How To Make Money With A WordPress Blog (Find Out)

How To Make Money With A WordPress Blog

I see this question often in my group: “How to make money with a WordPress blog,” and it is best to clarify it here. Don’t you think so? 

To make money with a WordPress blog, you can display ads, promote products, and so on…

In general, all of the ways to make money with a blog can be utilized with any form of content management system or CMS.

But let me also tell you that utilizing WordPress is the greatest and most flexible method to accomplish it since you have complete control over everything.    

Let’s dive deeper into this topic.   

See also: How long does it take to make money blogging?

Can I Get Paid Using WordPress?

Before we continue, I’d like to address this question, “Can I get paid using WordPress?”

The answer is unequivocally yes! WordPress is more than simply a blogging platform; it can now be used for website design, e-commerce, blogging, and other purposes.

WordPress is the most used Content Management System in the world. It is believed to power one-third of all websites worldwide, and it has earned a reputation as an open-source blogging system.

Many people make money from their WordPress sites.

Making money using WordPress is now regarded as one of the easiest and most successful methods to make money online.

See also: Who pays Bloggers.

Steps To Follow To Make Money With WordPress Blog

To make money using WordPress, you must first complete the following steps:

Produce high-quality, useful content.

High-quality, Valuable content is content that matches readers’ search demands.

When a reader searches for “How to make money with WordPress,” for example, a quality post will give comprehensive information and address the reader’s question, such as preparatory procedures and 10 simple ways to earn money with WordPress.

Readers will adore and trust a helpful post that provides impartial and honest information.

At that point, the website’s traffic will rise, assisting in improving keyword ranks at the top of Google, increasing reputation and brand, and creating conversion rates.

Read our guide on how to create high-quality content.

Increase website traffic

Here are three easy and efficient techniques to increase traffic to your website:

1. Promote and optimize search engines

To boost the friendliness and visibility of your website in search engines, you must master SEO understanding.

This increases the possibility that the site will show at the top of Google’s search results page. At that point, your post will become more visible and appealing to readers, and the amount of daily traffic will rapidly rise.

2. Guest Post

By posting on another page, you can direct visitors back to your website. This allows you to rapidly and simply increase traffic to your website.

3. Interact and comment on forums

You can also post relevant shares and links to articles on your website in forums with comparable information to entice people to click. You can easily increase traffic to your website this way.

Read our full guide on How to increase blog traffic.

Make money from your WordPress blog.

After all the above mentioned, You can now make money easily with your WordPress. Making money with this technology is straightforward and not as difficult as you would assume.

Let’s begin with advertising and affiliate marketing, which are two of the most fundamental ways to make money with WordPress today.

Furthermore, there are several ways to earn money from a website. The next section of the article will help you comprehend this better.

The Best Way To Make Money With A WordPress Blog

Displaying Adverts

Advertising is a typical technique to make money blogging on WordPress.

There are various advertising networks accessible, such as Google AdSense, Tradedoubler, The Moneytizer, and others that allow you to display adverts on your site and make money for each click or impression.

To use these platforms, you must first register and then follow the instructions for inserting the ad code into your website. It’s simple! Then you wait for the money to come in itself.

Affiliate Promotion

This is the quickest, most common, and most successful method of monetizing a WordPress blog.

You will specifically promote products and services relating to the content of your blog and collect commissions from partners.

This commission amount is determined by the number of products successfully sold as a result of your blog.

To use this method to make money, you must first locate an affiliate network that sells items relevant to your target audience.

You can then promote those products on your blog and social media, earning a fee for each sale made through your affiliate links.

Selling digital products

You can also make money with your WordPress blog by selling digital products through your blog. Ebooks, online courses, and templates are all popular choices.

To sell digital products, you’ll need a payment platform, such as PayPal or Stripe, as well as a method of delivering your products to clients, such as an automated download or a password-protected download link.


If you have a specific talent or knowledge, you can use your blog to provide services such as consulting or advising.

To do this, you must develop a services page on your website and promote your services via your blog and social media.

You can also plan meetings with potential clients with your site.


Finally, you might get some sponsorships or collaborations with corporations or brands who want to promote themselves through your blog.

This method is comparable to Google Adsense in many ways, but sponsorships are quite different since you can choose where to insert the sponsor material and how much it costs for each position.

To attract sponsorship from big brands, you must have a large audience and high-quality content.

To locate partnership possibilities, you may approach corporations or brands directly or use a sponsorship platform.

Write reviews

This option appears to be similar to sponsored articles in that you are paid to write evaluations of various items or services.

