Email Marketing For Restaurants And Hotels (A Detailed Guide)

Email Marketing For Restaurants And Hotels

As a hotel restaurant owner, do you constantly want your brand to stand out in the competitive market? Email marketing for restaurants and hotels provides great potential to engage with consumers, generate reservations, and enhance revenue.

 The approach to performing email marketing in today’s post will concentrate on the hotel restaurant business.

I will give more efficient marketing ideas and advice to enhance your restaurant and hotel enterprises’ income.

Let’s start by knowing what the terms email marketing for restaurants and hotels implies.

What Is Hotel Email Marketing?

Hotel email marketing is a technique used to communicate about your hotel brand, whether it involves discounts, bargains, events, upgrade options, or keeping customers interested.

 It’s an amazingly effective approach to improve reservations and drive interaction with current or new visitors.

Whatever your aim is, this is, without a doubt, a requirement when it comes to marketing methods.

What Is A Restaurant’s Email Marketing?

You already know that. Restaurants’ email marketing is a technique used to communicate about your restaurant’s brand, whether it involves discounts, specials, events, upgrade options, or keeping customers interested.

Email marketing for restaurants is a super-popular digital technique because it works. However, for many company owners, the concept of composing emails to their visitors is anything but exhilarating.

Additionally, with all the chores and deadlines you could be dealing with to operate your company, restaurant email marketing should be at the bottom of your priority list.

How Does Email Marketing For Restaurants And Hotels Work?

In the lodging sector, email marketing is a way to retain consumers (both existing and new customers).

Email is typically used to advertise promotions, special policies, updates, and possibly revenue-generating activities.

If you want to locate a channel to help find consumers, email marketing is the cheapest channel.

Is Email Marketing Useful For Restaurants And Hotels?

The hotel and restaurant business suffered a huge impact during the previous epidemic. As the globe slowly returns to normal, the restaurant and hotel sector has grown more competitive than ever. 

With more than 4 billion daily users globally, Email marketing is expected to generate $11 billion in revenue by the end of 2023.

To keep pace with this increase, roughly 37 percent of firms are raising their email marketing expenditure this year.

Email marketing is also a particularly strong match for the hotel business, hitting a 10.25-20.25 percent open rate, 1.17-3.01 percent average click-through rate, and 0.08-0.35 conversion rate for hotels in the United Kingdom and the United States.

This indicates that for a hotel that sends out one email to 50k individuals, there will be anything from 4,000 to 17.5k bookings.

Email marketing is a terrific approach for hotels and restaurants to segment customers, offer tailored messages, achieve demonstrable ROI, get your brand’s name out there, and remain in contact with your guests.

Why Should Hotels And Restaurants Conduct Email Marketing?

Reach a big number of clients in a short period

Email Marketing assists hotels and restaurants in sending large communications in only a few hours. Content is produced dynamically using unique layouts, employing videos or images….

You will grab their attention as long as you publish material that explains services, varieties of rooms, etc., attractively and appealing to users.

Visual communication is the first convincing reason hotels and restaurants should undertake email marketing.

See also: How to design images in email marketing.

Create more loyal consumers.

Email Marketing lets you constantly touch consumers once they arrive at the hotel restaurant. This is a great approach to building repeat business.

You may utilize Email Marketing to take care of and retain consumers.

The objective is to make them constantly remember you when you need to employ hotel services. Those are the advantages that email marketing delivers to your hotel.

See also: How to build a relationship with your customers via email.

Email Marketing is a measure that reflects the best restaurant and hotel service quality.

With conventional advertising approaches, it can be challenging to assess its effects. But with Email Marketing, you can produce thorough data on numbers, open rates, clicks, unsubscribes…

 From this, you can draw experience and come up with fresh ideas for the following campaigns.

Customer care

Many fledgling businesses regularly make this significant yet simple error in Marketing. That’s merely focused on obtaining new clients and ignoring previous customers.

