How to Make Passive Income Blogging (Find Out)

How to Make Passive Income Blogging

Are you interested in discovering how to make passive income blogging? Below, I will explain how to monetize a blog to generate passive money.

One of the most prevalent ways to make passive income blogging is via advertising, either via systems such as Google AdSense or through direct advertising deals with corporations.

However, some blog owners don’t know how to monetize their blogs without the need for physical labor.

To help you maximize the potential of your blog, here are the best methods and strategies to monetize a blog for passive income.

Firstly, let’s check out what is passive income

See also: Who pays bloggers.

What Is Passive Income?

The term “Passive income” originates from sources other than your core business. They may come from different sources, including investment businesses that you own but do not have to handle on a regular basis.

That is a business model that creates money without having to attend to it every day.

Passive income is typically utilized as a strategy to complement your major sources of income or perhaps replace them totally.

Some individuals prefer to live off their passive income alone, while others combine it with their principal income to attain financial independence.

Whatever your motive for obtaining passive income, the crucial thing is to have a strategy to attain it. Whether it’s accumulating funds to invest or launching a side company, you have to be sure you’re taking the required measures to make your ambitions come true.

Can A Blog Generate Passive Income?

Absolutely, a blog is an excellent method to generate passive income since it takes very little upkeep once it’s up and running.

All you have to do is publish fresh content occasionally and market it to your audience.

The more traffic your site receives, the more options you will have to generate money via adverts and affiliate connections.

There are also various paid blogging services that will pay you for the content. By keeping your blog updated frequently and attracting followers, you can build a reliable stream of income that needs minimum work.

How to Make Passive Income Blogging

There are various ways that can be utilized to make passive income with a blog. One of the most prevalent is advertising, either via systems such as Google AdSense or through direct advertising deals with corporations.

Another method is to promote items or services linked to the theme of the blog, such as ebooks, online courses, or consulting services.

Affiliates are also a wonderful method to create passive money because you advertise items or services from other firms and get a commission for each sale produced via a particular link.

Finally, sponsorships and partnerships with businesses are also a method to produce passive money.

Let’s explain them in more detail.

Use advertising for passive income.

Ads are one of the simplest and most frequent methods to start generating money from your blog. This may be a great method to generate passive money since you don’t have to do anything while your ads are running, but you still get paid for advertising watched and clicked.

Google AdSense is a well-known advertising network that you should join if you wish to add advertisements to your website.

You can personalize adverts to fit the content of your site so you can preserve the style you desire.

Selling ebooks for passive income

Selling ebooks is one of the most common methods bloggers choose to monetize their websites.

It’s excellent since it’s quite straightforward to build and typically comes at a fair price that most visitors can pay. But ebooks offer more than simply enable authors to monetize their blogs swiftly.

Ebooks enable you to offer your expertise, experiences, and ideas in a manner that may actually help your readers.

You can use ebooks to deliver in-depth information to readers that goes beyond a standard blog article.

Plus, it’s a straightforward and quick method for readers to learn from you and receive what they need whenever and wherever they choose.

Affiliate marketing for passive income

Affiliate marketing is another wonderful option to create passive income from your site. It entails promoting other people’s goods and services on your site.

Every time someone clicks and makes a purchase, you will get a commission for it.

The great thing about affiliate marketing is that you can choose to promote items and services relating to your blog’s specialty.

This implies that you will only promote things that your readers are likely to be interested in. This will assist in enhancing the possibility that someone will make a purchase via your blog link.

Providing your services for passive income

Probably the greatest use of a blog is to advertise your own company. In this example, if you have concentrated your writings on the industry or sector where you are an expert, your readers will identify you as such and, hence, are more likely to consider employing you if they require the services you provide.

To do this, it is crucial that you present excellent content in your postings.

Create a membership site for passive income.

Offering membership for your blog is another great method to make passive money from your blog.

With a premium site, viewers will have to pay a price to access your articles and other items on a regular basis.

Creating a membership site is a great way to make more income from your blog while also offering your followers a great method to access your content.

You can also give more value to your members by offering them unique content, discounts, and even new services.

Promotes online courses for passive income

Promoting online courses is another way to generate passive income blogging. You can build your own courses or become an affiliate for existing courses and services.

