your contact list. You may achieve it by giving excellent value in exchange for entering their contact data.

You may opt to integrate a registration form:

  • · On the homepage, 
  • · Add it to the footer, 
  • · After each list, 
  • · Or on the contact page.

In this way, your website visitors believe your site is worthwhile and would subscribe to your list in return. 

2.  Ask prospective clients to book an appointment with the firm.

Another option to acquire email addresses is to put an appointment page on your website or other marketing channels.

In this manner, you acquire the contact information of prospective consumers who have scheduled meetings with you or your organization.

You may post your appointment URL: 

  • · On your website 
  • · On your Facebook or Instagram page 
  • · In your Google AdWords

No one loves spam emails, so ensure you can always send commercial emails to your contacts. And stay out of the game of buying email lists.

3.  Display opt-in-based product listings to prospective customers

Product list management is another real estate method to collect and expand your email list.

For example, you may show a pop-up on your website where prospective clients can sign up to get a list of properties for sale.

Here is an example for you to understand better

4.  Provide forms to discover home prices.

For prospective clients interested in selling their property or learning about the worth of their house, it’s ideal for providing a form that meets their requirements.

This form is basic and conveys clear expectations to prospective consumers.

If you have a modest amount of requests, you may handle them manually. But as needs develop, creating individual emails with dynamic information and delivering customized estimates depending on property addresses is ideal.

How to Use Email Marketing For Real Estate: (step by step)

Steps to implement a real estate email marketing campaign:

Step 1: Create a real estate email list

As I explained earlier, developing a quality email list is one of the first and most crucial stages to starting an Email Marketing campaign and Real estate success.

Brokers should notice that this list comprises not just email addresses but may also include client data such as complete name, gender, firm, and age. 

The more information that comes with it, the more useful your email lists are. They enable you to segment your consumers (by age, geographic location, and employment) and tailor email content.

Developing an email list requires time and work. A good email list helps you decrease the number of broken emails, acquire a high email reader rate, and fulfil the objectives of your Real Estate Marketing campaign.

To Establish a Real Estate Email Marketing List, the Broker might perform the following ways:

· Create a registration form: This is the most popular and easiest approach. Build a client registration form on your website. And let them look outstanding in the eyes of clients. Hence your success rate will be increased.

· Gather information about present consumers,

· Through real estate transactions and apartment sales: Real estate apartment sales and transactions are ideal for gathering a consumer email list.

Step 2: Personalize the email list of real estate consumers.

As a Broker, you need to realize that: Consumers only read emails when they obtain the information they desire. But if you don’t personalize the list and keep delivering the same information to everyone, most of our emails will slide into the spam bin, which is not good, and clients will progressively drift away from you.

To personalize the list of real estate consumers, the Broker must rely on the following criteria to classify:

  • · The region the consumer resides in.
  • · Age
  • · Sex 
  • · Job 
  • · Income 
  • · Academic level 
  • · Interest

When you’ve sorted out the detailed list according to the parameters you desire, you need to design a plan and strategy to target the audiences you personalize in the previous phase.

You can check out our full guide on personalizing your email list.

Step 3: Plan and approach strategy

Following the Real Estate Research and Training Institute. I will evaluate a case study for you to visualize in planning and strategy to contact real estate clients using Email Marketing. 

This case study will implement email Marketing for an apartment real estate project of X with a selling price of 42 million/m2.

Firstly, while designing an Email Marketing campaign, the Broker has to perform customer research. For example, in the Case study, I will evaluate 3 kinds of clients to buy this project (analysis based on the high-income criteria):

• Professional real estate investor

• Opportunity real estate investors: those who have money in their bank accounts, are saving, and have idle money. They can now invest in real estate if there is a successful investment channel. They may invest in any product as long as they perceive the possibility for profit, which implies they are not actively dealing in real estate. 

• Homebuyers to reside in

Say we filter a list of 1500 high-income persons from the original list to sort out the 3 items mentioned earlier.

The first stage

Step 1: Initially, the Broker has to draft an email with the topic linked to the filtered audience. For example, if you want to find professional real estate investors here, you can write an email with a subject like “Real Estate Investment Handbook”.

For example, after sending this Email, you will check if anyone opens the Email to read it. The people who spread the Email to read are professional real estate investors interested in real estate investment.

Suppose, in this scenario, 200 individuals open the Email. Then you now have 200 professional real estate investors. Thus, you have 1300 more people on the list to filter.

Step 2: The Broker continues to locate new real estate investors with an email with the subject “5 safe and effective investment channels in 2020”, and we send it to the remaining 1300 persons.

Then continue to watch who opens emails and reads them, clicks on the link, and they are opportunistic real estate investors. Let’s imagine this time you locate 200 opportunistic real estate investors. But there are still 1100 individuals on my list.

Step 3: You need to discover the home buyers to stay this time. We prepare an email titled “Handbook to purchase a decent property” and then send it to 1100 individuals. Say this time. You identify 200 folks who need to purchase a home to live in.

Hence, after 3 steps, the Broker has located 600 possible real estate consumers, and the remaining 900 emails are temporarily placed aside for other uses. 

The challenge is that we must supply more information for these 3 items regarding our goods and services. And we continue to gauge their interest.

Stage 2

In this step, the real estate broker has to build awareness about the real estate product. The project you provide and send to the 3 items on the list we just identified assesses the amount of interest by looking at the statistical data on the open email rate and the click rate on the link after it has been delivered. 

Email recognition is an informative email about the project you are offering on the market. Hence this sort of Email will not include sales information.

