How to Increase Open and Click Rates for Email Marketing: 16 Easy Ways

How to Increase Open and Click Rates for Email Marketing

Are you aware that knowing how to increase open and click rates for email marketing is important for the success of your email campaign?

But WAIT! Let me ask you a question.

Have you ever created a comprehensive email? Analyze each word, then consider how to build an appealing headline. With a sigh of relief, you pressed the Send button. It’s all done. But have you noticed that the number of openings and clicks falls below expectations when you monitor statistics?

 How can email marketing open and click rates be increased? This is a relatively easy task.

This blog post will explain 16 practical methods for increasing email marketing open and click.

What Is A Good Email Marketing Open And Click Rate?

Before studying how to improve your email marketing efforts, you must first grasp what constitutes a good open and click-through rate. Each industry has its own set of operational characteristics. Yet, you may use a few fundamental criteria to assess your email newsletter’s effectiveness.

The average open rate, according to Campaign Monitor, is 15%-25%. This figure, however, fluctuates substantially depending on the business. Education, automobile, and charitable organizations often have greater open rates than retail or hospitality.

The average click-through rate (CTR) is now approximately 4%. This parameter also varies widely between sectors—CTRs of more than 4% in education and charity enterprises. The retail, hotel, and consumer goods sectors average 1.4% to 1.6%.

Based on the abovementioned facts, if your email marketing performance is above average, you have done an excellent job developing and maintaining a customer list.

 At the same time, email marketing strategies are evolving. If your open and click rates are poor, it’s time to reconsider your email marketing plan, so I created this blog post.

So let’s check that out.

16 Email Marketing Tactics to Boost Open and Click Rates

Most users’ emails are inundated daily with monotonous, clichéd promotional communications. If it makes no difference, the email’s opening odds are very low. Not to mention that it is easily erased as soon as it appears.

Examine each of the suggestions below to determine the best strategy for your audience.

1.      Evaluate your present performance.

Before starting a new campaign, go through what you’ve already done.

Track trends throughout time as well:

The statistics shown above will assist you in determining what to prioritize to boost email marketing open and click rates.

See also: 18 email marketing metrics to track.

2.     Subscriber segmentation is the cornerstone for designing emails that improve open and click rates.

Everyone wants to get information that is relevant to their interests and preferences. Without data segmentation, every email marketing campaign performs effectively.

Segments allow you to send a relevant message to a specified set of individuals. It’s as easy as sending different email newsletters to present and prospective customers. You may, however, construct newsletters based on interests, buying history, content choices, and other factors if you have more specific data.

Begin with segmentation when developing a plan. Then, not the other way around, build the newsletter. This mindset will enable you to send more relevant, tailored material. Increase the rate of open-and-click email marketing from there.

See also: How to segment your email list for better conversion.

3.     Concentrate on the subject line.

Do you want an email marketing strategy with a high open rate? The important part is in the subject line. According to Inc. Magazine, one-third of people say the subject line is the essential aspect in selecting whether or not to open an email. Additionally, 2/3 will designate it as spam based only on the topic.

Here are some ideas for making your subject line more appealing:

  • Make use of customizationPersonalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened in emails.
  • Brief. Most email applications and email browsers automatically remove subject lines that are too lengthy. IPhone’s ideal subject line length is 41 characters, whereas Gmail’s is about 50.
  • Avoid using spam trigger words. Words like Free, Free, or the sign $$$….. Will direct your email to the garbage folder. 

See also:

 Email spam words to avoid

How to create a catchy email headline

4.     Take advantage of email opening lines

Email is the text that shows in the preview window of your email. As a result, it is also known as Preview Text or Opening lines.

Many firms need to be made aware of the advantages of developing an opening line. The preview display has a significant influence on open rates. According to a Litmus survey, roughly a quarter of consumers viewed this video before opening an email.

Remember to include the preview text the next time you create a newsletter. Keep it between 40 and 130 characters long to make it suitable for mobile display. Use it as a trailer for the material within as well.

Read more about Email Opening Lines

5.     Provide the recipient’s name in the email.

Increasing the personalization of email content will help improve click-through rates. In fact, including the recipient’s name in the subject line and repeating it many times in the email body works like a charm. It helps readers feel unique and special. This promotes clicks.

The key to success, though, is recognizing who your prospective customers are. Learn all you can about the firm, its function, challenges, and the products or software they love using. Look for personal data such as mutual interests, hobbies, connections, and anything else that will help you connect with them.

A thorough knowledge of your target customers can assist you in making the appropriate offerings. As a consequence, email marketing click and open rates will rise. Prospective consumers will be glad to discover that you took the time to learn about them before contacting them.

6.     Relevant content is essential for increasing email marketing open and click rates.

You can only increase clicks if the receiver considers your information useful.

A civil engineer, for example, would be more interested in an email comparing the three finest building software than in an email advertising accounting services.

Prospective consumers must understand the message. Only then can you anticipate favorable encounters.

