How Many Posts Before Launching A Blog? (Find Out)

How Many Posts Before Launching A Blog?

How many posts before launching a blog?

This question bothers every new blogger while setting up a blog. This is natural and for a very good reason. I would suggest you know about this before launching your blog.

Launching a blog is like being asked to land an Airbus at night and in fog. You know you have to do something. If you hit the wrong button, it crashes.

Over the last 3 years, I have also been operating my own blog. Before starting, I made a lot of blunders.

People don’t understand that establishing and designing a website is just the beginning. They don’t know how to launch and widely market their blog.

This post will focus on the items that need to be prepared for the “blog launching day” to ensure that after that day, your blog can keep visitors and assist you in avoiding the troubles I went through.

Let’s go into it. 

See also: How does a blog become successful?

How Many Posts Before Launching My Blog?

How many posts before launching my blog? The short answer is: You need ZERO blog articles to launch a blog.

But it’s recommended to have at least 10 to 20 posts ready to post before launching a blog in order to bring in substantial traffic. 

The more posts you have, the better.

Of course, that’s just to launch your blog. Your blog isn’t going to be a failure if you have 5 blog posts, and neither will it suddenly become popular if you debut with 20 posts.

To establish a successful blog, you need to maintain posting fresh blog content consistently.

Still, the amount of your blog postings is only half the picture. You will rank higher in search engine algorithms if you provide quality content that responds to user requests.

Readers will identify you as a valuable online resource if you spend the time and effort to provide your audience with high-value blog articles, and Google’s algorithm will as well.

This will assist in minimizing the time it generally takes (sometimes three to six months) for most blogs to experience considerable traffic.

Imagine that you are lucky enough with your first article you already receive an avalanche of visits. Honestly, it doesn’t happen often, but nothing is impossible. You may also have pals who have pushed your blog on their social media profiles on launch day.

You have published the first post because you have to start somewhere. Even if only a few people arrive, they only have one post to read.

Maybe they even like what you’ve written and would spend more time reading if there were more stuff on offer.

In this instance, you have wasted a modest opportunity to convert the first visitors into readers since, aside from the initial entry, you have nothing to offer.

What Is The Best Time To Launch A Blog?

What is the best time to launch a blog? If this is also the query you once had in mind, then you are not alone. I also had similar thinking when I initially started blogging.

The fact is, “There’s no such thing as a generic ‘best time’ to launch a new blog. The idea is to give your blog launch due attention and put up a terrific approach that might continue for 2-4 months.”

If I had waited to launch until I believed my blog was “perfect” — the moment when all the stars align, and we feel absolutely and utterly ready to put ourselves and our blogs out in the world — I would still be waiting. And that puts us at a great disadvantage.

Every choice I’ve taken, every article I’ve written, every product I’ve produced — they’ve all been a result of putting my work out there, seeing what people enjoy, getting feedback, and figuring out the next steps as a result.

In other words, when it comes to blogging, it’s not about the destination. Rather, it is about the journey. And we’ll surely never reach the goal — if we never launch.

As a result, let me be the first to tell you that the “Best” time to launch is right now.

How Do I Prepare For A Blog Launch?

Before releasing your website and revealing it to the world, there are several things you need to take into mind, among them the design, kind of content, aims, conversions, and hundreds of other things...

The primary 3 that I just listed are crucial.

A smart approach will ensure that a website launch is successful. Without this plan, you cannot begin to develop a site that attracts the customer’s attention.

It is crucial that you first define the focus of your organization to know the objectives you need to achieve on the website.

At this point, consider the following:

  1. Target audience

Who will they be? What impacts them currently?

  1. Competitors

Who are my top 3 competitors? What elements make them successful?

  1. Key factor

What can I offer? What are the shortcomings of the existing industry?

  1. Execution

Now that you are constructing the website, you have to focus on the information you want to deliver, especially if it involves e-commerce. Use descriptions that make the consumer fall in love with a product and want to acquire it instantly.

  1. Conversions and calls to action.

What activities do I want people to undertake on my page? Do I want them to buy an article, download a document, or enter my blog?

