Email Marketing Frequency: How Often Should Email Marketing Be Sent

email marketing frequency

The frequency with which emails are sent is seen as a critical aspect of a successful Email Marketing campaign. Therefore, how often should emails be sent in order to enhance the possibility of consumers opening them?

However, finding the right balance for email marketing frequency can be challenging. You should avoid sending too many emails and risk annoying your subscribers, but you also want to send only a few and risk losing their interest. So, how often should email marketing be sent?

In this post, let’s learn how to determine the right Email sending frequency for each business. Let’s follow along.

What Is Email Frequency?

Email Frequency is simply how often you send emails to your subscribers. It connects the arrangement and timing of emails with content that resonates with prospects and consumers at certain times in their purchase journey.

Frequency efficacy may be affected by the success of an email campaign. You may enjoy the rewards of your email marketing efforts if you send the right Email to the appropriate consumer at the right time.

If your frequencies are too intrusive, obnoxious, or directionless, you could lose the opportunity to guide a lead through the buyer’s journey. If potential customers feel bothered or confused by irrelevant newsletters and promotions, they may not be around to hear what you have to say.

There are three types of mailings, and the frequency situation is slightly different. We will talk about them later.

Why Is It Important To Determine The Frequency Of Sending Emails

Consider this: Every day, your consumers get a large number of emails in their inboxes. These emails are so identical and dense that people refuse to open and read them, limiting the capacity to contact clients through Email. That’s when you learn that sending more Emails isn’t necessarily good.

On the other hand, customers will gradually forget who you are, they will no longer be interested in getting communications from you, and worse, they will unsubscribe and “directly” throw them in the “trash bin.”

As a result, an email with a constant and sensible frequency is critical.

Frequency Of Sending Emails By Customer Group

Based on a review of characteristics such as consumer demands, shopping habits, income, age, gender, and so on, businesses should decide the right frequency of email marketing for each client group.

To do so, you must have an accurate consumer database, which emails marketing services will use to help you put up a planned and efficient email campaign.

This segmentation also assists firms in determining the appropriate content and format for sending different email messages to each user group.

Also, throughout the testing phase, you should track the time it takes consumer groups to reply to received emails and alter the frequency accordingly.

Maximum Threshold In Email Marketing Frequency

However, mass Email may be readily sent with bulk emailing software. But it would be best if you reconsidered your email marketing frequency. Sending more than two emails every day will result in the recipient’s unsupport.

Unless your emails are of a timely nature or there are other exceptional situations. If your Email is just of a general nature, presenting items or delivering news, sending such a thick frequency can lead you to be rejected by consumers and tagged as spam… because they are irritated

This is the upper limit for sending Email Marketing. If you adhere to this guideline, no matter how engaging your email marketing material is, you will be allowed to continue.

Minimum Threshold In Email Marketing Frequency 

Does sending Email Marketing depend on your conditions and circumstances?

If you have a job or have to travel for a long time, can you postpone this job? So it can be concluded: this way of sending Email Marketing to you is completely wrong.

Send a message to your consumers on a regular basis if you want them to remember you. Customers will get resentful if you send too much. Customers will forget about your company if you send too few emails.

Even if your client email list is in the thousands, your minimum emailing frequency should be once per month.

 Consumers that subscribe to your email list, indicating an interest in your items, are prospective clients. Therefore, why would you pass up this sales chance month after month?

How Often Should Email Marketing Be Sent?

1- Based on the preferences of the target audience’s data

There is no one best email frequency for all organizations.

Purchasing cycles and normal audience characteristics should determine appropriate email marketing frequency.

Fashion businesses may benefit from two to three emails every week. Apparel has a high rate of repurchase, and some individuals take trends extremely seriously. Nevertheless, even if customers do not purchase, they may appreciate viewing the new model.

On the other side, emailing consumers three times a week is excessive for a technology business. Clients that purchase software are generally interested in emails providing manuals, feature updates, maintenance, and so on and have only a limited need to receive them (about once a week).

2- Set the frequency of sending emails based on the goal of the marketing campaign

Changes to email frequency should not be made until the initial purpose of your campaign has been clearly defined.

What is the purpose of email marketing?

How To boost internet sales?

