How to increase conversions by combining Facebook ads and email marketing

How to increase conversions by combining Facebook ads and email marketing

Do you wish to know How to increase conversions by combining Facebook ads and email marketing?

If YES, you’re at the right place. When you combine these two marketing channels, you have an explosive cocktail that will blast your marketing and your company to the stars.

Social networks are a trend these days. Despite the challenges in 2018, According to Statistics, there are still two billion monthly users on Facebook.

In contrast, email marketing has been with us for nearly 40 years, yet newbie waves their hands over this “outdated” technology.

Know how to combine email marketing with sms for a better conversion rate here.

Keep reading as we dive deeper into how to increase conversions by combining Facebook ads and email marketing. So you can achieve better results from your campaigns.

Why email marketing and Facebook?

In email marketing, you interact with your database of contacts. They are still the same people. That shop your product and that’s good.

But despite your email contact, you need fresh blood. Reach out and bring in new connections, and Facebook’s advertising system will assist with just that.

The Facebook advertising system enables you to reach a carefully specified set of interested people and bring them to your offer. But most individuals don’t purchase on the spur of the moment.

You may target them via remarketing, but you also pay for it, and most crucially, your most significant marketing asset is not expanding. Contact database.

Instead of a specific page, you may drive prospective buyers to a landing page.

You may wonder what a landing page is; this is a specific sort of page that is used to acquire an email contact.

A prospect submits their email, and you turn them into a client through email marketing.

It seems easy, so why isn’t everyone doing it?

Honestly, since it’s not exactly simple to figure it out and set it up to function correctly.

It would be best if you produced the correct advertising for the ideal prospects.

You also need to build a useful magnet for which the prospect will be pleased to leave a contact.

And ultimately, the most challenging task is to convert a contact into a client.

That’s a lot of stuff, and not everyone can accomplish them. On the other side, whoever prevails will virtually monopolize the market.

It involves thinking, planning, preparation, and testing.

Many entrepreneurs and firms want consumers right immediately, and they don’t have the patience and frequently even the time.

 I’m not surprised at them. I, too, have looked at an empty corporate account.

But the short-term perspective is All you have to do is add your why most firms do not do this and still have to deal with increased advertising expenditures and a lack of consumers.

We will now look at ways to boost the efficacy of digital marketing.

What is Email marketing?

Email marketing is still the most efficient approach to contact individuals interested in your goods and consumers.

This is true even today, at a time like this when every individual gets hundreds of emails in their inbox.

When you execute email marketing well, and your receivers perceive value in it, not irritation, they are pleased to read the emails.

Of course, not all of them, and a substantial portion of the emails wind up in the virtual rubbish dump (spam).

 On average, 70-80%. But this indicates that 20-30% of individuals read the emails and potentially become clients.

Nowadays, email marketing can be funded by almost everyone – small enterprises, entrepreneurs, and freelancers.

You no longer need to partner with an agency to launch an email campaign. Paying significant money to plan and send this campaign. Or, on the opposite, yes, if you know it will pay off.

Anyway, owing to mailing systems like Mailchimp, nearly everyone can write a newsletter or an email offer.

What is Facebook marketing?

The fact is that many individuals hop to a social network more frequently than to their email inboxes. Most commonly on Facebook.

While Facebook marketing or Facebook ads is the practice of promoting a business, brand, or product on the Facebook platform.

Facebook is still the most utilized social network in the world. Almost 1.5 billion people glance at it every day.

You may contact them for free with intriguing postings on your Facebook page. Or by employing sponsored advertising, which is slowly but becoming a requirement.

Facebook’s advertising system is the most advanced in the world, and Google modifies its system appropriately.

So you may carefully target your advertising and contact prospective clients on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and other locations.

What are the benefits of combining Email marketing and Facebook ads

With a hundred contacts in the database, you can’t create many marvels. The quality of the database is crucial, but so is the size.

Maybe you obtain new connections through a form on your website. The success rate of such kinds is quite low.

 Ordinarily in percentages. In addition, you cannot regulate very effectively who visits your website.

And due to Facebook, you may draw additional interested parties to your database. And they will be properly defined since you have picked them yourself by targeting.

When email and Facebook marketing won’t work

When you start pressing the prospect after initiating the contact, it won’t work, and you will sell.

That is, it may work for a cheaper product of the order of hundreds of dollars.

 If you are interested in higher quality clients and have more costly items, you will not sell them immediately.

One needs to get to know you first. Go through the customer journey. Find out who you are, what you do, and why they should purchase from you.

Learn how to send your first email to your contact

How to combine email marketing and Facebook ads

To combine email marketing with Facebook advertising and boost the success of your campaign, you need 4 things:

  1. Prospect magnet
  2. Landing page
  3. Email machine
  4. Facebook advertisement

Let’s have a look at them now…

1. Prepare the potential magnet

People usually don’t offer you contact only because of your stunning eyes. It would be best if you had something to interest them and, at the same time, show them what you do. Prepare such a sample of what your consumer can obtain.

Create what we call a customer magnet. Something that a person would be pleased to pay for, but you offer it to them for free in return for an email.

  • As your magnet, you can
  • Write a brochure
  • Prepare a sequence of tips
  • Produce a video training
  • Host a webinar
  • Offer free sample
  • Deliver a discount coupon

Thanks to the magnet, you will acquire contacts with individuals who are interested in what you offer and will most likely become your clients.

We will promote this magnet with a Facebook ad, but before that, you need to construct a spot where the magnet will be traded for an email…

2. Create your landing page

A landing page is a basic page where everything is centered on getting a visitor to fill out a form, and you may offer them a magnet.

