How To Get Customers To Open Your Emails: 15 Easy Ways

How To Get Customers To Open Your EmailsĀ 

If you’re launching an email marketing campaign, you will realize that knowing “How To Get Customers To Open Your Emails’ is one of the most crucial thing you need to get right.

Because if your consumers open your emails, they can read your content and go to your website, and they will be able to make a purchase. This will not be an advantage to your business, and your email campaign will be well-spent.

To get customers to open your email, you must convince your customers to read it in a simple way.

In this blog article, you will learn everything about opening emails. From why people open emails and how long it takes an average person to read an email to the recommendations and best practices for how to encourage consumers to open your emails and connect with your company.

Read our comprehensive guide on how to increase the open rate in email marketing.

Without any further do, let’s get started.

Before we discover how to get your customers to open your emails, let’s quickly look at why people read emails so that you will be acquainted with how to get your customers to open your emails.

Why Do People Open Emails?

Knowing why people open emails are important so that you can know where to target your email and make your customers open it. People open emails for a number of reasons, including:

1.      1. Interest:

If the subject line or preview content captures their eye and piques their interest, people are more likely to open the email to learn more.

2.      Relevance:

If the email content is relevant to their interests or requirements, people are more likely to open it to discover what’s within.

3.      Personalization:

 If the email is tailored to their name or prior encounters with your company, they are more likely to open it out of curiosity or interest.

4.      Trust:

People are more likely to open the email if the sender is a trustworthy source or a recognizable brand.

5.      Urgency:

If the email includes time-sensitive information, such as a limited-time offer or a deadline, people are more likely to read it to fear losing out.

6.      Curiosity:

 If the subject line or preview content engages or arouses curiosity, people may open the email to satisfy their curiosity.

Overall, people are more likely to read emails that are relevant, customized, and beneficial to them, as well as those that originate from a reputable source or include time-sensitive information.

How Long Does It Take The Average Person To Open An Email?

The average time it takes for a person to open an email usually differs based on different reasons, such as the time of day the email was sent, the subject line and preview text and the email’s content. However, statistics reveal that the bulk of email opens occur within the first hour following receipt.

According to a GetResponse survey, the average open duration for emails across all sectors is 3.6 hours. This means that it takes roughly 3.6 hours for 50% of the email recipients to open the email. However, the survey adds that the average open time varies substantially based on the organization, with some reporting much shorter wait times and others reporting much higher wait times.

It’s also crucial to remember that some email systems may automatically label emails as “read” even if the receiver hasn’t opened or interacted with them. Furthermore, some individuals may purposely postpone viewing emails until they have more time to dedicate to them or are in a better position to act on the email’s content.


Now here we are with the topic of today.

Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching out to consumers and promoting your company. To make your email marketing effective, you must convince your clients to read your emails.

Getting your message heard might be difficult, with so many emails invading people’s inboxes. This post will go over 15 successful methods for getting people to read your emails and connect with your business.

1. Create an enticing subject line:

subject line is the first thing your consumers see when they open your email. Make sure it’s eye-catching and clearly communicates the importance of your email.

2. Use a customized greeting:

To make the email seem more personal and relevant, address your consumer by name.

3. Segment your email list:

Divide your list into groups depending on your subscribers’ interests or habits to guarantee your emails are more targeted and relevant to their requirements.

4. Write in a conversational tone:

To connect with your consumers, use a warm and accessible tone in your emails.

5. Optimize for mobile:

As more individuals read their emails on their phones, make sure your emails are mobile-friendly.

6. Keep it brief and to the point:

 Please keep your email content concise and to the point to guarantee your consumers read it all the way through.

7. Incorporate eye-catching graphics

Such as photographs or videos to make your email more interesting and aesthetically attractive.

8. Include social proof:

 Include testimonials, reviews, or social media postings to convince your consumers that your items or services are trusted and enjoyed by others.

9. Use language that provides a feeling of urgency,

Such as limited-time deals or countdown clocks to push clients to act swiftly.

10. Offer value:

 Make sure your email content adds value to your client’s lives by providing relevant information or special deals.

11. Personalize the material:

Use data such as their purchasing history or hobbies to produce personalized content that is tailored to their specific requirements and preferences.

12. A/B test your emails:

Experiment with various email components, like subject lines and call-to-action buttons, to find what works best for your audience. Learn more about A/B testing here.

13. Send emails at the proper time:

Try sending emails at various times of day to determine when your clients are more likely to read and interact with them.

14. Maintain a regular schedule:

Consistency is essential in email marketing. Maintain a consistent schedule so that your customers know when to anticipate your emails.

