How To Choose The Best Name For A Blog

How To Choose The Best Name For A Blog 

How to choose the best name for a blog! It is one of the most challenging but crucial steps to take as soon as you begin developing a professional site.

We understand that you are eager to begin developing your blog and may have already thought of a name, but don’t rush!

This name will be the title of your blog as well as the name of your digital business. As a result, we urge that you take as much time as you need to select the ideal one.

This post will discuss what you should do before naming your blog, what types of blog names are available, why you should choose the appropriate representation from the start, and how to choose the best name for a blog.

Let’s Go

Steps for selecting the best blog name

There are several ESSENTIAL STEPS that you must complete before beginning to think about the name you will give your blog and purchasing the domain.

These are the steps:

1.   What is the primary focus of your blog?

Choose what niche you want to write in. Remember that even the tiniest things matter; the more you investigate, the better.

Instead of just writing a recipe blog, discover your micro niche and write about Indian dishes, Mexican meals, vegan foods, and other topics.

On the other side, don’t get too deep, or you’ll run out of subjects to write about. It will be simpler to develop a title if you understand your issue and audience.

2.   Who is your target audience?

Once you’ve decided on a subject for your blog, determining your blog’s target audience becomes much more straightforward.

This response might help you understand what your readers anticipate from you, allowing you to tailor your postings to their tastes.

3.   What is your writing style?

Your writing style is one of the most significant aspects of a good blog.

The four primary writing styles are descriptive, narrative, persuasive, and explanatory.

Descriptive writing describes narrative writing informs, persuasive writing persuades, and explanatory essay…explains.

Knowing the distinctions between these styles and regularly adopting the same type will make your material more enjoyable and easy to read.

This gives your blog a clear structure and directs your naming efforts.

 Each of these factors is important when deciding on the perfect name for a blog, and if you are still unsure about them, please examine them before proceeding with the search for a name for your blog.

Many of us get enthusiastic about a name at first but after all these activities. We realize that it is not the ideal decision.

Furthermore, modifying it later can cost you time, money, and reputation.

So the name you choose must be entirely consistent with you and the business you are going to launch, or you will have to change it later.

Different types of blog names

There are various blog names to select from, and some will be more appropriate than others depending on your site’s niche, target consumer, and goals.

Let’s look at all of our alternatives.

1.   Keyword-rich blog names

If you use a keyword related to your niche in the name of your blog, this will let people who find your blog on the Internet know what they can find inside before opening it.

Furthermore, adding a relevant keyword can help you rank your blog in Google so that anyone searching for those terms will be able to locate your site.

Assume you intend to start a blog about cooking for celiacs. You can use the same keyword and name it Kitchen for celiacs.

Read our guide on “The 20 Most Profitable Niche

If a blog has this keyword in the title, twist it and create a new and unique name.

Such as Delights for celiacs or What do celiacs eat? Both samples include the keyword celiac and will assist you in positioning your blog.

2.   first and last name As the blog names

The second and most straightforward choice for naming your blog is to use your first and last name or a variation of them.

This type of name is great for you if you work in coaching, personal branding, copywriting, or any other specialty where your business’s image is yours.

As a result, your readers will know who they will be dealing with ahead of time—making it easier for them to remember the name of your site and assisting you in developing a solid personal brand.

Also, if you want to alter your niche or talk about different issues in the future, you won’t have to modify the domain and the complete look of your blog.

There are numerous examples from various industries, such as Neil Patel, Seth Godin, and so on.

 Who chose this option for the name of their digital project and have built powerful personal brands.

3.   Name and Niche As the blog names

If none of the above alternatives appeal to you, consider combining your name and specialization.

This is a terrific idea because it can be utilized in almost any topic, and visitors immediately know who the person behind the blog is and what they will find on the blog.

Depending on your niche, you may name your blog Cook Mary, Pete Coach, or Juan Crypto.

A unique name for your blog that combines your name and your niche.

Try combining your name with your niche to select a creative name for your blog and attract visitors’ interest.

This ensures that you have a one-of-a-kind name that is unlikely to be taken, and you can construct a powerful brand image around such an original name.

My copy (Ryan + Copywriter), InstaJoe (Instagram + Joe), and Australi-Ana (Australia + Ana) are some instances of this style of name.

4.   A stage name for your blog

If none of the other alternatives appeal to you, you can establish a stage name for your blog as a last resort.

You can highlight your personality while ensuring that the domain is available.

Some examples of such blog names include Explore the Ball, Nancy’s Garden, Get dressed, and so on.

As you can see, numerous alternatives exist for creating and selecting the perfect name for your blog. Our advice is to use your imagination and take as much time as you need to develop the correct word.