7.     Image optimization

Click-through rates for email advertisements containing graphics are 42% higher. Visual material captures the reader’s attention more effectively because it allows them to grasp the message more quickly.

This does not imply that you should misuse photos or send emails with just one image. Several email applications feature a function to prevent the display of photos, which is particularly useful for receivers who check email through smartphones. 

Mobile phones often have less storage space than laptops or PCs. As a result, putting all of the material in the picture increases the likelihood that the receiver would only see a blank message. Also, this design increases the likelihood of your email being filtered as spam.

While designing, the ideal image-to-text ratio is 20:80. (20% picture, 80% text).

See also: How to design images in email marketing.

8.     It contains a social share button.

According to research, emails with merely a social share button may yield a 30% better CTR than emails without one.

With more than three sharing choices, CTR increases by 55%. The aim is that even if the receiver does not find the email beneficial, they may share it with friends or colleagues who will find it valuable. Including social sharing buttons in your emails can help you improve open and click rates.

9.     Make email more mobile-friendly.

How the receiver interacts with the email is also determined by the device used to view it. In a word, if your message is optimized for mobile, a portion of your audience may need help finding it.

Emails tailored for mobile have a 15% greater click-through rate. Keep the following suggestions in mind to improve the viewing experience:

  • Design your newsletter using email marketing software or services. This aids in displaying material that is optimized for whatever screen size on which it is accessed.
    • Most individuals will check their emails while on the run. As a result, use clear subheadings to assist readers in swiftly covering material. You may keep paragraphs short and straightforward (group) by providing a list.
    • Mobile device testing. Send yourself or a friend a test email to see how it looks in different apps. This allows you to determine if everything works as well as the prototype.

10. Provide an obvious call to action (CTA)

Getting people to click is one of the finest strategies to improve email marketing click-through rates. Make it clear what you want others to do. A button that says “See more here” or “Test it for free” is an example.

Make the call to action as explicit as possible as well. Put a CTA on a button, highlight it, or add an arrow to let readers know this is a clickable link.

See also: How to design email call to action.

11.   Use just one subject line in your email.

Make sure your email is focused on a single topic. The reader will be distracted by the rambling and will only click on links if your email talks about a lot of topics. Individuals have a relatively limited attention span. Many individuals, in fact, have a tendency to lose attention quickly. Simplicity and brevity are always powerful.

12. Add P/W

Consider how you were drawn to the P/S in a letter. It is something you may attempt in an email since it is a certain approach to catch your customers’ attention.

According to psychology, the final piece is equally as likely to draw attention as the first. That is, including a P / S in the email works just as well as the Subject line.

 It allows you to reaffirm your initial offer and encourage the recipient to take action.

13.  Choose the optimum time to send an email.

When it comes to email, delivery time is extremely important. Emails sent on a Tuesday afternoon may outperform those sent on a Friday night or Monday morning.

There are some helpful hints available. When is the best time to send email marketing? Yet, this is determined by the audience you want to reach. Each client group will develop a habit of checking email on a regular basis. 

As a result, it’s a good idea to look at previous performance and industry benchmarks. Finally, experiment with various submission times to find what works best for your target audience.

See also: What are the best times for email open rate?

14. Assessment and Testing

Testing is a part of the most effective ways to increase email marketing open and click rates.

A/B tests on the subject line, send time, content, or all of these factors are available in most email marketing platforms. Begin with a theory and test it one by one. Analyze the results, test them again, and then apply what you learned to future emails.

See also: How to perform A/B tests.

15.  Integration of methods

Promotional and nurturing emails are excellent ways to evaluate the effectiveness of your email marketing.

A promotional email informs recipients of an upcoming offer. This could include flash sales, exclusive offers, referring a friend, and other incentives to encourage customers to buy. Just ensure that the offer is significant enough to create an impression.

On the other hand, you should be more focused on sales than you pay attention to relationship nurturing and maintenance. Email is a strong communication tool that may help you build long-term relationships with your consumers. 

You can share useful knowledge or keep up to date on business news. This prevents the recipient from feeling pressured or losing sympathy for the company. They will remember you if they always have a positive impression of the brand.

16. Clean up your email list on a regular basis.

If you’ve done everything I mentioned in this blog post and your open rates are still stagnant, it’s time to clean your email list. Users are likely to have changed email addresses over time. As a result, your list contains a “dead” number of subscribers.

It’s a good idea to monitor subscriber behavior every six months to find any contacts who haven’t opened an email in a while. Send a re-engagement email to this group to see whether they want to receive the newsletter again. This helps to keep existing consumers engaged in the brand.

See also: How to clean your email list.


As you can see, the open rate combined with the click-through rate is essential data for any email campaign. After all, can you make things happen when the prospect takes action? Try our 16 tips above and see a positive change in your email marketing campaign.

Not every tip can help you achieve your desired click-through rate. Certain tactics won’t be right for your industry. Therefore, testing is a must and should be done in every marketing strategy. The ones that work well and give you great clicks are worth keeping. 

Good luck!