How To Get Accepted To Google Adsense (7 Easy Ways)

How To Get Accepted To Google Adsense

Google Adsense is an ancient method that cannot be overlooked when it comes to making money online through blogging; nevertheless, understanding how to get accepted to Google Adsense is where the problem lies for many bloggers.

If you are reading this because your website or blog has been rejected one or more times, and you’ve received the dreaded email from AdSense saying NO but without explaining why.

Put your mind at rest!

In this article, I will explain more about Google Adsensehow to make money with it, prerequisites, and how to get accepted.

See also:  How to make passive income from blogging.             

7 Tips to Get Quick Google Adsense Approval

Read the advice below before registering for a Google Adsense account to prevent rejection.

There should be an About – Contact – Privacy page for Google Adsense Approval.

This is most likely a minor issue that causes Google to reject AdSense accounts, as I learned after contacting many sources.

Many websites today neglect this information or include it all on the homepage. However, Google does not agree.

To solve the problem, just establish separate pages and put down all of the introduction information about your website, field of activity, supply information, address, and contact method (email, phone number). Phone, fax…) and private information is acceptable.

There should be a quantity and quality of articles for Google Adsense Approval.

Google takes this issue extremely seriously since Adsense relies on article content to promote advertisements.

Many people believe that the number of articles on the website must exceed 100. But in reality, there are pages with just a few dozen articles allowed.

This may be explained by the fact that Google requires not only numbers but also the quality of articles, such as low copy rate original and new material.

Therefore, the likelihood of acceptance is increased. Currently, Google has several algorithms to assist in checking this, so don’t imagine you can outperform the big guy. It is preferable to write unique and high-quality material.

Read: How to create high-quality content.

There should be enough traffic for Google Adsense Approval.

Don’t base your decision on the ultimate amount of traffic to be accepted for an Adsense account by Google. Because the quantity of traffic must also be divided by the number of articles.

If your articles are few, the traffic volume must be extremely high, even thousands of times each day, and vice versa for a website with numerous articles.

Furthermore, this traffic must be measured based on the tool’s search results rather than direct access via the link.

Have a reputable domain name for Google Adsense Approval

Google prioritizes websites using domain names obtained from reliable providers such as GoDaddy, BlueHost,… rather than free or low-cost domain names.

Commercial domain names ending in “.com” have a better probability of being authorized.

See also: How to choose the best domain name for your blog in 3 minutes.

Have a user-friendly interface for Google Adsense Approval

Although Google Adsense typically analyzes websites based on content, the interface design style also has a significant impact.

You should arrange the categories, photos, news, and so on to enhance user-friendliness, making it simpler for Google to position advertising.

Efforts from the beginning

To get accepted by Google for an Adsense account, your website must be online for at least 6 months, although the advice is to make efforts to boost traffic from the start.

Writing good content, designing the interface, and having a way to attract visitors can help Google pay more attention to your website, making it easy to register an account.

Use fewer advertising networks for Google Adsense Approval.

The Google Adsense policies declare unequivocally that we do not agree with websites that employ advertising networks of specific units.

 Of course, other units are still possible, but it’s best if you only use Google Adsense. If you get too involved, it will affect the development of your Google Adsense account later.

Types Of Google Adsense Account

There are 2 types of Google Adsense accounts, each with its unique set of attributes. To avoid misunderstanding, see the following:   

Hosted Google Adsense Account

This form, which is used for Blogspot or YouTube, has a payout rate of 51% of revenue. If you want to start or already have a website, you can sign up for this type.

The benefit of this form is that you can start making money online as soon as Google approves it. However, you can only run ads on YouTube or Blogspot websites, not on others.

Ads will appear in the YouTube channel’s presentation video following successful registration. You will be compensated when users click to view information.

Content Google Adsense Account

This type has a higher payout ratio, up to 68% of revenue. This is the account that every blogger aspires to.

The account can be used for websites, blogs, and YouTube. Google Adsense Content approval will be more difficult, as the website must respect policies and provide useful content to readers.

Google Adsense Content is for websites that already have traffic and can place advertising banners right away. The account owner will be paid a commission for each user who clicks on the advertising banner.

The amount of commission is determined by two factors: the number of clicks on the ad and the agreed-upon bid with the business.

