How To Increase Traffic To My Blog For Free (3 Easy Ways)

How To Increase Traffic To My Blog For Free

You need to know how to increase traffic to your Blog for free if you want to become more successful

Concentrating only on the quality of your blog post is not enough and does not mean anything without traffic.

What do you think if no one knows your Blog? I mean no traffic, no views.


If you’re receiving minimal traffic to your Blog. It is time to drive traffic to your Blog yourself. 

Because your blog post might be so fantastic and full of additional value, if nobody recognizes that they exist, your Blog will not benefit anybody.

In this era of social media, it’s not easy for one Blog to get traffic because readers prefer mingling on social media for information than reading articles now. 

But there are places where you can drive more blog readers without the social media game. I will show you 3 of them, explain how you can best utilize them to get your Blog noticed, and also explain how you can increase your blog traffic for free. 

But before that, let’s go over the fundamental basics without which you won’t attract readers.

How Do I Get Readers To My Blog?

To get more readers to arrive at your Blog and remain there, you can use search engines, social networking or news services, or feed readers, among other things.

You need to SEO-optimize your blog post to obtain more readers via search engines. I’ll teach you how to achieve this in full below.

You need to publish your blog post on your social media accounts for more readers through social media. 

You will receive the best results here if you consistently share your blog content. So they don’t get buried in the fast-moving social media and continually bring you fresh visitors.

How Do You Get Your Blog Noticed?

If you want to spread the word about your Blog, you need to keep these crucial elements in mind:

Know your target audience inside and out.

You can only create blog posts that will attract your target audience if you understand who they are. 

Therefore: Make sure you undertake a target group analysis before you create your Blog.

Pay attention to the user-friendliness of your Blog.

Make sure that your readers find their way through your site and feel comfortable. 

For example, 

  • Are all critical parts (menu) and information clearly displayed and fast accessible? 
  • Are the colors appealing and the text simple to read? 
  • Are the visuals appealing? 
  • Is your site fast? 

These are tremendously crucial aspects for the user-friendliness of your Blog.

Read our full guide on How to make your Blog user-friendly.

Write clickable headlines without clickbait.

Your headlines are the doorway to your blog post. If they’re not excellent or uninteresting, it won’t blog-acquaint you. 

Therefore, create your headlines in a manner that hooks your prospective readers and urges them to click. 

See also: How to create a catchy headline.

Choose your featured image intelligently.

The featured image is generally the first thing prospective readers see, particularly on social media. 

Visitors won’t click on your blog article if it’s not beautiful enough. 

Therefore, make sure you select an image that is related to the subject, beautiful, and of excellent quality.

How Do I Get My Blog Discovered?

There are two strategies I use that work perfectly for me and get my new blogs discovered.

I call them P-Square Marketing

  1. Push marketing 
  2. Pull marketing.

Push marketing

This implies that you publish your blog articles to a mixed audience and hope that as many of the audience as possible will be interested in clicking on the blog post. 

This is mostly the situation on social media.

Pull marketing

This is the situation with search engines like Google. You publish a blog article, optimize it for search engines, and it will automatically be discovered by the individuals interested in your subject.

Pull marketing gets your blog post discovered rather than promoting them. 

In the coming section, I will show you 3 platforms where you can use pull marketing to drive traffic to your Blog and get it discovered for free.

Let’s start!

How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog For Free: (3 Free Traffic Sources)

Drive traffic to your Blog through GOOGLE.

If you’re seeking anything, you go to Google – we agree on that, don’t we? Good.

That implies your objective should be to optimize your Blog for Google so that searchers can discover your blog post. 

You do it using search engine optimization (SEO for short).

Search engine optimization is a great and sustainable way to drive traffic to your Blog and get it noticed. 

It may take longer for your blog post to get strong Google ranks, but with search engine optimization, you can reach those blog readers who are genuinely interested in your topic. 

After all, they were actively hunting for it.

And because Google’s ranking elements depend on quality and user experience, with search engine optimization, you do something for your Google ranking and your blog visitors.

How to drive traffic to your Blog through Google  

While SEO may seem like rocket science to many, I should tell you it is NOT!

Driving traffic to your Blog through Google isn’t hard, and there are various SEO techniques that you can perform without any technological know-how.

1. Get to know your target group. This is highly crucial if you want to optimize your Blog for Google.

2. Before you write, perform some keyword research, and select terms that are looked for frequently and have low competition.

3. Optimize your blog post for these keywords.

4. Be careful to enhance the loading speed of your pages (I’ll publish a full post on this shortly).

5. Set up SSL encryption (I guarantee it’s simpler than it seems! Check with your domain host.)

6. Write your content in a meaningful and easy-to-read way.

7. Provide topically organized portions of material with suitable subheadings.

8. Integrate your keyword in your content and the subheadings.

9. Include images — ideally in portrait format.

10. Write ALT & Title texts for your photographs and incorporate your keyword.

11. Use a table of contents (if it matches your blog post).

12. Write meta texts (title and description) that include your keyword and entice search engine users to click.

13. Link to other articles (yours and others) in your blog post.

To get more blog readers, optimize your blog for search engines.

I recommend you read this Blog post Checklist before you publicize your blog post.

Drive traffic to your Blog through Pinterest.

Pinterest 2022 will have over 455 million monthly active users (Source). Above all, Pinterest is THE place to go to drive traffic to your Blog.

 If you want to spread the word about your Blog, you should optimize your blog content for Pinterest and your Pinterest account for increased visitors.

How to drive traffic to your Blog through Pinterest

You don’t need to do anything similar to SEO to drive traffic to your Blog from Pinterest. 

All you need to do is validate your website and set up Rich Pins

The rest is done on Pinterest itself.