For example, from this emailing phase, we identified and found 50 professional real estate investors and 50 opportunistic real estate investors, and 50 persons interested in housing. Consequently, the picture of your consumer has progressively developed.

The 3rd stage 

In this following phase, the Broker has to deliver additional information about the project to people who have opened the Email in phase 2. 

We call the Email that delivers information to the consumer a balance email. A reminder, there is an Email questioning why I purchased your home and not someone else’s.

 In this Email, you should not pitch the items but only provide them with more information about the project to give them a foundation for choosing to acquire real estate. In the Email, there is additional information about it. Open sale events to encourage consumers to join.

Imagine, in this 3rd stage, we can find 

  • · 15 people from 50 people on the professional investor list 
  • 12 individuals t50 people on the list of opportunistic investors. 
  • 8 people from 50 on the list who need to purchase a property.

The last step is termed the closing phase. The Broker will send a call-to-action email and only send it to people who have opened the Email in stage 3. They will work with the sales department to complete the deal at this stage.

Step 4: Create content for Email Marketing Real Estate

During the planning process, the broker strategy goes to the step of generating content for Email. We all know buyers purchase via information if the information is interesting, helpful, valuable, or causes emotions to want to buy. 

Then we will sell the items. Therefore, in the Email, the content is the key to success. There are hundreds of thousands of ideas to write. An email, however, will be classed as follows:

· Email awareness: these emails assist clients in finding items and real estate projects that are soon to be released or on the market.

· Consideration email: Email gives additional information, real estate worth, and advantages of owning that property. In this Email, we also do not sell.

• Action email: This Email you will only send to persons who have opened the review email.

· Care email: Brokers should supply relevant email content. If they are interested in pricing, we send information about promotions and discounts… to consumers.

• Email creates loyalty: This Email helps connect customers and helps consumers remember you.

The golden rules to be able to create an efficient email marketing template:

• Understand who the email receiver is? What do they desire?

  • • Create a creative email subject line that draws clients.
  • • Personalize email content.
  • • Email text should be brief and concise.
  • • Use strategic connections to lead consumers.
  • • Attractive email format. \jmik

Step 5: Submit and review the results.

In all Real Estate Email Marketing campaigns, customer feedback to us is an issue that we must pay attention to so that you can adjust the campaign accordingly and review the content. It must be based on statistics like: 

  • Email conversion success rate 
  • Open Email Rate
  • Email click-through rate 
  • Email death rate, note: if the email death rate is > 20%, you will be locked out of your Real Estate Email Marketing software account.

How To Write An Attractive Real Estate Marketing Email

Catchy, conspicuous title

According to studies, up to 47% of users who click open an email are based on the information in the subject line, and 69% of users opt to report spam based on the topic. So, with an enticing title, addressing client wants will achieve significant success when launching a marketing campaign on this channel.

Some notes for developing Email marketing subject lines:

• The title is brief, simple, and interesting but yet assures to cover the material of the Email

• No more than 40 characters. Avoid making the title too lengthy and will be clipped on mobile devices

• Employ the skill of constructing sentences. Ask to generate excitement

• Mix suitable, mild emojis to prevent harsh and uninteresting

• The subject line impacts the click-through rate of the customer’s Email

You may read our full guide on how to write a catchy headline

1.  Personalize content

Personalizing content in email marketing can help boost the quality of the client experience and generate a feeling of familiarity and intimacy. This will help enhance the conversion rate of purchasing real estate.

Several kinds of personalization in email marketing:

  • • Customize the recipient’s name
  • • Offer personalization
  • • Location-based personalization
  • • Customization of transaction history, behaviour

To reach the utmost success of personalization, email marketers need to employ natural language to inspire personality and develop connections with clients.

2.  Mix bright, suitable imagery.

Email marketing will become more enticing when integrated with visuals. But do not misuse pictures. Ensure that the photos add value to the consumer and improve the customer experience.

3.  Adding the proper visuals to make the Email more interesting

In addition, you may utilize Infographics – a technique of giving complete and vivid information in email marketing to capture clients’ attention.

4.  The call to action must be underscored.

Call to action (CTA) – the next step after opening the Email and reading the Email is a necessary and very crucial aspect of email marketing. Advertising should write a brief, relevant audience for calls to action.

Additionally, a successful call-to-action is completely informed of what has been delivered. Make your call to action stand out with graphic graphics.

5.  Select the perfect moment to send

The “timing” aspect is crucial in a campaign, assuring a high email open rate.

 According to research, the time in the early morning, when beginning a new working day, clients would access the check email 3 times higher than other times. Thus, marketers should make the necessary research expenditures to decide when is the optimal moment to send emails.

Real estate email marketing is the cheapest communication route compared to conventional channels, yet it will deliver surprising outcomes.

Hence, while developing an email marketing campaign, marketers must spend and plan properly to maximize efficiency. The preceding approach of creating real estate email marketing will partially assist marketers in planning future campaigns.


In conclusion, email marketing is useful for real estate agents trying to create connections, generate leads, and promote their firms. By frequently delivering excellent and relevant information to your email subscribers, you can position yourself as a trusted expert and keep your audience interested and informed.

To get the most out of your email marketing efforts, it’s crucial to maintain a high-quality email list, employ customization and segmentation to personalize your messages, and deliver timely and valuable information to your subscribers.

 By evaluating your outcomes and improving your campaigns over time, you can constantly enhance your email marketing efforts and achieve higher success.

Although email marketing is only one component of a holistic real estate marketing plan, it may play a significant role in helping you reach and interact with your target audience. By using the power of email marketing, you can stand out in a competitive field and develop a strong, enduring connection with your customers and prospects.