How To Create A Music Blog! (7 important tips)

How To Create A Music Blog

Today, I’ll teach you how to create a music blog that stands out and gets organic Google traffic on a daily basis.

There are various steps that you must follow in order to create a very influential blog, and that is what I am going to speak about today.

For this reason, and without further ado, let’s get started!

1. Your Best Friend: WordPress

That’s correct. When it comes to creating a professional website, there aren’t many alternatives. Without question, WordPress is the finest choice.

Of course, you may build a free blog on Blogger, Wix, Weebly, or any other platform, but the reality is that these sorts of websites are difficult to position, and your blog will not be yours.

Check out our complete guide. “The Best Blogging Platform.”

Furthermore, these platforms do not enable you to optimize the design, govern revenue, assuming they even let you put advertising, and accomplish almost nothing of what I am about to discuss.

When you have no (or negligible) understanding of web development or coding.

WordPress is the best, most popular, and optimal platform for ranking a blog on Google.

Yes, in fact.

WordPress has been used to create and power about 30% of the websites on the internet!

To work with WordPress, you will need to engage a Hosting company to host your blog and a Domain, which is the name of your website and its internet address.

When you consider that you may make revenue with a blog in a matter of months, you will realize that recovering your original investment will be simple, and I will show you how.

Domain and Hosting: What You Should Know?

On the one hand, there is the domain, the address of your blog, and, in turn, its name, which, in some way, will also be your brand.

As a result, it is vital to examine it so that it is easy to remember, preferably short and creative.

Something to keep in mind about domains is their ending, their extension (.com,.net,.online, etc.) It MUST be worldwide, so you are not later confined to a certain area or nation.

Global extensions are the ones I just listed; for additional examples, search Google.

On the other side, you also need a contract for hosting, which is the actual location (server) where your website or blog will be housed.

This is the most costly expenditure in starting a blog. Still, if you follow the steps I’ll outline in the last point, you’ll see that earning money with your blog is very easy, and you’ll be able to repay your investment and start creating passive income with it in no time.

2. The content is KING.

A music blog must first and foremost deliver value to the reader or visitor rather than concentrating on excellent branding (which I’ll discuss in a moment).

As I previously said, this applies to every form of a blog, but in this instance, I will explain how to create the sort of material that will have the most influence on the internet and produce the most visitors in the long run.

How To Create A Music Blog
How To Create A Music Blog

First, do a keyword search. By this, I mean searches that other people do and might be an excellent subject for your future post, for this utilize Google’s autocomplete tool like this:

You start entering a term in the search engine and then press the space bar or the asterisk (*), and Google will propose a sequence of possibilities.

Select one of those searches and begin creating your content!

TIP! These terms have a reference order. That is, the first ones are the most significant as they are the ones with the most considerable amount of searches each month.

Second, create a post that effectively replies to the user’s search, offers a thorough response, discusses relevant themes, and contains demonstrative photographs, maybe YouTube videos, or anything else that will set your material apart from the competition.

Finally, market your freshly produced piece as much as possible by sharing it on social media, participating in Facebook groups with individuals who could be interested, and so on.

Choose A niche

Choosing a niche is one of the finest methods you can use so that when you create your music blog, it stands out from the crowd, and readers know exactly what kind of material they will discover there.

For instance, instead of discussing all types of music, instruments, or bands, you may narrow your focus and discuss pop, rock, or whatever you like and go into the issue.

3. Referring to Music Blogs!

Another thing that might assist you, and has helped me with this and other blogs, is to search for inspiration from other bloggers.

The music business is big, so you will have no issue finding other entrepreneurs like you who seek to make their mark on the world with their art and acquire some attention online via a blog.

As an example, consider the following:

Popjustice. A massive website with news, intriguing articles, videos, festival information, and even a forum where all types of electronic music-related subjects are addressed.

Metal Injection. Interviews, record reviews, and current music news from many genres, such as metal, punk, rock, and pop.

musicgateway. Similar to the last project, but with the exception that the material will pertain to independent and “minor” performers within the vast range that the music business spans.

spinxdigital. I suggest it if you want to evaluate a well-structured website with a long track record (over ten years) and an eye-catching appearance.

Quora. Last but not least, com (talking about branding with the 🤔 domain) is a website/blog where a lot of current music is discussed and where you can find the attractive “Archaeology” section, where they rescue old musical legends or pay tribute to composers and artists who have disappeared.

Of course, there are plenty more you may visit for further inspiration and ideas to help you create a more professional blog and grow your brand.

Set aside time to explore what other artists are blogging effectively on the internet and gaining attention for their posts.