Here, it is crucial to recognize the appropriate moment to encourage the user to take action. Did they come to your website to buy or to learn?

Mistakes To Avoid When Launching A Blog

There are 3 extremely typical blunders to avoid when you want to launch a blog:

Spend hours choosing your website design.

I see new blogger eager to establish their site spending days on picking a WordPress template.

Then, you start with the logo design, the color palette, and the typography. And by the time you know it, 3 months have passed.

It’s stupid. They are diversions.

Choose a theme, whatever it is, and focus on your motto (the suggestion you make to the reader) since that is vital. “Welcome. This blog is for X who want to do Y. Make it obvious how you can help your visitors.

You will worry later about increasing the appearance of your blog once you already obtained a flow of views every day.

Become obsessed with SEO.

A new blogger talks about these 3 letters of the SEO acronym plenty. From keywords to “shaping” the Page Rank to Back Links and the sitemap that you must give to Google Search Console …


Turn everything off, and take a big breath.

Google is going to ignore you for 3 or 6 months of creating a blog.

It will be monitoring you from afar to check that you are genuine, that your work is unique, and that your pieces get a decent reaction.

Focus on writing, not on optimizing your website or your content. 

Think about your audience, not Google.

Google will only listen to you if it has the impression that you are serious and that you provide helpful and original information.

Wasting time on social networks

As you possibly know, Google is not going to pay much attention to you, so you spend many hours swimming around social media, ingesting large volumes of information, and engaging in numerous groups.

Keep calm!

First of all, you are a person who is just starting out, and you don’t have 8 arms or 4 minds, so you must select your battles properly.

Do you have to be on social networks? Not necessarily.

Is it advisable to be on social networks? Yes, it is.

So, at first, stay calm and concentrate only on your blog content till you get a reasonable organic view from search engines.

How To Launch A Blog In 7 Steps

This is my 7-step technique for creating a blog:

Define your value proposition.

Your unique value proposition is the answer you deliver to your audience. What you provide, how you deliver it, and how it distinguishes from the competitors.

When you know how to answer those questions, you will have your value proposition (USP) ready.

Validate your idea

Once you have your USP ready, it’s time to validate it. You must know if your plan is realistic and, most of all, if it has a place in the market.

You will know this when you acquire your first customer.

Create your blog

Now, it’s time to create your blog. And your website is your home on the Internet.

A friend of mine is always contradicting having a blog. She prefers building her Instagram page to investing her time in having a blog.

Now, imagine if Instagram had blocked her account even for a few days.

In that situation, she would have lost thousands of dollars, as his approach was dependent primarily on Instagram, both through organic ways and advertising.

Having your own blog makes you the owner of your own communication and distribution channel. It is absolutely suggested for an Internet business.

Write great articles and publish them.

Creating exceptional content on your blog will attract readers and begin to position you in the thoughts of your potential clients.

That’s what you should do.

1. Write informative blogs that address your target’s questions.

2. Create an amazing article since you will have gathered all the free PDFs in your niche in a single post. Or the 10 most valuable films for your target on YouTube, or the 7 key free online tools for your target.

3. Interview relevant actors in your niche as soon as possible to learn from them and connect with these prominent people.

4. Work on the presentation sections of your blog, such as the “About” page.

Repeat again and over again, at the pace of 1 or 2 entries a week.

Don’t tell me the tale that you want to have 10 or 20 posts ready before starting so that it is better.

The sooner you obtain feedback from your readers, the less time you will squander working trapped in your ideas.

See also how to write your first post.

Build Your Subscriber List

One of the things bloggers most commonly regret is not building a subscriber list from the get-go.

Capturing the email of individuals interested in what you post is the key to altering the interaction you have with them.

You go from communicating passively (you write and wait for them to see you) to doing it actively (you compose an email that appears in their inbox).

It’s like establishing a business and waiting for people to come in or phoning them and informing them that you have something that could interest them.

Discover: How to create an email list.

Spend Time With Your Potential Clients

As you create your brand and your subscriber list, you’ll need to go out and locate readers first. They won’t come alone.