15. Allow subscribers to modify their email settings.

Let your subscribers manage their email preferences, so they can choose the type and frequency of emails they receive.

Getting clients to read your emails might be difficult, but these are numerous effective tactics you can use to increase your open rates. You can produce emails that your consumers will be delighted to receive and interact with by developing attention-grabbing subject lines, delivering value, customizing your content, and testing various parts.

How Often Should You Email Your Customers

The frequency with which you should email your clients is determined by a variety of criteria, including the sort of company you have, the material you’re delivering, and the preferences of your consumers. 

Sending too many emails might irritate your subscribers and result in high unsubscribe rates, while sending only a few emails can result in poor engagement and sales. As a result, striking the correct balance is critical.

Most organizations send emails between one and four times each month as a general guideline. This may, however, vary based on your sector and the sort of emails you send. A daily deals website, for example, may send many emails every week, but a monthly newsletter may only be sent once per month.

It’s also critical to think about your client’s preferences. Some clients may want more regular updates, but others may prefer fewer frequent emails. You may use email segmentation and preference management solutions to provide your consumers with the ability to determine how often they get emails from you.

Finally, the goal is to choose the frequency that works best for your company and its clients. Experiment with various frequencies and measure your engagement rates to determine what works best for your audience.

Remember that sending fewer high-quality emails is preferable to inundate your clients with fewer low-value emails. You can create a solid connection with your consumers and increase the efficacy of your email marketing efforts by striking the appropriate balance.

Please read our guide on when to send emails to your customers.

Emails To Get Customers Back

Emails to get back consumers are a form of an email marketing campaign that tries to re-engage clients who have been inactive or have stopped buying from your company.

These emails are intended to remind consumers of your brand, offer them relevant and intriguing material, and incentivize them to take action and return to your company.

Several sorts of emails may be used to re-engage customers:

1.  Re-engagement emails:

These emails are intended to re-establish contact with dormant clients. They may provide unique material, updates, or incentives to attract clients to return.

2. Abandoned cart emails:

 If a consumer adds things to their basket but still needs to complete the purchase, an abandoned cart email may remind them of the products and urge them to finish the transaction.

3. Win-back emails:

These are delivered to consumers who last purchased a long time ago. They may provide special promotions, discounts, or other incentives to get customers to return and make a purchase.

4. Comments emails:

These emails may be sent to consumers who purchased a while ago, asking for feedback or thoughts on the available items or services. This may assist in identifying areas for development and demonstrating to the consumer that their input is appreciated.

Please read our guide on the 25 types of newsletters in email marketing.

When designing emails to re-engage consumers, it’s critical to emphasize the value that your company can provide the client. Highlight the advantages of your goods or services, provide incentives or special material, and make it simple for consumers to take action, whether purchasing or submitting feedback.

Segment your email list and customize your content to guarantee that your emails are relevant to each individual consumer. This may raise the success of your email advertising as well as the possibility of people engaging with your brand and making a purchase.

In short, emails to re-engage dormant clients and encourage them to return to your company are beneficial tools. Increase the success of your email marketing efforts by providing captivating and tailored content, giving incentives and special deals, and making it simple for consumers to take action.


Getting customers to read your emails could be challenging. However, by putting the tips and tricks in this article into practice, you may raise your email open rates and eventually raise sales and revenue for your business.

You may employ a variety of techniques to make your emails stand out and catch your customers’ attention, from coming up with attention-grabbing subject lines to providing pertinent and personalized information.

 Furthermore, by segmenting your email list and reviewing the results of your email campaigns, you may learn crucial details about the preferences and actions of your customers and change the content of your emails as a consequence.

Please read our guide on how to send the first email to your contact.

The key to email marketing success is consistently providing your customers value and building a strong relationship with them over time.

Using the suggestions in this article and ongoing testing and improvement of your email messages. You can create an effective email marketing strategy that boosts engagement, client loyalty, and revenue for your business.

Frequently Asked Question

How Do You Tell Someone To Read Your Email?

To tell someone to open your email, it must have a crystal-clear, short subject line that conveys its goal. Making your email’s subject line stand out and using wording that encourages the reader to take action may also encourage the receiver to open it. 

Make sure to send a kind and brief email as a follow-up to persuade the recipient to read your message. The email should provide the reader with relevant, entertaining, and helpful information. Remember to be considerate of the recipient’s time and avoid using spammy or deceptive subject lines to avoid harming your reputation and diminishing the probability that future emails will be opened.

How Do I Increase My Cold Email Open Rate?

To increase your cold email open rate, write attention-grabbing subject lines and personalize your messages. Personalizing your email with the recipient’s name and other important details can increase the number of opens you get.