How To Get More Comments On Your Blog (Find Out)

How To Get More Comments On Your Blog

There are two things that every blogger appreciate the most: backlinks (meaning being linked on another website) and comments. This article will concentrate on how to get more comments on your blog.    

 Comments are vital for our blog since they provide immediate feedback on our writings. They offer us a nice sense of being read and productive with our blog.  

In addition, comments indicate that our website visitors remain longer on our blog. Search engines take this as a favorable indicator and boost us up in the ranking

As bloggers, if we don’t receive any comments, we might soon feel like we’re writing into a black hole. And that what we’re doing here doesn’t help at all. 

But: that’s not true. 

I know so many bloggers who have yet to receive any/few comments beneath their blog articles yet have been contacted about their blog posts in some form, e.g., B. through mail, Messenger, or personal interaction.

 Our blog posts are read, even if we don’t receive any comments! But: How can we get more comments on our blog articles?

See also: How does a blog become successful?

Why Blog Comments Matter

Blog comments are to the writer what tips are to the waiter. Nevertheless, corporate bloggers and communication specialists frequently complain: they get no comments.

But does it indicate that people are interested in something other than digital content? I can relate from my experience that even the finest web posts frequently receive few comments from blog visitors.

However, what typically occurs is that writer’s block blog comments on WordPress like I do on my blog. In order to defend against spam comments or criticism. 

Though I did me for a well-known personal reason, I don’t advise you to do it.

Reasons Why Blog Comments Are Important

Here are 6 great reasons why you should allow blog comments and participate in discourse with readers. Don’t disregard your prospective consumers!

#1. Readers can enhance your content.

Nobody knows everything about a specific issue. Additional comments and recommendations from the community of readers and customers may provide extra value to your content and future readers.

 They also enable specialists to contribute. That is great extra value for your material

#2. Authentic communication enhances your brand.

Occasionally, readers have a different perspective than you and submit negative comments.

This drives you to clarify specifics, offer examples, and progressively improve your content for various readers or whole audiences.

This extremely realistic discussion makes your content lively and more fascinating for consumers and may help promote your brand in the long term.

#3. You obtain qualitative feedback from your target group.

You typically acquire honest feedback from your target audience through reader comments. 

Allowing blog comments is a great wonderful chance to acquire customer feedback about your items with little work so that you can modify them better to the wants of your target audience if required.

 This is also called market research.

#4. Community participation on a platform you control.

Content that we post on social media does not belong to us. We have accepted the terms and conditions and ceded our rights. 

Your business website, on the other hand, belongs to you and should be the major contact point for your operations. 

Why wouldn’t you want your community to be able to contribute straight here?

#5. Reader involvement fosters growth.

Reader involvement on your website will boost your page’s worth to search engines like Google. 

Blog comments boost your position and increase your traffic. According to an SEO expert (ahrefs), a blog with thousands of comments would perform substantially higher in search engines.

More blog comments equals more blog readers. And it is the key premise for development in the digital market.

#6. Added value leads to client loyalty.

Creating digital content with added value or even thought leadership content will not just boost your brand and your firm’s reputation. 

The improved brand value and the awareness that you are obtaining excellent and helpful information further build your consumer connections.

Why Do You Have Few Comments On Your Site?

The most probable reason people refrain from commenting on you is that you need more website visitors! 

We expect that out of 100 website visits, at most, one person will comment (the 1% rule). 

Of all the individuals who surf the internet, only around 10% have ever posted a comment. That’s a rather low amount overall. There are just fewer comments on blogs than previously.

The second reason you receive few comments is: Your themes urge you to refrain from the comment. More about it is below.

Today, the barrier to posting a comment beneath a blog article is significantly higher than on social media. 

On social media, it is usual to make brief comments or even simply alike. Under blog postings, people feel like they need to comment at length. 

This is a pain and a benefit at the same time since it separates the comment culture in the blogosphere from that on social media: 

Blogs produce more in-depth and much more useful comments. But also considerably less frequently. The good news: We have it in our power to alter that!

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Blog Comments

Supporting open conversation with readers and consistently answering blog comments is an intrinsic aspect of excellent articles and the cornerstone of effective content marketing in general.   

But why do hobby bloggers and huge organizations regularly remove the comment section and show little interest in comments, ideas, and requests from website visitors? 

Here are several explanations and easy remedies for these purported problems:

Disadvantages: Why the comment feature is frequently blocked

As early as 2013, Robert Weller pointed out that it is worth enabling comments on the blog. His article was updated in 2021 for a good reason. 

There are still many falsehoods and misconceptions regarding this issue on the internet. It is sometimes maintained that it is not worth enabling comments. 

Reasonable reasons for this are:

1. Many spam comments with questionable or perhaps hazardous links

2. hate comments or insults

3. The great investment of time

Advantages: Why engaging with readers is vital

Of course, what takes more time (assuming we are truly among those who get comments) is reacting to the comments.

 However, throughout the years, we’ve always found the time to extensively answer blog comments.

And that is also advised since it is worth it. In this approach, we generate extra value for those readers who clearly show us their very serious interest by means of a blog comment.

