How To Increase Shares On Your Blog Posts (Find Out)

How To Increase Shares On Your Blog Posts

Knowing how to increase shares on your blog posts is always the desire of many Bloggers and website owners.

I think you do, too, right?

In reality, social media are the place to bring visitors to the Website quicker than any other marketing medium.

However, to gain shares and spread from readers, you need to follow some approaches and urge them to take action (not simply read and depart).

So in this post, I will show you some ways to increase content shares on social media.

Not only will you increase traffic to your Blog, but you can also get high rankings and the opportunity to increase revenue from your Blog.

See also: 3 easy ways to increase your blog traffic for free.

Why Is Having Social Sharing On Your Blog Posts Important?

Our environment is no longer fundamentally offline as decades before when my pals and I sometimes played folk games and bathed in the rain.

Now, individuals spend most of their time on social networks like Facebook, Youtube, or Tiktok.

According to recent research from Forbes, the number of social media users in 2023 is 4.9 billion people, more than twice as high as in 2015, with 2.07 billion people. And the average time per social media user a day is 2 hours 24 minutes.

So, taking advantage of its popularity and getting more shares for your Blog post is very important.

It will have several benefits:

  • Increase traffic to Blog
  • Improve SEO Ranking
  • Help Google fast index
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Opportunity to contact many individuals in the same field
  • Opportunity to be asked to write Guest Posts or easily invite others to submit content
  • Easily develop backlinks

I think that’s enough reason for you to focus on increasing the number of shares on the Blog.

Ways To Increase Social Shares On Your Blog Post

Here are ways to increase shares for Blog posts that I tested, and it generated more than 500 post shares in just 3 months.

1- Create valuable content your audience can share

No one wants to share an article with uninteresting or insensitive content.

That’s why you should take care of Blog content and make it pleasant to readers, such as provoking hilarious feelings, affecting emotions, and conveying inspiration.

They are more likely to share your material with their peers if they empathize or enjoy it.

It’s like when you’re going through Facebook and find an encouraging statement. I hope you’ll think it’s incredibly beneficial and ready to press the share button for everyone.

Refer to our guide on 4 easy tips to create high-quality content.

2– Write captivating headlines

Did you know that legendary copywriter Eugene Schwartz typically spends an entire week on the first 50 words of a sales presentation – crafting the headline and introductory paragraph?

For content writers, the headline is a weapon that does significant harm to the eyes and sentiments of readers. 

Once your headline is excellent, you will wow your readers for the first time and make them stay. With a good headline, even without reading the complete content, people are still prepared to contribute.

Example: With the same post on professional blogging tutorials: “10 tips for blogging to help you become more professional in front of your readers”

It’s a lot simpler to share than a headline: “Professional Blogging Tips You Should Know.”

So you know which one you should share, right?

Therefore, spend some time studying potential names for your posts.

Read our full guide on How to craft a catchy headline.

3– Choose a content type

With blog postings, it works the same way, and it’s generally tied to the content.

Usually, there are 2 sorts of content for you to apply.

1. Trending content

These are the content that are published according to the trends and are immediately fascinated by people. However, it will shortly be forgotten.

For example, in the sector of fashion, in the summer, individuals would hurry to find garments to go to the beach or wear at home to remain cool. In winter, though, does anybody share a summer outfit?

2. Evergreen Content

This is the sort of content that tends to stay steady over a lengthy period of time.

For example, sunscreen gloves are still important while going outside.

Therefore, deciding what sort of content to write about also influences your shares.

How to find trendy topics

Finding popular content in your niche is no simple job. Because you can’t evaluate from a personal standpoint, you need to study individuals around you.

Usually, I will follow rivals in the same field to see what they are doing. Then, when you find a topic that they mention often, it is likely to be a trend, so you can create more quality articles than them to increase shares.

You can also combine it with a tool like Google Trends to examine the trend that is occurring.

How to find evergreen topics

As for evergreen themes, they normally have very low volatility. As a result, you may utilize specialized tools to identify, such as Google Trends or keyword research tools.

4– Make it simple for consumers to share

If you want people to share content, you need to make it simple for them to take action.

Have seen certain occasions when bloggers generate excellent content that reaches the hearts of readers.

Then they want to share it on Facebook instantly, but they have to battle to find a means how to share this content there.

I don’t believe you will compel readers to take an activity I did almost 10 years ago, which is to copy the article link and then post it on the wall.

And I don’t believe anybody has such free time these days.

So how can readers easily share your blog post on social media with only a few clicks?

1.   Use the share button plugin.

If you use WordPress, then the sharing plugin is the most effective support tool. It enables you to add buttons for people to share easily.

However, before posting these buttons on the Blog, keep two things in mind:

  • The more sharing alternatives you provide your readers, the less inclined they are to share. It’s like thinking about going out to eat your favorite meals, but you don’t know what to eat.
  • What social networks does your audience use? Don’t be tricked into seeing the gorgeous bid logo, and place it on the share button when the bulk of your audience is on Facebook.

If you don’t know which sharing plugin to use, I encourage you to use Social Snap. It includes a lot of in-depth capabilities for sharing and Social Media.

