Email Marketing For Travel Agents (10 Tips You Should Know)

Email Marketing For Travel Agents

Are you wondering how to use email marketing for travel as agents? Email Marketing plays a vital position in the marketing strategy of any area, and the travel business is not excluded.

 It helps to increase the relationship between companies and consumers, including future customers, past and existing customers…

But that’s not all

 Whether you send confirmation emails or tour quality questionnaires, it is necessary to produce interesting content.

Only in this manner can the travel email be effective as needed. In reality, several researchers have discovered that the effectiveness of email marketing for travel is too low.

But, If your business encounters these challenges, here is the article for you.

In this blog post, I’ll provide some of the most efficient strategies to persuade clients to read emails in travel marketing campaigns and how to craft an effective marketing email.

See also: Which industry should make use of email marketing?

What Is Email Marketing In Travel Industry?

What is email marketing in the travel industry? This sort of email marketing is used to present the company’s travel packages, goods, and services to attract clients and raise sales during low tourist seasons. 

The Reasons Why Many Travel Businesses Do Email Marketing

There are tons of reasons why most gurus in the travel business make use of email marketing. Here are why:

  • Email marketing helps you capture excellent leads. And turn them into devoted consumers. In fact, 87% of marketers regard Email to be the most successful lead-generating medium.
  • Email Marketing offers clients travel date and time data immediately.
  • It helps you to make relevant offers based on a subscriber’s prior behavior.
  • Deliver high ROI for the accessible price you pay – up to $42 for every $1 invested.
  • Generate excellent open and click rates (CTOs). Nevertheless, there are few spam complaints or unsubscribes.

It is for the aforementioned enticing reasons that many travel firms must recognize this marketing strategy.

However, in each industry, there will be distinct email marketing suggestions. And to attain travel email marketing success, you need to grasp the following practical recommendations.

Benefits Of Email Marketing For Travel Agents

Emailing tour sales to clients have various advantages, as follows:

Build good relationships with customers.

Sending your sales emails also helps develop stronger relationships with your consumers.

Travel businesses might send emails offering information about tourist locations and interesting travel articles or send birthday and anniversary emails to clients to feel cared for and appreciated.

See also: How to build relationships with customers via email marketing.

Flexible application

You may proactively arrange the day and time to send your mail, particularly without restricting the design form and the amount of material or the number of newsletter readers. You can alter the content at any moment.

Simple implementation

Email Marketing software like Mailchimp rapidly inserts delivered messages with a simple email design with drag-and-drop capability that anybody can perform.

Fast speed

Email Marketing software lets you quickly convey your message to thousands of consumers.

Save money and time.

Emailing tour sales also helps travel businesses save money and time compared to conventional types of advertising, such as advertising in newspapers, magazines, or other media.

Increase sale revenue.

Sending your marketing emails also helps travel businesses enhance their sales.

 If the emails are nicely designed and worded, they attract customers’ attention and convince them to sign up for corporate tours.

Reach out to customers.

Email is a great technique to get connected to your consumers. It lets travel businesses contact many prospective consumers conveniently and quickly.

 Introducing the tour

 Email lets travel agents present their new and enticing trips to clients conveniently and swiftly.

 It enables travel agents to provide activities, intriguing sites, discounts, and special offers to pique clients’ attention.

Types Of Email Marketing Used In Travel Industries

 There are numerous types of email marketing that travel agents can employ to attract clients and advertise their goods and services.

Here are the most common email marketing campaigns used in the tourism industry.

Email newsletter

Newsletter emails are a great method to supply clients with relevant information about travel locations, events, festivals, and other travel-related material.

Newsletter marketing emails might be delivered weekly, monthly, quarterly, or at specified periods when an event happens.

This form of Email is an efficient technique for keeping contact with consumers. This is another strategy to enhance website traffic, as these news articles are often put in the blog part of your website.

Learn more: Email newsletter.

Welcome Email

 According to research, This sort of Email is utilized as the kick-off stage for an email marketing campaign. 

This is the initial email you send prospective consumers when they are interested in your travel goods and services.

Welcome emails should be considered since, according to data given by CampaignMonitor; The open rate for welcome emails is reportedly as high as 91.43%.

For them to not be the only ones that your potential customers read, the goal is to create several welcome email templates that are both good in terms of content and appearance.

Learn more: How to write a welcome email.

Email notification/confirmation

As a vital element of an email marketing scenario, notification/confirmation emails are sent to consumers shortly after they have successfully acquired your service or product.

 If a client wishes to unsubscribe from your service or product, this email template is also sent to confirm that they have made a choice and fully agree to the conditions when unsubscribing/purchasing.

The notification/confirmation email has a reasonably high open rate, up to 65%. Therefore, use this email template to increase visitors to your website.