Do we really simply want to ignore these loyal readers or new clients with a possibly high readiness to buy? Giving them no chance to demonstrate they exist and care?

The fundamental point is that active discussion may therefore quadruple our content marketing ROI and build confidence in our eternal brand. 

And if it doesn’t persuade you, you should read the 6 reasons above again.

Things You Can Do To Get More Comments On Your Blog

There isn’t ONE tip for additional comments. Blogs with plenty of comments frequently have many features in common.

#1. First comment – ​​the first comment is highly significant

From experience with Self-Taught MMO, one of the successful techniques to generate comments is to attempt to fast acquire the first comment on a new topic after publishing.

A lot of people don’t want to post the first comment after reading the article because they don’t want to draw attention.

If they see other people posting and the site owner answers, it shows that comments are encouraged and accepted.

This will encourage readers to write comments.

The initial comment might be the fulcrum to launch a furious comment battle.

So you may invite your pals to write their first comment on your article.

#2. Comment on other blogs and network

Have you ever commented on a blog piece yourself? Many bloggers who crave comments have never commented on a blog item. 

It’s time we changed that. Comments are give and take

If you post high-quality comments yourself on other sites, there will undoubtedly be an interaction in the medium run. 

You should absolutely favor sites in your niche! Of course, your response shouldn’t simply be ‘excellent contribution.’ 

This is only relevant if you have read the article and shared your view in at least 5-10 words.

Not only will the owner of the other site visit your site, read your postings, and leave a remark, but other readers of the original article will also be interested in more of you.

It is vital that you put your name and your website and do not comment anonymously.

#3. Check your SPAM

Someone commented on your site, and you didn’t even notice. For some unknown reason, WordPress continues destroying my comments even though they don’t include links (that’s THE characteristic of spam).

Someone intended to make a spam comment with umpteen links beneath my blog article on “Allow comments on the blog,” 😄 But Antispam Bee caught that out.

A sequence of letters may cause spam detection to fail. Therefore, check your comments to see whether a nice comment could be waiting for you in the trash!

You may discover your comment recycling bin in WordPress by clicking “Comments” in the left sidebar and then going to “Recycle bin” on the far right.

#4. Avoid forcing registration

I used to see comments that needed registration much more regularly.

Luckily I see it less and less.

This causes too much friction and makes it much more challenging for your visitors to comment than it should be.

#5.The value of the article

As you know, time is money.

If readers invest their time/money in your content, they expect to gain some value.

Is your content valuable?

Remember that “Content is King” – content is KING. If the article content is excellent, viewers will readily make remarks in the comment box.

If you don’t deliver anything of worth, people will feel like a waste of time. And surely the comment is not there.

Valuable posts are what I notice popular bloggers are going for. 

#6. Change the status of “0 comments.”

This is fairly similar to item 1) First Comment.

When readers notice the comment status “0 comments,” they are less inclined to leave new comments.

On the contrary, if people read an article with a lot of comments, would they pay attention and check whether the comment content is interesting?

You need to modify this “No Comment” or “Leave a Comment” word to “Leave a comment” or “Click here to comment.”

Usually, WordPress themes ( interfaces ) show the number of comments immediately below the article title.

This might be a wonderful call to action for readers to click on and start commenting.

#7. Reply swiftly to readers’ comments

If you want readers to feel heard and engaged, you need to react to their comments as quickly as possible.

Don’t leave your readers feeling neglected or waiting too long.

Also, when you respond back, you boost the number of comments on your own page.

When reacting, be nice with remarks.

Please react nicely and culturally, even to unfavorable remarks. This makes readers feel appreciated and encourages them to continue to provide thoughts and engage in comments.

Remember to always thank them for their remarks – you may then react to their comments, agreeing or disagreeing with a constructive explanation.

Except in the event of commenting excessively unpleasantly, you may instantly remove the comment or give a warning.

However, sometimes the manner the author replies to comments also generates an interest in the reader. A lot of the seniors I know are quite amusing and excitedly react in the comment area.

#8. Deliberately missing or inaccurate, erroneous spelling

In your article, you can purposely write anything inaccurate or incorrect. Or the information is not clear and ambiguous. Some observant readers will write comments to assist you in correcting the mistake.

#9. Join a blog carnival – or organize one yourself

Blog carnivals are a particularly efficient method to network with other bloggers! 

So, to take part in a blog carnival as well as to start a blog carnival yourself. You designate a subject that other bloggers may take upon.

 Important: Before you start a blog carnival yourself, you should first join other blog carnivals. Then you will rapidly discover how a blog carnival works – and you will network extremely successfully with other bloggers in advance.

 In addition, you need a certain exposure and reach for a successful blog carnival – since how are the many other bloggers meant to find out about your blog carnival? Participating in a blog carnival really helps here!

Read more: Blog Carnival: What is it and how does it work.

Here you may discover my overview of the top blog carnivals.

Blog carnivals are a wonderful comment and engagement magnet! I propose that you attend at least two blog carnivals a year and host at least one yourself! I arrange roughly 2-3 major blog carnivals every year. 

