How Do You Write An Email For Marketing A Product? Find Out The 8 Tips

How Do You Write An Email For Marketing A Product

Have you been wishing to know how to market your product via email marketing but still need help with how to write it even though you have your contact ready?

How you write an email for marketing a product is a collection of instructions to build an email message that conveys a message about the product/service your business provides to customers or business partners. 

But, email marketing a product involves more than just typing a few phrases and hitting the send button. To design an email that stands out and resonates with your target audience, a complete strategy and meticulous planning are necessary.

In this article, we’ll look at the essential elements of creating a successful marketing email, as well as provide tips and best practices for creating engaging emails that boost engagement and conversion rates.

Please read our guide on how to send the first email to your email list.

Let’s check out what a product marketing email is for you to have an idea of what you want to write. 

What A Product Marketing Email

As I said earlier. A product marketing email is one that was specifically written to promote a product or service.

The purpose of a product marketing email is to persuade the recipient to take some kind of action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a trial.

These emails often include details on the characteristics and advantages of the product or service in addition to a call to action encouraging the recipient to take the desired action.

From a straightforward statement about a new product to a more complex email campaign with various messages and promotional offers, product marketing emails may take many different shapes.

Please read our guide on the 19 mistakes you have to avoid in email marketing.

What’s In A Product Marketing Email?

1.   Title

The title is the first point of every communication article, and email marketing is no exception because this is the element that catches the eye of customers in a list of dozens of hundreds of emails.

How to write email marketing to introduce products will help you write a concise but effective email subject line and attract customers.

2.   Greeting, introduction

This element helps your email marketing create sympathy with customers when they start reading. Also, don’t be marked as spam or spam by Google’s scanning tools.  

3.   Explanation for email 

An explanation just below the greeting will show the purpose of the business when sending emails to customers. As well as understanding customers will know fully why your email marketing product introduction is relevant to them.

4.   Provide information about products/services and promotions.

This is an integral part of a product marketing email. Your email needs to contain enough information about the products/services you provide to help customers have the clearest view. In order to interact with consumers, it is also possible to provide enticing incentives.

5.   Call to action 

This section, also known as a Call To Action, is usually placed at the end of email marketing. This is a call for customers to contact you immediately to receive more detailed advice about the product introduced or further motivate customers to make a purchase right from the email. 

Please read our guide on Call To Action.

In this section, you also must not forget to provide the contact information of the business so that customers can contact you.

6.   Goodbye

After you’ve mastered the art of creating product marketing emails, you’ll realize the importance of this last stage.

An emotional goodbye at the end of an email serves to both respect the firm and demonstrate professionalism in the eyes of the consumer.

After getting to know all that, let’s now find out how to write an email for marketing a product.

How To Write Email Marketing To Market A Products

Many people think that the way to write product marketing email content is to describe the product and provide enough information to be able to sell successfully. This way of thinking is completely wrong. It would be best if you also relied on a few guidelines to create a great email template.

1.   Identify target customers

In every marketing strategy as well as email marketing, before you write, you need to define who your customers are. What are their needs? What value will my product bring to customers?…to build an email marketing that can meet the above requirements and reach customers effectively.

2.   Grab the customer’s attention. 

Customers often have little time to read or listen when introduced to a new product. To get customers’ attention, you need to create attraction directly in your email where your product is featured. Your email subject line should be limited to 6-10 words according to statistics, and contain the full content of the product, be polite and concise.

3.   Write impressive email marketing subject lines.

In the way of writing marketing emails to introduce products, the email subject line needs to be attractive and concise and summarize the product message you want to promote because this will play a role in deciding whether customers will click to read the email. You send or not.

An email marketing subject line should contain nothing less than 60 characters. (Source)

4.   Concise content, reasonable design

It would be best if you chose the main ideas to include in the email. If your email is too long, very few customers have the patience to read all the content you want to convey. This may cause your email to fail. Divide the layout into several paragraphs. Each paragraph only needs to write 24 sentences. Try to clearly divide what you want to convey in each paragraph.

The content needs to be clear and concise but still full of information.

5.   Customers are always the focus.

The common psychology of customers when hearing about a new product is to want to know if the product you are providing will bring them any benefits.

Customer trust is boosted when the customer is the priority.

Hence, in order to effectively capture client psychology, you need to understand your target market if you’re interested in learning how to write email marketing to advertise products. You can create better-targeted emails when you comprehend your clients.

Please read our guide on how to write an email that stands out.

6.   Product Reviews 

The opinions of others influence consumer sentiment. To increase confidence in your product, you can include some of the opinions of others. Celebrities rate the products you offer. In the case of an award-winning product or a product with a certificate of authenticity… this increases customers’ security when choosing a product.

7.   Create a call-to-action button.

To urge customers to spend money to buy or at least show interest in the product, you only need to create a “Call to action” or “Follow now” button. At the same time, provide customers with business contact information (phone number, address, email, …)

8.   Write goodbye

As mentioned above, this step helps your email marketing show respect for your customers and highlight the professionalism of your business. In addition to a sincere and polite greeting, you can use an email name containing your brand and the product you offer and create a signature in the email.

Tips To Help Write Successful Email Marketing

Here are my tips to help write a successful product email marketing.

  • Make it interesting, useful and attention-grabbing. Your readers will stop subscribing if your email seems pretentious.
  • Remember, “short is sweet.” Compared with printed news, write half of them.
  • Expect that 60% or more of your readers will use it on mobile devices.
  • Paragraph and list, don’t use paragraphs alone.
  • Emails will be viewed on a screen, not on paper. Your reader can’t easily read down one column and then scroll back to the top to read the second column.
  • Eye-catching formats are the enemy. Be as simple as possible.
  • Regular contact is crucial if you want to take advantage of one of today’s most powerful marketing tools.


In conclusion, here is a reminder of what you should have in mind always when planning to market a product

Write with all your heart.

You often get lost when you don’t know what to do, how to deploy your content when you have tons of data from customers and how your sales email content can satisfy all of them. Focus on the group of customers you are targeting and only write emails aimed at that customer group.

When writing email marketing, you need to focus on the content conveyed to customers.

Title: Use formal spelling to grab your customer’s attention, e.g., “You’re tired of managing your clients. Financebode can take care of that.” These headers pique your customers’ curiosity and prevent your emails from falling into SPAM. 

Welcome customers: The direct mention of the customer’s name in the entire email body with the product introduction creates friendliness and convenience.

Closing: Encourage customers to buy your product by affirming that you can completely solve their problems.