How To Increase Email Click Through Rate? (Find Out)

How To Increase Email Click Through Rate

As an email marketer, do you always feel worried about having a low email click-through rate? And wish to know how to increase email click through rate.

As someone who has been working in digital marketing for quite some time now, I know just how crucial email marketing can be for the success of any business or organization.

However, simply sending out emails is not enough – you need to make sure that your subscribers are actually opening and engaging with them.

That’s why, in this blog post, I want to share with you some effective strategies for increasing your email click-through rate. I’ll be covering everything you need to know to get your subscribers to click that all-important link.

Please read our guide on what a good email click through rate implies. 

Now, make yourself a cup of coffee, for this will be a pretty lengthy article on how to raise email click through rates. Without further ado, let’s dive in!

Tips to Increase Email Click-Through Rate

While open rate isn’t the holy grail of email metrics, it’s still worth working on improving your click through rate.

You can increase your email click through rate by improving your subject lines. But let’s first discuss how you can increase your email click through rate. Then, I will explain further also on how you can increase your subject line in order to generate more open rate and click through rates.

Here are tips on how to increase your email click through rate

1. Refresh your database

It’s crucial to update your database often to make sure your mailings reach the proper individuals.

Be sure that everyone on your subscriber list has joined willingly. It makes no sense to have thousands of contacts who never check your emails.

A smart technique to assure that your subscribers desire to get your material is the double opt-in because, with this system, the customer needs to affirm his subscription twice to activate it.

Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the email addresses and remove the ones that have not engaged with your emails for a long time. It is conceivable that some of the individuals who have signed up on your site have changed their email addresses.

2. Segment your subscriber list

Are female consumers interested in new aftershaves, or are male customers interested in new summer outfits, what about younger clients? Are they interested in hiking poles?

Uh… probably not.

By sending identical messages to all recipients, you save time but risk losing clicks and, more crucially, any revenues. If you send emails that just don’t fit the recipient’s purchasing behavior and interests, what you’ll get is that they won’t read your emails and end up unsubscribing from your newsletter.

Segmenting your clients’ email addresses, i.e., categorizing them into separate groups of purchasers, will enable you to provide them with the material they are most interested in. This will help you boost the open rate of your emails.

You may partition your subscriber list into the following categories:

  • Type
  • Age
  • Interests
  • Geographic area
  • Position in the company
  • Type of job
  • Interest in getting commercial offers
  • Kinds of downloads done on your site
  • Kind of pages viewed on your site

3. A catchy subject line.

In this article, I will still cover everything you need to know about expanding your subject line. However, it is vital to explain a little about it here to realize how crucial the term subject line is in email click-through rate. When recipients receive an email, the subject line is the first thing they see. So make it nice, welcoming and, of course, ‘clickable.’ It’s the one that makes the difference between ‘I want to know what it’s about’ and ‘I don’t care.’

On desktop Computers, the average amount of characters shown in the subject line is 60, while on smartphones, the average is simply 30 characters. More and more consumers are reading their emails from mobile, so keep the subject line short and concise. Recipients should already know what your email is about before opening it.

Hence minimize filler words and inform your consumers what the email is about, so they get opened. Likewise, you should avoid terms that seem instantly worrisome should your emails be misinterpreted for spam.

These are certain terms and portions of phrases that shouldn’t be used in the subject line:

  • Buy
  • Cheap
  • Earn
  • Click
  • Subscribe
  • Cheap

Additionally, the excessive use of punctuation marks (!!!!!!) and the usage of full CAPITAL LETTERS might activate spam filters to guarantee your emails are never read.

 Avoid spam terms not just in the subject but throughout the whole content of the email.

It doesn’t matter how qualitative and intriguing the content of your email is. If the subject line is not enticing to the reader, the potential of your email will be wasted.

Take care of spelling

80% of recipients regard spelling and grammatical problems as the most unforgivable offense in emails. Not only do they detract from the professionalism of the email, but they also trigger spam filters.

To write an item that promotes clicking, answer the following questions:

  • What do you wish to say or give to the user?
  • What are the benefits?
  • In what tone do you wish to convey yourself?

It doesn’t matter how intriguing the content of your email is: if the subject line doesn’t entice the receiver to read it, the email won’t be warmly received.

4. Personalize emails work

In general, emails are opened significantly more if they look to be meant for the receiver personally. But drafting an email to every single client is a lot of effort.

Instead of sending an impersonal email, this way, you may address the receiver of the email personally (provided you’ve gathered this info and placed it into your email program).

It may look something like this:

“Hello {name},

Have you already taken a peek at our summer collection?

We believe it’s wonderful, but that’s just our modest opinion. Check out the newest releases and let us know what you think!”

The open rate of emails rises dramatically with the use of the recipient’s name at the beginning of an email and the design of the content as if you were writing directly to a particular individual. The more tailored the emails, the more likely they are to be opened.

5. Timing, timing, timing

A regional proverb reads: “It is not vital to get up early, but to wake up at the proper moment.”

