How Long Does It Take To Make Money Blogging?

How Long Does It Take To Make Money Blogging

As the question in the title, “How long does it take to make money Blogging?”. Yes, the answer to that question depends on many circumstances. 

But you should know in advance that making money from blogging won’t be so quick. I mean, it takes a while to make money blogging. It takes an average of 12 months to make substantial money from blogging.

So why is there no precise time on how long it takes to make money? Are you confused already? Then let’s dive deeper into the topic.   

Check our honest post: If blogging can truly make you rich.

How Long Does It Take To Make Money Through Blogging?

Blogging for money is a constructive job. Bloggers with a solid business perspective will be able to make $100 within a few months of beginning a blog.

While for other bloggers, it takes a significant amount of time before substantial revenue is,

80% of bloggers will take 6-20 months or more to earn a passive income, which tells you that generating money blogging demands patience, not a fast form of money.

Ultimately, success in blogging is a journey that requires dedication, passion, and a willingness to adapt and learn along the way.

Fast Ways To Earn Money Blogging And How Long It Takes

If blogging is a living creature, the money you make from it is the lifeblood to keep its life.

There are many methods to make money from a Blog, such as the ways to make money that I write in this post. 

However, there are fast methods to make money blogging, and there are ways that take a long time. Let’s speak a little bit about the main techniques of making money from blogs nowadays.

Make money blogging with affiliate marketing.

One of the best ways to make money blogging is via affiliate marketing. You will get a commission if someone purchases via your affiliate link. 

A Blogger should never ignore this form of making money.

All you need to do to make money with affiliate marketing is discover a product or a service that you wish to promote. 

Then register to join the affiliate marketing program of the business offering that product or service. Usually, you will find the link to sign up for an Affiliate towards the bottom of the page.

Not all affiliate registration links are positioned at the bottom of the webpage. This depends on the arrangement of each firm. There is no common rule or obligation on this.

Read our full guide on How to get started with affiliate marketing on your Blog.

How long does it take to make money blogging with affiliate marketing?

It is difficult to tell exactly how long you can make money with affiliate marketing because it varies based on the product you’re promoting and your niche. 

According to my experience and conversations with many affiliate marketers, it takes an average of 6 months to start making money as an affiliate marketer. 

Suppose you have an article with affiliate marketing links at the top of Google. What you receive initially is Traffic; the more clicks on your article, the more probable someone clicks on the buy link

At this point, you already know what you need to do to make money from affiliate marketing swiftly. It’s getting more TRAFFIC.

Read our guide on How to increase your blog traffic for free.

Make money blogging from Ads.

Unlike affiliate marketing, with this technique, you can entirely define how long it will take for you to generate money. But you will need to swiftly develop a lot of content in the early phases.

Making money via advertising is a type that has been around for a long time. You join an advertising network like Google Adsense or Ezoic. 

Once your Blog page is authorized, you are needed to add the ad code anywhere on the website. Where you want your ad to show up, so when someone visits your Blog and clicks on the ad, you will make money.

How long does it take for a website to get approved?

How long it takes for a website to be approved for ads relies on two factors:

  • Your site should contain content and not be a spammy site. Most ad companies refuse to allow sites built up merely to insert ad code. Basically, it offers no value to the reader and is deemed rubbish.
  • Time for the ad network to examine and rank your site. In principle, ad companies normally give a specified time period, like 3-5 days or 1 to 2 weeks. However, from my perspective, it may take longer or quicker because the assessment and evaluation rely on the number of subscribers to the ad network at that moment.

How long does it take to be paid in blogging from an ad network?

Usually, ad companies will pay you on a specified day of the month. The general requirement is that your balance must be equal to or more than the minimum payment level.

With Google Adsense, the minimum monthly payout level is $100. If you do not meet the $100 mark, your earnings will be carried over to the next month.   

And if your balance doesn’t pass the payout, that amount continues to accumulate for the following months.

With a new Blog, it might take you 3 to 6 months to start generating money from ads. While it may be quicker, that’s the typical time a new Blog takes.

Make money blogging using other types.

Some other Blogs opt to engage in different forms of making money. Like Dropshipping, Selling your own products or services, Consulting, Selling sponsorships, and many more.