Ways to Make Money with Google Adsense

Currently, there are two ways to earn money from Google Adsense:

CPC (Cost per click)

With this form, You will be paid each time a user clicks on an advertisement on your website. With the amount varying depending on the value of each advertiser and the popularity of the news.     

CPM (Cost per million impressions)

This is a cumulative method in which you will get paid for every 1000 times a Google advertisement is seen. This form can generate a lot of profit for sites with a lot of traffic.

Although divided into two methods, Google uses both of these methods by default when you post an ad.

Reasons Why Google Adsense Is Rejecting Your Website

The website violates Google policies.

Before submitting your Adsense registration application to Google. You must comply with a policy table that includes the mandatory conditions set by Google (details at:

However, you may miss a minor condition without realizing it, in which case Google will send you a notification email.

This is a common occurrence for a variety of reasons, including pages with sensitive or dubious content, the use of subdomains, forums to register or copyright source code, and so on.

To avoid this problem, make a list of all the requirements. Make a list of these small requests, and then begin creating content and links for your website.

There is no content.

This reason is frequently encountered with newly established websites that have too little content (less than 10 articles), questionable content, or primarily images.

Google also provides some suggestions in the rejection email, such as:

  • Websites with mostly images, videos, and flash are not permitted.
  • Content should include complete sentences and paragraphs, not just titles.
  • The website must be completed before registering for Google Adsense; otherwise, the test page will be rejected.

Infringement of intellectual property rights

Copyright laws are strictly enforced in countries, particularly with regard to Internet content; they are lax.

Google will refuse to approve your website for Adsense if it reposts other people’s content, hosts copyrighted music, or hosts e-books. Google blacklists even non-pirated websites.

So, before registering, you should remove all of these pieces of content from your website.

How To Get More Traffic To Your Website?

Here are how to get more traffic to your website:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is a type of website optimization for search engines that results in high keyword rankings on Google.

Aside from Google Adsense, if you are skilled at SEO, you can earn money in a variety of ways, including:

  • Online business: Sell your products/services.
  • Affiliate marketing to make money by promoting the goods of other individuals or companies.
  • Earn money on YouTube by creating popular videos.

SEO is an “inevitable” and long-term factor in making money with Adsense. Because the number of Google searches is limitless, not only for Google Adsense but also for other areas of making money online.

Draw traffic from social media.

The term ‘ social’ is almost synonymous with Facebook, but on a global scale, there are numerous other social networks such as Reddit, Instagram, Pinterest, Quora, and so on.

To generate money using AdSense, you may create a social media page and lead users to your website.

Spend money on advertisements.

With this form, you will have to spend money to run ads with a specific Ads Network, which will help you get traffic to your website.

This method is quite risky and requires a large budget and time to measure effectiveness. So it is not suitable for those with limited resources.

How to Sign Up for Google Adsense

If you’ve read the previous sections of this article, you’re probably familiar with this advertising network and how it makes money.

The steps to sign up for a Google Adsense account are outlined below.

Step 1: Create a website

To place ads, you must first create your own website, which is an important factor and the foundation for running Google Adsense.

The website’s interface must be professionally designed, and the content must be unique and useful to readers.

One thing to keep in mind is not to copy articles from other websites or to post content related to specific topics such as adult content, violence, copyrighted, reactionary, etc., as well as other unlawful stuff.

When writing articles, pay attention to keywords, focus on tail keywords, and write content around them; don’t go for a long tail keyword as a starter.

An article should be as long as possible, with images serving as a secondary focus. Typically, 1200 to 2500 words are sufficient.

Don’t forget the pages about About – Contact – Security that we mentioned in the previous section (Ways to get quick approval to Google Adsense.)

See also Where to put keywords in a post to rank higher.

Step 2: Create a Google account.

You must create a new Gmail account by visiting the website. The declared information should be true and convenient for future control and payment.   

Step 3: Open an Adsense account.

I have listed some ways to increase the likelihood of being approved by Google for a newly registered Adsense account in the previous section (Ways to get quick approval to Google Adsense.)

You should ensure the quantity and quality of the articles and try to create attractiveness to get a consistent amount of traffic at least 300-500 times per day.

After ensuring that you have a “clean profile,” you can register for an Adsense account at ( and follow the instructions.