Promoting courses provides you with the potential to make money not only from the sale of the course but also from the passive commissions that come with the sale.

When advertising courses, it is crucial to ensure that you are offering excellent courses that your readers would benefit from.

This will assist you in guaranteeing that you obtain the biggest commissions and that your readers get what they need from the course.

Ask for donations for passive income.

Many bloggers or producers of free programs (in WordPress, for example) prefer to ask their readers for little donations.

For example, the application supplied by PayPal.

If you believe that this is not an efficient method to raise money, bear in mind that Wikipedia is supported completely in this manner, with an annual fundraising effort.

A few weeks ago, I saw an article by a weblog journalist who revealed how he had made more than €2,000 in this manner in a year. Depending on how you look at it, it may seem like a lot or a little.  

Offers professional consulting for passive income

If you have adequate expertise and understanding about a given subject or area, you can also provide consultancy services via your blog. There are many individuals eager to pay for great counsel and information.

You can provide your consulting services individually or via a webinar or video course. You can also provide packages with varying access levels and costs so consumers can select the solution that best fits them.

What Are The Best Way To Make Passive Income Blogging?

With the given goal and plan of how to monetize a blog passively, what are the best ways to make money from a blog, and how exactly do they work?

I have previously spoken about several essential specialized ways, but the best for passive income are:

  • Online advertising (ads included in your blog for which you are paid),
  • Affiliate marketing (links that lead to items that, if bought, give you a commission),
  • Selling products.

Well, these ways are generally the same on every web page. After all, a blog is merely a technique of presenting information to an audience on a website, much as is done with a YouTube channel, for example, but in a different format.

Strategies To Make Passive Income Blogging

Nowadays, it is not simple to make money blogging due to a lot of saturation in the industry. There are blogs for everything.

Therefore, you will have to adopt a plan that enables you to separate yourself and get yourself recognized.

This strategies are summed in 5 steps:

Find a successful niche.

This is the most essential step in establishing the earning potential of a blog.

Most people conceive of a blog as a journal, a place to express their observations and what occurs to them on a daily basis.

But unless you’re already renowned and there are people interested in you, or you have a very odd life, this typically doesn’t work.

You must provide something more to others. Everyone wants something in exchange for their time, and if you don’t give any value, they won’t locate your website or feel the need to visit it again.

So the first thing you should think about is what you can give to the world.

The most typical thing is to deliver education or entertainment. Yes, there are blogs produced with the simple goal of entertaining.

But the most prevalent are blogs that give expertise on a certain issue. And the most successful are those who manage to meet a desire from their audience.

Check out the 20 most successful niches of blogging.

Create your blog

The next step is to create your blog.

Firstly, to create your blog, you will have to select a domain name for it. You may give it your own name or create one, but don’t spend too much effort on this either: what’s crucial is its contents, not its name.

There are several domain registrars. However, owing to their dependability and simplicity, I suggest Namecheap, Godaddy, or DonDominio.

Then, choose a hosting company to host your domain name on. This is the company that will host your website’s files and make them accessible to visitors.

Check out this video: How to create a blog from scratch.

Generate helpful content

This aspect, together with the niche of your blog, is what will mostly define your income potential.

More than 3 million blog pieces are produced every day. This implies that if you truly want to be seen with your blog, you are going to have to generate content that stands out and engages people.

Your content must be amazing.

Create content that suits the requirements and addresses the issues of your readers and that also connects with them. This is what will genuinely enable you to receive the biggest economic return from your blog.

Build your audience

The major mistake that many new bloggers make is to build their blog, provide content, and wait for the traffic to come.

This technique, where they are the center of the world, is bound to fail.

With the amount of rivals, there are today, if you want to generate money with your blog, you will have to be proactive and give it awareness so that your target audience knows it exists.

Another typical mistake is to concentrate exclusively on the quantity of visitors.

The quantity of traffic to a blog does not have to be proportional to its earning potential, especially if those people are not interested in what is being presented.

It is crucial that you be clear about who you are going to create your content for. That is, who is your genuine target audience, and what issue will you assist them in addressing?

This way, you will also know where to locate them on the Internet.

Refer to our guide on How to increase your blog traffic for free.