 In terms of substance, provide them with trip specifics, order summary, or general information about the trip you will serve them.

 If this is a cancellation confirmation email, remember to give the restrictions they must follow. 

Promotional/sales emails

 If you want prospective customers to make choices swiftly, this is the type of email you need.

 Promotional emails, or sales emails, are email templates in which you inform your visitors about the tourist places to which you offer tours, introducing them to the finest services. 

That you are giving or promoting the greatest “best” service bundles as a strategy to urge customers to make a final selection rapidly.

See also: How to write a promotional sales email.

Exclusive deal email

 Any travel agent wanting clients to continue utilizing their services on future trips should consider this type of email.

Email consumers who just finished a tour given by your company should be sent a thank you email with a voucher for their next visit and also an exclusive deal email.

This might help you see these clients again soon or make them devoted customers. However, this isn’t only about the email template for the exclusive offer. 

This email template is often delivered on clients’ birthdays as a present that you offer them.

 On holidays, special days, when your company has a discount campaign, click sales and unique email offers will also be delivered as part of the campaign.

Thank you for your email.

 Your customers will feel appreciated and important to you if you send them an email of Thanks. It also allows you to benefit from insightful consumer feedback on your service.

You may send these emails soon after a client has booked your services or after they have finished a journey using your services.

How To Use Email Marketing For Travel Agents?

Convincing customers to utilize your service is complex. Everyone has their tastes and wants concerning their vacation experience.

But don’t worry; we are ready to be your knights on this voyage.

Here are nine crucial strategies to help you develop a great travel email campaign:

 Build a great email list.

The first step to a successful email marketing strategy is building an email list. There are many ways you may collect emails.

  • By giving unique discounts or distributing important papers and ebook downloads, you may accumulate a significant number of emails.
  • You may also gather email addresses at events, in shops, or on your website.

 However, collecting emails is not a huge problem; 

More crucial is that you need to filter the email list you have acquired to make sure the emails you will send content to are genuinely prospective clients of the firm.

Read more:

 Segment and Personalize email lists.

 Segment your subscriber list based on parameters like age, consumer preferences, or subscriber travel history. (Email Segmentation)

 This enables you to send personalized emails.

You can personalize emails in numerous ways, such as via email subject lines, by adding names with the assistance of unified tags, or by sending emails particularly targeted to a certain section of individuals.

Segmentation and personalization are accountable for producing a superior user experience.

Send emails only when required.

 It would be best to realize that clients do not need to get emails 3-5 times weekly. That is typically more than allowed.

Maintain a suitable campaign frequency to keep your brand at the forefront of buyers’ thoughts.

Don’t give them a terrible impression with mass spamming like this.

In email marketing, everyone can unsubscribe from an opt-in list. Therefore, you will lose your consumers if you don’t do it well.

To enhance effective email marketing, travel firms should maintain a frequency of sending marketing emails 3-4 times each month.

Or once a week to remain in contact with clients via Newsletter.

Use attractive subject lines.

Remember, the first hurdle of emailing is persuading clients to open the Email. If you have a dull title, there is a great possibility that clients will ignore it, even delete it.

In addition, subject lines contain many capital letters, exclamation marks, and excessively emotional terms like “most interesting, best, most beautiful, unique…

Your email goes to the spam box.

 You need to balance these aspects while generating an interesting topic to inspire recipients to open it.

Read more: How to write a catchy email subject line.

Keep content brief and straightforward.

When opening a marketing email, users generally scan the introductory. If it helps them, they will read more.

 To make sure your message is effective, you need to keep it brief. 

Try this – write email marketing as you would an ordinary email correspondence. If your Email contains a discount code, make sure it’s in the most apparent area.

 The material should only be wrapped in a few words so as not to waste the reader’s time.

See more: Great strategies for writing great email marketing.

Choose the proper date to send the Email.

To enhance open email rates for the travel business, picking the day of the week to send is highly crucial.

 Weekends are not generally the optimum time since the attitude likes to rest on the day off. Monday is the day everyone begins a new work week. 

This is when individuals concentrate on their job and do not have time to examine commercial information.

The greatest possibilities for customers to open emails are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. According to statistics, the ideal time to send emails is 9 am. 

See also: What is the most appropriate time to send an email?

Provide value.

I can’t shout this enough, VALUE! This is an important metric if you’re planning to use email marketing effectively for your travel business.

What makes you frequently subscribe to updates from a brand?

 The value it brings you – right? 

To enhance effective email marketing, give receivers more value in your travel communications. Such as Notes before visiting Japan, recipes, or discount for the next booking…etc.

Don’t keep your subscribers waiting too long for the value in your Email. They will unsubscribe from your list.

Don’t send untested email campaigns.

 An email that comes into a customer’s inbox with a disproportionate appearance and font problem will compel the receiver to leave the Email instantly.

