How To Build An Email List On Instagram? (Find Out)

how to build an email list on instagram

Do you, too, want to be a shark at email marketing? Read along and discover how to build an email list on your Instagram presence.

What do I need an email list for?

At Finance Bode, we specialize in income skills. However, I am not embarrassed to admit that email marketing has a greater conversion rate than social media.

 In this context, there are those who argue that this is exactly where all their ‘marketing skills’ should rest. However, email marketing is only successful if you are sitting on a vast chest of emails from relevant prospects.

… And where do you obtain appropriate leads? On social media!


In order to be able to offer your product, your online course, and your service to those who want it, you have to find the right person and then contact them.

Someone who stumbles across your Instagram page and then disappears isn’t helping you. You need the email address.

Many followers on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter followers: you can only reach them all to a limited extent.

There was a great outcry when the reach of the Facebook pages was suddenly restricted.

But had Instagram ever claimed to act out of philanthropy? Now you have to pay for reach (a great advertising platform, by the way, but not free).

You can’t even reach your fans if you want to tell them about your new product unless they happen to see it. Or you do advertising (possibly with Instagram, targeted targeting, and for money).

Your email list is yours. Regardless of whether Instagram shuts down tomorrow, these are your customers or fans.

There are studies that show that email is still the most effective way of addressing people (

 If I post something to my 3600+ Instagram followers, like asking them to take a poll, a few people take it, maybe 10? 15? While hundreds of people from my email list of almost 10,000 are participating.

Ooooookay, the point is clear now.


This is essentially done in two steps.

1.   Bring traffic to your blog or site.

Offer your visitors something they really want for free in exchange for their email address. And a precisely fitting offer for your ideal customer.

 The ideal customer is one you love and enjoy communicating with. Is everything too pink for you? That is no problem! You may find a blog that suits you better. I want to say that I don’t try too hard to please everyone but rather to find “my” tribe.


I would create one. It can also be very simple, no more than a business card. You can also get the email addresses from a standalone landing page where you can download something. More on how to create one later. You can also use Instagram ads to send visitors to this page and collect email addresses there.

Why use Instagram as your main platform?

According to Instagram itself – and take that with a grain of salt – there are more than one billion active Instagram accounts that use the program at least once a month.

90% of these profiles already follow a firm on Instagram. In other words, there are quite a few individuals present on the platform who possibly want to hear about and integrate with your organization.

As you can undoubtedly figure out, Instagram works incredibly well for B2C firms as they contact the end customer directly, and there are a number of various techniques you can utilize.

 The most common – and acknowledged – is arguably Influencer marketing. Common to all plans, however, is the significance of it being performed well.

… But what about B2B?

We, too, had extremely nice experiences with them. Of course, to the greatest degree, with the softer elements, such as storytelling and employer branding, but it also works beautifully for sales and branding.

On the other side, B2B tracking needs a bit of technological inventiveness since sales in B2B are typically more complicated and can seldom be tracked using a traditional last-click attribution approach (the same also sometimes applies within B2C) (the same also often applies within B2C).

Briefly about Last-click attribution

Last-click attribution is simply one method of looking at customer journeys in a field called marketing attribution.

If you look at customer journeys with the ‘last-click glasses’ on, you assign 100% of the conversion value to the last click the consumer made before they converted. This may, for example, be via the link in your newsletter.

But what about the link on your Instagram profile that prompted them to sign up for your subscription to begin with?

… This is frequently overlooked, and in this connection, it is crucial not to forget or entirely write off your efforts on social media!

Marketing attribution

Marketing attribution is a vital tool for marketers that already have a strong hold on all their channels.

The notion is that you, as a marketing manager, must both know your customers’ journey from the first contact point through conversion and also have an understanding of the worth of each and every marketing corner that is assigned to the different components of the marketing machine.

How do you obtain emails from social media?

If you don’t already have one, I propose you establish a content strategy. It will assist you in constructing an overview of your posts on Instagram, and it is vital if you want to execute successfully on your tactics.

A content strategy must contain diverse sorts of postings, which must also be dosed in the proper proportions.

In addition, I propose that you dedicate 80% of your material to value-creating content directed at your target group and the remaining 20% to conversions – YEAH, the Pareto principle also applies on social media!

In this situation, a conversion may be a sign-up for your newsletter. It may first appear a little odd to opt for a sign-up vs direct sales, but it is typically a more successful plan in the long term. As I indicated at the start, conversions are, to a far larger degree, via email marketing.

NOTE: Max 20% of your articles should be focused on getting your followers to sign up for your newsletter – depending on whether you A/B split test – and you may do this in the following ways:


The most effective – particularly in the B2C setting – are competitions.

 Actually, it is really easy, but many hesitate from it, largely owing to the intricacy of the Marketing Act.

 However, it is allowed to conduct competition when participation is conditional on permission. You may learn more about it in this guidance from the Consumer Ombudsman:

It must be clearly stated that the customer must provide permission to receive marketing in order to participate in the competition. The Consumer Ombudsman has previously said that by employing contests, raffles, etc., the individual customer must be able to readily understand whatever criteria and restrictions are tied to participation, and this information must be promoted with the same messaging impact in relation to the consumer.

Discount codes

It is commonly known that buyers become more inclined to purchase when they are offered a discount code.

To receive subscribers to your list, you might guarantee or indicate that discount vouchers will be given. Your newsletter.

If you combine discount coupons with a little enthusiasm, it may be incredibly effective:

Everyone who joins the newsletter this week will get a discount voucher from 10% to 65%! (link in bio)

In the backend of your system, everyone who subscribes may be automatically placed into a special list where you yourself decide the likelihood of whether they get a 65% or 10% discount voucher.

Added value

As said previously, it is crucial that you generate value for your followers, but more may always be supplied.

 In the agency business – particularly within the digital sector – it is customary to give free Webinars, E-books, Whitepapers, etc., only to acquire a “paltry” email.

We do it ourselves, and we devote a lot of resources to provide our target audience as much value as possible BECAUSE we realize the worth of just a single enrollment.

You may also utilize this method on Instagram. Here you will receive some inspiration:

  • Interviews with industry figures or celebrities
  • Tips and tips that are not shared anyplace other than through your newsletter
  • E-bog, Webinar, Whitepaper
  • News regarding the market you represent

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