How To Blog Without Stress? (11 Healthy Tips)

How To Blog Without Stress

I would like to share my experiences from more than 5 years as a blogger with you and provide you with 11 healthy pieces of advice on how to blog without stress.

Everyone who is writing for the first time or has just begun their blog typically assumes that everything is simple.

But this is not the case. 

Blogging isn’t only for pleasure. If you approach it professionally, there are also tough periods, and depending on the blog’s direction, it may be rather demanding.

This is why this blog’s stress-free healthy advice is so crucial.

See also: How do you become a blogger?

How To Blog Without Stress.

Outsiders (Non-bloggers) frequently have an unduly romantic image of blogging or internet commerce in general. Of course, they have a pretty wrong idea of ​​what blogging really means.

Blogging is hard work, at least if you want to do it professionally.

Every day you have to generate fresh material, maintain the blog, answer reader inquiries, take care of technical stuff, acquire and manage ads, and much more.

Blogging typically has little to do with sitting on the beach and enjoying the sun. Instead, it is genuine work that may often be rather demanding and stressful.

In order to operate a successful blog over the long term, you need to make sure you strike a decent balance between enjoyment and stress. 

Those who put too much burden on their health and neglect health guidelines will only be successful in the short term.

11 Health Ideas To Blog Without Stress

There are a variety of things that impact the health of bloggers. In the following, I would like to highlight their most essential and provide health suggestions.

Save your eyes

Next to the hands, the eyes are the most significant “working tool” of a blogger. That’s why you should take it easy or alleviate it a bit after a long day’s work.

During the work itself, it helps if you peek out of the window from time to time and examine objects that are farther away. 

This guarantees that the eyes do not constantly only gaze at the small distance to the display.

In addition, you should not immediately hurry to the television after work and gaze at a screen again. For example, many years ago, I began with the board game hobby since it does not need a screen.


Many intensive bloggers undoubtedly neglect exercise, which may create issues like being overweight

That’s why you should get up every now and again while working and stretch your legs.

In addition, sports and fitness training assist a lot in maintaining your body in shape (or getting it back) and is a really effective method to compensate for a lot of sitting at the computer.

Ergonomic workplace

If you don’t simply sit at your computer and blog for a few hours a week, you should absolutely have a nice office chair and a good desk. Sitting inappropriately typically leads to back issues that may become chronic.

The right distance of the display (or the monitors ) from your own eyes and the suitable seating position is equally vital

Don’t save in the incorrect spot here.


Pizza, chips, chocolate, soda, etc. This is on the everyday menu for many bloggers. What originally appears like the right combo quickly turns out to be a terrible blunder.

Due to the absence of activity, such unhealthy meals have an even more harmful influence on your health than they already do.

You should attach significance to a good diet and carefully consume particularly fresh and healthful meals.

Leisure time

Many bloggers like their job so much that the boundary between work and leisure time blurs. This may ally well for a time, but it still has detrimental in the long term impact.

As a blogger, you should also take some spare time and turn it off purposefully. A hobby helps, as do friends or a group you visit frequently.

In order to remain fresh and motivated in the long term, you have to do something other than blogging; otherwise, health issues, psychological impacts, or even burnout threaten.

Fresh air

Exercise works best when you go out into the fresh air. That’s why you should always take the opportunity and go out.

This may be a morning walk to the bakery, a brief run at noon, a dinner in the fresh air, or an evening stroll. It is crucial to obtain fresh air daily.


A crucial aspect of good blogging is motivation. As I said in a previous section of this article, there’s nothing wrong with money being an incentive. 

But it shouldn’t be the only one of the most crucial.

If you like writing, and passionate about your blog topic, and share ideas with others, you will typically have fewer health concerns. At least mentally, bringing excitement and enthusiasm to the task is a great benefit.


I have also observed that solid preparatively is vital for my long-term blog success. This may turn off novice bloggers, especially since the spontaneity of blogging is something appealing and lovely.

In the long term, however, it is a huge benefit if you execute effective planning of the working day and the approaching weeks/months. In this method, you can combine specific jobs and work more effectively.

In addition, it relaxes your own brain if you don’t attempt to remember everything and somehow apply it at the same time, but if you write everything down ( to-do ) and deal with the present work.


