How Do I Turn My Blog Into A Profitable Business?  (Find Out)

How Do I Turn My Blog Into A Profitable Business?

So your blog has been growing, and you’ve decided it’s time to turn your blog into a business (How do I turn my blog into a profitable business?

What’s next?

To turn your blog into a profitable business, you need to change more than just your mindset.

There are two kinds of people who run blogs.

The first type of people are those who can write whatever content they want, regard blogging as a personal interest, and don’t care whether they make money or not.

The second type of people will actively plan and develop strategies. Their goal of running a blog is to make money.

Neither is better than the other. But if you belong to the second type of person like me, this article is for you. I will teach you how to run blogging as a business.

If you want to make money from blogging, the first condition is “professionalism.” You have to make your blog look and be professional in order to be favored by readers and vendors.

But I also want to remind you that blogging is not going to make you rich quickly. You have to spend a lot of time learning all kinds of new knowledge and skills, and you basically can’t make money in the early stage.

If you can accept it and are willing to invest time and energy to create a profitable blogging business, please continue to read.

Is Owning A Blog A Business?

You may be thinking, “Is owning a blog a business?”

The simple answer is most certainly Yes; owning both personal blogs and business blogs is a business of sharing your views, expertise, and insights via online material – from articles to videos. 

A business must be industrial, commercial, professional, or involved in other money-making activities. Blogging may fit into three categories.

  • Commercial – Promoting and selling items
  • Other money-making operations — Publishing articles funded by corporations, giving subscription-only “premium” material, etc.

So, Yeah! Owning a blog can be considered a business.

What Is The Difference Between A Personal Blog And A Business Blog?

When you have a personal blog, you’re centered on sharing your narrative. You may write anything you want anytime you want. 

You can handle what will appeal to your readers, attract new readers, or perform well in terms of SEO. You’re free to do anything your heart wishes!

Personal blogging is therapeutic, liberating, and creative. Making money is not a priority or not a goal at all.

On the other hand, when you have a business blog. You are focused on business! The primary purpose is to generate money by blogging. Or to utilize the blog as a source of support for a business.

 You have to pay more attention to your audience’s demands, fit into a certain niche, look into statistics, and focus on things like promotions, advertising, and design. 

It also costs more money, as you pay for things like hosting fees (which may be countered with business profits).

Do Personal Blogs Make Money?

Personal blogs, as I said earlier, are those sorts of blogs where a person reveals what everyday activities they perform, their problems, successes, etc.

And Yes! Personal blogs do make money.

Although there may be various ways a personal blogger can make money, however, doing so is far more difficult than those with a business blog.

I’ll discuss in the next section how to turn your blog into a profitable business.

How To Turn A Blog Into A Business

You can totally turn your blog into a profitable business. But with one condition.

You must not consider it a personal blog but turn it into an online business step by step!

And to achieve this, you need to execute the following 4 steps:

Build your blog’s purpose and vision.

You don’t need to do this if you merely blog as a hobby. You only need to write about the best things you enjoy.

But if you want to turn your personal blog into an internet business, a blog that produces cash and profit, you need to establish a plan and must have a goal – a vision for it.

What is a blog’s objective?

The objective, often known as the greatest aim, is extremely obvious. 

A blog objective will act as a guideline for you to follow throughout the process of growing a blog into an Internet business.

So how do you know your blog objective?

The easiest option is to put a statement on your site immediately; it is frequently positioned on the About page.

A simple method for crafting a blog objective

 I write [blog name + topic] to assist [your readers] in helping them [achieve the objective]. I do this for [your purpose, your values]

Example of Financebode’s mission:

“I made this site to teach you to professionally & generate a passive income from the internet! Because it is the finest method to establish a personal brand, cultivate connections and attract prospective clients on the internet!”

Once you have created a clear objective, it will be simpler for you to turn your blog into a business, you will understand the beginning, and you will rapidly set your blog apart from hundreds of other blogs.

What is a blog vision?

Unlike an objective, A blog vision is when you set short-term objectives. Be it a 2-year vision or as long as a 5-year vision, the vision may evolve over time as you have attained it.