Identify the relevant actors in your niche: blogs, portals, vertical communities, and forums. Spend time on them since your prospective readers are there.

Talk, Spread, Help. Let yourself be viewed as someone with good intent, always wanting to help and contribute value to a conversation, not as the “ego-heavy” who simply aims to promote their stuff.

Dive into social media very cautiously (pick carefully who to follow and what discussions interest you).

Spend 1-2 hours a day working deliberately. If you are clear about your aims, you will be able to do wonders on social networks.

Monetize Your Blog

Once you have some traffic, are growing your list, and spending time with your future clients on networks and forums, you will be ready to monetize your blog.

This does not mean that you have to wait to have everything set to offer your services on your website or sell your products.

However, it will be easier for you to sell if you have these digital assets.

Read our full guide on How to monetize your blog.

How Long Does It Take To Launch A Blog?

A few years ago, to launch a blog, you needed to know how to program or pay a professional. Today, it is no longer required.

There are platforms that enable you to design a web page as if it were a PowerPoint: simply dragging objects and writing text in minutes.

Whether you want to launch a blog that you can convert into a digital company or if you want to make something more amateur, you can accomplish so in a few hours now.

Making a professional blog takes me around 3 or 4 hours, but for it to be successful afterward, and depending on what it is for a “successful” one, it may take from weeks to months if you market it with paid advertising or it might take years if you promote it organically.

If you’re starting to create a website, you probably want it to be ready as quickly as possible. However, it is difficult to estimate the time required to create a site, especially if it is the first time you are creating one.

Creating a custom website takes time. If you’re thinking about a serious web project with a real budget, you’re probably looking at a timeline of several weeks or months.

This is okay, but it’s also possible to create a great website much faster, depending on your needs.

How Many Blogs Should I Post A Month?

Once you have chosen the name of your blog and launched your blog, there is no turning back. After choosing a design and making the basic configurations, the most important thing comes: writing the first post.

If you are not a natural writer like most beginner bloggers, it will probably take you several hours or even days from typing the first words to editing and finally publishing the article.

The bad thing about a blog is that it requires continuous updating.

With how slow you write, you probably don’t see yourself able to publish much more than one post a month.

So, you are interested in knowing how many posts should be written with a new blog to get more visits as soon as possible.

The aim is to start with a minimum update of 2-3 posts each week/ 15 posts each month for Google positioning.

The minimum is 2-3 posts per week. If you can post one a day or even two, it will be even better.

Don’t be scared; you can go step by step, and you will learn to adapt the update rate to the circumstances of your life. Also, remember that the results do not come immediately and take months to have visible effects.

Is 20 Blog Posts Enough?

Some bloggers try to answer this question with a single answer. “Yes, 20 blog post is enough for a blog.

The reality is That’s not true!

The truth is that enough blog posts for a website depends on a number of variables, such as the age of your blog, the topic of your blog, and the Quantity of content you have to share.

You should also consider the search intent of your audience and create titles, headings, and copy that correspond to their conversational search queries.

And if your objective is organic traffic, posting frequency is the best practice, though it varies by search sector. Marketing or technology blogs don’t need to be published quite as regularly as healthcare or news sites.

If you want to monetize your blog, your postings should be concentrated on blog ideas that produce money.

Note: Quality is more essential than Quantity.

 Google only sort of cares how many blog articles you have, but it definitely cares how excellent they are. So, no matter the amount of blog posts you have, make sure to produce thorough, well-written content to serve your audience and Google.


Now that we know how many posts you need to launch a blog and the basic steps on how to launch a blog successfully, are you ready to get in?

Beginnings are never simple, but you will learn something new every day, and that will keep you engaged.

Make sure you remain consistent. Otherwise, blogging will feel more like a dull affair than a passionate issue.

Creating content relevant to your audience and getting a high ranking with search engines is not a simple effort; keep patient and never lose your calm in strategizing these blogging routines.

Once you have reached your objective to be a successful blogger, you must preserve that reputation.

Successful blogs just need one post every week to demonstrate their authority; relax with a cup of tea and take in your success. It’s high time then to enjoy seeing your readership increase.