You essentially have two choices to achieve this.

  • The first method is to construct a landing page directly on your website as one of the website’s subpages. Template systems make this feasible these days.
  • Or you may utilize a specialist tool for designing landing and capture pages. You may frequently get data and conversion rates immediately and quickly.

At Financebode, we have produced templates, thanks to which you may construct such a landing page in a few minutes.

Simply add your logo or photo, edit the forms, and you’re ready to greet the first interested party…

How to make landing page effective

Concentrate on the following if you want your landing page to be effective.

·        Don’t be distracted

The landing page has a single function. Get in contact.

So the visitor must have, metaphorically speaking, no alternative but to input their email.

So delete everything from the website that might distract or divert the visitor.

I mean menus, connections to other sites, graphic effects or adverts, and banners.

·        Simplify

There is no area for style exercises on the landing page.

When a prospect comes to your landing page, they have only one inquiry. Is it for me?

You must ensure that your response to this question is coherent. brief and uncomplicated.

If the issue is more involved and you need to convey more about what the prospect will receive, record a short video of 2 minutes maximum.

Videos can perform nicely as an alternative to writing. Some want to read something, while others prefer to play a video and listen to what you have to give.

·        Lighten up

The visitor is meant to submit his email address; you don’t want to toss sticks under his feet on the opposite.

Ask him for only the most required – like entering an email address. At most, add a field to the name if you deal with outreach in email marketing.

Every extra unneeded box affects the conversion rate.

Likewise, the registration procedure should be straightforward and easy.

  • Filling completing the form
  • Thank you page
  • An email with a magnet in the mailbox.

At most, in the event of double opt-in registration, you add an intermediary step with a confirmation email.

  • Filling out the form
  • Prompt for confirmation
  • Confirmation email
  • Thank you page
  • The email with a magnet in the inbox

·        Optimize

According to statistics, 98% of consumers use Facebook on their smartphones.

So when visitors arrive at your site, they should be able to view everything clearly on their mobile phones.

The exam is straightforward. Open the capture page on your cellphone.

 Is everything visible? Can you fill out a form and input an email address?

For sophisticated testing, you might utilize the usability test from Google.

It’s free, and input the URL of your landing page. You can quickly see what you’re up to.

Why you should test out a landing page

The odds of building the ideal landing page the first time are small. Therefore, build numerous variations, evaluate which one converts better, and obtain more contacts.

You can test

  • Texts
  • Arguments
  • Background photos
  • Videos
  • A call to action

Tests make sense when you have enough traffic. That implies tens or hundreds of conversions every week. Otherwise, it’s a waste of time.

3. Prepare the email machine

Now comes possibly the most challenging part for many.

The interested party has contacted you. And you start speaking with him.

Send him the magnet you promised him. But it shouldn’t be the only email you send him.

Prepare a sequence of email communications that will start the prospect arriving.

A lead magnet is simply a little sample of what you do. After that, you will present yourself to the interested party and display the genuine outcomes of how you aid your clients.

In short, you’ll establish his trust and define his expectations before agreeing to work with him.

An email auto responder can aid you in all of this. You may find automated machines in practically every postal system.

 Such an automaton will guarantee that all emails reach each interested recipient at the right moment, and you may concentrate on other matters.

The consumer journey

Not every customer visiting your website is ready to purchase immediately. The same applies to the capture page.

There are various states in which a person may be. These are the phases that a prospect must go through to become a paying client. I call it the customer journey.

In the scenario when the interested party leaves his contact and downloads the magnet, he is in most circumstances at the beginning of this voyage.

He just got to know you, and you attracted his attention. This is not the most significant moment to immediately send him a sales offer. Of course, it depends on the field and your aggression.

Mostly it would be best if you created trust and waited till he was ready. Sometimes it might be days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months.

Your task is to keep in contact with him and send him something that presents you in a positive light.

Such communications might be case studies, more to show him your work. Stories about you and your clients. Useful articles etc.

4. Set up a Facebook ad

Once you have your magnet, landing page, and email bot ready, you’re ready to publish your Facebook ad.

Why is it required to create an advertisement? Isn’t it enough to publish a landing page and wait to see what happens?

Not enough.

Isn’t it enough to merely submit a post on your Facebook page and expect it to become viral without engaging in its promotion?

Not enough. Even when you have thousands of admirers on such a page.

It would be best if you created an advertisement.

Thanks to advertising, you may attract interested parties from your target group to the landing page.

The type of folks who are interested in what you do. Ones that have a high likelihood of becoming your clients.

And that is already worth the investment.

So what should such an ad look like? How to target it to the correct prospects?

What is the marketing purpose of a Facebook ad

The primary purpose of running Facebook ads is to get to all potential audiences as soon as possible.

When creating an ad, Facebook will prompt you for a marketing objective. In the event of a landing page promotion, pick “Conversions.”

Then you continue producing as you typically do.

You will concentrate on your target group, utilizing interests or user circles.

You pick the place (the perfect location has a significant impact on the ad’s success) and set the budget.

In the final phase, you will prepare the advertising itself from the creative side.

Better don’t look at the ad once the ad begins in order for you not to cancel it you will witness genuine results in a few hours or days, depending on your budget.


You can see how two incompatible communication channels – email and Facebook – may synergize to help enhance conversions.

By combining email marketing with Facebook advertising, you will construct a sophisticated marketing system that will expand your database, enabling you to take care of prospective consumers in the long run and lead them to checkout.

It also helps the consumers themselves. They get an opportunity to get to know you better and decide to purchase from you.

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