In summary, the key job of a vision statement is to outline the “blogging destination” in the near future.

To establish a blog’s vision, you should concentrate on the following three goals: 

  • Growth, 
  • Change, 
  • Recognition.
A simple approach for crafting a vision

Over the next [number of years], build [blog name] into a blog [goal (revenue) – (geographical reach)] with emphasis on work [product – service – content]

Example of Financebode’s vision:

“By the end of 2025, the blog will become a prominent blog in the world, with 5000 visits/day. Focus on providing professional blog development skills and earning a passive income via the internet.”

For a vision, you need to be detailed and practical; that is, you need to develop a feasible aim, not a vague one!

Ok, you have the purpose and vision for your internet business.

What is next?…

Implement strategy and action plan.

You already have the vision to attain within a particular timeline, so what are you going to do to achieve it now?

You want to have 5000 views on the site and make at least $1000/month from the blog, so…

To do this, you will probably need to define 3 particular techniques as follows:

  • Focus on producing content
  • Build a quality email list
  • Create and start providing products/services

Those three tactics will help you reach your goal, but what are the specific action plans?

The following questions will help you design the best strategy (this is a recommendation, the more comprehensive, the better)

  • How many articles do you expect to publish every week? What is certain content?
  • Which blogs will you connect with and create a connection with? How?
  • How many guest blogging articles per month would you submit on other sites to draw attention and drive traffic to your blog?
  • Which social network will you concentrate on for marketing?
  • If it was Facebook, would you concentrate on a page, Group, or Personal Profile? Or all?
  • Who will aid you with blog development?
  • What skills do you need to learn more on the job?
  • Or will you outsource?
  • What is the budget for operational translations? (Hosting, marketing, developing things…)
  • What products/services will be launched on the blog? When? Launch strategy?

Those are all questions that will help you come up with a very detailed strategy, but remember that while planning, consider your time and budget. 

Since you’re human, you’re not a machine. Thus, you need to relax, so be realistic while developing a plan according to your own capacities.

 Identify the major monetization strategy.

Since you are aiming to turn your personal blog into a profitable internet business, you must make money and profit.

So how can blogs make money?

There are various strategies to start generating money from blogging, and the most prominent types nowadays that are typically employed will be:

  • Register and put Adsense advertising or other ad networks…
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Service Provider
  • Sell digital or physical items

Usually, I would advise you to implement all of them to maximize revenue, which implies you need to establish various sources of income.


Because when you set blogging as an internet business, you will have to see the earliest cash flow into your account, whether it is a little or a lot, but there will be.

The sooner you see the first coins, the more inspired you will be to work to build the site in a better manner. This is a fact!

But, in the long run, you will have to establish a long-term monetization plan for your business!

Will the main revenue stream come from advertising or affiliate marketing? Or from your service/product? Once this is clearly defined, you can get to the ultimate outcome.

Reference: 8 easy ways to make money from blogging.

Focus and patient

You must constantly be conscious of this every day throughout the process of growing your internet business. This is the stage most bloggers fail. 

Why bloggers fail

Many bloggers fail early because of a lack of… concentration! And the bloggers who fall into this position are the ones who have missed the first 3 phases, i.e.:

  • Without a purpose (defined mission). This may easily depress you if you meet challenges; you will change the blog subject, modify the target audience …
  • Do not construct a vision to attain certain goals at a defined moment.
  • There is no core monetization plan. That is, you use a range of strategies for generating money on a blog and do not know which approach will assist in bringing in the most essential and sustainable source of cash.

In the process of working (anything), you definitely need to make adjustments! The same goes for blogging and building an online business.

Normally we will seldom modify the mission, but the vision and action plans always need to be examined, analyzed, and updated often.

In my blogging career, I have changed several times; you may need to alter your content strategy and marketing plan, or occasionally, little modifications may happen, such as updating the interface or opening more. Services, improving blog functionality…

Many elements need to be studied and reviewed to serve the change; as long as the shift helps your blog and your online business better and develop more, it’s the proper thing to do.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Blogging As A Business?