It’s a nice thing. There is a proverb that I enjoy very much, which is “Don’t put many eggs in the same basket“.

Surely having numerous sources of revenue from a Blog will make you more interested in simply engaging in one item. 

Like if you don’t have any income from affiliate marketing yet, you may earn some money through ad networks as well. So when you join several forms, the time to make money will be quicker.

You surely may both sell, perform affiliate marketing and position advertisements to boost the capacity to generate money.

Is It Easy To Make Money From Blogging?

Most bloggers don’t make money, while only a few make more than enough to make a living from blogging. Having stated that. The truth is NO. It is not easy to make money blogging.

Of all the bloggers who participated in‘s survey, 42% said they didn’t make any money, while 19% said that Affiliate Marketing is their top source of money. 17% make the most money by selling different services or products to their readers. While only 22% make a tangible income from blogging

It takes dedication, time, and effort to build a successful blog that can generate a significant income. However, it is possible to make a good living from blogging if you are willing to put in the work.

How Much Traffic Do You Need To Make Money From A Blog

A blog should have at least a thousand-plus visits each month before you bother about monetizing via AdSense or affiliate marketing.

A Blog exists because of Traffic. Without Traffic, you will not be able to make money blogging. 

The more Traffic, the bigger the income possibilities. Note that I am talking about organic Traffic, which implies someone visiting your Blog on purpose.

Traffic is not the key to deciding when you will make money. And it’s not that the more people who visit your Blog, the more money you earn; just a high possibility. It doesn’t determine that.

But above all, money comes from Traffic.

So the key function of bloggers is how to generate Traffic. To gain organic visitors, you need to SEO your blog page.

In addition, you can make use of social networking services like Youtube, Pinterest or Facebook .. to drive Traffic.

How Often Do You Need To Blog To Make Money?

Blogging is time-consuming and hardware-intensive. Because of this fact, many individuals have given up. To be more accurate, they failed in blogging.

Since you begin blogging, you have done a lot of work, from getting a domain name and hosting to developing a logo to alter the website….

But the essence of a Blogger is the capacity to produce content. It’s not vital to have a pretty website unless you really develop meaningful content.

When I started this Blog, I really spent more time writing than anything else. Blogging is the complete reverse of what’s going on around us. 

Blogging is like you have to construct a home, painting the walls, and making a lot of effort before contemplating how much to put in for rent. 

Now let’s concentrate on the question: How often do you need to blog to make money?

To create and grow Blog to make money, you have to blog regularly. Continuously produce content and continuously grow it. 

Agree that you have to work at top performance and accomplish everything. You are your employer and also your own staff.

If you take blogging as a part-time job, then you should stop thinking about the question in the headline. Because you just haven’t taken it seriously.

 When I began this Blog, I worked more than 12 hours daily, from 7 am till late at night. Continue and continue like that till it is at the development stage.

The time you spend blogging is always inversely related to the time it takes to generate the first money.

How Much Money Can You Earn Blogging?

The potential money you can earn from blogging has no limitations. Many professional bloggers can develop significant revenue streams because of their expertise and business spirit.

For example, blogger Pat Flynn has generated an income of $200,000+/month. Or blogger Tim Sykes who has developed a $1 million/month revenue stream by creating a blog over the years.

There are still other ways to make huge money from your Blog. By selling your Blog. Well-developed blogs may be placed on marketplaces to sell to others at extremely high rates; this is termed blog flipping.

However, not every site has such huge development potential; you need to pay attention to the following 2 factors:

  • Niche: the market you are targeting has numerous consumers with high paying levels that will help you earn a big profit. Niche markets relating to high-end items and digital products that typically offer substantial fees are the choice of most bloggers.
  • Monetization plan: There are many methods to earn money on the Blog; you need to come up with an acceptable strategy to grow your revenue; you can produce your own items for business or introduce other people’s products.

Tips To Make Money Faster With a Blog

You already know how long it takes for a Blog to make money, even though you can still reduce the time it takes. 

If you choose blogging as your main career, then you need to run quicker than a rabbit. I mean, you need to speed up.

Here are some extra strategies to help you generate money rapidly.

Build content

Regularly posting content for people to read is an effective way to help your Blog grow, don’t keep people waiting for you for too long without seeing new content.

