How Do You Become A Blogger? (Find Out)

How Do You Become A Blogger?

How do you become a blogger? Certainly not by publishing a website using WordPress. Almost anyone can do this in just a few minutes. Being a blogger is characterized by many aspects. 

I will explain the answer to you here. 

Running a blog is more popular than ever. Anybody can start a blog nowadays. You don’t even need programming expertise. 

Thanks to content management systems like WordPress. With it, you can post articles on your blog. But that doesn’t make you a blogger, per se.

Otherwise, everyone would have become a blogger and a millionaire by now.

 But the truth seems different.     

Today I’m going to teach you what to watch out for if you want to become a known blogger. A blogger who is popular gathers a community around him and draws the attention of companies. 

See also: How does a blog become successful?

How Do You Become A Blogger?

A subject that inspires you

If you truly want to become a blogger, you need a subject that you are well knowledgeable in.

Something you have a passion for. 

It shouldn’t be too general and not too specific. 

Being too specific inhibits you from identifying ideas in the information. Too generic makes it an “everyday blog,” which makes it harder for you to get regular readers.

Blog Name & Software

After you have a subject in mind, then you need an appropriate name for your blog. 

Hardly any visitor can connect to “Bode’s Blog.” The first critical duty awaits you here on your blog creation journey. 

The name must be significant and, at the same time, encompass as much as possible what you are writing about. 

There are practically no boundaries to your inventiveness here. However, observe the copyright of any name you choose. 

It is not permissible to employ third-party branding.

The software also plays a part in the implementation. How you become a blogger does not rely on the CMS you use.

Nevertheless, the website plays a crucial function and should thus be highly versatile. Most bloggers use WordPress for this. 

You can check out our guide on: The best blogging platform to use.

Quality content

A blogger’s content is their most significant asset. Your site obtains visits and regular readers via your content. 

You should thus include extra value in the texts that will aid the visitor. But great content extends way beyond the article itself. 

You don’t get a second opportunity with the reader. 

The initial impression must thus be overwhelming. For this reason, you need a website that reflects this. It needs to look attractive, load quickly and be simple to use.

See also: How to make your blog user-friendly.

Search Engine Optimization

In addition to the subject itself and high-quality contributions, Search Engine Optimization is vital if you want to become a blogger. 

Your blog will hardly be discovered by itself. SEO enables you to be discovered better and to grasp the links.

SEO is the essential building element for well-ranked or frequently viewed content. With the aid of keyword research, you will locate your target audience and suitable phrases. 

By the way, the process does not end with optimized texts. 

You really need links to push your content higher in search. To achieve this, you need to create backlinks and employ numerous marketing strategies.

See also: How to optimize your blog for search engines.

Content Strategy & Personality

However, with the subject, excellent stylistic methods, and some search engine optimization, you still will not earn a Nobel Prize. 

You need to design a content plan

Your blog needs to become a brand. In marketing language, this is called branding

Show Personality, be real, and stand out from the pack. The competition is extremely, very big. Standing out from the crowd is not simple.

This is probably the toughest obstacle for a fledgling blogger. At which many bloggers fail. 

Unfortunately, there is no patent solution for this because every blog subject is different, just like the target group. 

Ultimately, you should concentrate on quality. Which, in my experience, will triumph.

Read in full: How to create a content plan for your blog.

Connections / Networks

This last point is frequently forgotten. If you want to become a blogger, here is a really crucial suggestion.

Be sure to create connections! Or even whole networks. 

This is also called networking. You don’t become renowned without this. Links and mentions are an essential aspect of any website. 

Blogging thrives on togetherness. (Sharing with other bloggers.)

What Are The Requirement To Be A Blogger?

There are no strict requirements for being a blogger. Anyone can set up a blog and become a blogger. 

However, certain skills, tools, and attributes can help you succeed as a blogger. Here are some common requirements

Criteria for a Blogger

  • Creativity and originality 
  • The ability to write.
  • Communication abilities.
  • Basic understanding of SEO
  • Writing with clarity and persuasion
  • Being able to focus
  • Being technically adept at switching between writing styles
  • Having good time management and stress tolerance
  • Having a thorough awareness of the target audience and current business trends.

Does A Blogger Get Paid?

If you’re wondering if bloggers get paid, Yes, bloggers do get paid.

But the truth is that It takes a lot of planning, research, time, and dedication to get a blog to the point where it can start paying you.

Some bloggers do not make any money, whereas some bloggers make more than enough to build a career around their blogs. 

That being said, on average, a successful and established blogger can make around $45,000 per year. In your first year of Blogging, you may expect to earn roughly $500-$2000 each month. 

The longer you write and the more in touch you get with your topic and readership, the better your blog will perform and the more options you will have to make money.

My advice: Persistence and patience are crucial when starting off, and with time, developing a blog may grow into a successful company.

Who Pays You As A Blogger?

As a blogger, you can be paid in a variety of ways. Though the means of payment varies on the effort, you can put in. 