1. Create a Pinterest business account or turn your personal account into a business account. (it doesn’t cost you anything, but it provides you numerous perks such as Pinterest statistics)

2. Verify your website (it’s extremely simple).

3. Set up Rich Pins (also simple)

4. Create boards that match your blog subjects.

5. Create photos and pin graphics for your blog post and incorporate at least one of them in your postings.

6. Include a Pinterest button on your site that makes it easy for your followers to share your blog post.

7. Pin routinely and cyclically (i.e., constantly re-pin your previous articles.).

8. Integrate your keywords in

  • Your profile name
  • Your profile description
  • Your wall name
  • All your descriptions
  • Your pin titles
  • Your pin descriptions

Pinterest is the marathon runner among traffic providers. Your Pin will take a few months to scale up sufficiently to bring you regular traffic. 

So simply keep pinning and be patient.

Drive traffic to your Blog through Flipboard.

Flipboard is a news app where you can promote your Blog. 

In essence, the site is organized like Pinterest. You have a profile where you can gather intriguing items in various publications (similar to pinboards on Pinterest). 

How to drive traffic to your Blog through Flipboard

Since most of the work occurs immediately on Flipboard, you don’t have to do anything to drive traffic to your through Flipboard. 

Just supply a proper picture format, attach a share button, and flip your blog post as they appear online.

1. Create a Flipboard account and apply to become a publisher (it only takes a few clicks).

2. Create magazines that complement your blog subjects.

3. Flip articles from others (a lot at the start).

4. Include a Twitter picture and a suitable description for your blog post (in your SEO plugin under “Social”). Flipboard then fetches this picture while flipping.

5. Flip your blog post as soon as they go live.

6. Join group magazines and switch your blog post to these magazines as well.

7. Include a Flipboard share button on your site to make it easy for your followers to share your blog post.

Unlike Pinterest, Flipboard is a sprinter among traffic providers. 

Your blog article only generates visitors once (for 1-3 days), but the traffic might be tremendously large. 

That’s because of the nature of the platform: it’s a news app. And nobody wants to be fed outdated news. That’s why old blog postings are not pushed. 

That means: You can and should turn your current blog post into your magazine in the beginning, but don’t anticipate a lot of traffic for it. You receive it for your new blog post.

Now that we’ve discussed how to drive traffic to your Blog let’s check out how you can increase your blog traffic.

How To Increase Traffic To My Blog For Free

There are numerous additional strategies to making your Blog noticed. And also a few prerequisites to increase your blog traffic.

Here I have summarized 5 of them again for you.

Know your target audience.

Whether you want to spread the word about your company, Blog, or enhance your social media reach, you first need to know your audience inside out.

You can only reach the proper audience if you know precisely who you are writing your content for. Only then can you benefit your blog readers, and your followers are eager to share?

Therefore: Get to know your target audience.

I know I’ve mentioned this countless times, but I can’t say it enough.

Write clickable headlines

Your title is vital to the success of your blog postings. If it’s awful, you won’t attract readers. Or would you click on a dull title to discover whether the content is interesting?

Therefore, pay careful attention to your headlines while composing your blog post.

Update old content

Google likes great content; obviously, if you are generating good content, it would be tough for Google to overlook your site.

Now let me speak about upgrading old material, which is a strategy of increasing and improving on the information that you have written earlier. 

Updating previous content helps your articles rank better, and as a result, you can gain many more visitors.

For example, you made a post in 2017 that may be obsolete by now. You should examine the content and update it with fresh stuff, maybe eliminating some items that no longer make sense now.

Link to other content in your article

This is important to have your Blog ranked quicker and bring you more traffic.

If you link to other articles in your Blog, Google will notice this and rank your Blog appropriately.

Always remember to acknowledge other content on your Blog (essential).

Build backlinks

Backlinks are a strategy that many bloggers employ to enhance blog traffic. 

So if someone is interested in this connected content in the target article, they will absolutely click. In terms of time, having a lot of backlinks is really good for visitors.

 However, you need to recognize that backlinks tagged as follow (do follow) are much better than unfollowed (nofollow).

In addition, you should also avoid purchasing backlinks from bad-quality websites. 

Buying backlinks doesn’t make sense. Google itself doesn’t appreciate spammy connections. It even affects your ranking on Google. If caught. 

I also don’t support the motion of buying backlinks.

Therefore, attempts to generate great-quality backlinks should originate from high-authority sites. Writing guest blogs is one of the finest techniques for accomplishing this.

Link to other blogs

Blogging is not a desert island. Do you know posts from other blogs that match your topic? Link them in your blog article and call their attention to it (e.g., in a lovely email or social media).

Not only do you make Google and your readers pleased with the added value, but you also enhance the probability of getting linked or mentioned by bloggers. 

This, in turn, helps promote your Blog to a new audience.

Participate in a blog carnival.

One or the other will have heard of the blog carnival before. It’s a great way to drive traffic from other blogs. 

In a Blog Carnival, a blogger begins the carnival and defines the rules, conditions, and topic. All other bloggers then link to this article and offer something to the topic. 

This is designed to inspire thinking and, of course, to generate linkages. Ultimately, each participant will earn a link someplace.

This will increase the traffic to your Blog.

Learn more about Blog Carnival HERE.   


As you can see, drastically boosting your Google traffic is not rocket science. Because with time and quality, you build attention on many levels.

However, you also have to keep working for it. Be ready to attain your objective with strong determination. 

When others call it a day, there is still something to be done to ensure success. 

Marketing is challenging. You are not permitted to take breaks. Have to accept failures, rise and learn from the errors. 

Above all, you must have the bravery and tenacity to keep going. It doesn’t matter whether it works or not.