How Does A Blog Become Successful? (Find Out)

how does a blog becomes successful

You want to start a successful blog, but you are wondering how does a blog succeed? You don’t know how to do it. Right?

But you can do it too if others can!

That’s precisely how I felt nearly 4 years ago. I needed to figure out where to start a successful blog or what I needed. The good news is: I made it. And so can you.

With one difference: You no longer have to make the same errors I did. I have gathered my most essential learnings as advice for you.   

I’ve been making money with blogs and other online initiatives for almost 4 years. If you want to learn from over 4 years of blogging experience, read on.   

For those with very, very little time, here is a quick summary:

A blog becomes successful with the correct topic niche, fresh information worth reading, and self-promotion through newsletters and networks. 

See also: How to find successful blog topics ideas in less than 20 mins.

For anybody who wants additional information, I have put these recommendations in my blog article:

What Makes A Successful Blog?

Whether a blog is successful relies primarily on a decent blog strategy and a reasonable structure.

So the sooner you start writing with strategy & idea, the better.

Because blog posts are time-consuming, a good blog regularly grows over many months and years. Search engines also demonstrate that blog entries need a particular start-up time for a high ranking. 

They frequently only reach high visibility after roughly 4 – 6 months. 

See also: How to write quality blog post content.

Why Some Blogs Are Successful, And Others Are Not!

The success or failure of a blog relies on numerous things. Millions of bloggers are busy producing new blog posts every day. 

Some individuals swiftly quit after a given amount of time. Then certain bloggers are in great demand and are also invited by TV stations.

In essence, the success of a blog is assessed by the number of visits. 

Visitors are a digital currency on the Internet and are vital to being economically successful. Because only with a big and loyal audience can you fulfill the objectives you established with the blog.

However, most bloggers fail because they rarely have time to blog or don’t want to spend the time. That’s reasonable because you already have your hands full in a regular job.

Then there is the circumstance when entrepreneurs devote the time but fail in execution or marketing.

But if you demonstrate a desire that creating blog posts is a vital part of your regular job, and if you deal with the issue of marketing, sooner or later, you will naturally have success with your blog.

I have created the following 7 guidelines for you so that you have a roadmap to create a successful blog. Have fun reading and implementing!

These techniques will make your blog successful.

1. Choosing the proper hosting

2. Create a special “About Me” page.

3. The biggest formula for the success of successful blogs

4. Write unique content

5. Use incredibly excellent imagery

6. Don’t blog as an expert

7. Go the extra mile

8. Get traffic via your newsletter

9. Make employers aware of your blog

#1. Choose the proper hosting.

The first thing to have in mind if you want to have a successful blog is that you should divert from a free blog host or from companies such as B. Wix hosted. 

And the reasons behind this are clearly explained.

If you do not set up your blog yourself but with another service, you miss any freedom. The supplier selects which designs are accessible and which plugins/addons you may install.

The Internet is developing dizzyingly, and your blog should be prepared to do the same. That’s why you should set up your blog with a hoster that supports a conventional WordPress installation.

 It costs relatively little money, and you don’t have to be an expert to set up your own adaptable WordPress blog.

If you truly want to do everything perfectly when you start, you should absolutely read my article “ Where And How To Start A Blog For Free – The Only Guide You Need.” 

In it, I teach novices and skilled users through the full process – from setting up to generating money.

#2. Set up a unique “About Me” page for your blog.

The content of your blog sells best via you. When your readers feel they know you a bit and like you, they’re more inclined to become repeat visitors. 

A form of bond develops between you and your readers.

This is precisely why successful blogs feature what is termed an “About Me” page

What is the “About Me” page?

On the “About me” tab, you briefly identify yourself, your blog, and your purpose for writing. It’s about offering your readers a concise summary of you.

Excellent “About Me” pages include:
  • •        A photo of you

It’s better to do without extensive picture processing and powerful filters. The photo should reflect you as a nice and natural person.

  • •        A description of yourself

Briefly explain what you do, what you enjoy, and what motivates you. Tell readers a little bit about yourself without giving your whole résumé.

  • •        A Description of Your Expertise

If you’re writing on a particularly specialized issue, remind your readers why they may trust your advice. This trust bedrock is vital if you want your readers to purchase your suggestions.

By the way, I’ll explain to you how to construct a truly effective “About Me” page for your blog in my coming tutorial.

#3. The biggest formula for the success of successful blogs

How does a blog become successful if there are no major advertising contracts, no email subscribers lined up, and visitors still need to kick in your door?

Of course, via content. Through your material, your blog post.

The most crucial secret formula of successful blogs is simple: the longer you remain on the ball, the more content you provide, and the more likely your blog will succeed.

You have to endure to be successful. And that’s more complex than it sounds. Around 95% of all blogs only become successful because bloggers need more motivation.