Remember that the information must be correct.

Step 4: Place advertisements

After Google reviews your website, if it meets all of the criteria, it will be approved to place advertising codes.

You can set up your Adsense account by logging in, selecting the items you want to set up, and then entering the necessary parameters.

It should be noted that if you want to set up advertising from a domain, you must already own that domain.

Finally, you will get the code to integrate into your website and will be able to customize the appropriate location.

One thing to keep in mind is that while Google only temporarily approves your Adsense account, they continue to track all of your activities.

So don’t be foolish enough to engage in suspicious behavior such as clicking ads yourself or recruiting others to click ads for you.

Step 5: Confirm the PIN and payment address.

This is a rather complicated step, but if you follow the previous steps correctly, it will be a little easier. The first step is to verify your Gmail account using a real phone number.

Before sending the PIN code by mail, Google will send you an address verification letter via email.

According to your predecessors’ experiences, you should rent a mailbox at a large post office; this will increase the likelihood that the PIN code will reach you.

If you’ve requested your PIN three times and haven’t received it four weeks later, log in to your account and follow the instructions.

Once you have a PIN code, you are officially a Google partner.

Step 6: Take note after placing an ad

Although you can now comfortably make money from Google Adsense ads on your website, don’t be subjective; fully comply with the following Google Adsense policies:

  • Avoid clicking on your own advertisements.
  • Do not ask people to click on your ad.
  • Do not include any prohibited website content, such as adult content, excessive violence or profanity, drugs (including alcohol and tobacco), or copyrighted material.
  • Do not alter the AdSense code.
  • Follow our Webmaster Quality Guidelines.
  • Provide a positive user experience.
  • Limit the number of ad units, link units, and search boxes to three per page.
  • Do not place images near ads in a way that leads users to believe the image is associated with the ad.

Remember that Google has algorithms that are smart enough to detect all of your fraudulent actions, so instead of thinking of ways to get around the law, be more honest, and money will slowly pour into your pocket.

Reasons Why Your Google Adsense Account Is Disabled

There are many reasons why your Google AdSense accounts may be disabled, some of them are as follows:

Click on your own advertisements.

If Google detects that you have clicked on advertising banners placed on your website, whether accidentally or intentionally, your Adsense account will most likely be locked immediately.

Google will save all information from your previous account login, such as your IP address, browser, operating system, and so on, so don’t expect to get around the law or use automated tools.

If you use Adsense for YouTube, Google recommends that you skip the ads on your videos, or they will be blacklisted.

Use software to increase clicks.

There are several pieces of software available on the internet that Adsense users share with one another in order to increase clicks automatically and earn hundreds of dollars per month, such as Adsense Bot.

But keep in mind that Google is keeping a close eye on this issue, and there are numerous ways to detect fraud.

Google even recommends limiting the use of link-checking programs within the website because some programs will automatically click on links on the banner.

Place ads in places that deceive users.

Some people want to get around the law, so they place ads in places where users are forced to click on the website, such as menu bars, navigation, download links, see more, and so on.

Google will put you in a scam if your Adsense account is discovered.

Use third-party services related to clicks and impressions.

Google does not encourage you to use third-party services such as click exchange, view exchange, and so on because it will generate fake clicks on ads.

Furthermore, Google does not welcome websites that display their ads alongside those of their competitors, such as Yahoo Publisher Network.

To maximize profits, you can still display them alternately with PHP code.

Content-related issues

Google not only reviews website content when you submit your Adsense registration application. But also continuously checks while your account is active.

Your account will be locked if sensitive content (pornographic, only for adults) or copyrighted content (mp3 files, videos, software, comics, etc.) is detected.

The following are some pointers to help you register for and use Google Adsense without having your account locked.


Google Adsense is a form that I believe is a combination of the three main factors:

  • Creativity: The more content you create and creative ways of doing things, the more results you will get.
  • Dedication: Conduct research and content development.
  • Science: You must research keywords or grasp good trends, but if you are interested in something, do so without data.

If properly developed, Google Adsense is a viable business model. I believe that anyone who writes good content can make money with this form.

However, if you want to fully utilize the traffic source and earn higher commissions. I will recommend trying to make money with affiliate marketing.