How To Find Blog Topic Ideas (In Less Than 20 Minutes)

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Especially for new bloggers, the following question is one of the most difficult to start a new blog: How do I find blog topic ideas?

If that’s also the question you want a detailed response for! Then you’ve come to the right site.

It’s blog post time again, and you don’t know what to write about.

You are not alone there. 

Every blogger occasionally needs more ideas.

In this post, I will teach you how to find the correct blog topic. A topic that not only pleases you but will also inspire your readers.   

As usual, I also share practical advice and explain how free tools may be utilized to find the ideal blog topic. 

See also: How to create an SEO-optimized blog category.

How Do I Find The Right Blog Topic?

If you blog only for pleasure or want to test how starting a blog works, you can get started with any topic and don’t need to prepare anything in advance.

However, if you want to build up a professional and profitable blog in the longer term or even generate money with your blog, effective preparation is just part of it.

I regularly receive emails from bloggers who would want to make money with their blogs and ask me to have a look at the blog. 

However, it comes out quite soon that the conditions need to be present or foundations for producing money have been created. 

Then it is tough and rather time-consuming to realign the whole blog.

It is undoubtedly easy to transform a complete pleasure blog into a professional and successful blog with which you can make money. 

However, the odds of success are increased if you are adequately prepared from the start and establish the most critical route.

See also: How to turn your blog into a profitable business?

What Topic Can I Blog About?

There are tons of blog topics you can blog about. If I’m to start listing, I’ll surely lose count.

While one potential blogger already has extremely exact plans and ideas about what his blog should be about.

The other is probably still unsure or even entirely without ideas about the blog topic and needs to know how to find the correct blog topic.

There are two techniques for synchronizing the content of your blog. You pick on a blog topic and stay with it, or you write about anything.

Even while it seems enticing to report on all types of trendy issues, owing to the vast number of blogs, a new blog will now only be able to establish itself if it deals with a unique topic.

 Therefore, you should find a blog topic that is as minimal as feasible.

In order to find a great blog topic for your new blog, you may apply a few techniques and best practices, which I detail below. 

Read more: 20 most profitable topics to blog about.

Find Blog Topics Ideas

Since I don’t know what the topic of your blog is and what niche you’re in, I can’t provide you with ready-made ideas and headlines.

But I can teach you how to find the best topic ideas for your blog.

Before I offer you a list of recommendations and subjects, let’s examine how you can come up with fantastic blogging ideas yourself.

The following 7 recommendations can assist you in finding the best blogging topics. At least they have proved themselves with the content team at our agency for search engine optimization. 

The 7 greatest tricks to Finding the right blog topics

1. Let Google show you what your visitors want to read

2. Soak up popular blog topics on forums

3. How to utilize your own blockbusters

4. Use magazine headlines

5. Use my favourite tool for rapid topic finding

6. Let online course creators work for you

7. Use a topic generator

Let Google Suggest show you the successful blog ideas

Google Suggest is a genuine treasure for identifying successful blog ideas. Quite simply because Google provides you with the subjects on a silver platter that attracts most people.

What is Google Suggest?

The suggest function was added to Google search a few years ago, and you’ve undoubtedly come across it in every search you conduct.

With Suggest, Google provides similar or related subjects as you write in the search field.

Why can you be confident that Google Suggest blog topics will be successful?

Google’s #1 mission is to offer users the greatest possible search experience. 

Because Google is so excellent at it, the search engine immediately established itself against practically all other search engines.

You enhance the search experience by tracking what most users seek for a specific phrase and which material they remain on the longest after that. 

If you synthesize all this data, you can offer the most relevant topics to other people. And that’s precisely why the keywords from Google Suggest are vital for your blog.

Fish up successful blog concepts from forums.

Successful blog topics address people’s queries. If you want to know what people are interested in, you have to go where they ask questions. 

As easy as that.

And the sites where individuals ask their queries online are either discussion forums or the so-called question-and-answer portals. Reddit and Quora are probably leaders here.

But there are also separate forums for every topic, no matter how minor, whether it’s nano aquarists or flower arrangement.

1. Go to Reddit or Quora

2. Alternatively, use this search phrase on Google to find a forum in your field: “forum your niche”.

3. Now comes the essential part:

Find the most viewed questions since they are the issues that tend to interest people the most.