Monetize your blog

Once you have created your blog and uploaded your content with a quality audience, monetizing your blog is the next obvious step.

Whatever people claim, there is no better technique than another to generate money with a blog. It depends on the content, the demand, the profile of your readers, and the work you are ready to spend on it.

In the game of blogging, you are going to require a lot of patience.

Nowadays, it is practically hard to start generating money with a blog until many months have gone by, so you must be ready to continue working on it even when you haven’t seen a dollar for more than a year.

Can You Really Make A Living With A Blog?

Perhaps you are one of those individuals who still have a hard time believing that making big sums of money with a blog is possible.

I’ll be brief with my answer: Yes, you can, and if you know how to do it properly, you can make more than a living with a blog.

Without going any further, this same blog already passed the threshold of 6 digits in yearly profit.

I believe that blogging is something that everyone should consider, particularly young individuals who have just graduated from college or those who have been jobless and are discriminated against in the labor market because of their age.

Believe me, despite the recovery in the conventional economy weakening, and there is talk of the next bubble again, the Internet economy is still in full development.

For this reason, there have never been possibilities and alternatives like today to establish a professional future that is also in your own hands.

But before you get started, there is a warning :

If what you are searching for are fast and simple ways to earn money online (which is very legal), then blogging is not the perfect one for you.

How Long Will It Take Me To Make Passive Income Blogging?

At this stage, there are no definite answers to this question; each scenario is different. But fundamentally, the accurate response will be when you have enough audience and a suitable business plan.

It usually takes more than a year to start making passive income. Allow at least 6-8 months for search engines to begin ranking your website.

You should be able to make money from blogging after you have enough content and visitors.

But, whether you will be able to make passive income from blogging in 8 months or 6 years will rely on your niche, your expertise, and the time put into the project.

Once you start blogging, the start will always be sluggish. It will be like a sandbox where nothing grows. But eventually, the project started to develop rapidly and continues to grow at a healthy rate.

Blogging is a very regular trend in internet initiatives, clear evidence of the potential they hold.

How Many Visitors Do I Need To Make Money With A Blog?

This is another question where the answer is: it depends on your niche and your income plan.

For instance, internet advertisements pay really low. Therefore, you need a lot of visitors to generate meaningful income through advertising.

Although the economic performance of advertisements varies widely depending on the niche, the general is roughly $1 per 1000 visitors.

Therefore, to make simply $100 in a month, you would need 100,000 visitors.

However, on a blog with affiliate marketing, with that same traffic, the blog will be producing an income of several thousand dollars monthly.

On the other hand, in a highly specialized niche with little traffic, let’s say around 10,000 visits per month, there are individuals who, with a successful strategy of their own digital goods, have also obtained monthly income in the order of several thousand dollars.


I hope this article has helped you understand the numerous options to monetize your blog for passive income. Each of them has its perks and limitations, but typically, the more work they need, the more income they will receive.

I don’t want to deceive you: monetizing a blog such that it becomes a passive source of income (hundreds or thousands of dollars per month) with a blog is not easy.

It’s vital to let you know that this is not achievable in one month or two. It takes time and work to make money blogging.

So equip yourself with desire and patience, think carefully about your approach, and don’t postpone your action anymore!

However, if you are prepared to put in the time and work, you will surely start seeing results in no time.


Can you make money merely by blogging (without selling something)?

Yes, you can make money just by writing on a blog, without setting up sales procedures, product launches, or anything like that, just by providing content every day.

Among all the different methods to accomplish it, the one I most suggest would be affiliate marketing since it fits easily into content that gives value and because it can be highly successful.

It is as easy as connecting product references with their related affiliate links that are logical and natural in that content. Focus on things that your reader genuinely needs and that are highly recommended.

How do you make $1000 passive income from blogging?

Build content assets to get at least 30k page visits to your blog. Once you have established a blog and a focused audience, you can earn $1000 with passive income blogging. Note it depends majorly on your monetization plan.

Can you make passive income with a personal blog?

Absolutely, you can make a passive income personal blog.

The fact that a personal blog does not make it “bad” for monetization. So much like a professional or business blog, It might even be a benefit in terms of developing a connection with your readers since, in some way, it positions you in a more honest and connected position.