This is likewise a subject that just opened up to me after a few years. I used to sit in front of the PC and work till late at night. It was wonderful, it was calm, and nobody interrupted us.

However, I had two children, and they had to go to school or kindergarten, so I got out of bed extremely early. The effect was that I slept quite a little, and in the long term, this had a very detrimental influence.

I didn’t get enough sleep early in the morning, couldn’t focus, and didn’t get as much done as I intended. Consequently, I worked even longer in the nights to catch up—a classic vicious circle.

I’ve now realized that I need my 7-8 hours of sleep and that I’m happier and more productive the following day. And still getting younger


Bloggers are typically full of ideas. New articles, new features, unique material, another blog, and many more ideas keep stacking up over time. At some point, you have a to-do list that doesn’t want to get any shorter.

That’s why it’s crucial to learn to restrict yourself and not want to execute every idea you have.

This involves, for example, establishing a time for the end of the day and then adhering to it. 

Also, after a time, I decided that I would no longer work weekends, which I did for the first few years of my self-employment.


There are a lot of workouts that can be carried out on your own PC desktop.

For newly beginning bloggers, these health suggestions may seem repetitive. I, too, have had the experience that in the beginning, you are so enthusiastic and full of energy that you carelessly dismiss such suggestions.

At some time, though, the moment will undoubtedly come when it will take retribution, and you should take better care of your health.

What Is The Most Difficult Part Of Blogging?

It’s time to talk about the most difficult part of blogging. Blogging is like writing a lengthy novel. You have to routinely update fresh blog posts, similar to the way you publish new chapters for your storybook. 

However, circumstances are not always favorable. Maybe you will encounter these difficulties when starting a blog,

Having trouble with the website

Sure, you will meet unusual scenarios. For example, the website has technical issues; the website is down for some reason, or just sluggish loading speed. 

These situations will impact the reader’s experience and leave you perplexed.

When this occurs, you have to keep cool because even big websites suffer from this difficulty. 

No longer interested in writing or consistently updating content

Usually, when you first start blogging, you will be enthused about writing blog articles and updating daily. 

It’s like a love affair. It’s so much pleasure when you’re in love. But after a few months when that crazy enthusiasm was gone. That’s the way the relationship came apart. 

Blogging is the same way. As the adrenaline wears off, you will progressively lose the original exhilaration. It’s hard to retain such passion for a long period.

So, it would be best if you designed a content strategy. For example, at least two postings a week. Also, you shouldn’t hurry to write an article for your blog since, one day. You will suddenly grow weary of writing. 

No time for blogging

Initially, you will spend more time taking care of your blog. For example, develop stunning graphics, fix language from articles or examine website specifications. 

The hard job takes you away from the first excitement, and finally, you no longer have time to take care of the blog.

It’s easy to become discouraged since it doesn’t produce revenue.

Determining to blog, you must recognize that what you put into it is time, energy, and money. 

And, of course, this employment will not create income from day one. So while blogging, you must embrace the reality that you will become “proletarian” from the outset. 

You write and write endlessly without any pay. This readily leads us to feel disheartened and soon give up midway. Generating money from a blog might take a year, two years, or more. Some skilled bloggers can produce revenue sooner. 

Recommended: How to turn your blog into a profitable business.

How Can I Be A Strong Blogger?

How can I be a strong blogger? Becoming a successful Blogger is complex; you need passion, time, work, and dedication. 

As a blogger, can you generate a “huge” income, get famous, and be entirely free…?

But there is another reality you do not know: Only 1% of bloggers succeed in the end, and 99% of other bloggers fail. 

To be a strong blogger, here are tips you should have in mind:

You have to be different.

To be a strong blogger, you need to shape yourself into a STYLE!

How to be a different blogger?

  • How do you want others to refer to you as a blogger? Funny, professional, or friendly…?
  • What is the story behind your blog?
  • How did you come to blogging?

You should be able to answer all these questions genuinely if you want to be part of the 1% successful blogger. For example, there are several blogs regarding the food sector. But how will your blog be distinct from all the other food bloggers?

Read our full guide on How to become a blogger.

Have time to blog consistently.

If you want to become a (successful) blogger, you need one thing above all: Enough time.

Don’t you have at least 10-15 hours a week to care for your blog? Or do you want to take this time and do it with other things?