And then, they’ll never be inquisitive about your message again.

This is the #1 cause for the reduction in email open rates in the travel business. Always test the message for each individual account by sending yourself a test email. 

 You may set up Hotmail, Google, and Yahoo accounts and try them yourself. Or email the campaign to a friend so they can rate it.

Track the click and open rates of travel email marketing campaigns.

To determine whether your travel email marketing strategy is successful, keep track of your open and click rates.

This will let you know where needs improvement. Such as:

  • Subject line too lengthy
  • The introduction does not entice the receiver to continue reading the complete material
  • The link supplied in the Email is broken
  • Messy email layout…

In each campaign, specific goals should be established. For example, open rates over 20%, bounce rates below 5%, and clickthrough rates above 15%…

This sets you up against your own benchmarks to determine whether your email marketing is on the correct road.

Make sure your Email is mobile-friendly.

Most individuals check Email on smartphones or tablets. So, if people can’t read Email on their devices, it’s likely to go to the trash.

Therefore, employ email marketing tools and services for tourist marketing initiatives. As you build, these tools automatically optimize your email display on any device.

Read more: How to optimize your email for mobile devices.

How To Write Travel Email

To write a travel email template, you need to follow these steps: 

Step 1: Short, straightforward, and engaging.

The tour sales email has to start with a brief, straightforward, and appealing welcome. It helps to attract the reader’s attention and provide a positive first impression.

Step 2: Introduce the tour.

 You should introduce the tour in this area, including the trip’s time, location, pricing, and substance.

The presentation should be straightforward to comprehend, clear, and beautiful so that clients can imagine the activities and experiences on the trip.

Step 3: Convince customers.

In this part, you must persuade them about the advantages of scheduling a trip.

 You may emphasize the trip’s highlights, such as the possibility to study local culture, sample gastronomy, explore nature or engage in unique recreational activities.

 It may contain special offers or discounts to make clients feel more thrilled.

 Step 4: Call to action.

Finally, you need to finish the Email with a particular call to action, such as “Sign up for the tour today so you don’t miss this opportunity.”

Should give additional contact information so clients may contact and plan a visit if interested.

Travel Email Marketing Samples

 Before getting started with the marketing Tour email templates,

Sample 1: Email marketing of special tours

Hi Mr/Ms,

 I’d like to provide you details on a special trip package to Bali, one of Southeast Asia’s most stunning locations.

  • Time: 5 days, four nights
  • Location: Bali, Indonesia
  • Cost: $2,500 /person (original price $3,500)
  • Content: Visiting major tourist destinations such as Besakih Temple, Gitgit waterfall, Ubud town, partaking in Kecak festival, swimming at gorgeous beaches of Bali,…

This is a terrific chance to experience Bali at the most inexpensive rate. Hurry up to register for a tour for more thorough guidance and help.

Sincerely thank you!

Company XYZ.

 Sample 2: Email sales for family tours

Hi Mr/Ms,

Our organization is now promoting a family vacation to Da Lat – the magnificent city of thousands of flowers.

  • Time: 4 days, three nights
  • Location: Da Lat
  • Cost: $4,200 /child, $5,000 /adult (original price $5,000/child, $6,000/adult)
  • Content: Visiting popular tourist destinations such as Tuyen Lam Lake, Da Lat Flower Park, Cu Hill, and Pongour Waterfall, playing games at Model Garden Park, and shooting photographs at Dalat Studio,…

This excursion will provide your family with intriguing and spectacular experiences. If you want to organize a tour or need further assistance, please contact us.

 Sincerely thank you!

Company DEF.

Sample 3: Email sales of abroad trip

Hi Mr/Ms,

Our firm is extremely glad to propose the sale program of trips to other places with the most affordable pricing.

 This trip schedule will take you to the most renowned and beautiful destinations globally.

We will take you to famous cities such as Paris, London, Tokyo, and New York, sample the characteristic foods of that nation, and have fantastic experiences throughout the trip.

 To assist you in enjoying a more inexpensive journey, we provide special deals for clients who pre-register for the tour.

 In particular, we give complimentary round-trip plane tickets for parties of 5 or more.

We hope that this travel itinerary will deliver you fantastic and unique experiences. If there’s any question or you want additional details regarding the tour program, kindly contact us using the information below.

 Best regards, [Your name]

 [Contact Info]


Email marketing has been a crucial tool for travel agencies trying to flourish in the competitive travel industry.

By establishing a well-planned and executed email marketing strategy, travel agencies may reach a broader audience, create client connections, and drive company growth.

Remember to concentrate on growing a quality email list, segmenting and customizing your emails, providing appealing content, and consistently improving your strategy based on data and feedback. 

Embrace the power of email marketing and observe your travel business fly to new heights.

Good luck.