The greatest motivation killer is the lack of success at the outset. You normally create your first 30 blog entries for a ghost town.  

Why consistency is so critical to the success of your blog

Your articles still need to rank on Google, and thus, no traffic may arrive from the search engine. You need patience since Google is the #1 traffic source for nearly all successful blogs.

It might take 6 to 8 months for a post to rank in the search engine, i.e., to discover its place. That relies very lot on your rivals in your niche.

How do you stay consistent with a blog?

Staying on the ball is actually complex. I know this from various blog initiatives I’ve worked on. At some time, I devised ways to avoid losing motivation.

And since I want you to accomplish your thing, I hope I can aid you with my experience:

1. Look at other successful blogs

for advice. There are lots of bloggers out there that have made it. They reached their objectives because they worked hard for them. 

Whenever the motivation devil gets the better of me, I look at other successful blogs and ignite my fighting spirit with them.

2. Make a vision board

Vision boards are excellent, even if the notion seems unusual at first. A vision board is a collage you may display on the wall or set up. 

On this collage, you immortalize your ambitions with the assistance of photographs or sketches. If the motivation fades again, glance at the vision board. That provides you with fresh vigor.

3. Blog BEFORE work

Usually, you will still have regular employment. However, your aim of making your blog successful is different from a typical job: it is your dream. 

And you should put this desire foremost in your life every day. Take some time before work and blog. Then your major energy goes into your dream and not into anything you do for others.

I hope these encouraging tips benefit you. They help me get my butt off and compose my blog posts every day.

#4. Write unique content

You don’t have to recreate the wheel; offer your blog material in your own unique manner. Take up things that you can identify with and in which you are an expert. 

Also, attempt to pass on knowledge that can only be found on some second blogs. To succeed, you must be distinctive and stand out from the crowd.

#5. Use excellent visuals

You know that: a picture communicates more than a thousand words.

It’s the same with blogging. Whenever feasible, supplement your blog content with relevant pictures. This also makes the article much more enjoyable to read.

If you don’t want to or can’t shoot your images yourself, that’s no issue at all. There are various free picture databases online that you may use legally and freely.

#6. Your blog will be more successful if you don’t blog like an expert

Sure, you must have some competence in your subject area. And, of course, people trust someone who is regarded as an absolute expert more than a “little” blogger.

However, the readers also impose extremely high standards on the evidence of your expert credentials. And with a great profile, a Dr. title, or even millions earned, it will happen.

However, bloggers who expose themselves for what they are are considered more credible.

Individuals who are entirely dedicated to a subject are enthusiastic about it and have consequently gained a tremendous lot of expert knowledge.

Would you want some examples?
  • •        Autoblog

Unless you’re a vehicle writer or engineer, you’ll earn a lot more credibility as someone who’s always been interested in automobiles.

  • •        Food blog

Unless you’re a well-known celebrity chef, you’re highly believable as someone who genuinely enjoys cooking.

Let’s take a look at the scene of successful blogs:

Kate from the  Cookie and Kate blog is one of the greatest food bloggers I know. Her recipes are wonderful, and her writing style is compelling. 

I adore trying out your dishes. Not because she’s a chef (she’s not) but because she’s enthusiastic about cooking and baking. And you can tell.

Maggie from the Oh My Dog Blog is not a long-time dog trainer or dog school owner. However, she produces highly interesting and instructive essays on the topic of “living with dogs.” 

And she becomes believable exclusively of her many years of expertise and her affection for the four-legged buddies.

These are only two of many situations in which competency is not expressed in labeling knowledge but rather in authenticity and personality.

#7. Go the additional mile to make your blog successful

The extra mile is that specific item you devote to additional labor. To make something better, to make it perfect.

Successful blogs separate from the pack by delivering something others don’t have. Be it incredibly well-written content, stunning pictures, or just very frequent articles.

If you also want to make your blog a success, go the additional mile and explore how you may separate yourself from the bulk of other blogs out there.

What can you do better than most blogs? Where can you devote more effort to make something better? How can you persuade the readers of your blog about you?

Blogging isn’t only enjoyable; it’s also hard work. 

If you’re prepared to invest more effort into your project, baby, than others do, you’re on your way to being a successful blogger.

#8. Let your own newsletter create traffic.

You may look at every successful blog and discover a newsletter form on each of those sites. The reason for this is different from that these bloggers prefer to gather addresses. 

Rather, the reason is that they are savvy and multi-pillar their traffic sources.

When you establish a blog, there are various sources for the flow of visitors you are aiming for:
  • • Search engines
  • • Social networks
  • • Newsletter
  • • Advertisements

Search engines and your newsletter are the only genuinely free traffic sources. Social networks might bring people to your blog for free, but they restrict your free reach drastically.

