How Many Blog And Website Articles Should And Can You Write Every Day?

How many blog and website articles should and can you write every day?

Are you just starting out a blog, and you wondered how many blog and website articles should and can you write every day to achieve maximum success?

With my 11 years of experience in blogging. Writing and posting 2-5 website articles per week gives you the time and opportunity to create in-depth, well-researched, and thoughtfully structured posts.

We Often read that blogging should be done every day. But do you think that’s right?

Let’s take a look together.

See also: Misconception people have about blogging.

Why Is Blogging Regularly So Important?

While I preach to my clients virtually every day to regularly populate their corporate blogs with fresh content, I have neglected my personal blog.

 I have yet to create any new articles on SEO and web marketing for over two years.

The result: While my site was at the top of the search results for search keywords such as “Blogging Marketing” or “Corporate Blogging” up until two years ago, over time, it has dropped down to the second page in certain instances.

However, the solution is simple: I’ve been producing fresh articles on my blog for a few weeks now – and the ranks quickly increased again dramatically!

How Many Blog And Website Articles Should And Can You Publish Per Day?

Millions of fresh blog articles surface every day. In order to stand out and stay up, you have to post a lot of your own articles, right?

This is an intriguing question, and every website operator and blogger may pose this question.

Finally, one sees that more articles frequently promise greater positions in Google, more attention on social networks, more comments, more backlinks, and so on.

Nevertheless, our time is limited, and we want to devote every spare minute to creating fresh articles.

Thus, It is vital to consider what defines a good cost/benefit ratio.

Quality vs. Quantity Blog post

At this point, I must therefore come to the link between quality and quantity. I fell into the trap myself a few years ago. I basically attempted to generate as much material as possible to attract more visitors.

And it works to a certain degree, but more is needed to lead to success in the long term. This may take retribution, particularly in the long run, since you tire yourself.

I then evaluated more and more which articles on my blogs and websites are actually effective and found that number is not crucial, but quality.

However, it is more complex to define what quality is in regard to articles.

Let’s put it this way; certain articles are much, far more effective than others.

Which articles are actually successful?

Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this. It cannot be argued that article type XY is always successful.

On the other hand, this relies very much on the blog or website’s content, but there is also a certain luck aspect involved.

I’ve spent a lot of time on lengthy, thorough articles that have yet to be read.

On the other hand, other contributions were written relatively rapidly and have been quite effective to this day.

These evergreen articles still draw many viewers to my blog years later.

And thus, for better or worse, you have to discover for yourself which article genres are genuinely profitable on your own website or blog.

For this goal, it is advised to carry out a content audit in which this material is reviewed in depth.

See also: How to write a high-quality article.

How often should you blog

Every day might possibly work. Posting twice – five times a week offers you the time and chance to generate in-depth, well-researched, and deliberately constructed content.

These posts may not be regarded immediately, but over time, they will earn much more likes and shares and will also receive more comments.

We Often read that blogging should be done every day. Posting regularly is a trendy subject. It may work for you.

On the other side. It may not. Sadly, many bloggers give their best to blog every day and yet are waiting for a tangible result in their work.

That may not be very pleasant. However, no one is pushing you to blog every day. It can absolutely be preferable to blog two or five times a week.

And yet, for some individuals, it may be enjoyable to submit fresh articles every day because some bloggers perform best when they follow a regular regimen.

If these bloggers only blogged three times a week, they would quickly start to slide and possibly only write a few times a month.

You have to figure out for yourself how frequently you should blog since the best post frequency is a highly personal issue.

How frequently should you blog? Daily? Then go like this

  • Keep your posts brief and to the point. Delete unneeded.
  • Always prepare ahead; never upload low-quality material
  • Vary the kind of your things. Also, attempt to create video posts or image-heavy articles
  • Apply tactics for improved effectiveness.

How Many Articles Can You Write Each Day?

How many articles should and can you write a day? You can write as many articles as possible every day. It depends on far you can go.

Though there is no one that has written up to 30 articles a day. Smiles!

Intending to write 10 articles a day is one thing. However, there are only 24 hours in a day, and we generally have other things to accomplish, not to mention sleep.

Of course, lengthy and in-depth articles take far longer than tiny bits of news.

 The extensive study, acceptable photographic material, a companion film, several changes, and other activities, such as keyword research, require time.

On the other hand, if you favor brief news and opinion articles, you may churn out double-digit article numbers a day and still have time left.

Diligence also plays a part here since some merely write and then push “Publish.” I, on the other hand, proofread my articles multiple times.

Even if not all spelling problems are eradicated subsequently, the overall quality is still greater, and, above all, I iron out a few flaws in terms of substance.

My experiences 

I prefer to depend on more elaborate and lengthier articles and consequently spend longer on them since extremely excellent articles require time.

In addition to the preparation and the writing itself, the revision is also included here.