When the company falls down, remember them and remarket. Marketing and customer service must constantly be complemented by the operations of the unit.

When you have an email list of clients, you should classify them. With consumers who have been utilizing your services, you can entirely motivate them to return to your restaurant or hotel again with care emails.

In addition, old clients might be a gateway for you to attract more new consumers via recommendations.

What do you think about birthday mailings and special deals of the month for loyal customers? Or just beautiful greetings and menus with images could not be more pleasant to them?

See also: How to use email marketing for customer service.

Save time, cost, and labor.

Compared to existing marketing channels, the expenditure on Email Marketing is the lowest.

Even compared to conventional marketing like poster printing, they spend a lot of money on printing and recruiting.

Email Marketing is the opposite.

This marketing channel requires spending 1/3 of the expenditure compared to conventional advertising.

In addition, the reach of Email Marketing has been expanded. The automated function of email marketing software saves time. It may entirely reach thousands of clients in a short period.

Types Of Email Marketing Campaigns For Restaurants And Hotels

Promotional announcements and special offers

This might include seasonal specials, stay or workcation packages, or special deals on suites.

Exceptional Events and Occasions

These advertisements commemorate exceptional events like the April 30-May one holiday, New Year’s Eve or Valentine’s Day, and special occasions such as birthdays, birthdays, marriages, and anniversaries. They may provide a romance package, wine, or an in-room breakfast package.

Welcome emails

 In addition to helping hotel visitors plan their stay, these emails can generate extra income by urging them to upgrade rooms, reserve a table in the hotel’s restaurant, or book prior utility services, sightseeing, or fun activities at the hotel.

Hotel Guest Emails

Hotel guest welcome emails may be a terrific method to encourage visitors to events and activities like happy hour, golf, or engage in fun activities. Play other.

Offer special meals

There are various sorts of foods that we all want at different seasons. You might think of making new foods and providing this menu to clients. This is also one of the things that help you compete effectively.

After-sales emails

These emails are delivered to visitors after their stay to persuade them to return. For example, encourage OTA customers to book directly for their next visit or discount coupons on their second arrival.

Email newsletters

Monthly or quarterly hotel newsletters can be a great way to engage customers and increase reservations, mixing news and promotions with unique elements like recipes from your kitchen or link to the current blog article.

Request for feedback

 Ask customers to write a remark or fill out a survey regarding your restaurant or hotel.

Thank you

Showing your thanks towards diners numerous times, including on their first visit, when they fill out comments, etc.

How To Write Email Marketing In The Field Of Restaurants And Hotels

Know your target audience thoroughly.

In the restaurant and hotel service business, composing email marketing involves high relevancy and relevance.

Because this is a profession that demands elegance, civility, and dependability.

Therefore, studying and understanding the target audience is a requirement. You can only develop material that appeals to them by understanding their hobbies and interests.

Once you’ve determined your target, produce material aimed toward them. Ask inquiries or find out what they enjoy about your messaging.

Restaurant and hotel companies need to boost brand familiarity when composing marketing emails

In a competitive market like the hotel and restaurant sector, brand image is critical in every marketing effort, not simply email marketing.

Establishing a Brand name helps build an impression in the receiver’s mind so that they do not mix you with any other firm.

Two pitfalls to avoid when naming your brand in email marketing:

  • Restaurants and hotels should not write too lengthy Brand names while performing email marketing. Brand names should be brief, restricted to a maximum of 20 characters. This guarantees recipients see your entire company name when they open your email on a phone or tablet.
  • DO NOT PRINT ALL characters in the brand name. All caps might make your email stand out. However, it is also a reality that significantly draws the attention of spam filters. Consequently, your message gets forwarded to spam instead of where it might have been in the Inbox.

Please remember to avoid the following 2 blunders to strengthen your marketing email writing abilities.

Provide relevant and helpful content to stay connected.