Every merchant should be aware that getting the best potential out of an email marketing campaign is impossible if the timing is incorrect.

An email in a customer’s inbox in the middle of the night won’t raise revenue as much as an email sent at the ideal time.

So when is the ideal time to send emails?:

 It depends. According to research by Hub spot that studied over 20 million emails over a 10-month period, the following conclusions emerged:

Messages sent on Tuesdays had an open rate that was 20% higher than usual. Additionally, weekday emails were normally opened between 10 am and 12 pm.

Despite these results, you should individually test the times your target audience will most likely check your emails.

Consider what a normal day in your client’s life looks like. Following this rationale will prevent sending emails just as dinner is being served or while the consumer is delayed in rush hour traffic.

6. Conduct A/B tests

One strategy to ensure a high email open rate is to do A/B testing and evaluate the results.

A/B testing lets you assess the interest of multiple versions of the same email to identify which versions create a greater open rate over time.

In this scenario, you aim to enhance the open rate of your emails. Thus the factors to monitor may be:

  • Subject and preheater
  • Sender
  • Email sending time

If the software you use to send emails gives the ability of A/B testing, you should utilize it to verify which subject line, sender and time your consumers respond best to.

Suggested reading: A / B test, what it is and how it works

7. Don’t forget the mobile users

If your emails don’t look beautiful or aren’t mobile legible, that’s a waste of your time and efforts.

Consider this: More than half of your consumers read emails on mobile. Make sure your emails operate on a smaller screen.

Several professional newsletter programs provide a collection of ready-made responsive layouts, which you only need to adjust your content.

Many individuals read emails from their cellphones in bed at night, so ensure your emails can be viewed in dark mode. Not everyone loves reading emails against a white backdrop, particularly night owls.

Sit back, relax, and watch your email open rates improve, clicks to your online shop, and perhaps mobile transactions.

8. Conform to the law

Each advertising e-mail must include a legal notice, your name and postal address (a PO box is not adequate), the legal form and authorized representatives, a legitimate telephone number and e-mail address, the registered office and business registration number, and a VAT or tax identification number.

Make sure you collect email addresses lawfully. Maintain client data carefully and always offer an unsubscribe option at the bottom of your emails. Users should be able to swiftly and easily unsubscribe at any moment.

9. Measure the opening rate of your campaign

Measure, measure, and keep measuring – this is the final stage to enhance the open rate of your email marketing campaigns. The analysis is beneficial for assessing the development of your open rate and ensuring that the topic, sender, sending time, and other aspects are operating.

Read more: How the open rate is being measured.

How to Increase Subject Line Click through Rate

If consumers don’t open your emails, they’re never going to click. That’s why you must boost your email open rate before increasing your email click-through rate.

 Here are some recommendations to help you increase the subject line click through rate:

#1. Be personal and detailed

You should write individually and be specific. “Is your dog nutritionally healthy?” is a better subject than “Dog owners! Give your dog better nutrition. “Adding the receiver’s name in the subject line can help enhance open rates, for example – “Matt, Is your dog nutritionally healthy?

#2. Generate a feeling of urgency

One piece of advice that works well for some of my clients is to attempt to show your audience that they only have a limited amount of time to react. There are various methods to make the object express a feeling of urgency.

  • “Only two days: here’s a present for us!”

You’re informing your consumers that they must respond swiftly to take your chance by utilizing a title like this.

  • “Dog Training—Last Spots Left.”

In this subject line, you alert your readers that the product is in low supply. Therefore, they should take the final position before it’s too late.

#3. Stimulate emotions

Fear, wonder, curiosity, love and hatred are some of the sensations you may play with to get your email opened. Consider starting something your readers least expect:

  • “Because your dog dislikes you.”

Of course, topic lines like this have a time and a place, so don’t go crazy.

#4. Don’t sell

Unless you have a unique deal or present, try not to offer items in the subject line. A commercial item can reduce open rates, which might lead to a low click through rate. If you insist on utilizing the thing to sell, you are selling the advantages, not the product.

#5. Give an incentive

You should arrange your conversion or sales offer to contain a perceived value to the reader. A free download is frequently a wonderful converting tool. Discounts, discounts, badges, and actual presents are some items you may utilize.

  • “Final Day: Grab Your Complimentary T-Shirt.”

#6. Avoid spam words

Email spam filters are now pretty clever. You want to avoid utilizing spam terms as much as possible. This was far more significant a few years ago than it is now, but you should still pay attention to the words you use. Learn more about how to prevent your email from getting spam.

#7. Take attention to the width

While developing your email template, ensure its maximum width does not exceed 650 pixels. It’s preferable to maintain it at 600 pixels. Anything greater than 650 pixels may not appear correctly in the email preview pane.

#8. Avoid too many images

A picture is worth 1000 words. Nevertheless, Google and most other email service providers normally don’t immediately show photos. Likewise, most spam filters will push an email with too many photos to your spam folder. Try to restrict photos to no more than 25-30% of your email to guarantee good delivery.