To write good content, you first need to research enough information, then proceed to build content that is attractive, genuine and brings a lot of value to people.

There are many ideas for making content. The most popular I see are product reviews and how-to content. For example, someone who needs to find a way to use a product will need review or how-to content.

It’s not always product-related content. Sometimes you’ll need the following types of content:

  • Listicles
  • Infographics
  • Case Studies
  • Interviews
  • Comparisons
  • Video Blogs
  • Resources
  • Inspirational Stories
  • Funny Posts
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Beginner’s Guides,

Write quickly

Writing is a primary task of a blogger. So if you’re writing at the pace of a tortoise, be a cheetah. You will succeed in blogging if your typing abilities are at the cutting edge.

But not to make you a Keyboard Hero.

You need to know what to write before you put your hand on the keyboard. Then concentrate and hurry up. As you write, try to take yourself in for a moment to concentrate. 

For example, I set a rule that I need to devote 25 minutes to writing and 10 minutes to rest. 

This will be better and build self-discipline.

Writing is a habit-based skill. Not everyone can write rapidly and concentrate all their talents on it. So instead of writing, you can utilize a voice-to-text application. Although there are several constraints, you can attempt.

The technology that I allude to here is the “Voice Input” option in the Google Docs program. Go to Google Docs in a browser and create a new document. Click on Tools in the top bar and choose “Voice input”. 

This process is quite straightforward, click on the mic symbol in the top left corner until it becomes red. Then speak what you are writing, this seems easy, but it will bring up additional faults. 

Sometimes what you say will not compile properly. So you need to correct it. I suggest you use Grammarly for your corrections.

Make plans and objectives.

Planning is a process that helps you decide where to go and what has to be done. Bloggers need to know what they are going to do today and what they will do tomorrow. 

There is no need to push oneself to finish the day. You should assign each objective a specific amount of time to fulfil.

Read our guide on: Blog Publishing Plan.

Daily objectives  

The primary objective is the goal that you need to strive towards. Set yourself attainable objectives and stick to them.

Bloggers have no purpose other than how much to write in a day. It might be 2 classes a day or 1 post/day. Don’t be overly ambitious about the objective, how to make work a thrill, not add a shackle on yourself.

You know, blogging is to share information and abilities about the topic that you are informed about. No greed or compulsion is present. 

Time is not an expression of greed. For example, you can spend 12 hours a day blogging and yet feel comfortable. 

Above all, operate within your means.

Combine with Social Media outlets.

Platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, etc., can help you reach people quicker than SEO.

With billions of users and compatibility with many different sorts of content formats, you can unleash your creativity in generating content that draws people to you.


Once you have visitors to your Blog, you must repeat the procedures of producing content to keep Traffic. When everything is stabilized, it’s time to take the ideal step.

Based on the findings you receive back, you will optimize the missing aspects to help the Blog develop and help visitors purchase more via the material you provide.

With the difficulties of optimizing revenue for a website or a given company model, there are many things to discuss; it is advisable to consult someone with expertise to help you see and optimize better instead of doing everything yourself from scratch.

I used to assist a few folks in maximizing their earnings x2 for 2 months. With the regular quantity of material and Traffic, I pointed out the flaws that needed to be rectified and then recommended to them how to do better; the results were quite favourable.

Optimization is always required at work; sometimes, my projects are extremely complicated at first, but because of the nature of the job, sometimes I also omit a lot of things to maintain everything moving into the process, then New optimized for the better.

Making money with a blog is regarded as a reliable, trustworthy and simple method for everyone. Results will come to you when you do it well.

Fastest Method To Make Money From Blog

Before reading this far, I want to ensure you have read the questions above carefully. You can completely change the time. It’s up to you. So if you ask everyone, you will get different answers. Focus on the above ideas, and you will know what you should do.

  • You need to spend more time on Blog
  • You should choose more than one form of making money
  • You need to drive Traffic to Blog
  • You need to write faster and write with a goal plan

Thus, you can fully meet your expectations in the first or second month.


Blogging is easy, but to blog professionally, Blog as a profession, Blog to make money, and even to step by-step turn your Blog into an online business, you will need to apply a lot of strategies.

Above are the things I want to share with you, a blogger just starting with blogging to make money. Or if you have been blogging for a long time and have more experience from yourself.