4. Take Advantage of Video

That’s precisely what you need to start using video and creating more audiovisual material if you want to establish yourself as a great music blogger.

YouTube is now the finest instrument for positioning a new brand on the internet, and I am sure it will remain so for the foreseeable future.

Those who have dared to create material in this manner have attained a level of popularity that a blog would take years to accomplish, and they have done so (in some instances) in a matter of months!

Numerous studies demonstrate that the video attracts more consumers, engages the viewer more, and develops greater trust and empathy with the video’s author. ( source )

Whether you plan to create your own YouTube channel, produce live (live videos) on your Facebook page, or start researching the issue, I urge you to give it more of your attention.

Read more: “The Best Mobile Apps for Bloggers.”

You are not required to appear in front of the camera; introductory PowerPoint presentations or animation software that enables you to create anything complex in minutes will suffice.

5. Distribute Your Articles Through Forums

This specific business or market sparks a lot of debate, and individuals are eager to share their thoughts with others.

That is why, as long as your articles are related to the issue being discussed. Publishing them on forums may be an efficient method to promote your blog while bringing actual value to the debate.

If you perform a fast Google search. I am certain that you will discover several possibilities to engage in particular music forums and advertise your blog.

Enter phrases such as “music + forum” and see how many results you get:

Of course, you may do this with certain genres or instruments. The point is to locate locations where you can begin creating your profile and engage by offering value to other users with your expertise and thoughts.

Of course. Don’t even think of spamming the chats; instead, take the time to engage. Once or twice a day will be enough to build a reputation for yourself on (nearly) any site.

TIP! As shown in the example, use the logical operator “+” to join phrases or words that you want Google to locate.

6. SEO-Friendly Music Blog

In case you haven’t heard, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the process of optimizing content for search engines.

SEO is the collection of approaches, strategies, and activities targeted at better situating a website in search engines such as Google.

As a consequence, it’s critical to pay attention to it to get the most significant potential outcomes with your blog.

In this scenario, a robust SEO design would specifically relate to two things:

  • SEO Structure: Your blog should ideally be as simple in terms of design as possible to make it apparent. What is most essential. Is how people may explore the various parts of your blog to have a better experience and stay longer. All of which are highly significant metrics for Google.
  • SEO Articles: The second point is that your articles are optimized. Which means that they are complete, that they aim to answer a specific keyword (keyword). A popular Google search that users do, that they include images that illustrate what you explain in your article. And that they are well written, as I do in this blog.

There are various more things you can do to enhance your online placement. And I encourage you to read some of my other articles, which are all free!

7. How can you monetize your music blog?

There are numerous ways you may generate money with a blog. And you might spend weeks studying the best plan to pursue.

This are why I choose to concentrate on three. That I know will help you create cash with a blog as soon as possible when you are just starting.


The first would be to place adverts in your posts to start receiving some hits and hence passive revenue from visitors who visit your website.

It is likely the simplest method to start. Join the Adsense program and set the ” Automatic Ads ” option on your website, and that’s it!

You don’t need to do anything more. It’s genuinely that simple. Yes, you must already have a few published articles to avoid difficulties and be recognized by Google as a partner.

Initially, you will not create more than a few dollars a month with your visitors. But that will improve as you publish more articles that are positioned in the top spots.


The second method of monetizing your blog is via affiliation. It entails working together (or is associated with) a business to provide its products or services to your visitors.

Check out our guide onHow To Monetize Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing.”

The most well-known program for this is Amazon Associates. A massive network that enables others to sell the plethora of items listed for sale daily. So that you may earn a fee for each sale produced via your site.

This strategy has the benefit of allowing you to generate significant cash with (relatively) minimal traffic.

Digital Product

The third and last option to monetize your blog is to create a digital product to sell to your readers.

Because you decide the price. Digital items like an Ebook (electronic book) or delivering your online course may be incredibly lucrative.

In addition. These items do not have much initial cost (but if effort) and ZERO upkeep once established. Selling one or a million of these things would cost you precisely the same, nothing.

If you want to discover additional techniques on how to monetize your blog. Then I propose you subscribe to my newsletter to get notified when I drop a new post:


Creating a blog is long-term, regardless of the niche or industry. It is not something you can expect to make you famous or wealthy in a few months.

Read more on How to choose the best blog name.

You should take it seriously and invest some time in it because of this.

Having a blog is a great way to get your name out there. And start your career as a musician or share your passion for music with the world and earn a living.

I recommend you give it a try. You won’t regret it!

Let’s Blog