This option makes money in a somewhat different way than the affiliate links discussed above. Instead, you obtain the goods from a corporation in exchange for an agreed-upon payment for writing a review.

You should look for products that are relevant to your blog or website so that your audience is interested in what you evaluate.

Website flipping

With this form, you can construct fresh or purchase websites, then improve the interface, add professional features, and publish some unique and helpful content.

You can resell your final product after it is of sufficient quality.

If you put in a little extra time and effort to SEO your website so that it ranks high, the selling price will be several times greater than the original.

However, in order to generate money in this manner, you must have knowledge, skills, and many years of expertise in the field.

Which WordPress Is Best For Blogging?

In case you were unaware, there are two WordPress platforms: and is the best of the two WordPress blogging platforms., sometimes known as “the real WordPress,” is the famous blogging platform that you’ve heard so much about.

It was founded in 2003 and powers more than 41% of all websites on the Internet.

When it comes to making money with a blog, clearly outperforms

Even if you don’t want to make money blogging right now, it’s a good idea to ensure that your site can do so in the future if necessary. is a fantastic platform for both personal and professional blogging.

WordPress is used as the content management system by the majority of well-known bloggers on the Internet.

Because is user-friendly and has all of the capabilities required for a blogger to construct a blog tailored to their preferences and unique style.

Should I Use Blogger Or WordPress?

Do you intend to create a new blog, and you are undecided about whether to choose WordPress or Blogger as your aesthetic blogging platform?

WordPress and Blogger are the Internet’s two most popular blogging systems. Both make it simple to start a blog. However, they operate quite differently, and each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

WordPress is the most used blogging software, according to statistics. More than 43% of all websites in the top 1 million use it and 95% of all blogs on those websites make use of it as well.

According to the same research, Blogger is the second most popular platform, with around 1% of the top 1 million websites using it.

WordPress and Blogger are the two most used blogging systems. However, because you must select one, it is dependent on the objective of your blog.

A simple platform such as Blogger is perfect if your goal is to launch your own personal blog and share your stories.

However, if you want to make a profit from your blog, you’ll need a strong and scalable platform like WordPress.

You can add a store, establish a membership site, and add plenty of marketing tools to your blog using WordPress, and you can make money.

How Much Money Do I Need To Start A WordPress Blog?

The question “How much money do I need to start a WordPress blog?” is frequently asked, and you might be shocked by the true answer.

You can create a WordPress blog for absolutely free, but you’ll need to pay for hosting, themes, and plugins, all of which can add to your overall expenses.

When it comes to paying for hosting, themes, and other services to start a WordPress blog, You may anticipate paying between $50 and $300 on average to get your blog up and running.

Your monthly spending should, therefore, fall into the $20–$60 range.

Here is a breakdown of the typical costs:

  • ·         Domain name: $10-$15 per year
  • ·         Web hosting: $5-$100 per month
  • ·         WordPress theme: $0-$100
  • ·         Plugins: $0-$100 per plugin

If you need to include the cost of a computer, desk, or other hardware in your calculation of how much it will cost to start a blog, that can range from $200 to $1,500 in one-time purchases, depending on the brand of computer and features you choose.

Read our guide on the best laptop to use as a blogger

However, it all depends on the type of blog you want to start and your budget for it.

Can You Monetize A Free Blog?

If you don’t have any money to spend on a site but still want to blog. You might be wondering if a free blog can be monetized.

The good news is that you can monetize a free blog, whether you just want to supplement your income or convert blogging into a full-time profession.

However, there is a lot at stake.

Today, it’s rather simple to monetize a site, including free ones. Setting up a blog in the early days of the Internet cost thousands of dollars, and monetization was challenging owing to restricted possibilities and the fact that most online services were still in their infancy.

Despite the simplicity with which a blog may now be monetized, most bloggers do not realize its full monetary potential.

The reason for this is that most people just do not grasp or completely comprehend blog monetization tactics.

A free blog can be monetized in four ways: sell a product or service, advertise with Google, develop gated content, or promote external businesses.

You can monetize your free blog and turn it into a lucrative company with hard effort and devotion.


In this post, we saw how to make money with a WordPress site by displaying advertisements, promoting affiliate items, selling digital products, delivering services, or seeking sponsorships.

And that each method necessitates a distinct method and work, and that it is critical to have a well-defined strategy and business plan in order to optimize your earnings.

Remember that a large audience and high-quality content are also required to attract sponsors and potential consumers.

Don’t forget that the most essential thing is to know that you can be successful in your efforts to make money with your WordPress site. If you work hard enough.