Then you have to assume that your blog will only grow slowly. And you are slow to grow as a blogger.

Be patient

Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint.

Refrain from falling under the delusion that you can get your blog up by posting a few items and start flooding with people within a few days or weeks.

Building a huge following, let alone generating income from your blog, takes a long time.

For at least the first year or two, plan to invest a lot of labor into your blog and receive little out of it.

Don’t put too much pressure.

Like any other profession, there will be occasions when you feel fatigued and look forward to… the weekend to get some relaxation.

There are moments when you will feel so disappointed, disillusioned, and unmotivated… particularly at the beginning stage when you don’t see any outcomes from blogging.

However, those times must be ephemeral if you genuinely love and are enthusiastic about what you do.

How Do I Blog With No Experience?

If you find blogging or writing publicly hard. Then you are not alone: many others feel the same way. 

To blog without any previous experience, you need to constantly bear in mind that It takes time to develop a good blog. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t notice results immediately.

Here are the steps to establish a blog with no experience

1. Choose a topic that you are passionate about and that you know a lot about.

2. Choose a blogging platform that is simple to use and offers a lot of features.

3. Set up your blog by picking a domain name, acquiring hosting, and installing a theme.

4. Start creating outstanding clear, concise, and engaging content.

Remember, the most essential thing is to enjoy and have fun with the process. 

As time pass, you’ll continue to develop your talents and establish your distinctive voice as a blogger.

See also: 

Where and how to start a blog for free.

How does a blog become successful?

How Can I Blog Easily?

To be able to blog easily, here are some effective strategies that work perfectly for me:

  • Step 1: Determine the content and theme of the blog. Choose the style of diary blog to express personal ideas, advice, experience, academic…
  • Step 2: Choose the proper platform to establish a blog. Currently, there are quite a few platforms that assist users in developing personal blogs, such as Blogspot, WordPress, Wix, Weebly, and Medium… 
  • Step 3: Choose a theme to develop the blog’s interface, pictures, and layout style. Note the concept is extremely significant; the scientific interface and acceptable material will draw readers.
  • Step 4: Build the content of the first article: Determine the subject and title, compose the post, and edit photographs and videos for the piece.
  • Step 5: Post to the blog. Note that revising and updating the material appropriately is required before publishing.
  • Step 6: Perform SEO optimization for the page so that your blog is simpler to locate.        
  • Step 7: Share the content on social networking channels: Facebook, Yahoo, and Google +… to reach and attract readers.
  • Step 8: Post and update material often, connecting with readers.

Can I Blog If I’m Not An Expert?

If you are still worrying if “You can blog if you are not an expert.” Then the short answer is Yes, you can blog even if you’re not an expert. 

Blogging is not limited to experts alone. I started blogging as a novice as well.

Blogging is a platform where you express your opinions, experiences, and knowledge on a specific topic, regardless of your competence level. 

You can write about your learning path, discuss your hobbies, and give a unique viewpoint

As you continue blogging, you will become more informed and experienced in your chosen topic via study and participation with your followers and the blogging community. 

The more you blog, the better you’ll get. And the more you study, the more you’ll have to give your audience.

How Long Can You Blog?

I don’t believe there is an age limit for blogging, although not every Blogger will be able to blog till retirement *.

How long your blog sometimes depends on the niche of your blog. Anyone who writes now about “current fashion trends for teens” will probably no longer want to do it by the age of 50, nor will they still have the essential information. 

With some niches, how old you are is surely not a requirement.

But the work needed also begs the issue of whether you can keep going like this. I now observe that the numerous other duties outside writing take up much time and energy. 

That was one of the reasons why I recently shut down certain blogs and websites.

As previously noted, I have usually taken a step back in recent years and am attempting to pay more attention to my health. So that my blogs may continue to expand, it is vital to concentrate more and give up some of the administrative responsibilities.


Blogging is entertaining and can become an addiction. Especially in the early days, many bloggers are quite busy and devote a lot of time and effort without paying enough attention to their health.

However, one should pay attention to one’s health, as one’s own body does not pardon anything in the long run. And your physique is quite significant for a professional blogger and, of course, for your private life.

That’s why you should take my blogging stress-free health suggestions to heart.