“Customer retention” is the first key aspect that all restaurants and hotels should strive for when implementing email marketing.

Email newsletters are a good concept for establishing interactions with clients.

Also, bear in mind that all your email marketing should be personalized. This implies that adding the recipient’s name to the email is necessary for them to feel valued.

It also helps generate a welcoming, professional perception of your brand.

Reference: how to personalize the email.

Measure outcomes and adapt appropriately

Unlike conventional marketing tactics, Email Marketing can monitor the performance of each campaign via consumer feedback.

The statistical data of Email Marketing delivers value that is tough for any marketing channel to obtain. For example, the number of views, email openings, unsubscribe rate, number of link clicks, etc. Based on these figures, you may draw experience. A direction exists to alter the next email marketing campaign to be more suited for the receiver.

How To Send Effective Restaurants And Hotel Marketing Emails

But to have a strong hotel and restaurant marketing campaign, it is required to integrate several connected channels. In addition to the sales website, such as social networks, Facebook, forums, .. and email marketing is one of the crucial components to introduce things to the customers.

Start with a catchy subject line.

The first thing clients see is the subject line. Thus, it is vital to avoid subject lines that are not linked to the substance of the message.

 The better the headline, the more attractive it is, and the more it draws and motivates clients to open the mail.

If the subject line is not attractive, no matter how amazing your content, promotions, and discounts are. They will not be able to persuade people to open the letter.

No need for the sophisticated language but to target the proper consumer psychology with the most useful terms. Therefore, the subject line affects 80% of the effectiveness of an email campaign.

Optimize for mobile devices.

Currently, all software is compatible with all forms of internet access devices, including smartphones.

Therefore, you need to make a wise decision for email software that is comfortable for all types of devices to reach all clients.

But there are also several limits for clients when using smartphones to view emails if your email includes many images, vivid graphics, or promotional films.

 If consumers open to read emails on PCs, they may experience it all, but when they open emails on smartphones or mobile devices.

These are the variables that restrict customers from accessing your email content.

 It is one of the elements that make people immediately quit emails. So in order for your email to reach the most clients, simplify it as much as possible.

While ensuring it is full of information, generating a feeling of ease for the reader.

See also: How to optimize email for mobile devices.

Use illustrations

A promotional email will lose its charm if the whole message does not feature an image.

On the other hand, photos are the quickest instrument to help buyers remember content and advertising campaigns.

To achieve this, you need to pick the image connected to the campaign, obtain the representative image of the brand, place vibrant advertising images, and contrast images with the email backdrop color.

Call to Action

The feature of email marketing is to lure clients to the hotel website. Promotional email is a type of calling directly to clients; you need to incorporate photos and calling buttons such as: Register Now, contact now, and purchase now, … accompanied by a link to the page.

Your website will motivate clients to open the mail and boost traffic to your website.

But keep in mind, if you attempt to jam in as many actionable phrases as possible, it backfires and self-destructs your email campaign. Therefore, you need to place it correctly to prevent backfire.

See also: How to design email CTA for higher conversion.

Choose the right time to send an email.

Superb email content does not necessarily determine the success of a campaign. But you need to select the right time to send the email to the target audience to have great success.

In reality, many email campaigns have poor open rates, even when they contain all of the above elements.

 In order not to get into this predicament, you need to set up the right mailing time not only for you but also for your consumers.

According to the experience of many email marketing professionals, the ideal time to send email marketing to consumers is 8 am-9 am, from 10 am-11 am, and 3 am – 4 pm.

Therefore, picking the proper time to send emails is important to the success of the campaign. Otherwise, your emails will be disregarded and forgotten by clients.

Best Practices For Restaurants And Hotels Email Marketing

When it comes to restaurants and hotels, email marketing gives a substantial edge over the competition by developing a direct line of connection with your consumers and increasing your reputation.

Here’s a practical approach to email marketing for hotels and restaurants. It’s vital to first develop a decent list.