Most forums have a sort option to sort the subjects by responses as well as views. 

The amount of views of a topic reveals you rather impressively which topics people are most interested in. The ideal framework for identifying effective blog ideas, right?

Logically, the oldest subjects also have the most views. However, this criticism does not apply since it still indicates that an exceptionally huge number of individuals are interested in these issues.

If you are already on the road in a related forum and you are seeking effective blog subjects, you can also perform part of the research for your post.

Pay great attention to the replies from high-profile people. These are moderators or incredibly hard-working members.

You can include these responses right into your blog article.

Use your blockbuster topics.

If you’ve been blogging for a long, you’ve already generated some good stuff. Other posts were a failure (don’t worry, I know), while other articles provide you with a lot of visitor value.

Exactly these articles are a treasure for successful, new blog topics. Why not fully recreate the wheel when you did it recently?

In order to leverage my own blockbuster articles for new blog topics, I always follow this pattern:

1. In your analytics account, don’t find the articles that produce the most traffic but the blog pieces that your readers remain on the longest.

2. Note the topics and names of these blog postings.

3. Compose a new essay on the same topic based on such a successful blog piece.

4. Make sure you don’t simply create a duplicate with fresh phrasing but an article with more information you haven’t digested in the prior post.

5. Link both postings reciprocally, i.e. mutually.

Use magazine headlines

If there’s anybody who knows how to create headlines for any topic, it’s periodicals and journals.

Take a glance around the magazine racks at the store and read the headlines on the front pages. These headlines are completely tailored to grab readers and outshine the rival cheese sheets.

For us bloggers, this is an exceptionally excellent source to learn from and weave our topics according to the magazines’ formula for success. 

No matter how odd the headlines may seem, they perform better than any magnet when capturing your readers’ clicks.

Reading tip: I have something else for you if you want to create your headlines and generally better blog articles. With the strategies in this article, you are assured of creating better blog articles than 95% of your competition.

Use my favorite tool: AnswerThePublic.

My favourite tool when it comes to getting interesting topics and ideas for a blog. Is AnswerThePublic 

AnswerThePublic is based on Google search and detects people’s questions and queries on a given topic. 

This data is provided delightfully clearly and may even be downloaded as a CSV file for additional processing.

I enjoy collecting AnswerThePublic’s data and then dumping it into my #1 keyword research tool, 

This way, I can produce a vast list of potentially lucrative blog topics and test whether the keyword difficulty and search volume suit me.

Within 5 minutes, anytime I use AnswerThePublic, I get a list of approximately 700 keywords, virtually all of which are excellent as a topic for a good blog post.

Let online course creators work for you.

People who give online courses on a certain topic have researched deeper than you and me. 

In terms of effort, developing an online course involves a lot of time and money. We are still doing well with our blog pieces, aren’t we? 

And exactly because the suppliers of online courses have such a high production effort, they investigate keywords and topics extremely accurately.

 If only one episode of an online course could be better targeted to viewers’ interests.

A bit awful, but you can leverage other people’s work to find your intriguing blog ideas.

And it goes like this:

1. Check out the most popular courses on a topic (e.g. on Udemy ).

2. Be on the lookout for paid courses.

3. If feasible, sort the courses again by the number of reviews to find the top-performing courses.

4. Scan the course names for intriguing topics for your blog.

For this example, I just took the topic of photography. After a brief inquiry, 5 interesting blog ideas pop up that you may handle.

This advice primarily aims to discover topics rather than duplicating the headlines and probably even the substance.

Use Hubspot’s blog topic generator.

Now a hint for people in a rush to get the right topic and don’t want to stress themselves in the other method is the Hubspot blog topic generator.

Hubspot’s employees have constructed a generator that does nothing other than produce blog ideas. You merely insert a keyword (a noun)…

…and the generator provides a list of subjects for your upcoming blog posts:

If you truly don’t know what to write, you may leave it alone or utilize this generator. The concept is wonderful, but aspects such as keyword research and quality also play a part in successful blog posts.

So consider the generator as something other than a genuinely helpful method to find successful blog topics rather than a rough supply of ideas.

Does Your Blog Topic Have Potential?

Once you have taken the time to come up with ideas and research, you are generally confronted with a list of viable topics. 

