How To Find Long Tail Keywords For My Blog? (Find Out)

How To Find Long Tail Keywords For My Blog?

How do I find long tail keywords for my blog and use them to rank higher on Google search engines?

There are different types of easy methods to find long tail keywords, from Google Auto Suggest, Forums, Google Trends, and many more.

But, Before we talk more about how to find long tail keywords to increase your search engine rankings, it’s better first to broaden our knowledge about long tail keywords and what are the benefits of using them.

In this article, I will also discuss methods and tools for finding relevant keywords, evaluating their potential, and developing strategies for using them successfully on your blog. 

See also: The manual way to do keyword research for blogging.

What Are Long Tail Keywords?

As search engine optimization (SEO) has gotten more complex, the demand for more targeted strategies to boost the exposure of a blog or website has evolved.

Long tail keywords are one such method, attracting relevant visitors by employing more specialized and thorough search queries.

Long Tail Keywords: Understanding the Concept

Long-tail keywords are lengthier and more precise search queries than generic or popular keywords.

These inquiries are less competitive, but they might be significantly more targeted to a certain audience.

Example: Instead of using the term “shoes,” you can use a long-tail keyword like “beige mid-heeled women’s shoes.”

How Do Long-Tail Keywords Affect SEO Ranking?

The inclusion of long-tail keywords can significantly affect a blog’s SEO ranking.

Because these keywords are less competitive, you have a better chance of ranking in the top search results.

Furthermore, concentrating on a certain specialized and relevant audience increases the possibility that visitors will complete desired activities, such as making a purchase or joining a mailing list.

What Are The Importance Of Long-Tail Keywords?

The importance of using long-tail keywords in one blog is endless. Here are some important why you should use long-tail keywords in your blog

  • Low search volume: Because the description is fairly precise, the Long-tail Keyword may not overlap, resulting in a low search volume for long-tail keywords.
  • Quality content: Long-tail keywords frequently need the production of high-quality, informative content. Creating strong, eye-catching content can also help with more successful website SEO.
  • Increase conversion: People who utilize long-tail keywords frequently seek comprehensive information. As a consequence, including relevant long-tail keywords increases your chances of appearing in Google search engine.

As can be seen, short keywords attract a lot of searches and drive a lot of traffic to the website.      

However, focusing on long-tail keywords will make it simpler to attain higher search engine rankings and a greater conversion rate.

How do you Find Long-Tail Keywords For Your Blog? 10 Methods

It could be challenging to stand out in search results due to the competitive nature of the blogging market. However, finding the right long tail keywords will make you rank easily without using any black hat trick.

Google Suggest and AutoComplete

This is a fantastic function delivered by Google. Google displays suggestions based on popular queries when you start typing in the search field.

These suggestions reflect what people are looking for right now and might be a wonderful source of long-tail ideas.

You may also combine primary keywords with frequent inquiries such as “how?”, “why?” for further suggestions.

Google Related Searches

Google displays similar questions at the bottom of the search results.

These are variations on your original search that frequently include valuable long-tail keywords.

It’s similar to getting a straight glance at the related searches that others are doing.

Keyword Research Techniques and Tools for Long-tail Keyword Research

There are various tools available to help you find long-tail keywords with high potential.

These tools give precise facts and statistics to assist you in assessing their relevance and competition.

Google Keyword Planner

Despite being created for advertising, Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that displays search traffic and competitiveness for individual keywords.

It can assist you in identifying long-tail variations with high potential.

Ahrefs and SEMrush:

These subscription tools provide thorough insights, displaying keywords for which your rivals are ranking and recommending new long-tail chances.

It allows you to examine and compare long-tail keywords on both your own and your rivals’ websites.

SeRanking and DinoRanking:

DinoRank and SeRanking are two less expensive alternatives to those discussed in the preceding paragraph.

They aren’t as strong, but their quality-to-price ratio makes them my favorites; in fact, they’re the ones I’m now using.


This tool offers a large number of long-tail keywords as well as analytics about your competitors and search traffic.

Enter a term to obtain a list of long-tail keyword recommendations, as well as search volume, cost per click, and competitiveness.

You can also use Ubersuggest for free, with certain restrictions.

Forums and Discussion groups

People ask questions and discuss subjects on sites like Quora, Reddit, and forums or groups dedicated to their area of specialization.

These discussions might uncover long-tail keywords based on real-world issues and queries in your field.

These queries are frequently converted into long-tail keywords.

Google Trends: Google Trends

Google Trends displays the popularity of searches, as well as search trends, across time.

Enter a term to explore similar trends and newly discovered queries. These may be used to generate ideas for long-tail keywords.

Examine your competitors

You can examine what keywords your rivals are ranking for using tools like the ones we discussed in point 3.

Examine their content and the long-tail keywords they employ.

You could find some useful long-tail ideas and get some inspiration for your own content.

Consider the user’s intent.

Long tail keywords are frequently associated with specific inquiries or issues.

Consider what your viewers might be seeking and generate content to meet their demands.

Instead of “gardening,” you may think of “how to care for succulents in winter.”

Make use of keyword modifiers.

You can construct long tail phrases by adding terms like “best,” “guide,” “how to,” and others to your core keywords.

These modifiers can improve the specificity and relevance of your term in a comprehensive search.

Internet-based questioning tools

AnswerThePublic is a free application that produces questions based on your term, delivering an extensive range of prospective long-tail keywords.

AnswerThePublic visualizes the questions that people have concerning a certain issue.

You input a term and get a list of similar questions, which is great for coming up with long-tail ideas.

Use Google Search Console to analyze your own data.

If you already have a blog, Google Search Console can show you which inquiries are directing visitors to it.

These inquiries might be a surprising supply of long-tail keywords.

And not because number 10 is the least valuable; on the contrary, if you already have a blog running and use Search Console (which you should).