2.   Add a share button to images.

Images are also a means for you to get more post shares.

It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?

However, think how you would feel when you saw a picture featuring a statement with a nice phrase.

You enjoy that picture and share it, too, right?

However, how can readers share this photograph in the quickest way?

In truth, this is not simple if I don’t want to state it’s too tough. But a great plugin like Social Snap may make it simple for you with only a few keystrokes.

Share buttons will show directly in the picture, and your audience can share in a hurry.

Or, like me, just attach a “Pin” button to effortlessly share Pinterest photos on social networks.

5– Use the “click to tweet” widget

Although I believe this is not popular in other countries, it will be important if you have a site in a foreign market. Because “Click to Tweet” is adored by many foreigners.

If you regularly read posts on prominent Blogs, you will notice it like this.

There are several WordPress plugins that generate Click to Tweet buttons, like Social Warfare, Social Snap, and Monarch. Or a page builder like Thrive Architect or Elementor Pro is also built-in.

6– Avoid negative social evidence and make use of good social proof

Social proof is essentially a double-edged sword when it comes to marketing. As a result, you must exercise caution when using:

Specifically, like this:

When a lot of people share, people find this information fascinating, and according to the crowd effect, they are ready to share

On the other hand, your content has a few sharers who see it as unimportant and unshared.

That’s why you need to hide the negative evidence and show off the positive proof.

Show the post share count only when it reaches a particular quantity.

For example: If you only reveal the number of 200 or more individuals sharing, the numbers lower than that will be concealed.

Actually, not all themes or plugins enable you to accomplish this. Currently, only Social Snap and Social Warface can accomplish that.

7- Calling readers to share

There is a phrase from Nora Roberts that goes like this: “You won’t get it unless you ask.”

So let them know by calling them to action. That’s why at the conclusion of each of my Blog posts, you should always add a sentence urging readers to share.

8– Spend time advertising as you write

I guess many of you will skip this step. And I was like that previously.

In case you have a Blog with tens of thousands of visits and a massive email list, everything is fairly straightforward.

But what if you just start a blog?

Now you need to take the time to market your content and present your site to others.

There are various strategies to promote blog content and attract traffic to your site.

Some methods to get started:

  • Acquire the skills necessary to build an email list from scratch for marketing.  
  • Writing Guest Posts on Blogs on the same subject (a little tough in Vietnam)
  • Build your followers
  • Share your content several times on various media
  • Share content in time periods that are simple to notice and engage with
  • Keep your regular readers updated through push alerts or Facebook groups.

9– Survey your readers to learn what they want

Although keyword research tools might help you learn precisely what your audience wants, however, for more genuine information, you need to ask them personally.

This way, you’ll immediately find out what your readers genuinely enjoy that you haven’t yet reacted to. From there, the following techniques are proposed:

  • Publish the right kind of content  – ​​do your readers want a list post, a case study, a tool guide, etc.?
  • Discover topics of interest to your audience  – then come up with the right content strategies to satisfy your audience’s needs.
  • Understand the language that is right for them  – this helps you increase the connection with your readers as well as help them absorb the content in the most intimate and simple way.

To achieve this, you can use forms in combination with email lists.

Also, if you have Thrive Themes, utilize Thrive Quiz Builder to generate multiple-choice questions. Then receive the information as a chart.

Some chatbot systems like Landbot, Botstar, or Quriobot also offer the capacity to gather comments and complaints, but they are also rather pricey.

How To Track Social Shares?

If you use WordPress, sharing plugins typically interact with tracking tools to monitor shares occurring on your Blog through a connection to Google Analytics.

However, if you use Social Snap, you can see it right in the WordPress admin area with a lovely graph.

What Are The Most Used Share Buttons?

With so many social networks giving their own distinct share and follow buttons, it’s frequently tough to know which social media button to use for what reason. 

The most utilized social share button is Twitter, with more than half of SEOs utilizing it to post content. This was followed by Facebook, with 35% of SEOs utilizing it for social sharing.

Email/SMS and Buffer were near the bottom of the list, with just 6% stating they use email/SMS and 4% using Buffer for social sharing.

Share buttons allow your website visitors and content watchers to simply share your content on their social media.

By using these links in your content, you may reach new audiences with your blog posts and attract new users to your website.

You should incorporate social media sharing links/buttons to every piece of content you publish, including landing sites, web pages, individual blog pieces, email content, etc.

The key to effectively employing social sharing buttons is to choose the appropriate one for your content.

You need to know which social networks your readers like to share content on and where your content will be most likely to be clicked on.

Once you’ve identified those social networks, include their social sharing buttons in your article.


Writing a Blog and growing shares is not as easy as writing hot news and publishing it on social networks… waiting for everyone to share it.

Instead, to obtain more shares of your blog content, you need techniques to entice people to like, read, and click your share button.

Overall it’s not too difficult.

However, you must be patient and work hard. Soon you will see positive signs from the graph reporting a steady increase in traffic and shares.

Don’t forget to concentrate on valuable content, headlines and display your viewer’s share buttons. I propose utilizing Social Snap for Blog to simplify things.