How To Create A Good, Professional, Unique Email Address?

How To Create A Good Email Address?

An email address is a crucial tool for communication in today’s digital world. Whether for professional, personal, or social usage, learning how to create a good email address may significantly affect how people see you.

Your email address is typically the initial point of contact between you and others. It remains in the throat and settles into the memory of anybody who comes in touch with it.

Thus it’s crucial to create a good impression. If you are seeking suggestions to name your email address, read this post. In this post, we will explore ideas and tactics on how to build a decent email address that is professional, memorable, and practical.

See also how to create a free email address with a domain name.

So what is a good email address?

What Is A Good Email Address

Before we dive into more details about today’s topic, we must know what a good email address is before we learn how to create one.

As the word implies, a good email address: Is one that is easy to remember, professional, and personalized. It should be straightforward, using the person’s name or a variation. A good email address should also be appropriate for the purpose it’s being used for, whether that’s personal or professional communication.

In short, a good email address is one that reflects the person’s identity and is easy to use for both the sender and recipient.

What are the 3 parts of an email address?

Email addresses are needed for your emails to be delivered appropriately to your inbox. It shows the credibility of the incoming email.

A good email address generally consists of three parts:

  • Name
  • Icon @
  • Domain (,, or your own professional domain name)

It would be best if you had a professional domain section (e.g. to build an outstanding professional email name. With a professional domain, recipients will believe you are trustworthy and have a greater open rate.

Yet, only some people need a professional domain name. You don’t need to invest in a professional domain. Just possess an email address with a good engagement history and email marketing software with a dependable gateway. You may check out our guide on how to get an email address with a domain name for free here.

How To Create A Professional Email Address

Creating a professional email is vital to preserving trust and making a good impression. Nowadays, acquiring the email name you want is not simple since the number of email users accounts for roughly 50% of the world’s population.

Curious about how many email subscribers there are in the world?

According to, there were almost 4 billion active email subscribers in the globe in 2020. This number might climb to 4.6 billion by the end of 2025. That implies you need to construct an email address. Unique to yourself.

Let’s create a unique, professional email address using the following steps:

  1. Pick an email service provider of your choosing

Available free email service providers:

Note: famous services like Gmail will make it more challenging to acquire the email name you want because of the large number of users. The likelihood of having the same name is relatively high. Nevertheless, with a service with few users like outlook, selecting the name you desire is easy.

  1. Select what email name you wish to use

You now have your email service provider. It would be best if you rapidly concentrated on organizing 2-3 usernames. This will be the basis of the email address generation.

Use these names alternately to see how they work. Whether they are easy to remember, impress the recipient, etc., to choose the best name. Do not use and test each one to save time and gain efficiency.

One of the ways for you to check the email name is the “phone test”.

For example, you take the name Financebode. Call your friend and read the name out to see if the person on the other end of the line understands and spells it correctly. If listeners need help understanding or understanding your name, it will have a significant impact on connecting and sharing this address with people around.

Another problem is that the name you give is only sometimes accepted because it has been given by someone else before.

You can refer to the following ways to rename an email address:

How to rename an email address

• Reverse the name order: this is probably the best email name hack you should try. If FinanceBode has been used, try BodeFinance. Almost everyone uses this method because it is quite effective.

• Shortcuts: if the above doesn’t work, try abbreviating the username. Usually, it won’t work, but give it a try because maybe you’ll get good results with luck. Test using FBode or BFinace address names. You may also use a middle name if you have one.

• Do not write too lengthy address names: the longer the name, the simpler the username is to construct since it is more personal. Yet, it makes it tough to recall, which is also not appropriate.

How Do I Name My Email Address?

Some ideas for naming, email addresses

Name your email address by expressing your profession

Naming your profession is not a terrible idea. Here are a few instances you should refer to if you can’t use a standard ID.

  • CAFinancebode (if you are a chartered accountant)
  • DrFinanceBode (if you are a doctor) or DocFinancebode
  • FinancebodeLawyer (for attorneys)
  • VAFinancebode (if you are a virtual assistant)

Name your email address by demonstrating credentials, qualifications

  • • FinancebodeMA (master of arts)
  • FinancebodeBSc (master of science)
  • FinancebodeDDS (doctor or dentist) (doctor or dentist)

You may include a profession, degree, credentials, or anything that symbolizes a professional skill. Ensure to include the most professional material, not a nickname or anything humorous.