You will be able to obtain an infinite number of long-tail keywords that are already ranking in your project but deserve their own article.

Not simply an article, but we can often improve (or curate) our current content by adding a subtitle to an existing post to react to a certain long-tail search intention.

How To Evaluate The Potential Of Long-tail Keywords

Once you’ve discovered long-tail keywords, you should assess their use before including them in your content. Here are some things to think about:

  • Examine keyword competitiveness and search volume:
  • Look at how frequently these keywords are searched and how much competition there is in the search results.
  • Take into account user search intent and relevancy to your blog:
  • Ensure that your long-tail keywords are relevant to your blog’s topic and correlate to the demands and interests of your target audience.

You can find the most effective long-tail keywords for better placement and drawing in high-quality blog readers by taking these things into account.

Common Types of Long-Tail Keywords Used in SEO

Long Tail Keywords are vital in SEO since they help to optimize content and attract visitors who are looking to buy or seek specialized information.

The following are some examples of popular Long Tail Keywords in SEO:

Long tail keyword in question form

This is a type of Long Tail Keyword that is based on frequently searched-for questions.

Examples of these include: “How to lose weight quickly?”, “How to cook the most delicious crab vermicelli dish?” “The secret to effective acne skin care?”.

Extensive description keywords

This is a type of Long Tail Keyword that customers use to get extensive information about a certain topic.

Examples of these include: “Daily car maintenance,” “Address of sports shoe stores in Hanoi,” and “Makeup tips for sensitive skin.”

Comparison of review keywords

These are long-tail keywords used by customers to compare or assess different products, services, or possibilities.

Examples of these include: “iPhone 12 vs Samsung Galaxy S21”, “Review of Toyota Camry 2022”, and “Compare prices of Samsung Galaxy A52 and A72 phones”.

Long tail keyword concerning the place

This is a type of Long Tail Keyword in which consumers look for information about a certain location or services, businesses, and attractions in that region.

Examples of these include: “Delicious restaurants in Saigon,” “Cheap hotels in Da Nang,” and “Coffee shop near My Dinh bus station.”

Season, date, and time keywords

These are long-tail keywords that people employ while looking for information about events, programs, activities, or items that are tied to a certain period, time, or season.

Examples of these include: “Good movies in summer 2023”, “Lunar New Year Lantern Light Festival,” and “Winter Menu for Dieters.”

How To Optimally Use Long-Tail Keywords

Once you’ve identified the right long-tail keywords for your blog, you must execute proper strategies to maximize their utilization and get the greatest outcomes in terms of SEO positioning and traffic creation.

The following are some essential strategies for efficiently using long-tail keywords on your blog:

Use long tail keywords as the title of the article.

To instantly capture the attention of readers and search engines, include long-tail keywords in the initial portion of the title.

This allows people to recognize immediately that your post is relevant to the content they are looking for. Make certain that long-tail keywords are positioned naturally and logically in the title.

This helps search engines realize that your post is relevant to that certain term, which improves the article’s ranking at the top of Google. It may produce the most natural, easy-to-understand reading experience for consumers.   

Use long-tail keywords in your blog’s structure.

The structure of your blog is critical for SEO positioning. Make advantage of long-tail keywords on your page and post names and subtitles.

This will assist search engines in better comprehending the content and increasing its relevancy.

You can also use long-tail keywords in the content of your articles and posts naturally and fluidly to increase their effect.

Optimize the SEO of your pages with long-tail keywords.

Other areas of SEO must be optimized in addition to using long-tail keywords in the structure and content of your blog.

Use appropriate long-tail keywords to improve your page meta descriptions and URLs.

In addition, seek possibilities to establish backlinks with anchor long-tail keywords since this can boost your blog’s search engine supremacy.

Keep track of the success of your long-tail keywords.

Implementing the strategies stated above is not enough; you must also assess and analyze the success of your long-tail keywords.

To determine the position and traffic produced by each keyword, use SEO analytic tools.

You’ll be able to see which keywords are driving the most traffic and change your approach appropriately.

To retain strong performance, you should adapt and tweak your long-tail keywords on a regular basis.

You will be able to optimize the potential of long-tail keywords on your blog by applying these strategies.

ALT and image characteristics

In the ALT description of the images in your post, you can optimize long-tail keywords.

When uploading an image on your post, use the long tail keyword as the ALT description. This assists search engines in understanding the image’s content and boosts the image’s visibility in search results.

Avoid writing excessively long or superfluous image descriptions. Instead, concentrate on giving essential information so that the image can be optimized using long-tail, primary, or secondary keywords.


Using these keywords effectively will not only help your SEO positioning but will also raise your chances of receiving more targeted traffic and turning people into buyers or subscribers.

Long tail keywords are critical to SEO performance.

Despite having a lesser search volume, its specificity might result in greater conversion rates and less competition.

You’ll be well on your way to identifying long-tail keywords that deliver relevant traffic to your blog if you follow these steps and use the recommended tools.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

Should we concentrate just on long-tail keywords?

It is not a smart approach to focus just on long-tail keywords. It is critical to use both long-tail and short-tail keywords in an SEO strategy.

Long-tail keywords can assist you in gaining faster ranking results and boost your website’s findability in certain queries.

However, it would be best if you also utilized short-tail keywords to cover and broaden the reach of your article content. Combining long-tail and short-tail keywords will result in a more thorough and diversified SEO approach.

Do Long-tail Keywords change over time?

Long-tail keywords are subject to change. User and industry search patterns can influence the popularity and frequency of usage of long-tail keywords.

As a result, you must continually analyze new search trends and understand user demands in order to improve content and find acceptable long-tail keywords.

Long Tail Keywords SEO modifications may be tracked more readily with the use of keyword research tools.