A business blog may be difficult to start and keep up with, and it has both benefits and drawbacks. 

Whether it’s to create money online creatively or to develop the know/like/trust factor for future customers, there can be a ton of value that comes out of blogging.


Starting a business blog is simple.

 The procedures for creating a blog are extremely easy. You may select a template from websites like Wix, WordPress, or Tumblr. Adding posts is virtually as simple as sending an email.

It’s a low-cost investment.

Unlike other businesses or parts of launching a bigger firm, beginning a blog takes minimal up-front capital. 

If you already possess a website for your business, it’s as easy as putting a blog page on your site — no new resources are necessary.

You can work on a blog anytime.

Flexibility is the main reason many bloggers enter into this sector. Creating a site that produces money through passive income implies that you can work any time of day and bring in cash any time of day.

Also, there are often no tight deadlines — save from sponsored material or those deadlines which you set for yourself (which may be a good thing).

You may earn money in a variety of different ways!

This sector is wonderful because there are many opportunities to earn money blogging. 

They’re not all necessarily straightforward, and many need time to develop traffic initially – but there are dozens of other options:

Cons of blogging

It takes time to earn money.

If you’re attempting to make your blog your business, remember it takes time to generate money. 

Yes, there are exceptions to this rule – bloggers that have some popular material can manage to make a ton of money very soon. 

But in fact, blogging is often a long-term game as far as internet revenue.

It’s time intensive.

Creating (excellent) content takes a fair lot of time. Gone are the days when a brief 300-word piece would be “enough” to publish online. 

These days, lengthier complete material is king. Not only does it gratify the reader better, but it also is more likely to rank for SEO reasons.

See also: How to create high-quality content for your blog.

Technical troubles may be annoying.

Technical snafus will always be a part of blogging. Expired SSL certificates, plugin conflicts, code difficulties, malware – most blogs will suffer at least some of these sorts of issues each year.

It may be challenging if the writing takes effort.

Blogging may not always come effortlessly to many individuals – particularly for those who are working in technology sectors or just out of school.


Now that you’ve known that converting a personal blog into an internet business with income and profit is entirely within your grasp.

As long as you have a purpose, a vision, and a sensible strategy with specified activities. Then remember to employ at least one strategy for making money on that blog!

In summary, no matter what, you still have to place your readers in the center; all the advantages and values that you supply them must be substantial enough.

If you can’t accomplish it, you won’t be able to generate money from them because:

  • Readers only purchase when they feel confident in you
  • They only purchase again (become loyal customers) if the product/service helps and helps them address a specific issue.

Finally, let’s return to the core of a blog: sharing, delivering knowledge, and providing value. Do not make the reader feel “suffocated” because you continually ” wear them with sales material!

If you are blogging and don’t know how it may help create money, implement these 8 actions right now. I’m confident you’ll observe a significant shift.


How long does it take to turn a blog into a profitable business?

There is no straight answer to this. Some bloggers may attain profitability within a few months, while others may take many years.

The actual time it takes to turn a blog into a profitable business depends on the niche, content quality, and marketing effort of the blog.

Do I need to have a large audience to monetize my blog?

Having a large audience can surely assist in monetizing your blog. But, it’s not the single predictor of revenue. 

Even with a smaller but highly engaged audience, you can still monetize your blog via techniques like affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or selling digital items.   

Can I monetize my blog if it covers several topics?

Yes! You can monetize a blog covering numerous topics. 

However, it’s advisable to focus on a topic. This will assist in attracting an appropriate audience and allow efficient monetization tactics.

Is it possible to make a full-time income through blogging?

Yes, it is possible to make a full-time income through blogging. However, it demands devotion, hard effort, and a smart approach. 

Reference: Can blogging make me rich?

How can I draw more visitors to my blog?

To attract more visitors to your blog, provide useful, shareable content that appeals to your target audience. 

Additionally, optimize your blog for SEO, promote your content on social networking platforms, communicate with other bloggers and influencers in your field, and leverage email marketing to bring traffic back to your site.