Name your email address by adding work or hometown.

In reality, this is a more successful technique than you expect to generate a name that does not overlap. It’s as simple as adding your location to an email address. They’re both easy to remember and a terrific method to build.

  • FinancebodeDC (If you’re from Washington DC) 
  • FinancebodeUK (is still a better username than Financebode2298QA)

Name your email address by truncating your name

If all of the foregoing doesn’t work, you may try truncating your name to make a short template.

  • BillyJohnson may be condensed to an address like BilJohnson
  • Timothycruise may simply convert into Timcruise

How to Choose Professional Address Names For Common Names

Choosing a professional name is more difficult than choosing a personal address. It would be good if you created a business 

email address and make sure it is professional, not allow them to appear like spam.

The simplest option is to get a domain since it seems more professional, and you can also use whatever username you choose for various reasons.

When you create an email with your own domain name, you are free to select any name that is entirely free. Even your team members might choose names for varied reasons.

For example: 


Things To Avoid When Naming Emails

With the preceding guidelines, you surely know how to create the finest email address for yourself. But, there are a few limitations you need to avoid throughout the naming procedure to make your email appear the most professional.

1. Don’t use numbers: it’s unavoidable that you have to include numbers in your email address. These will make your email “clumsy” and less professional.

2. Don’t use random letters: odd letters make your email appear humorous but not professional at all. It is not ideal for jobs that demand great professionalism.

3. Don’t use silly or juvenile language: such words make your emails appear more spam than before, and the recipient’s trust in them is zero.

4. Don’t use your spouse’s name: many individuals demonstrate their affection for their spouse by mentioning their name in an email. This is not good at all if you use it while speaking with other people.

5. Do not use meaningless terms or abbreviations that are too short: they make it harder for the receiver to learn and pronounce. And, of course, it also impacts the confidence of the letter receiver.

You might like to read: how to create an email list.

In short

We hope you enjoy the name suggestions we’ve presented. Following these ideas and tactics, you may build an email address that is professional, memorable, and effective.

Remember to keep it basic, make it professional, choose a reliable email service, avoid numerals and symbols, make it memorable, and check for availability. With these techniques, you can create a strong first impression and stand out in the digital world.

If you find them beneficial, please share them so everyone can know.

I hope you have a beautiful email, create a good impression and conduct an efficient email marketing campaign.


Can I use my nickname as my email address?

It depends on the situation. If you’re using your email address for personal purposes, you may want to use your nickname. But, if you’re using it professionally, it’s ideal to use your entire name or a version of it.

Should I use my birth year in my email address?

No, it’s not a good idea to put your birth year in your email address since it may jeopardize your privacy and security.

Can I use symbols in my email address?

It is preferable to avoid using symbols in your email address since they make it more difficult to remember and seem less professional.

What is a good email address example?

A good email address is one that is simple to remember, professional, and customized. A good email address example is, which contains the person’s name and is basic and professional.

What should I name my email?

It’s advisable to use your name or a variant of it when naming your email. It is best to use your complete name or a mix of your first and last name for professional purposes. You might use a nickname or a moniker that represents your particular hobbies for personal usage.

How do I choose a professional email name?

Use your complete name or a variant of it as your professional email address. Avoid using nicknames or colloquial terminology. It’s also a good opinion to choose a trustworthy email service and to check for availability before settling on an email address. 

What is the most popular email name?

Google, Yahoo, and Outlook are the most popular email services. Yet, the most common email name changes are based on the person’s desire and availability.

Should you use your real name on Gmail?

For professional purposes, it is suggested that you use your full name on Gmail. Using your actual name might make it simpler for people to locate and contact you. You might use a nickname or a moniker that represents your particular hobbies for personal usage.

What are bad email addresses?

Terrible email addresses are those that are difficult to remember, unprofessional, or improper. Examples include email addresses with obscene words, digits and symbols or misspellings.

What email is better than Gmail?

Microsoft, Yahoo, and ProtonMail are several email services that are similar to Google. The finest email service is determined by your unique tastes and requirements.

What is a serious email address?

A professional and acceptable email address for official communication is one that is serious. It should contain the person’s name or a version of it, and it should avoid utilizing nicknames or casual language. A serious email address should be simple to remember and utilize a trustworthy email service.