Most recently, there was my blog-your-purpose challenge in May 2023, when over 250 bloggers left their blog posts with me. So far, I have gotten 1129 comments and pingbacks on my blog post.

#10. Blog more frequently

Blog posts that are older than 1 month may be read extremely regularly but not commented on as much. 

So my recommendation is to blog more frequently! Because then you constantly have new information on your website that may attract comments. 

The more regularly you write, the more likely you are to have more personal blog pieces or information that genuinely demands attention. 

Bloggers that consistently write blog content tend to rank higher, which offers you more website visits. And hey, the more website visits, the more comments!

A beneficial side effect of additional blog articles: You then now have more content that you can post on social media and in your newsletter.

 This boosts your visibility. And you don’t have to question yourself every day: “So, what am I posting on Facebook today?”

My tip is: Write one blog post every week. 

This is a very excellent frequency to rapidly load your blog with interesting content and to build a decent writing practice.

And, of course, also to attract comments. 

No clue what to write each week? Here I have amazing recommendations for you!

#11. Write lengthier blog posts

I notice this firsthand on my other website: the longer and more thorough a blog item is, the greater the possibility that it will amass numerous comments throughout the years. 

This applies not just to personal blog posts but also to expert papers. 

Why is a lengthier blog post the best?

I see basically 3 reasons:

1. If you have a lengthy, very nice, and extremely valuable blog piece, it surely ranks highly on Google. This will bring you more visitors to that specific blog item over time. More traffic ➡️ more comments.

2. The longer a blog content is, the more starting places your visitors have to leave a comment. Longer blog posts just include more information that might entice someone to comment. 

3. The longer a blog piece is, the greater the possibility that you will also write something personal there. This is a great anchor for comments!

#12. Share your blog post for greater exposure – and for more comments!

The formula is fairly simple: more traffic equals more comments. So if you want more comments, you should aim to boost your website traffic.

How to get more traffic on your blog

1. Paid presence on search engines and social media: In the form of Google Ads and adverts on Facebook and Pinterest.

 I explicitly do not propose this method for blog newbies. You need expertise for this in order not to burn money.

2. Organic (i.e., non-paid) search engine optimization (SEO): SEO takes a pretty long time to deliver apparent impacts. 

We should obviously constantly conduct SEO, but particularly at the beginning of our blog journey, we shouldn’t anticipate too much traffic from Google & Co.

Here are my top recommendations on how to get your blog post in front of Google fast:

3. Organic (i.e., non-paid) exposure on your own channels: By sharing your blog piece on social media and in your email. This is the quickest and fastest approach for new bloggers to drastically boost the number of their website visits. 

5. Make a quote post: Take an excellent quotation from your own blog piece and place it on a picture. 

You can copy either the introduction or a part of the text that works well with the quotation for the post text. You can share your quotation post on Instagram, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn.

6. Make a carousel post on Instagram with the major takeaways from your blog content. Here you may discover an example from me.

7. Share your blog content in your WhatsApp status. 

#13. Use the power of social media to attract comments on your blog

Once a person has commented on your blog, there is a very high possibility that they will do so again. But: Many individuals find it tough to comment on a blog post for the first time. 

On social media, on the other hand, comments frequently flow quicker and easier. 

So my recommendation is: If someone left a nice comment on your shared blog article on Facebook or LinkedIn, ask the individual through Messenger to copy the comment and paste it on your blog post!

 Then email this individual the link to your blog piece again, so you enhance the possibility that they will really leave their comment there.

But why would the individual do that? After all, it takes a lot of work to comment on a blog piece. 

The point is the individual should also have an interest in posting their excellent feedback on your site. 

Because: Comments on social media evaporate into insignificance after a few days (just like each of our posts). 

On our blog, on the other hand, comments remain fresh and relevant for years! But that’s not all: With every comment, we may also put a link to our own website. 

And thus, maybe more interested individuals will make their way to us – just by consistently commenting on other websites/blogs with real content!

By requesting the individual to “immortalize” their comment on your blog, you are demonstrating your gratitude for this great message. A surprising amount of people obey this request!

If individuals don’t leave their social media comments underneath your blog post, you may screenshot the social media comments and paste them as an image into your blog article

#14. Ask your list to leave a comment in an email.

Your email list has become your new best friend.     

Your email subscribers will most likely share and comment on your content when you ask them to.

Try finishing your email with a call-to-action that asks your readers an open-ended question or encourages them to make a comment.

Don’t write down all that can be stated about a subject

If you write out everything that can be said on a subject, there isn’t much space for debate.

I frequently create resource-intensive blogs that offer little space for debate.

This is worth investigating, but you should also evaluate how this might fit with your entire blogging strategy.


Above are some techniques that I believe you may implement in your blog to generate more comments and boost comments from readers for posts.

A blog with a lot of comments ( not spam ) indicates a great site that attracts a lot of user attention.

Therefore, the essential element is still whether the information on your blog is beneficial to visitors; good content will rapidly spread and help readers remember you more.

Moreover, the site that gets a lot of comments also helps you constantly have more inspiration to publish more and more useful posts.

It’s a little lengthy, but if you believe my article is relevant, remember to like and bookmark it.

Have fun!