Gamification: Everything You Need To Know About It In 2023


Do you want a solution that can both gather approvals and, at the same time, boost interest and engagement for your brand? Then read on. In this blog article, we will teach you about gamification and how you can make use of the extremely powerful approach while dealing with your email marketing.

.. and before you believe that: No – gamification is not merely the wheel of fate where you never win. Gamification comes in a plethora of game styles, some more inconspicuous than others, and you may use it both to gather new rights and, to that degree, to activate your present permissions.

Let’s go into it!

What is gamification?

We start precisely where we left off. Because there’s a reason, you’ve watched Wheel of Fortune before. Wheel of Fortune is among the most well-known games in the gamification category, and with good reason.

Most individuals can connect to the spinning wheel; you may already feel the butterflies rushing through you when you are so close to winning. The experience of participating in a game makes the wheel of Fortune and all the other game forms highly popular, as many corporations have discovered.

That is exactly what gamification is; to introduce game design principles to platforms that otherwise lack a gaming environment.

Why is gamification effective?

Gamification incorporates elements such as behavioural economics and psychology and plays on how incentives in our choices attract our brains. When you employ gamification, you induce good feelings in the receiver, such as enthusiasm and enjoyment.

In addition, a competitive gene is naturally triggered, which lurks in all of us to a greater or lesser degree. But one thing is clear –it builds an expectation since gamification efforts frequently deliver some reward when the user does the intended behaviour.

Experience has proven that gamification has a big influence. When you develop emotions in a person and then deliver a message to them, the message will be remembered to a higher level later.

 The receivers enter a mental stage when they are more engaged and concentrated – hence more responsive to what you say. The possibility that your consumers will purchase a product from you the next time a need arises is increased because of the good connection they have built with your brand.

As a marketeer, you strive every day to deliver your main themes. Gamification may be the new tool that lets you communicate to your consumers when they are most attentive and engaged.

When gamification is applied in email marketing

Gamification is found in many locations, but when we speak about email marketing, the technology has been shown to be useful in various places. It is getting more and more challenging to communicate to your target audience when you deal with B2B and B2C.

 Gamification is commonly used for lead generation, but the tool may also be used to develop a discourse with new and current clients.

Lead generation

Lead creation is one of the most crucial metrics to deal with in email marketing. When collecting permissions, it is most typically using pop-up forms to gather data from your permissions.

 These pop-up forms are so popular that your users have most certainly pushed the “close” button over 100 times in the previous 24 hours. Users are more exposed to sign-up forms, lead advertisements and the like, and their mailbox is probably already blossoming with a lot of campaign emails from numerous organizations.

 Therefore, it is not necessarily comparable to raising the conversion rate on your pop-up forms. With gamification, you build excitement and pair it with a reward when they provide permission for you to deliver them stuff.

There are various methods by which you may incorporate gamification features into the pop-up forms on your website. One of the most popular is the wheel of Fortune. . Its popularity may be attributed to the game’s intrigue and high level of anticipation.

Psychologically, people grow optimistic that there is a great likelihood of earning a reward. A reward in the form of discounts, coupons and free items makes users more inclined to provide their information and become one of your permissions.

A fortunate wheel with rewards may quickly draw many new permissions to your email list. Which is why it generally also delivers a high conversion rate. With regular pop-up forms, the conversion rate is approx. of 2-3%, while if it is gamified. It may yield a conversion rate of over 10%.

However, our experience is that this form of permission may rapidly unsubscribe from your email list after claiming their reward. Therefore, you must constantly think planning how to maintain your new permits and keep them involved in your organization.

One way you might achieve this is by maintaining the prizes to be goods in your store or your choices. So it’s no use promoting the newest iPhone if you sell skincare items. But if you flip it around, who wants to unsubscribe from an email list if you are delighted with the things from there that you have won?

Brand engagement

When you deal with your brand engagement, you may economically make use of gamification. You may utilize the tool to attract new consumers and make it more desirable for people to connect with your business by presenting your goods or services in a fun and engaging manner.

When consumers actively contribute, it raises your chances of sticking out and being remembered. Stand out from your competitors by adopting more interactive marketing instead of traditional marketing.

In this approach, using gamification, you will induce people to connect pleasant sensations with your brand, all the while, they are unwittingly susceptible to your carefully placed branding. This finally assists in developing a superior performance in your email marketing and your other digital initiatives.

Data collecting

If you deal with email marketing, you know how vital data is when it comes to conveying the appropriate message to the right people.

To a larger degree, your permissions have expectations that the material you broadcast is constantly relevant to them. If you do not live up to their expectations, you will often discover that more and more individuals unsubscribe from your email.

 As a corporation, you must be able to foresee your permission requirements to a far higher level and know their identification. Maybe you already collect first name, birthdate or postal code when you gather new permissions.

 In addition, most email systems supply you with a wide variety of data on their activity – either on your website or in your sending of emails. But the deeper the understanding of your permissions, the more tailored and value-adding material you can send out.

Your consumers give up a lot of personal information on multiple websites. However, it is uncommon that there is an entertainment value in sharing them. Several studies reveal that many consider it may seem intrusive at times. With gamification, you may make it enjoyable for your users to share their knowledge and make it a good experience.

Can all sorts of companies take advantage of gamification? πŸ†

Gamification is for everyone. The tool is found in B2B and B2C organizations and across all sectors. You may also utilize gamification internally in your organization – either in your onboarding procedures or to convey new initiatives.

 What you want to accomplish with gamification is only limited by your creativity. So it’s a bandwagon you have to hop on. Why? Let’s acquire some information regarding gamification:

1. 60% of customers are more inclined to buy if they are amused with a game.

2. If you add gamification to your website, you may improve your consumers’ surfing duration by up to 30%.

3. Businesses employing gamification might enjoy up to 7x a greater conversion rate.

4. In addition, it is predicted that it will be a tool that is incorporated in all firms.

This will all happen over the next 3-5 years – so get started now, and you will become the global champion of gamification before everyone else.

Frequently Asked Question

What is gamification?

Gamification is a technique where you engage your people via games. This is done by bringing game design aspects to platforms not ordinarily in a gaming setting. The product has shown to be highly useful in lead generation, data collecting, or if you want to engage your consumers more.

What is the most popular game in gamification?

One of the most popular games is the wheel of Fortune. In email marketing, the wheel of Fortune is commonly utilized as an add-on to pop-up forms. Its popularity may be attributed to the game’s intrigue and high level of anticipation. A wheel of Fortune readily draws many new permissions and typically delivers a good conversion rate.

How do you start working with gamification?

You don’t need to be a game designer or a world champion in coding to work with gamification. At FINANCEBODE, we deal with gamification on a regular basis, and with the application Scratcher, we can design fascinating gamification features that are personalized to your business.