With your own newsletter, you may build your own traffic free of charge and on demand.

Did you publish that one big article on a topic? Then send out a newsletter with this information.

Are there 4 new posts on your blog that could interest your readers? Off to the next newsletter edition.

This is how you create email subscribers for your blog success

Without subscribers, the most attractive email is, of course, worth nothing. That’s why I offer a few recommendations for you here on how you may consistently attract new subscribers for your newsletter:

How can I gain more subscribers to my newsletter?
1. Make it simple

Man is a small sloth. He wants things to be done swiftly and effortlessly. That’s why it’s crucial that you nose your visitors straight at your newsletter form. The more noticeable, the better.

2. Limit yourself to the email address

Avoid needless data requests and restrict yourself to the email address in the signup form. People are vigilant when dealing with their data, and the email address is adequate.

3. Use multiple forms

This tip is based on my first tip. A single registration form is commonly ignored. Two forms are ideal: one at the top of your blog and one below each blog content.

4. Use Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are free goods your readers receive when they subscribe to your email. eBooks, PDFs with instructions, or other downloads are especially prevalent and effective. 

Lead magnets boost the likelihood of new subscriptions tremendously.

There are a variety of companies where you may establish your own mailing list for free.

Tips: I suggest the Mailchimp. Easy to use and 100% trustworthy. Mailchimp doesn’t have any concerns with the GDPR either.

#9. Make partnership aware of your blog.

Who doesn’t dream of a partnership between their blog and a corporation or brand? These cooperations offer you revenue and more viewers for your blog.

If it is thematically suitable, please target these partnerships precisely. The profits are disproportionate to the revenue you may get from your blog via advertising. 

A firm partnership can undoubtedly pour additional dollars into your coffers.

How To Write A Successful Blog Post:

1. Create a high-click headline that arouses interest and conveys a promise.

2. Write a brief teaser as an introduction that outlines your material.

3. Structure your blog piece using frequent subheadings to split up your topic.

4. Write distinct paragraphs and end a sentence with each paragraph. Loosen up your blog piece using informative images and photographs.

5. Build specific calls to action at the conclusion by asking questions of the readership.

6. Link thematically similar blog posts in your post. Add “Social Share.”

7. Buttons underneath the blog content so your community can share the piece.

And now it’s time to get started and have fun!

Blogging is important for any business and is a good investment in additional reach, leads, and a professional image.


Wow, now you have a solid basis for a successful blog. Let’s take a quick look at the tips again:

  • •        Tip #1: Choosing the proper hosting
  • •        Tip #2: Create a special “About Me” page
  • •        Tip #3: The biggest formula for the success of successful blogs
  • •        Tip #4: Write unique content
  • •        Tip #5: Use incredibly excellent imagery
  • •        Tip #6: Don’t blog as an expert
  • •        Tip #7: Go the extra mile
  • •        Tip #8: Get traffic via your newsletter
  • •        Tip #9: Make employers aware of your blog

Now it’s time to put the advice into practice. 

I have one more recommendation for you: give yourself a pat on the back and be proud of yourself. You did a great job here. Now it’s time to stay with it, build habits and keep getting stronger.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blogging.

Do you still have questions about beginning your blog? I have answered the frequently asked question here again. 

Which platform should I blog on?

If you want your blog to be successful, From experience, I propose developing your website using WordPress ( and hosting it yourself.

Alternatively, you may also construct your website using Squarespace or Wix.

You should stay away from free offerings like, & Co.

How long does it take a blog to become successful?

There is no specific answer to this. It relies a lot on your niche. However, It normally takes 6-12 months before you start seeing results, and your content may be discovered on Google.

If you do it correctly from the start and work with an expert coach, you can generate a career from your blog within around 2 years.

What do I need to blog?

If you want to start blogging, you need a website (that your blog is on), plenty of solid subject ideas, a well-thought-out content plan, and a passion for writing.

Is blogging still relevant?

Yes, Blogging is still relevant as long as you move with the times and don’t fight modifications.

How much does a blog cost each month?

Especially as a newbie, you can spend a little bit of money in the beginning. Hosting for your blog is the only thing you have in monthly fees to start with, and you get that A2 hosting already for $ 3.00 per month.

How much can you make with a blog? 

How much you make with a blog is very different. Any amount is possible via blogging, from nothing at all to a five-digit sum every month (or more).

How frequently do you have to blog?

Blogging isn’t about quantity; it’s about quality. It is preferable to have fewer posts with really excellent content than one blog post of poor quality per day.

What is the difference between a blogger and an influencer?

The biggest distinction between bloggers and influencers is the channels they employ.

 Influencers may usually be found on social media like Instagram. Assuming they are acquainted with SEO, bloggers are generally discovered on the Internet through a Google search.