  • Motivating website visitors?
  • How do you foster loyalty?
  • Are you ready to close the deal?


  • Or maybe all of the above?

You may increase the frequency of your emails if your objective is to promote sales or online traffic. But, if your aim is to raise brand recognition and reinforce loyalty, it is OK to send emails roughly 2-3 times each month.

See also: Mistakes to avoid when sending Email.

3- Survey of Subscribers

The most efficient way to determine email frequency is to question subscribers directly. You may do this immediately after the first email message is delivered to your list. Let your consumers pick how often they want to receive emails from you.

Additionally, make it clear to subscribers from the outset what they will get. If you contact them every day, inform them that they have signed up for the DAILY Email.

4- Vary the frequency depending on audience segmentation.

Do you want to keep sending emails to people who last interacted with your communications in the last three months?

Split the list depending on the most recent contact with each individual. Your target audience may be classified into four groups:

You may develop a more tailored plan for each category after you’ve determined the most and least engaged audiences.

Remove this group from users who haven’t opened or clicked on emails in more than 6 months. And if you continue to run the ad on this section, you will most likely get complaints or see your Inbox rate drop. If your delivery improves, you may be able to revive some previous connections.

See also: Email list segmentation

5- Constant email campaign sending frequency

Email delivery consistency is critical for a variety of reasons. For starters, if you only write every few months, your readers may have forgotten who you are. They will very certainly unsubscribe or flag you as spam.

Also, continuous email communication is essential to remember. Sustain relevant and compelling email campaigns that appear in your receivers’ inboxes on a regular basis, assisting you in building brand recognition. They will remember your brand and approach you whenever they have a need for services relevant to you.

6- Investigate the Email sending frequency of big industry brands.

Understanding how often comparable organizations contact consumers might help you decide how frequently you should send emails each week.

7. Update your subscriber list.

While it may seem irrelevant, one of the most crucial email marketing tactics is to update an active email list. It is critical to the success of your efforts.

This is especially significant if you wish to enhance the frequency with which you send messages.

For a multitude of reasons, subscribers get stale. The inbox may be overflowing, and the address may no longer be valid. Also, receivers who are no longer interested in your newsletter may designate your emails as spam instead of unsubscribing.

The more often you contact old subscribers, the more trust your sending address loses, and your deliverability suffers.

Keeping your email list continually updated boosts marketing performance. Don’t be concerned about losing subscribers; each individual subscriber’s interest is considerably more significant than the whole.

You’ll receive greater marketing outcomes overall if you restrict recipients to those who really care.

Setting up an automatic procedure to revive dormant clients is one of the most effective but simple methods to maintain a healthy email list.

This allows you to acquire subscribers and get them to reaffirm their interests. If the receiver remains inactive after several re-engagement efforts, you should remove them from your emailing list.

See also: How to clean your email list.

How To Increase The Effectiveness Of Sending Emails Frequently 

Assume you’re currently sending emails but are dissatisfied with the outcomes. Or maybe you just began and didn’t know what frequency you needed. At the same time, comprehend the audience’s “pains” and requirements for your product. Then try this:

• Run tests at various intervals.

Make a list of your desired open and click rates and try out various email frequencies. You may utilize A/B testing to discover who is more active by having half of the base send emails more often than normal, and the other half send emails less frequently than usual. Do a few experiments to ensure that you have chosen the best mailing frequency for yourself.

• Inform subscribers of the mailing list.

This is already fantastic if a person puts a postal address on the site and accepts to receive your mail. Nevertheless, you may improve your results even more if you notify the user how often they can receive letters from you.

For example, near the subscription form on the site or in the first letter. You may also choose how long you want to wait for this. As a result, your communications, whether daily, weekly, or monthly, will not seem to a person as spam.

• Sent out in accordance with the timetable

Scheduled emails may be a fantastic idea if you send out newsletters. Send messages on specified days so that a person becomes used to receiving a piece of the material he needs at a given time. Every Friday, for example, an online school may send a selection of the top blog pieces to its subscribers.

• Depend on competitors’ experience

Examine how often firms in your niche send emails and attempt to target them. This option is particularly ideal if you are new to email marketing or have a unique/expensive product.

• Base should be updated.