#9. Tag your photographs

Make sure you add Salt and Title text to your photographs. As already indicated, pictures may fail to load, so it’s a good idea to change your alt text into an alternate call-to-action and connect the image to your landing page.

#10. Create your CTA

It would be best if you didn’t utilize a picture for your CTA for obvious reasons. It’s a wonderful idea to design your CTA like an action button. Your readers should be able to easily figure out where they need to click. Your CTA needs to stand out.

#11: Employ a light background

Put dark text on a light backdrop. It converts far better than utilizing colored or dark backgrounds as it appears cleaner and more pleasant to the eye.

#12. Format text and links

Formatting increases the readability of your email. Emphasize essential points by making them bold. Format links to be a distinct color from the rest of the body. Strive to maintain the look aligned with your brand and utilize only one font.

#13. Incorporate social media

Consider integrating social sharing options in your emails. Use them to broaden the reach of your email. You’d be shocked at how shareable a good email can be!

#14. Have just one CTA

To make sure your email works, you need to provide readers with just one method to take action. If you want your readers to buy dog food, your emails should be focused on persuading them to click on your landing page. Please don’t mix up your message by asking them to buy your product, download your eBook, follow you on Twitter, and post a review about you online, all in one email.

#15. Add numerous links

Having a single CTA doesn’t imply you can’t include more than one link in your email. But links should still go to your landing page for the highest email CTR. Strive to prevent external connections.

#16. Make things brief and sweet

The longer your email, the less likely your viewers are to read it until your CTA. If you believe it is particularly vital to compose a comprehensive email, and present crucial information, potentially in bullet points, right at the top, followed by your CTA, then continue providing more information below.

#17. Segmentation

Segment your email list using relevant information, such as purchase history, average expenditure, geographic area, age, etc. As you manage your data and have segments defined, you may target different groups with distinct emails that appeal to those segments. You may provide loyalty points if you are writing to your loyal clients. For new clients, you may provide a welcome discount. The better you’re targeting, the more efficiently your emails will convert.

#18. Give explicit contact details

You must give your address and telephone number in your email in order for it to seem legitimate. Include a hotline or email address to answer consumer queries and handle issues. Your viewers need to know what they can do if they wish to make a request or if something goes wrong.

#19. Match your email and landing page

Your email should function in harmony with your landing page in terms of content, title, appearance and feel. Your readers should be able to rapidly draw the connection between the email they click and the website they open.

#20. Offer terms and conditions

Whether your email is requesting individuals to buy your goods or subscribe to a paid service, the transaction should be accompanied by correct terms and conditions to look genuine.

#21. Employ online UX tools

There are a vast number of tools you can use to create your emails, review subject lines, and do A/B split testing to identify which particular version of your email converts best. Several of these technologies come with built-in spam checkers and even human reviewers. It would be best if you chose tools that meet your business needs and employ all necessary capabilities to boost email CTR and more.

#22. Monitor and test

Monitor your click-through rate with Google Analytics and the tools offered by the email marketing company you employ. Find out which emails convert better than others, and figure out why. Learn from your experience, and don’t be scared to try.

#23. Optimize for mobile

Mobile phones are currently the overwhelming choice of device for opening emails. Currently, 61.9% of emails are opened from smartphones. When preparing your campaign, you may be working on a desktop computer, but keep your target in mind. As email CTR takes place largely on mobile devices, it’s vital that you test your drafts on as many mobile devices as you can get your hands on.


In conclusion, increasing email click-through rates can have a major influence on the performance of your email marketing initiatives. Applying the tactics suggested in this article, such as designing attention-grabbing subject lines, segmentation, optimizing email design, testing and monitoring performance.

You may boost the possibility that your subscribers will interact with your emails and take action. Remember to regularly monitor and change your strategy depending on the data you gather to ensure that your efforts are generating the intended outcomes. With these best practices in mind, you can boost the efficacy of your email marketing efforts and produce more conversions for your brand.

Lastly, everybody participating in email marketing should be conversant with the CAN-SPAM Act. You may be susceptible to legal consequences for breaching these laws. If you have someone else handling your email marketing, be sure they follow the best practices recommended by law.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Email Click-Through Rate?

Email click-through rate is the proportion of recipients who actively click on the links in your email after reading it. It is one of the most crucial email metrics to measure.

What Is a Good Click through Rate for Email Campaign

The typical CTR for most marketers, according to a survey, is 7%. So clap yourself on the back and disregard this article if your rate is greater than that. If this sounds a little tough to do, we’ve got your back.

How to Calculate Email Click-Through Rate?

Email CTR calculation is a simple process. Divide the subscribers who clicked on your email by the emails you sent. To obtain a percentage, multiply the value by 100 now.

How to See the Click through Rate of an Email

To see an email’s click-through rate (CTR), you can log in to your email marketing platform and browse the analytics or reporting area. Here, you’ll be able to examine a variety of statistics linked to your email campaign, including metrics such as open rate, click-through rate, bounce rate, and more.