Determining which of these topics may also be utilized to create a successful blog is crucial. The following considerations should be considered for this:      

Do I want to deal with this topic in the long term?

As noted above: Passion and interest in a topic are crucial. Perseverance also plays a part since a blog is a long-term undertaking, and the selected topic might keep you occupied for many years.

Can I also cope with it in the long term?

Apart from whether you wish to describe the topic in the long term, you also have to be able to explain the topic in the long term. 

So you have to ask yourself if the topic will still be relevant in the future and whether there will be frequent input for new information.

Does the blog topic have the potential for more than 20 articles?

Finding a niche is beneficial, but it should not be so limited that after 20 articles, there is no longer any relevant material remaining. It is crucial to find a decent middle ground. 

If you, for example, blog about travel, you shouldn’t have global claims – but focusing on a mini-island in Greece most certainly doesn’t give enough topics to be able to write engaging pieces about it over and over again for years.  

Can I earn money with the blog topic?

If you want to operate the blog commercially and generate money with it in the long term, all the elements outlined above play a part. 

It’s also worth having a look at the numbers: on the search traffic, the competitive scenario and the advertising possibilities. 

For search queries and competitiveness, utilize Google Analytics or, even simpler, Google Search. 

To assess the advertising potential, possible sources of revenue are researched: 

To accomplish this, you may examine the click costs through Google AdSense or hunt for partner programs for the appropriate topic in affiliate networks.

Can I Blog About Everything?

Yeah. There are successful blogs on just about every possible topic.

 But in light of the enormous number of competing blogs, it is typically best to pick a topic than to attempt to cover a broad range of popular issues. 

Anyone who discovers their speciality typically has a higher chance of success. 

When looking for a topic. You should not consider which blog topic is as profitable as possible but rather which topics you can write about in a lasting and useful way. 

It is good to ask yourself the following questions beforehand:  

  • Where are my interests?
  • What thrills me?
  • Where are my strengths? In whatever area do I know my way around?
  • In which topic areas am I eager to explore and gain knowledge?

Personal enthusiasm and passion for a topic are vital since you have to want to and be able to cope with it in the long run. 

You don’t have to be a complete professional. Still, at least you have to be ready to deal closely with a topic and continue your education and study to attain expert status finally.

Why Is Choosing The Right Blog Topic So Important?

Finding the right blog topic is most important for the long-term success of any blog.

You have a free hand to choose any topic if you want to test it out privately and play with your blog. 

However, if you want to develop a professional blog and generate money with it, you should approach it wisely.

Thorough study beforehand is vital. You have to verify whether the topic genuinely has promise. You have to ask yourself: 

“Is it conceivable that in two months or two years, I will still be writing high-quality blog articles on the subject on a regular basis?” 

Because blogs come and go, the online world usually doesn’t wait for “another one Blog about XY”. And you have to build a dedicated following in order to be able to blog effectively in the long run.

What Is The Difference Between A Blog Topic And Niche?

Blog topics and niches are similar concepts, and I wonder whether there is a standard meaning. I’ll tell you mine: The niche is merely a certain region of your blog topic that you concentrate on with your blog.

Let’s look at this in a few instances. Blog topics might be, for example:

  • Fashion
  • beauty
  • foods
  • Family
  • fitness
  • self-realization
  • Technology
  • Travel
  • Do-It-Yourself (DIY)

The list may be extended virtually endlessly. And you see, the topics are really wide and comprehensive. For example, operating a tech blog may entail blogging about the newest smartphone models. 

Or that you teach people how to program their own robot. The niche should be a lot more specialized than the topic!


Finding ideas for highly effective blog topics is like mining for gold. However, you should take the time to complete your study to rank your blog content genuinely and meet your viewers’ search goals.

By the way, for everyone who wants to do everything perfectly while setting up the blog, I have written a great tutorial that walks you step by step through the process from the start to the first money. 

Sounds interesting? Then take a coffee and treat yourself to the Where and How to Start a Blog – The Only Guide You Need.

Suppose you are enthusiastic about blogging and have already started your blog but are still at the beginning. In that case, I propose my article on the subject “How to turn a blog into a profitable business? “. In it, I teach precisely how to operate a blog from 0 to 100.

What makes a good blog? If you want to know what is behind launching a successful blog, I have various recommendations for you in this post.