Email Subject Length: How Long Should Email Subject Lines Be?

Email Subject Length

Is it important to know the ideal length of an email subject line? Without a doubt, YES. It is important.

Email Subject Length: This is an aspect that few marketers consider. Yet, you should be aware that an increasing number of emails are being accessed on mobile devices. Also, the displays of these devices often show fewer characters than PCs.

It is best to keep the subject line as brief as possible, ideally around 40 characters. Long subject lines are truncated by many email clients (particularly web-based readers).

How many characters should an email subject contain? In this post, I will discuss the most crucial points to remember regarding email subject length. Join me for 3 minutes of exploration on the best email subject length.

Read also: How to optimize email for mobile devices.

What Is Email Subject Line?

An email subject line is a brief statement that summarizes the contents of an email and appears in the recipient’s inbox. 

It serves as the email’s subject line and is designed to spark the recipient’s curiosity and entice them to open and read the email. A well-written subject line enhances the probability that your email will be opened and read, while a poorly worded one will be ignored or labeled as spam.

Read also: How to write a catchy email; subject line.

Why Should We Be Concerned About Email Subject Line Length?

During the last decade, the number of emails opened on mobile devices has skyrocketed. Mobile accounts for 61.9% of all openings in 2023, according to the EasysendyPro survey. One in every five emails sent needs to be optimized for mobile.

Mobile devices often need more physical space when displaying email subject lines. In the illustration below, you can clearly see the difference between a smartphone screen and a computer screen.

Different device types will truncate subject lines in different ways. Although this factor is not too important, it relates to aesthetics and feelings. It also helps to attract the attention of customers. Obviously, most people are viewing email on iPhones and Gmail. A good theme when fully displayed on the screen. The recipient can immediately grasp the message you want to convey. Don’t want your customers to have a bad experience because the email subject line is too long? Right now, determine the percentage of devices your subscribers are using. Then, consider the best subject line length for your campaign.

What Is The Best Length Of An Email Subject Line?

No one rule applies to everyone. In truth, the appropriate length of your subject line is determined by a variety of variables.

  1. The length of an email header is determined by the device used by the receiver to view the email.

Several device kinds will truncate your subject lines differently depending on your settings.

Read also: How to optimize email for mobile device

  1. Effective testing of varied length lines

For each of your campaigns, try out various email subject lengths. You can then monitor which subject lines have the greatest open rates.

  • How does a 5-6 word subject line give you open rates?
  • How open is a 7-8 word title?
  • Open rates are highest when your email subject line is 9-10 words long.

See if any patterns emerge from email open rates and subject line length. Since high open rates might occur as a result of the content you provide, the time it was sent, the message in the subject line, and so on.

Best Practices for Writing Email Subject Lines

Now that you’re aware of the basic criteria for an email subject line’s proper length, let’s dive into some best practices for generating subject lines that will spark your recipient’s interest:

  • : Aim for subject lines of 6-10 words in length. This guarantees that the whole subject line can be seen on most mobile devices and in email preview windows.
  • The subject line of your email should accurately convey its content. Avoid vague or misleading subject lines, which can lead to dissatisfaction or mistrust.
  • : Adding the recipient’s name or other personalized details in the subject line of your email can make it stand out and generate a sense of connection. (Personalization)
  • Use language that encourages the recipient to act, such as “Don’t miss out” or “Limited time offer.”
  • : A clever or hilarious subject line might help your email stand out from the crowd.
  • Avoid utilizing phrases or terminology often associated with spam emails, such as “make money rapidly,” “become rich soon,” or “buy immediately.” (Trigger words to avoid.)
  • : Use time-sensitive language such as “Today only” or “Few places available” to establish a sense of urgency and push the receiver to act quickly.
  • Experiment with different subject lines and analyze the results to find which ones work best for your audience. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and other statistics to measure the performance of your subject lines.

By following these best practices, you can develop email subject lines that are more likely to stimulate your recipient’s attention, increase open rates, and generate more engagement with your emails.


The best subject line length will vary from brand to brand. That means you should experiment with different lengths to see which works for you.

If you leverage past data and test your subject lines, you should see how long email subject lines should be to encourage subscribers to open and engage with your campaigns. Friend.

Best wishes!


How should I test my email subject lines?

A/B testing is the most efficient method for testing email subject lines. This includes sending two copies of your email to a select group of recipients, each with a different subject line. The version with the greatest open rates will be sent to the rest of your subscriber list.

How frequently should I modify the subject lines of my emails?

To keep your subscribers engaged, it’s a good idea to refresh your email subject lines frequently. Make a point of updating them at least once a month.

Can I use emojis in my email subject lines?

Emojis are acceptable in subject email lines. But use them sparingly and only when they are pertinent to the content of your email.

Should I include the name of my firm in the subject line of my email?

Using your brand name in the subject line of your email can help your readers recognize and trust your correspondence. But don’t go crazy with branding since it can come out as Sammy.

Can I use digits in my email subject lines?

Using numbers in the email subject lines can help offer structure and clarity. For instance, “5 email marketing tips” or “3 reasons to try our product.”

How can I make my email subject lines stand out in a crowded inbox?

Use personalization, humor, or curiosity to make your email subject lines stand out. Use terms that will pique your reader’s interest and persuade them to click and read more.

How can I avoid having my emails labeled as spam?

To avoid being flagged as spam, avoid using trigger words like “free,” “discount,” or “sale” in your emails, as well as all caps or excessive punctuation. Make sure you have permission to contact your subscribers and provide an unsubscribe option in all of your emails.

How long should the subject line of my email be?

Although there is no uniform answer, subject lines of six to ten words have the highest open rates. Nevertheless, don’t sacrifice clarity for brevity; make sure your subject line appropriately represents the content of your email.