However, with a lot of practice and experience, many things get more straightforward and quicker.

 In the early days, I sat on several lengthy articles for many days. Often I won’t hit the point when it’s enough and has been adjusting too many elements for hours.

In the interim, I have a lot of experience in writing, and a lot occurs effortlessly. In addition, the 80/20 rule has allowed me to focus on the basics.

I used to write 2-3 articles a day, which I have now drastically decreased. There are now 3-4 articles each week. However, I depend on much more detailed and better-quality articles.

Write more with experience.

As previously said, I have accumulated a lot of expertise in the more than 15 years I have been writing and operating websites.

 These assist me in producing articles quicker and with less effort nowadays. More details about this in my blog start series of articles.

On the other side, I now type pretty swiftly, which of course, helps me to create articles quickly. It only comes with practice, and it takes a lot of writing.

But it also helps when it comes to article organization, ideation, language, terminology, and so on if you write a lot.

Practice makes perfect, especially when creating website and blog articles.

How Many Articles Should You Write And Post Every Day To Be Successful?

Do you have to produce fresh articles every day in order to get many readers and be successful with your own blog or website? Or is one article a week enough?

This is also an interesting question to which there is no clear answer.

 After all, you see a range of examples out there, both successful and bad blogs and websites. And there is a colorful combination in terms of the number of articles.

There are numerous major blogs that have dozens or hundreds of contributors and produce as many articles every day.

Other successful instances are at the far end of the spectrum, generating millions of views per month with very few postings.

This depends solely on the niche you are in. I will discuss more on how many blogs you should post per each niche in the next section.

Your objective is to figure out how much labor you put into different articles. This automatically sets how many articles you may write per day or per week.

My experiences

I like to write, and in addition to thorough and in-depth articles, I typically also prefer to create shorter articles that deal with a certain theme.

In my experience, though, there isn’t one sort of article that is better than all the others. I previously published my top 10 article kinds, and this list illustrates that very varied material is extremely well welcomed by my viewers.

So it’s crucial that you figure out what’s performing very well on your website or blog, and then you can concentrate on that.

Don’t forget to have fun while writing, however, since that’s the only way you’ll remain inspired for years to come.

In my experience, a solid balance between having fun while writing and which articles connect most with readers is incredibly crucial and the key to success.

In addition, not everyone has that much time to write. I do this full-time, but others write in their leisure time.

Of course, you should also take this into consideration when deciding how many articles you should post in a specific period of time.

Blog regularly – depending on your niche, your subject

There are surely themes or niches that only function on a daily basis.

For example, news magazines. I put one up with a coworker, and after just a few months, we had over 90,000 visits a month to the website.

One or two pieces went out every day. Our Facebook page exploded faster than we could watch.

When we no longer had the time to produce our magazine on a regular basis, the number of visitors plummeted dramatically.

For a time, we attempted two articles a week, but it simply didn’t work. News magazines have to be taken care of every day, or they perish.

As I noted previously, there are SEO advantages to writing regularly as well. Lots of articles in Google search results attract some visitors.

However, a single piece that flies over the ceiling pulls in substantially more attention than 10 average postings.


The following are a few common instances of various blogs or web pages. I take a look at the work needed in creating new articles and the normal yield.

However, these are only a few conceivable instances, and in actuality, there is a large range of combinations.


The newest news is presented in such blogs, with the entries sometimes being quite brief and, for example, press releases being copied.

A lot of fresh stuff is really vital here.

  • Output: Multiple things every day.
  • Effort: Low for the individual articles, but owing to the number of news articles and the fact that you have to be fast, the effort is still high.
  • Examples: BBC News, CNN News.

Niche blog

Niche or microblogs deal with a very particular subject and are thus a variant of niche websites. I also have a niche blog or two.

 The postings here are of varying lengths and consequently demand varied effort. Of course, you may operate a specialized blog quite intensely, but normally you don’t put that much work into it.

  • Output: Usually, 2 – 5  piece each week comes here.
  • Effort: The amount of effort varies based on the kind of article. However, because there are generally not that many articles published, the total effort is quite modest.
  • Examples: Etc.

Niche website

A niche website likewise works with a very specialized issue and is aimed to require as little effort as feasible. Passive income is the goal here.

  • Output: Max. 5 articles every month.
  • Effort: The effort is minimal owing to the low production, wherein the articles are timeless, i.e., no news, for example.


These sorts of blogs concentrate on reviews of items simply because it is a highly popular form of content that draws a lot of readers and is a solid money-making prospect.

You can also interact extremely successfully with corporations.

  • Output: Usually, multiple articles every week.
  • Effort: Good evaluations take a reasonably substantial amount of labor, so the time needed is quite high.


A conventional affiliate website requires a bit more work, and you produce fresh articles quite frequently.