Reasons to choose the right name for your blog the first time

 We’ve already established that selecting the appropriate blog name can take longer than expected, but getting it right the first time is critical, so you don’t have to deal with future issues or devote time and resources to change it.

The following are some of the steps you have to do if you wish to change the name of your blog:

  • If you don’t want to lose your viewers, redirect your material from one site to another.
  • Pay for two or more domains at the same time (parts are paid annually)
  • Try not to lose the reputation of your blog (and your brand) because the change will undoubtedly result in losing subscribers, readers, and followers.
  • Change your logo, the users of your social media accounts, branding,
  • update all your products and services,
  • update the design of your invoices, and so on.

How to Choose the Best Blog Name

Now you know the different blog names and why you shouldn’t alter them later.

How To Choose The Best Name For A Blog 

 Let’s consider how you can pick the perfect name for your blog and avoid changing it later.

Select a name that is simple to understand, pronounce, and remember.

It may seem apparent, but it is critical that your blog’s name is simple to comprehend, write, speak, and remember.

 So that your visitors can find it if they wish to return to your blog or promote it to someone else.

Select a short name.

In relation to the preceding, the shorter your blog’s name, the easier it will be to remember.

Furthermore, the links you share with your community and those that appear in search engines will be shorter, which both people and search engines will like.

Choose a name that is related to your niche.

Unless it is your name, the name of your blog must be relevant to the niche you have chosen for it.

 In addition to being natural and appealing, it should reflect your niche in some way so that your readers understand what you do and how you can help them from the start.

Include relevant keywords

Adding a keyword to your blog title might benefit you in numerous ways. First, it’s an excellent depiction of your blog’s topic and helps visitors know what to anticipate from your site.

Second, it may enhance your search engine ranks, putting you one step closer to dominating Google searches. But you should only use a keyword if it fits organically with your blog title and sounds decent.

Choose a unique name.

The name you choose for your digital business must be distinct from the terms of other blogs in the same niche.

 No two domains can be the same, and we don’t advocate choosing one highly similar to existing ones.

Since this may confuse your viewers and direct them to your competitor’s site.

So, before you make a decision, conduct a Google search to discover whether there is already a blog with a name similar to yours.

And if there is one, twist your name to make it more unique.

Choose a name with your ideal audience in mind.

We have already stated that before deciding on a name for your blog, you must identify the profile of the individuals you will be writing to.

Your ideal audience is also essential to consider when naming your blog because you are developing a blog to help them solve an issue they are experiencing.

You can incorporate a word associated with your target audience in the name of your blog, such as traveler, seamstress, cook, and so on.

Choose an easy-to-read domain name.

We recommend choosing a name that reads well in the domain format because domain names are written without spaces.

Take care not to make odd words, swear words (Antony sexto), or repeat the same letter ( ananthonyacho ).

We also don’t recommend using hyphens (an-anthony-acho) between the words because it just looks terrible.

Use alliteration and assonance

Alliteration is the use of similar-sounding consonants at the beginning of words in succession, whereas assonance is when you use similar-sounding vowels one after the other.

This might help you locate words with the same sound between the syllables of two closely related nouns. The finest examples are Coca-Cola, American Apparel, Krispy Kreme, and many more.

Alliteration and coincidence may inspire you to develop amazingly catchy blog names.

Investigate your competitors.

Examining the competition in your sector can help you understand what others are doing, inspire you, and eliminate ideas you had in mind that is already being used by others.

 NOTE! You can be inspired by their ideas, but don’t imitate them!

 Having a duplicate of an already-established blog is useless.

Verify the name with other persons.

You can also ask other people you trust what they think of your blog’s name idea.

What appears to you as a brilliant concept may seem strange or difficult to remember to others.

 If you already have a community, do a poll to solicit feedback.

Check to see if the domain name you want is available.

Once you’ve decided on a name for your blog, the most critical step is to ensure that the domain name is available.

It’s pointless to come up with a terrific, short, easy-to-read, and creative name if you can’t get the domain because it’s unavailable.

We don’t want to be a downer but don’t get too excited before checking it out because it may not be available. In that situation, you’ll need to find an alternate or come up with a new name.

We recommend you visit the Godaddy website to see if the domain is available.

Check to see if there are any available accounts on social media.

In order to have consistency in the new brand that you are going to develop.

 You must ensure that users with your name are available on social networks in addition to the domain.

For example, if your blog’s domain name is, check to see if the user @anacook is available on the social networks relevant to your niche (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok).

Tools to help you come up with a distinctive blog name

Can’t think of a blog name no matter how hard you try?