Every day, one of the subscribers ceases to use their Email, changes their address, or even forwards you to spam. 

As a result, no matter how optimal the frequency, mailings go unclaimed. Compute inactive subscribers, delete them from the database, and discover new interested subscribers.

• Ask the audience

And finally – better than the people who receive your letters, no one will tell you about the optimal frequency. Embed a survey right into your Email, send a link to a survey, or vote on social media. Just one question is enough: “‎How often do you want to receive our letters?”.

An important note about selling mailings. Their frequency largely depends on the risk of complaints: selling messages, as a rule, annoy users, and therefore they are more often sent to spam. Advertising generally makes up 36% of the world’s spam content. 

Of course, not all sales emails end up in spam, but mostly frankly annoying and strange ones like “Do you want to buy new clothes? Grab this dress on sale. But still, when it comes to marketing mailing, you should not abuse the frequency. 

Automatic Mailings And Frequency 

That’s all about informational and marketing types of mailings. But, as we said above, there are three more types of mailing lists. They are all sent automatically, which is what they share in common.

The frequency is computed somewhat differently here:

Trigger mailings 

Trigger mailings are letters that the email marketing provider sends automatically in reaction to particular user activities or triggers. These triggers are established by the firms themselves: adding a product to the basket, receiving an order, the client’s birthday, and terminating the subscription. The periodicity of the mailing here is solely determined by the user’s activities or a certain date.

Transactional mailings 

Transactional mailings are letters that are required to guide the subscriber in service concerns. When a consumer, for example, wants to retrieve a password or confirm a purchase. The frequency is also determined by a person’s actions: in reaction to an activity, the email marketing provider sends an email.

Reactivation mailings 

Reactivation mailings are letters sent to a “sleeping” audience, that is, those who have not opened or read communications in a long time and have not followed the links included therein. Each organization creates its own sending schedule using the email marketing platform. For example, it specifies that a reactivation message be sent to everyone who has not opened the mailing list in the previous six months. Moreover, the service sends letters automatically.


Adjusting your email frequency might have beneficial or bad consequences. It is critical to continue testing what works best for your subscribers and email list.

Remember that each person on your email list is unique. That is why it is critical to building a subscriber database. Data sources may be used to improve email content and marketing frequency. Engagement is driven by useful and highly targeted content. As a result, the ROI of email marketing is increased.

Did you know that genuine marketing emails are only sent in 79.7% of cases? (Source) You now understand the six recommended strategies for email frequency. Let us put it into action to see how successful it is. Best wishes!


What is the perfect day of the week to send marketing emails?

The ideal day of the week to send marketing emails depends on your audience and the sort of information you deliver. Yet, research has revealed that the days with the greatest open and click-through rates are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

How can I reduce email fatigue for my subscribers?

Set expectations early on, provide value in every Email, and use automated email sequences to avoid email fatigue. Also, you may enable subscribers to pick how often they wish to receive your emails and quickly unsubscribe.

How often should I send promotional emails?

The frequency of promotional emails is determined by the kind of campaign and the preferences of your target audience. A limited-time offer, for example, may need more frequent emails, but a new product introduction may necessitate less regular contact. To prevent overloading your readers, it’s best to send promotional emails no more than once per week as a general rule.

Is it OK to send emails on weekends?

Although sending emails on weekends is feasible, it is crucial to consider your audience’s preferences. If your subscribers are often busy or unavailable on weekends, it may be more effective to send emails during the week when they are more likely to be accessible. But, if your target audience is mostly weekend employees or lives in a different time zone, sending emails on weekends may be more successful.

Should I divide my email list into segments depending on frequency preferences?

Absolutely, segmenting your email list based on frequency preferences may assist in guaranteeing that your subscribers get the proper quantity of emails while decreasing the likelihood of them unsubscribing or becoming disinterested. You may establish segments depending on characteristics such as how often subscribers interact with your emails or the sort of material they want to receive.

Can I boost my email frequency over the holidays?

Indeed, boosting email frequency over the holidays may be an efficient approach to advertise seasonal specials, promotions, or events. But, you must find a balance between delivering value and inundating your subscribers with emails. To prevent diluting your usual email content, consider developing a distinct email campaign for seasonal marketing.