Nevertheless, as an affiliate, one is more interested in creating timeless evergreen articles and making money in the long run. Other stuff here includes comparisons, top lists, advisors, and more.

  • Output: Several articles each month or more regularly for bigger projects.
  • Work: In-depth evaluations, comparisons, and so on need a certain level of work.

Hobby Blog

The pure hobby blog is a little out of the usual here, as the objective is not truly to become “successful.” You do it largely for pleasure and write something when you feel like it.

  • Output: Often, a new piece once a week, but that may, of course, change.
  • Effort: Most of the time, there is not much study here, but merely writing and explaining one’s own perspective or reporting on one’s own experiences. The effort is likewise modest.

Full-time blog/website

Anyone who, like me, is self-employed and operates a website or blog full-time not only publishes a lot of articles but also invests a lot of effort and time into it. There are several distinct forms of material.

  • Output: Several articles every day or at least weekly. There are sometimes alternative material types, such as podcasts or films.
  • Effort: Pretty considerable effort, which results from quality standards and production quantity.


Of course, there are more sorts of websites and blogs, and I’m sure I’ll take a closer look at them and compare them in my future article.

How many blog and website articles should you post in regard to Google SEO

Google is still a significant consideration for website administrators and bloggers.

Even while regular readers, newsletter subscribers, and social network reach are significant and attract readers to your own website, most traffic still comes from Google nowadays.

Therefore, the topic of how many blog and website articles one should produce should also be evaluated from the SEO point of view.

It used to be stated that you should place each subject (primary keyword) in a distinct article, which resulted in many shorter articles.

A few years ago, that changed, and highly extensive and thorough articles came into fashion. The so-called holistic approach, i.e., the all-encompassing piece, became popular.

Due to the continually changing Google algorithms, there is regrettably no clear answer to the question (How many blog and website articles should you post).

 It is evident that you need lengthier articles with greater substance to attract readers in the long run. Short morsels of news are obviously beneficial in the short term but don’t assist in the long run.

In any event, it is good to cover all sides of a subject in your own articles. This just generates additional long-tail ranks, i.e., Google ranks * for particularly specialized search queries consisting of many phrases.

These attract just a few visits every month, but when there are hundreds of long-tail ranks for a thorough post, that’s quite a lot in total.

Nevertheless, through the years, I have learned that you shouldn’t look too carefully at Google and what’s popular there.

Write articles that you are satisfied with and, above all, examine what connects with your viewers. This is typically the best way to proceed in the long term.

“Write as much as you need!”

This takes me to the idea that you should “Write as much as necessary!” at least if you plan to be successful with your blog, i.e., to acquire many visitors and decent money.

Where “necessary,” here is just a blend of your available time and the desired degree of quality.

You should still have pleasure in writing and not get too carried away with the concept that you need to release more. That’s why I didn’t use “possible” in the statement.

In the long run, you feel more like a slave to Google, and you may lose the urge to write.

And if you study your content and concentrate on the effective article kinds, then it is also a lot more rewarding, and you will be more successful with fewer articles.


Finally, I would be interested to hear how many articles you create for your website or blog every day or week and how this number has evolved.

What experiences have you gathered over the years, and what advice can you give?

Bloggers have varied talents and limits. Yes, different personalities too. Time, energy, desire, all these elements apply to each individual differently. We are all individuals.

Therefore, don’t orient yourself to other bloggers, and don’t attempt to follow their blogging practice.

This will not work and will make you unsatisfied.

Never strive to “keep up” with others. Find yourself, and build your own blogging regimen. Only with her can you be happy.

The key issue is that your blog is seen as professional. Your blog will seem professional if you write consistently.

Regularity is all that counts. One post every week is also regular.

For example, your optimal blogging habit can be one post each week. Of course, it may also be one post every day. You might write when you feel inspired or on a regular plan, an editorial calendar.

With solid preparation and an editorial strategy, you may, for example, have distinct topic material on particular days of the week or a month in advance.

Unfortunately, there is no cure, no one-size-fits-all formula for how frequently you should blog, and how to discover your habit. The only thing that helps is testing, testing more testing.

If, after a few weeks, you find yourself getting burned out, modify your routine immediately. Or else it will gently make you ill.

Don’t worry about the readers. They can manage it if you adjust your blog frequency. Nobody will complain about that.

If you wish to experiment with your blogging routine:

  • Don’t attempt to alter too much at once.

Maybe create five postings, three a week in the beginning.

  • Start a poll

A survey among your readers may be quite advantageous since you will find out if your audience wants to have more or fewer postings.

  • Blogging should be entertaining.

Above all, blogging should be entertaining and certainly not work. If you’re not comfortable with your routine, your readers won’t be comfortable either.

Experiment with your blogging habit until you feel comfortable with it. Only then can you produce genuinely amazing articles that will also encourage your audience. Because if it works for you, it will work for your readers.