Luckily, there are various tools to assist you in coming up with a distinctive title for your blog. Whether it’s lifestyle, travel, or cuisine that you want to write about, you can utilize these tools to your most significant advantage:

Blog Title Generators

All you need is a fast Google search to get hundreds of blog name-generating sites. You must type your niche keywords into the tool, click enter, and browse through the choices.

Not only do they give engaging blog titles, but they also let you verify whether the names you have picked are already taken. You may then select the word you wish to use and register it.

Whatever name you select, be sure it’s spelled correctly and isn’t too hard to say.

Here are some of the most excellent blog name generators:

  • Nameboy
  • Instant search domain
  • Domain wheel
  • Shopify Name Generator
  • NameMesh
  • Panabee

READ MORE: “22 Best Blogging Tools.”

Blog Title Formulas

You will note that there is a trend in the names of the most popular blogs. They are made up of numerous imaginatively selected terms to separate them from other blogs.

You may also use easy formulas to develop a unique blog name rapidly.

 They have been utilized by some of the most successful bloggers in the world. This is a testimonial to their feasibility for developing a memorable name that your audience will enjoy.

Here are the name-generating formulae and relevant examples:

Formula 1

Adjective + noun  OR  noun + adjective

Examples include:

  • great baker
  • fiery fashionista
  • enterprising mom

Formula #2

Noun + Noun

Examples :

  • Travelers and geeks
  • Dream diary
  • apple bloom

Formula #3

Portmanteau Words

This is a combining of two separate words to produce a new one.

Examples include:

  • Martech
  • SightSequel
  • Story

Formula #4

Your own first and last name or your alias

Examples include:


Formula #5

Your name or nickname + adjective or word.


  • Cookies and Kate
  • Sally’s enthusiasm for baking
  • Baker’s Joy

Formula #6

Your name + preposition + location / noun

You may also adjust the order.

Examples include:

  • Stevie in Seattle
  • Kate in China
  • Carly on tech

30+ blog title ideas that inspire you

Below are some examples of creative blog titles grouped by blog niche:

Health and wellness

  • Fitness Magazine
  • Bites of healing
  • Nutrition deprived
  • Mindbody Green
  • Soft

Do it yourself

  • passion for decoration
  • inspired room
  • Today’s homeowner
  • Confessions of a Serial Master
  • Remodelaholic

Life style

  • Goop Gwyneth Paltrow
  • Magazine “Conscious Lifestyle”
  • Dear Kitty Kitty Kat
  • Holly Bird’s Nest
  • blonde abroad


  • Our second skin
  • budget fashionista
  • Trishna Goklani
  • Shot from the street
  • Girl with curves


  • Drew Binsky
  • Dan flying solo
  • Lili’s Travel Plans
  • My life is a movie
  • Travel break


  • Mom saves money
  • Get rich slow
  • Money Ning
  • Squirrel Wallet
  • NerdWallet

How to register your name on the blog

Now that you understand the principles of picking the perfect name for your blog, it’s time to assess the technical issues in registering a blog.

Once you’ve picked a blog name, go to the domain registration provider of your choice to make it official.

First, you will need to check whether the blog title is accessible. A domain registration service may assist you in verifying whether your intended blog name is being used by someone else.

Once authenticated, follow their steps to register a blog name.

Some of the most popular domain registration providers include:


This all-in-one platform provides site hosting and domain registration options.

Once you register a blog name with GoDaddy, you may keep it as long as you like, as long as you pay their yearly registration cost.


NameCheap gives various advantages along with blog publishing options. Their services provide world-class customer assistance and free privacy protection at cheap costs.

This is the ideal platform for your blog, whether you want to advertise your company or share recipes with your audience. focuses on offering services for small and medium enterprises. The organization has been established for about two decades and is one of the most recognized domain registrars.

Read more: The Best Blogging Platform


When preparing to start your blog, you first need an appealing name to give it character and worth.

In this tutorial, we’ve explored a few proven strategies to help you come up with a unique blog name. Here is a quick summary:

  • First, learn what makes a decent blog name. It should be brief, distinctive, memorable, and quickly captivate readers.
  • Then ask yourself why you even want to start a blog, who you are writing it for, and if you will have a big enough following.
  • Try these unique tactics that can ignite your ideas and help you choose the right blog name.
  • Use standard formulae and tools to assist in improving your name suggestions.
  • Find out what others in your field name their blogs and utilize them to get some ideas.
  • Once you have picked a name, register it immediately with a domain name registrar.

We hope you found this helpful, and by following these steps, you will be able to come up with the appropriate name for your blog.

 If you’re undecided about many ideas, share them with us in the Facebook group so we can offer you our thoughts.

Thank you so much. Have a fantastic day!

Let’s blog.