Most blog revenue sources depend on insecure circumstances, such as search engine algorithms and marketing expenditures. 

Therefore, it’s strongly suggested that you diversify your income by picking several techniques.

Monetize with advertisements

Placing advertising on your blog site is one of the most common methods to get paid as a blogger. There are two primary sorts of adverts, “cost per click” or “pay per click” and “cost per 1,000 impressions”:

There are a variety of ad systems that choose adverts that are appropriate to your site. You just post the banner advertising on your blog, and the ad software handles the rest. 

Using an ad program means you don’t have to spend time personally contacting advertisers.

Brand Partnerships

Companies also regularly reach out to bloggers to provide sponsored content (partnership), and as a blogger, you get paid by that means.

This generally means having to evaluate a particular product or incorporating a product reference into your normal articles.

Brand agreements may be one-off arrangements or grow into long-term ties dependent on your content’s success and mutual interest.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is another option to get paid as a blogger. You can join ad networks, build private partnerships or join affiliate programs to leverage it. 

Here’s how to utilize affiliate marketing: 

  • The advertiser agrees to pay you a fee for each sale coming from your blog site.
  • The advertiser offers you a personalized link that records your unique affiliate code and sales.
  • You post the affiliate link on your blog in the text or advertising.
  • You gain a commission when readers click the link and buy something.

Premium Content or Memberships

Blogs are free to read, but you can place unique material behind a paywall to provide an extra money source. 

Dedicated readers or admirers will then need to pay for access to read it.

You can also utilize this monetization strategy, where your users pay a recurring monthly charge to access premium material.

Consulting or Coaching

Your site is a great source of free knowledge, but your visitors may be interested in learning more from you. 

If you start receiving requests for particular counsel or assistance, it’s a solid clue that you’d be able to make money via one-on-one consulting or coaching sessions.

There are many more ways to get paid as a blogger. Read our full guide HERE.

How Much Can A Beginner Blogger Earn?

How much money can you earn while blogging as a beginner? A newbie blogger should expect to earn anything from $0-$500 per month. 

However, if you stick to it with hard work and dedication, your traffic, and money will continue to rise. In such a situation, you can start to earn a large revenue from Blogging. 

Finance blog Millennial Money estimates that after only two years of establishing traffic and subscribers to this sort of website, bloggers may earn upwards of $100,000 yearly. 

But keep in mind that most beginner bloggers don’t earn any money at all.

In order to generate big revenue from Blogging, you need at least 10,000 page views every month.

What Affects The Earnings Of Bloggers?

There are things that can affect the possibility of you earning much as a blogger.

With my experience as a professional blogger. I have seen a wide range of bloggers earning varying amounts of income. 

  • Choose a lucrative blogging niche
  • The competition in the niche
  • Produce amazing content that audiences adore
  • Understand search engine optimization (SEO); 
  • Proactively market and promote their blogs. 
  • The amount of traffic  
  • A strong business plan 
  • Use efficient monetization strategies for their audience and niche; 

These are the characteristics of bloggers who make the most money.

New bloggers frequently make the assumption that having a blog and uploading some articles is enough.

 It’s not.

You need to accomplish all the above to establish a blog that earns considerable money.

Can A Blogger Be A Millionaire?

Now, the question, “Can a Blogger be a millionaire.” The short answer to it is: Yes, you can. 

A Blogger can even be a Billionaire. Yeah, you heard me. A Billionaire

However, becoming a millionaire via Blogging involves discipline, focus, hard work, and, most importantly, patience.

Once you break the beginning stage, scaling to being a millionaire isn’t all that hard.

You can check out: Pat Flynn, Audrey Gelman, Gary Vaynerchuk… These are just a few bloggers that have earned millions of dollars with their blogs.

Read our full guide on: Can Blogging make me rich?

Is A Blogger A Job?    

By now, I believe you should know the answer to this question “Is Blogging a job.” If you don’t. Yes, Blogging is a job. 

Blogging can be seen as a form of self-employment or entrepreneurship

In fact, there are many people who make a full-time living from their blogs.   

A blogger writes frequently and publishes lots of articles or blogs. Similar to the definition of a job. 

The Blogging career is not for everyone and is not as simple as it may appear. 

It needs commitment and effort. It will be a rewarding and gratifying job for bloggers that stick it out.


Being a blogger is defined by numerous features. Ultimately, I believe anybody can become a blogger.

But very few blogs have become well-known. 

Because it simply lacks the attitude and the message. In my view, the consistency and quality of the content, coupled with search engine optimization, is the greatest strategy for becoming a successful blogger. 

This involves keyword research, link development, and marketing for the content. But also networking, which is sometimes underrated.

Anyone who has worked on all these things over the years has incredibly strong cards. 

Some prominent blogs have already done this. Of course, it takes devoting time frequently, not just the first 2 months. 

See also: How to turn your profitable into a profitable business.