Build a list of customers

When gathering data, make sure you’re targeting the individuals most inclined to interact with your business. For this reason, purchasing a mailing list from a third party is not advised.

Sending marketing emails to those who aren’t subscribed is merely a waste of time. Low open and click rates are common.

At the same time, your sending reputation will also be damaged by email service providers. And the communications you send in the future are more likely to wind up in the spam folder.

How to build a quality email list

Here are three strategies to assist in gathering successful emails for restaurants and hotels that don’t have much data.

Create a contact form on the website.

One of the greatest strategies for a restaurant to collect a mailing list is to include a registration form and optimize its website.

The Bookings page is generally the lead-generating center. You may invite them to sign up for an email to get news about events or the greatest offers.

Show beautiful pop-ups

Pop-ups may be bothersome if they occur within the first second of a visitor’s visit. But if utilized effectively, they may enhance conversion rates. Check out a few recommendations on how to create pop-ups:

How to create pop-ups
  • The triggered pop-up is shown after 5 seconds.
  • Trigger a pop-up once a visitor has browsed over 40% of the page.
  • Associate pop-ups with branding.
  • Provide a distinct pop-up close button….
Ask consumers to join your email list.

Set up a form so consumers can sign up for information quickly.

Alternatively, you can include a QR code in a suitable area so that visitors can scan it quickly and proceed to the landing page, where they sign up to get an exclusive offer.

Here are some common email marketing methods for restaurants and hotels that you should consider employing.

Deliver great content

The objective of Email Marketing campaigns is to offer helpful information to clients. Therefore, if the email content is not of acceptable quality, your message may not be opened.

To produce great email content, you should consider the following:

  • Valuable content: Every email you send to consumers ought to deliver some advantage, whether it is suggestions, guidance, providing unique information, or tempting deals…
  • Have an intriguing subject sentence: The subject sentence is what the recipient will see when the email comes up in the Inbox. A brief, precise, and appealing subject phrase will drive consumers to open your email.
  • Mobile compatible: A lot of individuals routinely use their phones to check email. Therefore, the text material has to properly present the message when shown on mobile devices, preventing clients from having to surf too much.
  • Have a clear goal: Clearly specify the action you want your consumer to do, whether it is a purchase, class registration, contribution, etc.
  • Brand identity: This helps receivers have a consistent appearance and feel of your brand, so helping to establish consumer familiarity.

Use automation

This will assist your Email Marketing approach to be more comfortable and easy. You may design a series of emails that are then automatically delivered to subscribers.

 As a consequence, you will save time and enhance your productivity.

Automation also helps to keep in contact with consumers. This is particularly crucial since frequent access will assist people in remembering your brand.

Understanding Email Analytics

Email Analytics can assist you in seeing what’s going on in your Email Marketing campaign. From there, you know what to do to remedy the mistakes and get updated enhancements.

Most email marketing service providers employ tracking to gather data automatically. Information on email hits, click-through rates, conversion rates, etc., will be provided at Email Analytics.

Here are several metrics that show up nicely in Email Analytics:

  • Average email open rate: 15 – 25%
  • Average click-through rate: Around 2.5%
  • Conversion rate: 20-30%
  • Unsubscribe rate: Less than 2%

Understanding Email Analytics can help you gain fresh innovations and deliver better experiences for consumers. From there, your firm will gather more important information, generate more leads and enhance sales.


Now that we fully understand how email marketing for restaurants and hotels works. It’s important you note that using email marketing for restaurants and hotels provides great potential to engage with consumers, generate reservations, and enhance revenue.

By building a quality email list, generating captivating content, optimizing timing and frequency, and regularly evaluating and improving campaigns.

You can use the power of email marketing to grow your brand, nurture customer loyalty, and stand out in a competitive market.

 So, put these methods into practice, thrill your subscribers, and experience the delicious success of successful email marketing for your restaurant or hotel.

Good luck!